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/lit/ - Literature

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19969361 No.19969361 [Reply] [Original]

i have an idea for a book, and i've written some of it, but i feel like most people will hate it, and make fun of me for even trying to publish it

>> No.19969366
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Try it. See what happens.

>> No.19969367

Such is the dilemma for he who writes to be liked instead of to be true

>> No.19969368
File: 19 KB, 500x343, apu hug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forget about others, anon. If you like writing, and like the idea, then you should do it!

>> No.19969369
File: 41 KB, 653x490, 7qhb1mzx9e721.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's your idea? The truth is, most people are too concerned with their own lives. Even if they hated your book they'd forget about it within a day or two

>> No.19969374

You only get one life. Might as well write it and move on if it doesn't work, as opposed to dying with regrets.

Don't be a loser boomer who drinks his life away in his 50s and cries about how he always wanted to start a band but never followed through on it. Just try and if it fails, oh fucking well. The pain of dying without ever bothering will hurt worse than the pain of failing. Also you can always use a new pen name.

I believe in you. Good luck.

>> No.19969383

There is only one way to know...
Post it here

>> No.19969389

Don't write for people who read books, write for real ass niggas and children.
DONT give up, you're already ahead of 80% of these troon tranny grannys who don't even write.

>> No.19969428
File: 41 KB, 600x315, Vh8P5kx9eQinxcnvre09RmNnQMIdhKV9HOLTxglE6qI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude, you got blown the fuck out in that thread you made earlier. It's time to pack it up

>> No.19969437

Think of it this way: no matter how bad it is, you would have to put in effort to make it worse than F. Gardner's abortions.

>> No.19969439

um actually sweaty i just responed to those posts and im back on top. oh and by the way, in another thread you called me based the other day.

>> No.19969471

If you write February as 2 not 02, today is 22/2/22, which means you get quints...
and YOU get quints...
and EVERYBODY gets quints!!

This is a magical, once-in-many-lifetimes opportunity to post an excerpt and have us not belittle it. If you're scared of us stealing your cool idea, just post a bit that doesn't give the idea away.

>> No.19969586

Dude, at least give us one excerpt from your book to see how "hateable" it is.

>> No.19969592

thanks for reminding me of my literary vision, writing the most dark and fucked up shit ever that will make people suffer in pain haunt their dreams and make them want to kill themselvess

>> No.19969798

do it up and fuck what they think. trying and failing is better than not trying in most cases (by this i mean none life or death situations). Just dont treat your work as too precious and remember that if you dont get published its not necessarily because your work os bad, there are plenty of greats that didnt get published in their lifetime, no matter how many times they submitted their work, and even more whose best works werent discovered until very late after many refusals. go for it anon, we believe in you.

>> No.19971049

you guys are just gonna make fun of me for it though

>> No.19971102

Well, most of people hate you and make fun of you for even trying to exist, yet somehow you're still alive. Publish it.

>> No.19971122

yes nigger, now post it.

>> No.19971132

Lots of book are cringe, not only popular bestselling ones, but famous work of literature too.
Plus, every published book takes a lot more work to arrive at the final product than what you have done so far. There are editors and other people helping the authors to make them better. Just keep going.

>> No.19971134

Yeah, they are. I wouldn't if I were you. Doesn't matter how good it is or isn't.

>> No.19971152

>boohoo encourage me
Stop being a sad cunt and do what you want

>> No.19971159

You’re totally anonymous here
Nobody be able to find you again on here unless you deliberately bring it up

>> No.19971182

Tell them to fuck off and write it anyways.

>> No.19971236
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>wants to write story but due to my lack of life experience because I spent most of my life in front of a computer screen the end so result would be shit regardless

if only I got conscripted to fight on two world wars like it happened with Tolkien that wouldn't be a problem

>> No.19971260

>op never delivers
i call bait

>> No.19971280

>and make fun of me for even trying to publish it

JK Rowling only had one book and no publisher would take it for the longest time. She kept working on it for years, polishing and repolishing it. Finally, a publisher accepted it.

>> No.19971334
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have you seen the kind of stuff people are confident enough to publish with their names on it?

>> No.19971369
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OP already published

>> No.19971635

Have courage, anon.

>> No.19972563

Write it. We need more voices telling different stories.

>> No.19974177

alright. it's about a sinful man who engages with an asian vampire dominatrix in a parasitic relationship. the book ends with him repenting of his sins and accepting Jesus Christ as his lord and savior. here's an excerpt from what i've written
>It was there that I first saw her. She stood far from me, and her frame was so frail and petite, but my gaze was drawn straight to her. Her dark monolid eyes had black arrows painted next to them like the wings of a raven. Her skin was pale, but she carried herself so that she didn’t come across as sickly. A narrow nose sat above a full but somewhat small pair of lips: lips which bore more color than the rest of her skin. Between those lips would occasionally sit a lit cigarette. The burning phallus was being moved in and out by long skinny fingers that resembled the legs of a great spider.
>She was small; her shoulders so tight they hardly pretruded from the width of her head. Long dark hair flowed past those shoulders, like a waterfall being split in two by a rock. Her size affected not her presence. There were two men talking to her—both twice her size—but they looked like a couple of kittens before a great hungry coyote.
>I stood still for what felt like eternity admiring her beauty. I was filled with awe; my body started to tremble some. She didn’t smile while talking to those men, but oh, how I wanted to see her smile.
>After the initial shock of witnessing such beauty, I managed the courage to approach her hesitantly. Her eyes didn’t notice me until I was about two yards away from her. I am rather short—especially for a man—but from a distance, I expected her to be my height or maybe a little shorter. Standing close to her, I could see that I was mistaken. She appeared to be about two inches taller than me.
>I felt as if I was in a hypnotic state when I walked over to her; when I reached her, I didn’t know what to say. She was just about done with her cigarette when I got to her. She took one last drag before her dark narrow eyes focussed on me, and she said, “Hold out your hand.”
>I had no verbal responce. I felt honoured she even spoke to me. All I could do was simply obey her command: I held my hand out flatly. She put the cigarette out on my hand. Oh, it burned, but as she twisted it out on my palm, she looked at me and bore a smile. How I loved to see her smile and her snicker. Her teeth were very neat and white, but I noticed that her canine teeth were longer and sharper than the rest. Her smile was shortlived, and when her face went back to neutral, she said, “Dispose of that.” I obeyed, and quickly returned to her. Upon my return, I noticed the two men who were with her had gone away.

>> No.19974190

Stopped reading right there and did a full 360 degrees turn away from my computer in disgust.

>> No.19974224

Well written. Not the kind of book I would read, but this excerpt is nothing to be embarrassed about. Keep it up, anon.

>> No.19974578

I really like the concept, especially if it takes on a comical note regarding the absurdity of the protagonist going from the extreme of being infatuated with a creature of the night to the opposite extreme of accepting Christ as his one and only lord and savior. It sounds like the premise of a PG Wodehouse story