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19972637 No.19972637 [Reply] [Original]

How has he only managed to write two books in over two decades while the first three books in that series were released in a four year timespan?

>> No.19972641
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just taking the time to get it right :^)

>> No.19972774

He's smart for knowing to have his work incinerated and never see the light of day in the event of his death. Too many people like HPL, Robert E Howard, et al had their works gutted by "expanded universe" writers and "friends." Good on him for not letting his vision die, even if I don't like his series anymore (but some of his older stuff is cool).

>> No.19972991

probably realized he was never going to finish the books and doesn't bother even thinking about them anymore.

>> No.19973104


>> No.19974289

Oh what's that, anon? You thought I was going to finish ASOIAF?

>> No.19974312
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>this post is 15 years old

>> No.19975128

Easy one. In a one shot book, everyone rushes through writting the beginning, because it's the moment where all possibilities are still valid, and as a writer, the moment you experience the most freedom. Nothing is off the table, you can start as many plots or subplots, all of them making sense because there are no previous causes limiting their birth.
Then as you go on, less and less freedom is available, you are set on a paths that narrows with each page because you installed all these causes that can only have so many possible consequences. Sometimes, they clash or can't reach the conclusion you had in mind, because you didn't plan well. And we know Martin is not a big planner, he said it himself.
In his case, it happened later because his story spans so many books, but it happened. He's stuck because he didn't plan things ahead properly and now needs do deliver consequences to all the causes he set in previous books. That is a hard thing to do in such a huge story, especially if you haven't planned well for it, and doubly so if you're trying to avoid what d&d did since that limits you even more in what little you can do in the restricted space you're working with.

>> No.19975163

because he's completely lost interest.

>> No.19975182

Fat = Lazy

>> No.19976908

Legit, that’s a good thing.

>> No.19977020

He isn’t writing anymore

>> No.19977269

He's rich now, why would he waste the rest of his life writing books?

>> No.19978900

It's this really, he's OBVIOUSLY more interested in his faggy and unpopular shared superhero universe these days and frankly has been for a decade.

>> No.19979410

>trying to avoid what d&d did
Who says he's doing that?

>> No.19979418

>three more HBO spinoffs
Jesus. People aren't going to get sick of this? Lots of normals hated the ending of GoT.

>> No.19980443

Because fans hated the HBO ending, which isn't substantially different from the book ending. Turns out he's just Rian Johnson in the end, builds up plot points just to shit all over them later. I'm supposed to praise shit like that?