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19971784 No.19971784 [Reply] [Original]

> There are armies of 3rd world serfs working in these metropolises whose main job is to cushion and enable the lifestyles of millions of girlbosses doing email work.

God, I should have been a consultant, fuck me.

>> No.19971794

Labor is a fucking scam, dawg.

>> No.19971801

It's seriously based. I work maybe 20 real hours a week and pull 6 figures. Eating out on company dime weekly, getting drinks after work and not worrying about how much I'm spending.

>> No.19971817
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>When I was your age I got paid $8 an hour to stock shelves! You should be happy to get $12!"

The $8 an hour:

>> No.19971844

No way Fisher wrote that. He was too cucked for it.

>> No.19971862

Seriously though, your work is either creative and scalable or not and not, and only the former is capable of getting you to any better place than you are now but also relies heavily on there being more and more of the latter. You're either outsourcing to the technoserfs while occasionally stamping papers or sending emails or putting your microsoft office skills on fiverr and upwork.

Thankfully a massive amount of upward mobility still relies on 'can you update the pdf reader for cubicle boomers' and intentionally unplugging stuff so you can look really important to the operation when you say "I'll see what I can do, but don't count on anything today" then just plug it in two hours later after some Quake 3.

>> No.19971879

The minimum wage in 1980 was $3.10.

>> No.19971892

I’m not talking about the minimum wage, i’m talking about how certain people don’t understand purchasing power and inflation, whatever wage hike that does happen will due to inflation some bring back that lost value in confidence.

>> No.19971901

My mom’s part time job while she was going to college paid the equivalent of $39/ hr today.

>> No.19971912

He didn’t, his book though led me to more based conclusions that most lefty cucks (the consultants themselves) would otherwise avoid.

>> No.19971932

>Working instead of being a corporate leech girlboss cruising through Globalhomo
Never gonna make it OP.

>> No.19971975
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>> No.19971982

You see toilet cleaners I see future Doctors and Engineers

>> No.19971996

Is that a real quote?

>> No.19971998

I've read capitalist realism, what should I read next?

>> No.19972008

Fuck Mark Fisher. Glad he's dead. Probably would support lockdowns too

>> No.19972013

Take the tradepill my dude.
>can't be outsourced
>dumb immigrants can't flood in thanks to unions and certifications
>work is just creative enough to not be mind-numbing, but simple enough to not be exhausting
>will never run out of work because there's always more work to do and boomers retiring means there's a multi-decade long labor shortage
>worker's protections and safety standards are on point after all the boomers go injured lol
Yeah the girlboss doing email work is going to be handling your benefits and shit, but you're free to fuck her without office HR ninnies fucking you over because the guy turning wrenches isn't nearly as replaceable as an officedrone with a penis.

>> No.19972020

That would be $10.58 in today's US dollars.

>> No.19972149


>> No.19972327

This book is just Harry Potter for members of DSA

>> No.19972361

You’re forgetting the best part: all these girlbosses wagie ragie, wasting the best years of their lives to cushion and enable the lifestyle of the NEETocrat through their taxes.

>> No.19972366

Capitalism and fiat currency are opposites

>> No.19972379

>will never run out of work because there's always more work to do and boomers retiring means there's a multi-decade long labor shortage
This can't be understated. All these older fucks are leaving and there is no one to fill the gap because these jobs got demonized by the middle class and boomers have been sitting on them for decades.

>> No.19972400
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>> No.19972407
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>> No.19972449
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You really should've, anon.
>get paid $200 an hour to write papers your boomer client doesn't even read
>use a template that took 4 hours to make, and spend 2 hours filling in the blanks for each client; charge each client for 6 hours anyway
>automate a monthly reporting task for a client, charge $300 per report to click a button that scrapes some excel data together and replaces variables in a word doc
>give pseudo-therapy to an executive (his marriage is crumbling) while on the clock
>get stock options in dozens of companies with better vesting schedules than employees
>don't depend on any one job for your healthcare
>set your own hours, work at 3am if you feel like it
>sit in phone calls with indians for 3 hours and point out what the poos are doing wrong, then recommend onshoring the work again, and watch them seethe when they get fired
My favorite:
>tell your client what they're doing is stupid
>knowing full well they'll ignore you and keep doing it
>walk away for 2 months
>come back
>everything is broken
>get paid $1k to say "i told you so" and give the same "what you're doing is stupid" speech again
>charge a higher rate because the client "showed themselves to be unreliable" and didn't give you your job the first time
The dumber your boss, the better your life. Consultants get to pick their own bosses.

>> No.19972470

>whatever wage hike that does happen will due to inflation some bring back that lost value in confidence.

