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/lit/ - Literature

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19959276 No.19959276[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Literature that refutes this?

>> No.19959282

>the world is a meaningless atheistic materialist nothing zone
>that's okay because i'll be the protagonist of an anime set in that world
>wait i'm neither anime nor a protagonist
>so i'm just a material nothing?
perhaps the problem was with your initial premise, maladaptive zoomer

>> No.19959285

The Bible. Humanity’s #1 copium.

>> No.19959288

I'm supposed to feel upset that someone didn't get over disney movies before they were 10 years old?

>> No.19959310

War and Peace

>> No.19959324

Refute what? That life is not a fucking escapist anime? That's absolutely correct, but whatever anon reacted to that revelation this way is a colossal faggot. You can't refute someone being a faggot.

>> No.19959330

Strong family values refute this but those are dead and buried. Decades of Hollywood romanticism mixed with jewish degeneracy really did a number on the growing generation.

>> No.19959338

Travel to different countries. Move to Thailand and practice muay Thai. Learn to count cards and go to casinos. Go adventuring in the wilderness. Take up a competitive sport. Create art. Start your own adventures, do crazy shit. Maybe read some more realistic adventure stories to whet your appetite for the real world.

>> No.19959350

I'm sorry, but if hobbies don't make you feel fulfilled, then they are either bad, passive hobbies or you are engaging with them halfheartedly.

>> No.19959371

>move to a third world shithole and accumulate brain damage, dude
rethink your life goals

>> No.19959378

Sissy detected. I'll enjoy my fightclub-fantasy lifestyle while you stay home and waste your life

>> No.19959392

t. rootless cosmopolitan

>> No.19959394

>stay home and waste your life
you're doing exactly that, but the bitterness of your current state of life and lack of skills have bottled into this masculine fantasy of you being an action hero in some exotic location where you're the fucking main character or some shit. what a clown. daydreaming isn't actually doing shit.

>> No.19959408

I practice and enjoy Muay Thai but lessons are a lot cheaper in Thailand. If you're worried about head trauma you don't need to compete, or you could pick up something like Ju Jitsu or wrestling instead


>> No.19959423

>>the world is a meaningless atheistic materialist nothing zone
Can you refute this?

>> No.19959440

Join a charity or something. Be a higglytown hero

>> No.19959446

babbys first existential realization. i remember being 16 too

>> No.19959451

Meditations on the Tarot

>> No.19959460
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>> No.19959463
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There aren't any. Delude yourself by subscribing to some kind of ideology and larping until you believe (can be anything), or acknowledge things for what they are and just do whatever. Nobody's going to save you or give you a magical solution, you'll know after you die like everyone else. In the meantime, either larp or wait.
He said refutations, not cope.

>> No.19959464

>t. 85 IQ flyover bumpkin retail worker that's never left their state

>> No.19959471


>> No.19959474

have sex

>> No.19959476

t. 19 year old zoomer that's never had a job
money is a thing sweatie

>> No.19959477

you dont need literature, just stop caring and do what you like.
or rope

>> No.19959483

stop saying "refute this" like you're some erudite philosophy scholar, you fucking faggot.
the world is what you make of it. we make our own meaning with our lives. if all you choose to see is hopelessness and misery, then your life will be that. if all you choose to see is strife in the world because you consume news and politics 24/7, then that's how the world will be.

>> No.19959487

Stop projecting, retarded cocksucker. Meaninglessness does not imply hopelessness and misery, it does for you because you're a fucking pussy.

>> No.19959488

>that pic
I literally didn't take any of those paths... they all can suck my rake. Take risks, think critically, stop being a living stereotype for fuck sake

>> No.19959499

Because all of those things are so expensive. You'd need to be rich to get by in Thailand right?

>> No.19959518

I took all of them

>> No.19959537

>Step 1: Stop using 4chan.
>Step 2: ????????
>Step 3: Profit.

>> No.19959557

The best adventure stories are the real ones

>> No.19959559

Lets hear what you think meaninglessness is then

>> No.19959578
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It's anything you want it to be.

>> No.19959608

Your life

>> No.19959623
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I would simply not live like that but instead strive to transform the wolrd guess I'm just built different tho

>> No.19959637

that still sounds way better than ops pic lifestyle

>> No.19959643

Editing out the top of the phone screen detracts from the artistic value of this picture, it serves as an example of not giving a fuck.

>> No.19959656
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Bold to assume you are the center of the universe

>> No.19959679

I literally am

>> No.19959736

>Take risks
like what

>> No.19959749

visiting a new 4chan board that you've never been on, for one.

>> No.19959761

I did that last week, started posting on /n/. Very comfy board

>> No.19959807

Met an american who was teaching English in Philippines, had some falling out with the school and ended up begging for money on the streets. Filipino wife hated him, came back with a son. He was asking around for a ride in a fry's parking lot. Guy was like late 50s, felt bad for his son.

>> No.19959823

average asian fetishist

>> No.19960112
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>Literature that refutes this?

>> No.19960117
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>> No.19960126
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>> No.19960134

This can be easily deflected by anyone living with a pulse and a brain. You can do fucking anything. You could grab a knife and go on a killing spree. You could spend 24 hours a day playing fortnite until you starve to death. You can do LITERALLY ANYTHING YOU WANT. The only thing stopping you is resources, which can always be increased depending on your creativity. You’re not a machine or a piece of code. You don’t have to be a wagie all day every day. Just do whatever the fuck you want and stop expecting an anime girl to come through the clouds and do it for you. No one is coming to help you, which is both a good and bad thing. You can start the adventure by yourself anytime you want.

>> No.19960177

>go with the societal flow
>end up being pro blm, lgbt and self-hate
I went against it and have my wife. Your picrel is an elaborate defeatist shitpost.

>> No.19960178
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>Literature that refutes this?
there's nothing to refute

>> No.19960208

how is this any different from poor people choose to be poor and deserve it you retarded nazi

>> No.19960213

>the world is what you make of it. we make our own meaning with our lives. i
Back to facebook faggot

>> No.19960257

This is all consistent with the world being godless and materialist

>> No.19960411

>>19959679 is right. We are all gravitating towards anonymous.

>> No.19960465
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Reminded me of this

>> No.19960595 [DELETED] 

Stop posting this you fucking juvenile retard
saged and reported
Report me for announcing, idc. Also kill yourself

>> No.19960612

here's a tidbit for you: everybody deserves what they get.
Not so much "everybody gets what they deserve", but my phrasing is more correct, because whatever happens to you happened for causal reasons stretching back billions of years and you do in fact deserve it in the purest possible way.
Another secret: refutations are copes and copes are refutations, so this faggot >>19959463 can also go suck eggs

>> No.19960630
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back to /r9k/, I'm sick of hearing about your fucking retarded obsessions and maladjusted hero fantasies that only exist because you had access to digital media
Fucking disgusting black-and-white monomaniacal sex addicts. Kill yourself. You shit up every space on this fucking site and you should just troon out and go to discord already where you'd only be imposing on other people exactly like you

>> No.19960644

Get a motorcycle

>> No.19960655
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You just whirl for a while, and then you twirl —you create your own artwhorl; collect experience points, and connect imperience lines; whisp, and (pro)tekt.

"Leap of faith"? "blessing in disguise"? the leaper of life hops over worlds, and traverses dimensions, converting the bloodlight of his generational legacy into legendary glory.

>> No.19960671

whirling twirvish

>> No.19960725

Feel free to stop the pretentious masturbation any time, guru

>> No.19960787
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Yes —syncordance.

>> No.19960914 [DELETED] 

test :D