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19966484 No.19966484[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

is /lit/ an INTJ board?

>> No.19966498


I want to top a femboy INFP.

>> No.19966522

INTP here, I bet most people here are INTP.
also the personality test is crap

>> No.19966534

Train hugging ass.

>> No.19966573


>> No.19966575

Gemini with ascending cancer here. My moon is also in Taurus.

>> No.19966581

literally me as the ISTP

>> No.19966584

The creator of this meme here really hates TJ's. Absolutely low test.

>> No.19966592
File: 125 KB, 503x458, INTJ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm an INFP twink, is that good enough? I'd make a pretty cute femboy.

>> No.19966600

neck yourself

>> No.19966603

I'm INFJ, used to be INTP

>> No.19966604

Im ENFJ. Both my parents are INFJ

>> No.19966609
File: 57 KB, 640x626, 1630241248600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always get INFJ and I still have no fucking clue what it's supposed to mean. Seems like a complete meme test.

>> No.19966717

ESFJ and INFJ archetypal parents
I suppose ISTP
Parents fucking hate it.

>> No.19966738

ESTP apparently, but this test was made by two retarded women and people who obsess over this shit are fucking nerds

>> No.19966753

>ESFJ and INFJ archetypal parents
But what does that MEAN

>> No.19966761

>Fine I'll do the test, but not because I'm interested in it or anything since it's gay as fuck...
>Whoa, would you look at that, after answering 80 questions in a row it turns out I'm a ESTP. But it's not like I care or anything or anything like that...

>> No.19966770

I get intp or intj based in my mood, who else intx masterrace?

>> No.19966810

INTJ. But it’s complicated.

When I first took the test, I was depressed yet clearly an INTJ. I started wavering between INTP and INTJ when I got into philosophy. INFJ and INTJ when I found my faith in God. I suppose I go on a lot more walks than I used to, and now I feel an urge to make the most of myself. So maybe I’ll cultivate some ISTJ and ENTJ traits soon? Who knows.

If this pattern continues, I would have walked through every MBTI category. Which I suppose is a good thing for becoming a well-balanced person. I think the problem with these tests is that people get locked into whatever archetype they get instead of using it as a way to own their strengths and work on their weaknesses.

>> No.19966878
File: 255 KB, 759x380, 1642136079193.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>is /lit/ an INTJ board?

No. ISTPs are the most common around here I bet. INTPs are the rare effortposters and I don't know jack about the behavior of INTJs.


Extremely homosexual.


The online tests are, indeed. Study the original theory by Jung if you'd like, but there's still not much to it. Or maybe there is and you jump into Russian Myers-Briggs and other rabbit holes. Suddenly, months later, you start to combine the concepts of Lacan, Freud, and Spinoza with personality typology for God knows what kind of special reason you have in mind and share it with other niche forum autists heavily dedicated to the study.


>ESFJ and INFJ archetypal parents
>As an ISTP
Jesus Christ. Your parents must be proud.


Why are you on 4chan and /lit/ of all places as an ESTP?



Take the Socionics, Enneagram, four temperaments personality-maxxing pill for the ultimate knowledge of the sophistic/astrological/pseudo-scientific categorization method of individuals.

too lazy to effortpost there's no point defending something like this but i'm certain another will step in

>> No.19966883

I asked this guy to type me a long time ago and he told me I was INFJ even though I thought I was INTJ. Now I realize he was right

>> No.19966886

I Always Get INTP, INFJ or INTJ

>> No.19966894
File: 51 KB, 419x401, 1497449364519.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw INTJ with Aspergers

>> No.19966901

Nice going. I never had the courage to ask for a typing.

>> No.19966907

>pic full of wojak memes and shitty mspaint tier scaled text and images
Not wasting 5 seconds looking at this crap

>> No.19966935
File: 410 KB, 840x854, 0e6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's called the Barnum/Forer effect. People are more likely to believe vague descriptions of themselves than openly accept criticisms. It's the same reason why astrology, tarot, fortune telling works - it's all vague abstract language

However, if you want a good laugh, then visit each of the individual MBTI personality subreddits. These people are absolute nuts compared to us. They waste hours and hours of their free time boasting about their personality type (one that doesn't actually exist anyway)
Just take a second, sit back, and reflect on that. People actually waste valuable hours of their life talking about their MBTI. Fucking crazy

>> No.19966963

Very true, looks like you understand. You can't be one type forever - it's very dynamic.

It's pretty fucked, yeah. Especially as most of those people don't delve into any of the source texts and rely on those minimal descriptions from the test sites that cater to all and offer no negative evaluation. None of that. It's best to not let the average person get hooked on this.

>> No.19967031
File: 26 KB, 112x112, Ki9mPbk.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it even accurate to say you are 100% INTJ/ENFP/PUBG whatever? I've completed one very complicated test on MBTI a few times and I got something like 50/50 of an INTJ and an INFP. And I can say it really feels ambivalent and depends on my current mood and life situation.

Btw, I think any types of classification are very limited anyway.

>> No.19967084

Realistically speaking why is INTP the objectively best type to be? Sure, you start off with some handicaps but you clearly have the most potential and end potential across the board.

>> No.19967099

Gemini sun, Aquarius moon, Cancer rising, INTJ. So yes, it is

>> No.19967110

That is debateable, just like other theories such as Dunning-Kruger which is normie-tier pseudopsychology based on educated guesses at best.

>> No.19967126
File: 23 KB, 399x300, r2 standing by.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

INTJ reporting in.

>> No.19967133

I am INTJ and my autism wants to submit a request to put in that graphic that I like Schopenhauer and he says some very good things about electricity, and books, and animals. It is not fair to make him seem like a bully to me when he has never thrown me down a staircase. Thank you.