>> No.19972473


>> No.19972647

Those people are delusional lmao

>> No.19972657

Pretty sure Fisher is a no-go for DSA types after the whole Vampire Castle business

>> No.19972668

I literally have a job interview tomorrow for a weite emails all day position, but I am not even a pretty girl

>> No.19972670

>the whole Vampire Castle business

>> No.19972827



Basically, the online left has become obsessed with 'identity politics' over 'class politics'.

>> No.19972930

fuck me that’s sad, what a soulless movement it’s become. They’re not even leftists, they’re just neo liberal tools that will dream their existence away

>> No.19972957

Mark Fisher was a cuck, RIP Bozo.

>> No.19973023

>It's seriously based. I work maybe 20 real hours a week and pull 6 figures.
How do you get a job like this? Being a parasite sounds like a dream come true.

>> No.19973047

Holy shit lol this can't be real

>> No.19973115

you'd be surprised

>> No.19973134

They are honestly the funniest people ever

>> No.19973153


>> No.19973160

I want to have a conversation with this type of person just to ask questions.
I want to see in real time what it looks like.

>> No.19973386

This faggot killed himself, pathetic.

>> No.19974613

>>Working instead of being a corporate leech girlboss cruising through Globalhomo
>girlboss cruising
I can assure you that none of them are "cruising" through anything. They are all "burned out", "emotionally exhausted", and "just can't" anymore. The stakes have never been lower, and somehow this sort of bitch has been convinced that if her email work isn't perfectly on point the entire world will collapse.

>> No.19974641

Here you go:

>> No.19974660

lol Accenture is basically like working at a call center. They say it’s good to start your career but everyone I’ve ever worked with that came through Accenture was permanently scarred and had total and utter slave mentality. Only take a job there if it’s some internal position, if you work for one of their vendor accounts prepare your anus.

>> No.19974689

kek thanks for the advice anon

>> No.19974691

>make six figures at a large corporation
>work with a bunch of “older” women
>they coddle me and baby me
>low stress and expectations
>meanwhile they stress out, instigate drama between themselves, overcomplicate things
>consequentially job has absolutely no edge, nothings at stake
>did I game the system or just follow it to its natural conclusion?

This can’t be it until I die. I’ll self sabotage just to feel alive.

>> No.19974747

you need to stop expecting any sort of purpose or fulfillment out of your job. finagle your position so you can wfh. start early and spend a few hours a day slightly exceeding the low expectations they have for you. spend the other 4-5 hrs being "available" but pursuing your own interests (reading, lifting, etc). Then, by mid afternoon, clock out and move onto what you actually care about in life. By 2:30 each afternoon I am hiking through the woods.

>> No.19974773

He killed himself because Trump won

>> No.19974916


>> No.19974918


>> No.19974961

does this book say anything substantive or interesting? it seems very boring

>> No.19974967

I like him, but his weak ass would never say it that bluntly

>> No.19974999

You get to keep your soul, anon.

>> No.19975016

This is true, their lives and mentality is so fucking pathetic they're basically labrats

They can't fucking define what they do.

>> No.19975022

It's like a 4 year old explaining their idea of how society works

>> No.19975077

i just wanna hatefuck some commie bitch while wrapping my hand around her neck as i climax, spitting in her face and saying fuck marx and fuck you

>> No.19975106

Best part is their one potential Stakhanovite who actually is up for real labor and immediately gets shut down lmao

>> No.19975198

Proof that right wing ideology is literally just sexual frustration.

>> No.19975205

This is true. I also once saw a communist say they fantasized about rape, so I think we can assume communist ideology is literally just a desire to be dominated

>> No.19975293

Most people have the reproductive compulsion to return to mudhuts and wood clubs.

>> No.19975633

Do you actually work a trade? The manual laborer who makes it to 30 without chronic pain is the exception, not the rule. If your body isn't entirely fucked by retirement you've won the lottery.

>> No.19975718

All political thought, at base, is a quest for that e-girl puss

>> No.19975790

Most incels are left wing and non-white

>> No.19975828

>one post on 4chan
>I can extend this to everyone

Yikes moment.

>> No.19975834

Should have been a plumber instead of a mason

>> No.19975847

>implying I would destroy my kneecaps while I can be a consultant living the easy life
No thanks.

>> No.19975852

In the leftist commune I'd be a commissar in charge of shooting these people in the fucking head

>> No.19977352


>> No.19977356

Based Department?

>> No.19977852


>> No.19978186

they are delusional

>> No.19978255

guarantee these people will all tell you the USSR was "state capitalism"

i'm not a communist but it is sad to see the vision and project that people all over the world fought and died for degraded to an inchoate neoliberal zoomer fantasy about the life of the world to come

>> No.19978273

>Yikes moment

go back

>> No.19978302

It was “state capitalist” or whatever you want call it. because they had peice-rate system, which was ironic because Marx described it as the the most capitalist form of wages. Is in Chapter 21 I think.

>> No.19978356

>noooooo the heckin USSERINO wasnt marx's exact vision!

