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/lit/ - Literature

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19971554 No.19971554 [Reply] [Original]

What are you going to read when WW3 starts?

>> No.19971560

My diary desu

>> No.19971564

Conversational [language of the nation I'm "fighting"] for Beginners

>> No.19971568

I'm going to keep reading schizo esotericism in my studio apartment, considering that I am on disabilitybux and will never get drafted

>> No.19971590

What does his tattoo mean? I get the triforce, but are the hearts also a videogame reference?

>> No.19971595

Minecraft, I think

>> No.19971596

Every time a streamer says your name, you get a heart tattoo.

>> No.19971598
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>> No.19971600

I fight for she

>> No.19971602


>> No.19971603

It's also from Zelda, the heartcontainers.

>> No.19971640

Assuming I won't fight in the Plutocrats vs. Oligarchs war, I'll just read some classics of international politics and shell out hot takes about Le War to the hoes.


>> No.19971657

The zoomer choice: Julius Evola Metaphysics of War.

>> No.19971698

Claymore deployment manual, obviously.
Junger was right about war being spiritual and all, but you still shouldn't Romanticize it.
If it is transcendent, it is such all by itself.

>> No.19971704

No such war will take place. Plutocrats (if by that you mean Bezos style self made new money) are in bed with Oligarchs (Rothschild-esque old money power). The war is between their drones and hopefully one day their drones against them.

>> No.19971728

He means between America (plutocrats) and China (oligarchs).

>> No.19971743

I feel like a lot of american plutocrats dont want war. It's bad for business unless youre CEO of Raytheon.

>> No.19971788

>Green luckies
Lol he doesn't know he's in for four years

>> No.19971986
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Tolstoy’s The Gospel in Brief

>> No.19972045

Going to keep copies of Schopenhauer's books in my rucksack.

>> No.19972063

Your moms diary

>> No.19972069
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I will be too busy raping to read when WW3 starts.

>> No.19972800

(formerly girls)

>> No.19972817

The bottom hairstyle was common during ww2 as well as before and after though. It comes and goes. You can see in in the 19th century as well.

>> No.19972864

/lit/ really is filled with the lamest fucks.

>> No.19972903

yeah but it didn't look retarded on them

>> No.19972941

is your name adolf

>> No.19972973
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take it back to /v/

>> No.19973045

>If I don't get drafted
Mishima's Thirst for Love, or the Gospel according to Mark, which are the books I'm currently reading.
>If I get drafted
I assume they'll send me to jail for draft evasion, so Mishima's Thirst for Love if they let me keep it, but otherwise the Gospel according to Mark since I assume they'll let me have a bible.

>> No.19973089

On Guerrilla Warfare

>> No.19973415

Ive considered enlisting if they start a draft just so I have a good chance to get in the shit but desu I'll probably just lay in my bed like I always do and sleep through it.