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19959398 No.19959398[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

The conversation that broke the fabric of reality


>> No.19959406

Hasn't Chris Langan achieved absolutely nothing in life except having the highest IQ on record? Please correct me if I'm wrong. But I'm pretty sure I'm correct.

>> No.19959410

Have you been on Keith Woods' podcast?

>> No.19959417

>highest IQ on record
Wrong, after the military attempted to test my IQ they had to rebuild the parameters from the foundation. My IQ isn't a number it is an equation.

>> No.19959426

So, the highest IQ on the planet is an Idealist. My knowledge of idealism is too limited to understand how dualism is reconciled with monism here:

Plato was a dualist because he placed the forms outside reality, is this correct? Then how does Langan reconcile Plato with, let's say, Vedanta monism? Another point is that he speaks of Hegel, and sees Hegel's description of the meaning of existence as true, that consciousness wants to know itself. But Schopenhauer's philosophy was similar to Vedanta, what disagreement did Schopenhauer have with Hegel, can they be reconciled?

>> No.19959435

He dresses this question towards the end of the conversation. Pretty much he says that the new atheists, together with the ruling elite which subscribe to transhumanist ideals, have cancelled Lagan because his theory fundamentally opposes their world view

>> No.19959447

Or, maybe, nobody gives a shit and he is irrelevant.

>> No.19959452

why are you so bitter?

>> No.19959456

Is this why he refuses to release the details of his proof?

>> No.19959495

This is just Buddhism without extra steps

Hermetic buddhism

>> No.19959507

What does this mean? Does this mean some banana sticker? Some Jew York Times article sucking his dick? He lives on a big ranch with a wife. He spends all his time doing what he wants to stimulate his mind. Past a certain IQ you no longer find fulfilment in the external world but the inner cultivation.

>> No.19959524

You are projecting. This guy is literally irrelevant. A joke, a fool.

>> No.19959546

I’m not particularly convinced a specific ruling elite exists and that to any extent they do exist that they’re largely transhumanists.

>> No.19959651

>Past a certain IQ you no longer find fulfilment in the external world but the inner cultivation
This is your own personal cope to pretend you are high IQ. It's just a better worded version of
>No really I'm smart. I A M S M A R T. But I'm lazy.

>> No.19959655

Retarded levels of hiearchy blindness
You don't want it to exist face it

>> No.19959669
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You know the Buddha left a palace where he was fed glorious chef meals and had his dick sucked by harems? Do you think your inferior lollypops and fancy pants in KMart ruins of Globohomo under Julius Bidenus has any grasp of my desires?

>> No.19959686

This is a soft way of saying these elites are his antithesis. Think about their transhumanism. The Jewish concept of being Jewish defies ontics and epistemology. It is an anti category designed to heckle away reason in favor of empty negation and coerced obedience. It is a multiplicitous negation of the masculine lineage. I haven't got it figured out but it's some fuckery dark magic I tell ya. It's the biggest murder sacrifice they're knowingly preparing by transhumanist dreams and intent.

>> No.19959713

A linear one, namely x = 0

>> No.19959715

I've met very intelligent people who spend their entire lives moving numbers in Excel and filling out judicial forms for comfortable, but not extraordinarily large, sums of money. And what did they accomplish?

>> No.19959731

Jews are basically The Master from fallout 1 and they recruit spiteful mutants

>> No.19959865

>highest IQ in history
>can't understand a basic intro question
Do materialists really?

>> No.19959871

He's a retarded grifter who can't even grift

>> No.19959985
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Never heard of this guy. Pretty cool

>> No.19960033

A line needs two points, you fool. x = o is a very complicated abstract philosophical equation but I can only explain to other people with 4-digit IQ's

>> No.19960768

stop spamming this cute irish twink on /lit/ already you faggot

>> No.19960794

They made someone else a lot of money and got some table scraps for it. Instead of curing cancer, our tops minds are regulated to work at Johnson & Johnson and make slightly cheaper shampoo.

>> No.19960825

He created an entire scientific theory/philosophy but it's not been decided whether it's all just an uneducated by intelligent/autistic retreading over traditional philosophy or if it's actually new and worthwhile.

>> No.19960842

IQ so high like One Punch Man it doesn't even register as consciousness or being because it vibrates on a higher metaphysical plane in constant samadhi

>> No.19960848

My iq is x=4y where x is the location of Saturn with respect to the absolute middle of the universe and y is the number of times your gf has cheated

>> No.19960907

buddha didnt care about le huwite race or some gay shit like that

>> No.19960923

"the glory of the aryan race shall never perish from the earth" - Buddha
Touch grass chud

>> No.19960932

caring about such material things is attatchment and the anthithesis of buddhist teachings.

>> No.19960943

>Buddha didn't care
Look at this retard.

