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File: 158 KB, 682x1023, Plato.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19962750 No.19962750 [Reply] [Original]

So Plato basically solved philosophy and the only thing left for us is to do science and with it improve technology, engineering, medicine and society in general?.

>> No.19962757

Practically fascism tbqh

>> No.19962765

Completely wrong.

>> No.19962771

Thanks for joining us tonight Bill

>> No.19962775

Totalitarianism with a good person in power is basically the best possible political system

>> No.19962783

>Post random comment
>Didn't elaborate
The state of this website

>> No.19962805

Yup. Cincinnatus, for instance. Americans in particular have a difficult time understanding this. They believe democracy preserves liberty when, in fact, it descends into tyranny.

>> No.19963012

I think any system will inevitably descend into tyranny as people learn to exploit it and find loopholes, always seeking more at the cost of everyone else.

>> No.19963047

I'm american but I never understood that automatic attachment to Democracy people have. If this were the 19th century I could understand the enthusiasm, but now that passion is pretty quaint.

>> No.19963177

Certainly, but some systems are slower to descend into tyranny than others. Republicanism and free market economics with adequate antitrust protections are likely the best option toward that end. Let the power of the elite be proportionate to the number of people holding them accountable.

>> No.19963230

What are you even defining philosophy as? From the rest of your comment, seems to imply you think it means "how society should be run" in which case, that is a question that gets dealt with every generation or so.

>> No.19963731

That's not how you spell Laozi