Thanks for confirming my thinking that "communism" in the West today is an intellectual exercise for zoomers trying to stave off the realization that lives and civilization are completely without purpose. The real communists are dead or drinking themselves to death to cope with the crushing defeat of the USSR and Communist International.

>> No.19978380

>>noooooo the heckin USSERINO wasnt marx's exact vision!
I get your trying to be cute but thats what happened, why do you think Western Marxists and other people became disillusioned with the USSR and communism during the Cold War? it was a regime, mobilising the population via propaganda and an institutionalised public religion (Orthodoxy / Mialectical Materialism), ruled over by a caste of loathed bureaucrats (apparatchiks / Djilas' "New Class") with a secret police (Okhrana / Cheka). It was a nation-state with a dominant entry seeks to “russify” it’s client states much like the Imperial Russian Großraum. Nationalism spiked during those times, and thinkers on the West were trying to figure out what went wrong.

>> No.19979540

You people are amusing. Life's just shit but /lit/s having a hell of a time it seems.

>> No.19979754

do YOU actually work a trade? Anyone who doesn't eat shit food and drink 5 cans of coke a day is in the same shape if not stronger than the average office worker at the age of 40, don't be dumb
t. trade fag

>> No.19979766

I don't understand this image? Isn't this what people literally do now? Bastiat had this wonderful exchange with Proudhon about exchange in a socialist society. This reminds me of that exchange.

>> No.19979770

Communists like you are just sophists who just redefine communism every time it fails. You don't have a coherent theory. That's why retards like Lenin called the US Postal service an example of socialism. If you don't understand the fact socialism is one the biggest finesses in history at this point - you're a hopeless dumbass

>> No.19981074

60% (the other 40% being one-word reaction-posts like "based" or "cringe" or "wrong") of posts on this website are this premise. Where do you think we are?

>> No.19981105

>Marx becomes fiigurehead of communism
>Most Communist countries just follow in the likeness of Lenin, Mao, or Stalin.
If you think there is only one way to do Communism (or one way to do Capitalism, for that matter. I've seen countless libertarian types pull the "b..but the US isn't Capitalist, it's technically a mixed economy! My econ 101 said so!" These types would likely pull the same card in a 99% laissez-faire Capitalism economy that still had public schools or tax-funded Cops.), you are irreversibly retarded.
USSR was Communist, but it was a piss poor job at it. Essentially just a nationalist command economy with wages and gulags for Stalin to wank himself over.

>> No.19981113

That wouldn't happened if we just legalized rape. Thanks to leftists men can't just go out and take women of their choosing. This is your, redditor.

>> No.19981119

The difference is that those libertarians point to periods in the 19th c as a rough model of what they like. Communists have no model that has ever existed

>> No.19981149

China and Cuba. China is the de-facto superpower of the world now. From backwater water to serfs to the productive capital of the world. They pulled the largest number of people out of poverty in history. Cuba has a higher home ownership rate and literacy rate than the US, and has universal healthcare and sends doctors all over world all while being under the harshest economic sanctions in the World. A capitalist nation would collapse under the same conditions, just imagine how Cuba would thrive if it was actually competing on equal levels in the global market. The USA does everything to stop Cuba from being the socialist success it could be. Compare China to India, and Cuba to any of their island neighbors, the difference is communist and marxist economics.

>> No.19981163

China is not communism. You can claim they're heading there but they're not there yet. Most of their economy is private

>> No.19981176

pretty convenient that any example of successful communism is not real communism. Technically, you are correct, so I guess its just socialism. The road to communism is a dialectical process. I'm sure you know this from the Marxist theory you read and all the capitalist theory you also read!

>> No.19981190

Isnt communism a stateless classless society?

You can call china whatever you like but it will remain a majority capitalist economy for the time being

>> No.19981205

you really know nothing if you think communism is a binary state of existence. Marx and Engles saw capitalism as a necessary phase towards the development of socialist and communist societies. You're really taking a big L here my guy.

>> No.19981209

I know you have faith that one day the stateless classless society will exist. But in reality, today, no such society exists, and privately owned and traded capital accounts for the majority of China's economy.

>> No.19981215

broken record...

>> No.19981250

Your argument is "muh prophets say that this majority capitalist economy run by a dictatorship will definitely become a stateless classless society". I would feel bad for you if I didnt dislike you do much

>> No.19981280

from what i have seen in those around me, this is common. the inability due to pandemic closures for city breaks and lunch in european cities has contributed to their hardship.

>> No.19982026

Laughing emoji

>> No.19983055

what do consultants actually do? just give advice? I knew a colleague that left our company to a consulting firm at 24. who the fuck is taking generalized business advice from a 24 year old

>> No.19984332

he wouldnt. but he also wouldnt condemn them. In saying that ghosts of my life is insufferable

>> No.19984365
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Based advice and blessed digits.

>> No.19984537


>> No.19986070
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