>> No.19960947

That's the exoteric meaning of buddhism; the esoteric meaning is Nazism

>> No.19960956

try again
try again
try again
try again

if you think you understand langan, you don't. read more.

>> No.19960972

Langan is detailing logical analytical formal jargon and diagrams for a conceding position with Vedic monad unity. We're definitely without a doubt in the same ballpark though I have not read his writings in depth or to finish. But if you're huffing Hume fumes and Descartes derelict deception I feel bad for you son. I've got 99 problems being 2 ain't one

>> No.19960983

>Esoteric giant swastika on the man's chest and a giant tower rupa with his blue eyes WATCHING OVER with totalitarian inescapable ontic and epistemic absolute authority
Why are normies so blind bros? Do you lose THAT much brains by being born subhuman castes? Hold my samsaras.

>> No.19960984

Reality is not a monadic unity because you are much gayer than me

>> No.19961003
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It is a recursive spiral between the repose of the eternal and unshakeable difficult to fathom World Spirit (TM) versus the ephemeral and apparent. Tautologies are heckin serious and valid.

>> No.19961009

>world spirit
Dont see it, where is it
>ephemeral and apparent
And yet it remains here and is real


>> No.19961024
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First off Langan implies (((they))) are busting his balls and explicitly calls his opposing environment techno "golems".
Now back to my main point:
Buddha was "misogynistic", "racist", "ableist", "ageist", and every good thing of right view you love to complain about in your wrong view EXCEPT for antisemitic because he never even dealt with (((them))) on any record we can find and openly share easily BUT the Rig Veda repeatedly scorns usurers as the most vile scum so you can cast your bets on the obvious there too, bugman.

>> No.19961027

Plato is not a dualist and the forms are not "outside reality." the forms are an emanation from the Intellect which is an emanation from the literal ONE. Plato actually has a very similar doctrine to something Langan says regarding Matter. According to Platonism, matter is the pure privation of form which allows it to act as a pure potential and a receiver for forms imposed by Soul and Intellect. This is pretty much the same as Langan's idea of Unbound Telesis where the base state of reality is nothingness or "pure potential" in his own words. Reality or "God" as a complete and closed system (analogous to the self sufficiency of the One/the Good) syntactically constrains Unbound Telesis in order to GENERATE the reality that we know. You need to read Plotinus and stop "huffing" vedanta crap to truly understand Langan. Langan is a western philosopher but because he is difficult to understand midwits like you equate him with eastern mystic bullshit. Plato literally teaches that the Good is a Monad with nothing predicated of it and Intellect only emanates from as a dyad creating a subject/object distinction in the form of divine Intellect and its intelligibles which are yoked together. just because there is Dyad does not make Plato dualistic because it emanates from a monic principle. And it's not like I'm just drawing connections where there are none, if you watch the Kurt Jaimungal interview Langan literally says Plato and Plotinus are two of the philosophers who came closest.

>> No.19961031

Do you even synthetic judgment
Have you ever gotten to second base with a NOUMENA
Touch maths
Smug anime face not found.jpg

>> No.19961062

the GENERATIVE aspect is also something that is very important. Langan's cosmology is GENERATIVE. Hindu cosmology is not. He is much closer to Platonic doctrine because according to platonic doctrine the sensible reality is generated by the intelligible reality and the activity of soul imposing forms on matter(reality/god constraining itself from unbound telesis) all of this being generated by necessity from the principle of the One. even Taoism is closer to Langan than Hinduism.

>> No.19961063 [SPOILER] 
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I agree. Westerners create false debate where there is epistemic semantic not ontic lack of uniformity. I haven't READ the neoplatonists because I've been listening to hymns as more accessible with my schedule and honestly worship is more enjoyable than hard dedicated study at the expense of everything else. Easterners are worth simping for shamelessly. They are worth inviting over. You VILL bow to the Eastern ALPHA GIGA SCHOLARS. Eventually there will be a coalescing bridge. Eventually language will reflect this path having completed the circle of finishing these great works.

>> No.19961127

This has Saiyan energy
I've been keeping my head down around the PETA Pajeets who make the Viking Veda Edda livestock sacrificing ass kicking Rishis and WARRIORS. This is a masculine perspective. Hinduism is by in large inherently feminine hence why it is not GENERATIVE. Being able to hereticalize like Nietzsche's critiques is to make oneself generative IF one proves victorious in the long run. I think this is why Zeus castrates Kronos who castrated Ouranos. Nowadays the Zoomers know Nietzsche as OMNI MAN. It's this brand new evolutionary step that mogs all prior notions each time learning something old it becomes a new thing yet it also becomes more of what it was. It is born from the Noumena manifesting itself. THE WORLD IS A WOMB AND MY MIND IS GONNA MINDFUCK IT

>> No.19961131

I'm gonna proof read my post next time. Sorry fellas this thread deserves better

>> No.19961148

shine on you crazy diamond

>> No.19961152

Does he address things about the Universe you can't put into an equation or can only experience firsthand? I don't like the idea of putting God into some mathematical box.