>> No.19967145
File: 45 KB, 566x502, r6 standing by.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ENTJ can confirm

>> No.19967153

This is my very favorite MBTI image. I really need to print it out next time anyone asks me my modern horoscope sign.

>> No.19967157

You wanna go bully some INTP's?

>> No.19967178

There are some. But the INFJ master race rules the board.

>> No.19967180

You have 5 minutes to go fuck yourself, before I start to bully you, bully.

>> No.19967181

Extraverted is undeniably superior to introverted. At no time in history could a man truly be an island. We all rely on other people, and other people rely on us in turn. Losing energy from the necessary business of attending to other people is an outright genetic defect.

t. 96th percentile introvert

>> No.19967185

I'm an INTP please no meanie to me :(

>> No.19967190
File: 23 KB, 474x395, soyjack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Roger, loading antimatter wojacks
>You have 5 minutes to go fuck yourself, before I start to bully you, bully.

>> No.19967203
File: 26 KB, 1132x480, you moter boatin son of a gun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop projecting on me!

>> No.19967215

Speak for yourself. Just because it's rare to find a man that's properly capable these days doesn't mean they didn't exist. If you wanted to be a frontiersman or even a hermit you had to do everything yourself because that's all you had.
As for the genetic defect it's easier to say it's a genetic defect being unable to exist under your own power. Sure, it's nice being defective when your defect has some mild benefits but that does require you to exist around others and be reliant on others which heavily impacts your staying power whereas being properly introverted is a boon. You can exist around others and now you can also enjoy being alone. Your time is actually your own now and you're free to chase whatever path you want. You don't need others because a flaw in your brain isn't demanding you to get your daily social suck off.

>> No.19967218

that shitty mspaint tier scaled text and images is older than you've been posting on this site, faggot queer

>> No.19967273

Woe be it to the man,
Of intellectual stature,
To think it a trifling matter,
To mess with an INTP.

>> No.19967289

>If you wanted to be a frontiersman or even a hermit you had to do everything yourself because that's all you had.
You clearly didn't read my post carefully. It has NEVER been possible for anyone, frontiersman or hermit or whatever, to exist in total isolation. The frontiersman who tries quickly gets injured and dies, unable to recover. The hermit who tries either starves to death, or eventually gets picked off by some wild animal. And even if you could make it work today, it's a terribly inefficient life to have to make everything yourself, 100% of the time, and you're only one bad pneumonia away from dying from lack of antibiotics anyway after all that effort. Homo sapiens is a tribal animal, just accept it.

>> No.19967294

How would I know it’s bullshit if I didn’t engage with it at least once?

>> No.19967296

very estp desu

>> No.19967298

INTP here though i feel personality types are kinda bullshit humans are just too complex

>> No.19967302

Sorry, champ. Historical fact>your sad attempt to rewrite it to suit your statement.

>> No.19967305

I only come here to based-post and make commies and leftists seethe.
You may know me from such works as
>let me make this simple for you, we dont like niggers
and other such truth-pilled posts.

>> No.19967318

>inb4 do you have X disorder
I have aspergers and several sub disorders.

>> No.19967319

omg this says about our society we truly live in clown world!

>> No.19967325

we can tell

>> No.19967346
File: 52 KB, 640x260, o29ql3t96ui01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least its the good kind ;)

>> No.19967410

Feel free to tell me of hermits that didn't accept donated food or live off their inheritance, or frontiersmen that lived to ripe old ages out in the wilderness. I wish they were real.

>> No.19967415

Here to say this guy >>19967289 is right and this guy >>19967302 is retarded

>> No.19967524
File: 419 KB, 720x1490, forerbarnum.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not necessarily. All of the personality trait attributions from MBTI are conceptual by nature, none of these 'traits' are concrete or definite. It's almost hard to argue whether any of these actually exist, speaking purely from a linguistic perspective. I am also familiar with the pop-psychology bastardizations you spoke about. Worry not my friend

From a psychological perspective, Barnum statements seem like vague suggestions. They are generalized, meaningless statements applicable to anyone. They're almost like idioms, or platitudes so to speak - they become completely meaningless if you detach them from the situation in which they were originally expressed.

Take for example, if I said to you right now:

>You are an independent thinker who likes to think outside of the box


>You are a very bad listener, and you do not take other people seriously

Which statement are you more likely to believe? Which one would you ignore?
Take a look at the picture I've attached. Do any of these statements describe you?

We're always seeking out information from other people, in order to learn more about ourselves. We normally discard the negative statements to protect our ego. On the flip side humans are very gullible to every psuedo positive statement. I would wager an individual's entire self-concept can become inflated to unrealistic proportions thru this bias. It also has implications spanning beyond religion, and in the real world economy

Apologies for the autism. I don't intend to knock your belief system. Maybe just knocking human belief systems overall. Anyway, it's only because *I* personally believe these biases show us more about ourselves

>> No.19967536
File: 109 KB, 972x1024, 1618611681666m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I want this freak to die

>mommies feeding kids bleach to "cure" their "autism"

Runts die off. I want this freak to hurt and bleed. Die freak. FREAKEY DEEKEY FREAKEY DEEKEY FREAKEY DEEKEY FREAKEY DEEKEY

>> No.19967552

forgot to add: **
this is also used in the language of some conmen, cult leaders, and persuasive rhetoric folk alike. so it is not a matter of "we live in a society" or whatever you thought I was implying. it has a huge impact on communication in general, but it's stupid most people aren't familiar with it

>> No.19967568
File: 33 KB, 680x763, 646456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I have aspergers and several sub disorders.