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File: 54 KB, 640x480, Schizoid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19962774 No.19962774 [Reply] [Original]

Books on Schizoid, or written by Schizoids. I feel completely numb. I just want to lay on my bed and let time pass on. I'm not depressed, nor do I want a book for "changing" myself. Rather I want a books with schizoid character, or written by people with Schizoid.

>> No.19962789


>> No.19962799

A scanner darkly by philip k dick, also just most pkd manly his later works

>> No.19962862
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The Stranger (Camus), I guess.

>> No.19962872

Wtf am I schizo?? How can I be tested?

>> No.19962917

What's the point of getting tested? The doctors can't help. They admit it themselves.

>> No.19962953
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>> No.19964091

Psychology is pseudo science

>> No.19964095

Criticism hurts me deeply so I guess I'm not a schizo.

>> No.19964099

Schizoid != Schizo you fucking retards

>> No.19964105
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hi anon, it's me. you're not schizoid, you're just coping with the fact that you haven't been able to form good relationships up to this point

you just gave up

>> No.19964113

I know Anon. Is there still hope for me?

>> No.19964185
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it's never too late anon. i believe in you.

>> No.19964192


Give me one reason why this isn't just a "Personality" to anyone but Mr. Scheckelstein?

>> No.19964709

That's kind of nice.

>> No.19964744

Yeah, when I still worked I would basically pretend to be very autistic and stupid so that people would leave me alone, because if I tried and they still didn’t want to be around me it would have been too painful. I tend to assume half the “autistic” people I encounter are doing the same, and when I get to know them I’m usually right.

>> No.19964748

That’s literally what schizoid is anon

>> No.19964751

The Divided Self: An Existential Study in Sanity and Madness

>> No.19964763

Bro I'm not joking this is me. Literally ME. The only thing I don't have is erotomania in sexual section.
What should I do? It's like FBI described my everyday behavior

>> No.19964804


>> No.19964829

Laing's The Divided Self
Guntrip's Schizoid Phenomena

>hungry for love
>needy of involvement with others

That's the antithesis of schizoid.

>> No.19964841

about erotomania, I usually daydream about what would I do if I met a celebrity; that's the closest I get, besides rubbing one out to the gals

>That's the antithesis of schizoid.

>not openly acknowledged or displayed.

normalfags NEED schizoids to be like them deep down, they can't fathom otherwise; that's probably the main reason psychology is fucked up

>> No.19964851
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Nothing. It’s incurable and depending on your perspective not really pathological.

>> No.19964999
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You are averse to adversity —id est: to the X factor of flux—, therefore you lack the incentive to exercise decisions by comparing pressures, and preparing measures —id est: through the Z factor of actualization.

>> No.19965033
File: 459 KB, 220x220, get-out-of-my-head-meme.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck man, are you in my walls?

>> No.19965043

Checked, but is there of saying this in a more straightforward way and/or saying what other work you’re referencing, if any, so I can understand better what you mean?

>> No.19965051

that's schizophrenia not schizoid. most of his characters have friends or even wives

>> No.19965066
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>id est
>id est

>> No.19965085
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>> No.19965101

The only cure is to not being a whiny faggot and act normal.
Otherwise you would know that all of these "symptoms" are just the result of being either high-functioning or a depressed and pathetic cunt.

>> No.19965104

That's not a "disorder". That's just the personality type of a certain kind of loser. Why does everything have to be medicalized?

>> No.19965110

Ok, kys schizophrenic tripfag.

>> No.19965115

>act normal.
I'd prefer not to.

>> No.19965151

Literally "being unhappy with modern society" disorder
One of the most vile inventions of the mental health psyop
These are the same people who established that trannies are normal

>> No.19965153
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>Ok, kys schizophrenic tripfag.

>> No.19965183

learn how to be a functioning sociopath then or, at the very least, a narcissist

>> No.19965194
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>> No.19965226

Yeah I figured that out awhile ago. But people can see the cracks if they look close enough.

>> No.19965246

I appreciate your posts N E M O, even if I don't always understand them.

>> No.19965250

That said the actual diagnostic criteria aren't really there for me. Won't speak for anyone else though.
Reminder that if you have the overt/covert traits but not the diagnostic criteria, you are not even subclinical, just a particular kind of person. Or in other words, schizoids strongly tend to those personality traits but not everyone with those traits is a schizoid (as per wiki so YMMV)

>> No.19965264
File: 213 KB, 1645x837, Screenshot 2022-02-21 105200.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot pic :(

>> No.19965402

In practice this translates as "we can say you are mentally ill whenever needed"

>> No.19965455

Go full spiritual and say that every one of us is mentally ill in this profound sick society. There is an universal pathology from where our darkness springs and identifying yourself with a disorder might be skilful in order to discover your potentialities. You are just denying the work of people who have dedicated their lives to get to know personality traits and unusual behaviors.

>> No.19965469

Life is fucked with or without a doctor checking a box

>> No.19965821

>reproduction and replication crises
Psychology is 99% BS.

>> No.19966404

I'm a diagnosed schitzoid and I strongly disagree with the term "disorder". I'm just not needy and codependent. Most people need so much coddling and comfort it's utterly exhausting.

>> No.19967027

Let's not beat around the bush here. That's schizophrenia.

>> No.19967228

So can I get NEETbux for this? I live in USA btw. Don't care about (((treatment))) or whatever, just want to continue being a NEET.
Excellent book.

