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19974141 No.19974141 [Reply] [Original]

I want to write a novel with deep lore and world building similar to Lord Of The Rings or Game Of Thrones

>> No.19974145


>> No.19974147

Because I love world building my own fictional universe and find it fun to come up with different factions, locations, themes, characters, etc. ever since I was a kid I loved cartoons and stories with deep enriched worlds to get lost in.

>> No.19974355

So what's stopping you? You know it's going to be a big undertaking, so get after it, brick by brick, build the wall.

>> No.19974358

Do it then?

>> No.19974371

I’ve already started I just don’t know if I want to use my setting for a film, cartoon or a book. Maybe all three

>> No.19974376

What medium and form calls out to you OP? It’s gonna suck if you don’t love the medium first, sorry to say.

>> No.19974394

Honestly? I’ve always loved cartoons. I would love to maybe have a animated series one day based around my setting and ideas. I’m actually planning on hiring a animator to help me create a short animated pilot episode so I can pitch it to networks and studios. So far I have over 50k saved up.

I’m also planning on taking a film course at my college and creating a short film based in my setting/world. My girlfriend is going to help me film and act in it, and can be a cool way to start fleshing out my world through different art forms. I love writing and brainstorming ideas, I feel like it’s my true passion in life.

>> No.19974401

Best of luck to you. I know a guy who went to film school who loves animation as well, and he sticks to it despite his family being against it. Just do what your heart says because it will transfer to your preferred medium as well. There’s a lot of people who fall into writing books who merely do it because of no budget cost, but I think that’s a trap and will make your story dull. If you love cartoons, can I ask which ones you like? Who knows, maybe you’ll make it and you can pay homage to those too.

>> No.19974494

>which ones you like?
Batman The Animated Series (animation)
South Park (coming of age story, kids being kids)
Adventure Time (world building)
Gravity Falls (mysteries, lore hidden within ciphers/riddles)
Over the garden wall (symbolism, metaphors, rich environment)
Spongebob (Early seasons)(humor, characters that make sense in the setting of the show)
These are some of them. I’m taking inspiration from all of them and combining them together to form something new. I’d like to use all my favorite aspects of the show in my own animated series

>> No.19974551
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I wanted this once too, OP. Unfortunately, thousands of years of world building won't make change the fact that my story is just a post-medieval retelling of the Peninsula War of the early 19th century...

>> No.19974648

Video game

>> No.19974649
