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19969246 No.19969246 [Reply] [Original]

Shlick - The onomatopoeic representation of female masturbation.
Shlock - Yiddish: cheap, tacky junk

What is the literary formula for stimulating female coomers? Given the immense volume of this stuff that exists, there must be a tried and true system for inducing arousal.
Also how did it become socially acceptable, while pornography is still seen by many as a problem? It used to be viewed the same way, with books like Lady Chatterley's Lover being banned in some countries. At some point it got past the public morality filter, to the point that you can buy it in respectable book shops.

>> No.19969249


>> No.19969260

at least the guy’s white

>> No.19969272

From my observations of what women want from chinese webnovels the male love interest needs to be handsome, rich, powerful, jealous (possibly even of his own children for distracting their mother's attention away from him), vicious (though whether his cruelty is directed against the heroine is up to personal taste) and for him to spontaneously fall in love with the heroine without her having to do anything about it.

>> No.19969279

>handsome, rich, powerful, jealous, vicious
Literally me

>> No.19969313
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the man needs to be a powerful chad, obsess over a boring female self-insert template and also have some mental/emotional flaw that triggers the "I can fix him" response

>> No.19969324
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Depends on the woman I guess.

>> No.19969360
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Yeah, there are the fujo ones, who don't like women at all.

>> No.19969426

Please explain. How do you write an effective yuri story arc?
He's also extremely based IRL.

>> No.19969683

woman either knowingly or unknowingly want someone that they can change to be a prefect life partner. SLAVE.

>> No.19969788
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TFW you burn off the chad's face to make him ugly, but women still like him more than your self-insert character.

>> No.19969907
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Maybe it's a matter of nurture/adventure? Some women want to be mothers, while others pursue excitement and get knocked up by accident.

>> No.19970124

>Everything in woman is a riddle, and everything in woman hath one solution —it is called pregnancy.

>> No.19970151

Are any of this chick stroke books actually explicit? I picked up one that had been left in my hotel room, and thumbed through it expecting some steamy sections. But was underwhelmed. The author used euphemisms for everything, and didnt really capture any passion.

Or am I just a degenerate male that gets off on dirty words?

>> No.19970162

That's an interesting thought. Rebellious women put themselves into situations where they have a higher chance of getting pregnant without intending it.

>> No.19970171

Nowadays most of them are expected to be, actually.

>> No.19970415

It might be animal instinct. Like rabbits kick their kids out quickly because they don't really like them, but they keep getting knocked up again because they never stop shagging.

>> No.19970464

>Shlick Shlock
I'm definitely stealing this.
As far as my studies go; a somewhat smart but not TOO smart female protagonist being proactively chased by men that push perhaps one too many boundaries of creepiness (while depicting their hot bodies so their assertiveness turns socially acceptable and charming, and doesn't just come off as disgusting) and exchanges of submission and dominance in bed seem to be the bread-winning formula.
We live in a world ruled by somatic desire. That's the tagline of the 21st century; it makes sense shlick schlock, then, would be easily available in regular bookstores. All's fair game so long it sells.

>> No.19970759

How do they self-insert with a story like this? Or is it more of a voyeuristic thing, like a fly on the wall situation?

>> No.19970799

>Also how did it become socially acceptable, while pornography is still seen by many as a problem?

Because male sexuality is seen as dangerous, unfortunately. Legalize rape.

>> No.19970838

We are back in 2011 PUA blogosphere kek

>> No.19971385


>> No.19971520

Kek, that can't be real

>> No.19972133

I agree, but it's exactly the most "dangerous" forms male sexuality that are portrayed in Shlick Shlock. Yet they continue to be viewed as normal and healthy.

>> No.19973565

Romancing the Beats provides a solid overview of the romance "formula." The way it's written is kind of annoying though.

>> No.19974359
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Thanks anon.

>> No.19974969

>I'm definitely stealing this.
Please do. I didn't even invent the term myself.
>a somewhat smart but not TOO smart female protagonist
That's interesting. Male self-insert characters are usually more idealized. Do women have more trouble self-inserting as someone who isn't realistic?