>> No.19967249
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>vague and stilted speech
>alternations between eloquence and inarticulateness

>> No.19967255

room temp

>> No.19967268

Complex PTSD: From Surviving to Thriving

>> No.19968189
File: 7 KB, 201x250, images (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


anon... having trouble making friends is not a mental disorder... that just means you're normal

>> No.19968871

Shit, I have all 7 of these. I'd always assumed 'schizoid' was another word for schizophrenic.

Closest book I can think of is The Pigeon by Patrick Suskind.

>> No.19968884

there's no reason other than justify the foul jobs of phsychiatrists and pharmacists.

>> No.19968898

narcissists are deeply self-hating. its not an antithesis, its how da brain works. you also can't completely circumvent a human need for contact. schizoids can feel guilty about their own lack of care, for example.

>> No.19968915

if you study psychology and are not 'room temp' ie, able to be brainwashed by an institution, psychology is a solid 95% bullshit, to be more generous than the previous poster. many such cases for '''intellectual''' topics!

t. have a bachelors in psych because i was retarded post-highschool

>> No.19969025
File: 88 KB, 533x750, 50496708533_1daa9aa6c1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You got it right. It's like treating "depression" as endogenous or caused by "chemical imbalance". Ok, maybe that's possible, and maybe this is the "personality" of someone or a few people a case study was written on. As a diagnosis it's an extreme example of a jumble of symptoms with no insight applied. Then we get teeny boppers online "identifying" with yet another amorphous pathology, while society erodes around them.

>> No.19969128

Calling people "retards" is an emotional outburst. You are not a schizoid. Please leave the thread since this thread is made by and for schizoids. Although whether or not you really leave will not affect me much since I, unlike you, am a pure schizoid, so do not attempt to spite me. Although whether or not you will attempt to spite me will not affect me much since I, unlike you, am a pure schizoid, so do not attempt to spite me.

>> No.19969184

Today I learned that being Taoist or trying to live a wise or spiritual life is considered a mental disorder in the modern society. Color me surprised.

>> No.19969187
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>> No.19969875

these listed things are all true for me but was never diagnosed with the schizz

>> No.19969932

Protocols of Zion
The priest who wrote it was completely insane

>> No.19969998

I’m Thinking Of Ending Things. Although actually I would recommend the movie over the book for once, because in the book the “villain” is pretty malicious to their MC, whereas the movie has a much more compassionate take.

>> No.19970110

The Book of Disquiet, probably

>> No.19970153

stop diagnosing yourself with mental illnesses you fucking teenage little shits. I swear twitter has ruined an entire generation of you little homos

>> No.19970189

I thought I was schizoid until the relationships I had with people vanished, then I realized I had boring friends and bad relationships. Schizoid is just edgelord to me now.

>> No.19970708

Being a schizoid is not a mental illness you pseud, it's just a personality trait so I'm gonna identify with it because it makes me feel warm and safe

>> No.19970746

I can't tell if I'm schizoid or not. I'm not a closed off autist, I'm actually incredibly personable and can even speak too much if I'm not reigned in. I find it very easy to make friends and to introduce myself to new people. I totally have that inauthentic feeling though. Rarely does it feel absolutely genuine. I also find that I'm quite cold emotionally, the only time I really feel deep emotion is when I'm ashamed or a film is quite moving. Probably just stunted. I imagine a lot of people here are like me.

>> No.19970796

Deanimated Bodies and Disembodied minds by the psychiatrist and philosopher Giovanni Stanghellini is primarily about schizophrenia, but, if memory serves, has several essays about schizoids.

Reading that will probably be really good for you, so that you might realize that a 7-item list that gives an """indication""" is by no means a diagnostic tool, and only a complete and total retard would think so.

Apart from that, Book of Disquiet is a much better study in the phenomenology of schizoidia than anything else mentioned in the thread.


>> No.19970824
File: 21 KB, 215x322, KRATOS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bowden is the most schizophrenic writer I have ever read (inb4 someone with absolutely no coherence).

>KRATOS deals with the subject of psychopathia and is the author's treatment of this theme. It involves dream sequences, monologue, phantasy and the elaboration of a wolfish purpose. Could it turn out to be a rendering of Lombroso's theories about crime It is accompanied by three additional stories. ORIGAMI BLUEBEARD, which concerns love across the generations which freezes into gelignite. GRIMALDI'S LEO has to be an altogether lighter work which evaluates the doctrine of 'animal liberation' from the perspective of a travelling circus. NAPALM BLONDE, the final tale in our quartet, must be considered as an attempted return to Greek tragedy.

>The Fanatical Pursuit of Purity is a Gesamtkunstwerk or attempt at a total art-work in the Wagnerian tradition. It prefigures a puppet-stage or toy-theatre within which the lead character or marionette, Phosphorous Cool, has his circumference. Into this world other dolls - Mastodon Helix, Heathcote Dervish and Warlock Splendour Thomas - nimbly trip and spin. All of this finds itself punctuated by a third dimension or alternative space. It proves to be the unconscious or dream-space inhabited by these exercises in a macabre pantomime. This rival or extending narrative brings back our wooden figurines as part of an alternative Victoriana. It deals with Stephen KnightÕs analysis of Jack the Ripper and a variant on Mary ShelleyÕs Frankenstein - even James WhaleÕs film starring Boris Karloff. Mr Bowden believes in the creation of a separate world as artÕs real purpose. It goes without saying that the result is Ôpolitically incorrect!Õ.