>> No.19961157
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>> No.19961160

Guenon is BUFF?
Islam is the light of Allah, Habibi

>> No.19961169
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God himself in the written form of the CTMU is not really mentioned. It's more like God arises from the theory of the CTMU because God is required basically as the constrainer and reader of reality's language. God is not defined mathematically at all, reality is defined and you can interpret that definition as God.

Humans are God's local telors. God uses humans to observe reality on a local scale since God is global. The goal of humans is to learn more about reality and themselves in God's quest for self-identification. So even though it seems like God is in a "box" it is still our goals to identify ourselves and God.

>> No.19961411

This is a lot to take in fellas. Thanks for speedrunning it into such a readable quick run down. Time to DEEP DIVE

>> No.19961473

Hi Chris.

>> No.19961542

the funny thing is, I'm not Chris but relative to everyone else I basically am Chris since I'm probably the only one on this board who has actually read the CTMU as far as I can tell. Every single Chris thread all anyone talks about is
1. how he "hasn't accomplished anything"
2. how he is a pseud or a fraud or whatever
3. random people offering their own interpretation of langan based on nothing but what he said in whatever interview and their own limited and false surface level knowledge of other religious traditions
I basically am the only one on this board who actually cares about the substance of what Chris says it seems. Even the majority of interviews and people asking him questions on his Q&A seem to be honestly low IQ religious nuts. It's obvious that Keith hasn't really engaged with the CTMU. Kurt Jaimungal at least did try to understand the CTMU and clearly did a lot of research though his background is only as a physicist and he has limited knowledge of philosophy and was also, frankly, a bad interviewer because he basically just asked a bunch of preprepared questions and didn't really have anything resembling a conversation. in fact even I don't really know what I am talking about even though I've watched most of Langan's content and read the CTMU twice. The main problem is that the intro to ctmu paper is incomplete and as far as I can tell, nowhere has Langan actually formulated and published the full CTMU, though he speaks of it as a completed theory and often talks about things that are barely mentioned at all in any of his papers. The worst part of the CTMU is that you need to have a philosophical background yet there is also a bunch of shit from obscure computational linguistics thrown in at the end to logically formulate the SCSPL that I can't fucking understand at all. Anyway the reason that I'm rambling is because you can't fucking talk about this shit with anyone because everyone who is aware of the CTMU seems to be kind of retarded in their own way and only wants to project their own beliefs onto it, the facebook group is particularly egregious in this regard... there is at least one guy, jonathon mize, but he is like an inverse Kurt Jaimungal because he understands philosophy well but not the mathematics or physics of it

>> No.19961587

i know a philosophy professor that took a deep dive into langan and the verdict seems to be he's on the level of a master's student

>> No.19961630

the professor was probably a crypto kantian who thinks that the problem of induction and mind body problem can never be solved and the relation between mind and noumenal reality can never be explained and therefore anyone who thinks they have solved it just hasn't achieved his level of enlightenment yet.

>> No.19961646

langan is to hegel what hegel was to boehme. hegel himself would have to admit it, the CTMU is so much closer to what he had in mind but was unable to realize in his own time, metaphysics and religion wed to pure concept

>> No.19962227
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3 here,
thank you.
You may be, oh rare one. Praise THE SUN OF YOUR MIND, GALAXY BRAIN. Keep posting here about CMTU please I beg you. I will be drawing memes starting now. It's hard for me I'm a wagie making minimum wage with a bachelors degree in BIZ BS (Majoring in Lmaoing at your dumb parents).

>> No.19962245

The aryan race is not a material issue. Common fallacy among directionchuds.

>> No.19962330

Not that anon but reading Langan's refutal of Kant basically showed he had a wikipedia tier understanding and didn't actually understand Kant.

>> No.19962336
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>Or, maybe, nobody gives a shit and he is irrelevant.
>You are projecting. This guy is literally irrelevant. A joke, a fool.
>I’m not particularly convinced a specific ruling elite exists and that to any extent they do exist that they’re largely transhumanists.
>He's a retarded grifter who can't even grift
>Hi Chris.
>This is your own personal cope to pretend you are high IQ. It's just a better worded version of
>buddha didnt care about le huwite race or some gay shit like that
>caring about such material things is attatchment and the anthithesis of buddhist teachings.
>Do materialists really?

>> No.19962428

Pic is literally me
Off to watch a YouTube video about prime numbers now gentlesirs

>> No.19962476

You wish, they do no such thing. They make sure the newest shampoo has investors, they make sure it has scientific supporters, they make sure it is not too far out there man, So much for innovation