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/lit/ - Literature

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19974230 No.19974230 [Reply] [Original]

Give me some books with some real 5Head political 4D chess type shit.

>> No.19974233

The Art of the Deal by Donald Trump.

>> No.19974320

The Creature from Jekyll Island

>> No.19974338

I would if you weren’t pretending to be retarded. Read a biography of Parnell or something, because his political fall is just as instructive as his rise, or some biography of Pitt the Younger, or pretty much any 19th century British PM bio really

>> No.19974444

Great thread I read Jekyll and Trump and tehy arent what youre looking for.

Id love to read avout good political tactivs thats not political. Just how all politicians used marketing etc.

I once said Hitler was very effective and people got so upset. He was a nobody and not even a citizen, a failed artist and loser and rose to be dictator in 10 years. Pretty fucking impressive. Im not pro-Hitler but everyone gets so upset.

One day I might write a book about great political tactics

>> No.19974605

> I would if you weren’t pretending to be retarded.
> Read a biography of Parnell or something, because his political fall is just as instructive as his rise, or some biography of Pitt the Younger, or pretty much any 19th century British PM bio really
I'm interested in good literature, something engaging and written well, not some random biography, which is why I came here.

>> No.19974614

Actually good advice. I'm currently looking for a biography of Robert Clive and Cecil Rhodes, can you recommend?

>> No.19974623

House of Cards is a decent book. Not exactly high literature but good fun and is all about politicking.

>> No.19974678
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haven't read it but i'd imagine this would feature some of what you're looking for

>> No.19974683
File: 71 KB, 471x700, 9781568360225.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also this

>> No.19974696

I have read it, it doesn't really.

>> No.19974719

Have you, or anyone else, read any book on stalin's rise? is it interesting or was he just lucky/ surrounded by naive idiots?
if theres a good book on stalin focusing on his manouevres that would be cool. i dont care about childhood, his life as dictator, or personal gossip; just his supposedly deft party politics

>> No.19974991
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A World Restored by Henry Kissinger.

>> No.19976225

Idk about Clive, but the definitive biography of Rhodes is the one by Rotberg, which has the advantage of being written in 1990, so not so early as to be outdated from incomplete scholarship, and not so late to be immediately and totally biased against him, though it’s notable how even in his own time Rhodes was denounced in no uncertain terms as the arch imperialist capitalist Anglo supremacist abomination that probably never should have existed even if you admired his obvious abilities and intrepidity. At least other English imperialists have excuses to invade and annex; the naked greed and lust for domination and exploitation was a bit too obvious in Rhodes i m o

>> No.19976231
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>> No.19976292

Thanks, I'll give it a go. Had a look at his one before but I heard it was full of Freudian nonsense so I'm pleased to hear it is /lit/ approved. I do admit to being a Rhodes admirer tho.

>> No.19976410
File: 135 KB, 1051x1360, 71de1OC-ZIL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you tried this yet?