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/lit/ - Literature

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19959226 No.19959226 [Reply] [Original]

What are some great books written by black authors?

I'm trying to broaden my perspective & learn :)

>> No.19959232

You girlfriend's other boyfriend's diary

>> No.19959233

St Augustine

>> No.19959237
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This is the only actual good book I could think of.

>> No.19959250

please leave the thread if you're just going to make bait comments

>> No.19959259

The Count of Monte Christo

>> No.19959260

something something posthumous diaries of a black man idk man

>> No.19959264

Cry about it nerd

>> No.19959267

The Posthumous Memoirs of Bras Cubas. Also the character wasn’t black. The writer was mixed race.

>> No.19959305

too much for me to remember. like my dad always said, if the bible only needed one word for its title, i don't know why you'd need more

>> No.19959377

shit bait.

>> No.19959419

If you can read dutch, or want to sit through a translation, I recommend Dubbelspel by Frank Martinus Arion.

>> No.19959431

Invisible Man and The Bluest Eye.

>> No.19959566

Alexandre Dumas is the only one coming to my mind, so as the other anon said, The Count of Monte Cristo is pretty good.

>> No.19959604

White Boy Shuffle by Paul Beatty was really good and really annoying at the same time. Black people cant help themselves sometimes so I shrugged off the cringe aspects.
I also really like Their Eyes We’re Watching God by Zora Neale Hurston.

>> No.19960129
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Hardly. You can even mention his haiti background, and he'll still be white as shit.

>> No.19960135

Invisible Man taught me more about the experience of black people in America than I ever learned in history class in high school.

>> No.19960152

Are there any black authors who don't write about race, specifically how hard it is being black in a country where black people can become millionaires by rhyming 'niggas' with 'niggas'? Is there an Alice in Wonderland type of story out there written by a black author?

>> No.19960164

He was mixed.

>> No.19960176

>in a country where black people can become millionaires by rhyming 'niggas' with 'niggas'?
I kek'd

>> No.19960204

Unexpected yet based recommendation.

>> No.19960294

I know this is just a bait thread but I'll post a few anyway-
Cane by Jean Toomer
Quicksand by Nella Larsen
Dhalgren by Samuel Delany

Yeah, both good. Especially Invisible Man.

>> No.19960295

Everything by Thomas Sowell.

>> No.19960394

Depends. Did france have something like the one drop rule?

>> No.19960964

Frantz fanon ???

>> No.19961093

The Autobiography of Malcolm X by Alex Haley

>> No.19961132

Thomas Sowell is (((Milton Friedman's))) pet nigger. Everything he ever wrote is subversive trash meant to weaken America and send it further in corporate ownership. Kill yourself.

>> No.19961150 [DELETED] 
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hurr mah durr brrr drr DA JOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOS

>> No.19961156 [DELETED] 
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>hurr mah durr brrr drr DA JOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOS

>> No.19961166

The Bible
The Lord of the Ring
Buck Breaking

>> No.19961172

Walter E Williams
Thomas Sowell
Paul Kagame's biography
Yes let more government intervention and support for the parasites happen, when people vote your way the central banking cartel will suddenly be good for everyone

>> No.19961193

>guberment bad
It's about who's in charge, moron, and there will always be someone in charge, so make sure it's your guys and not (((theirs))).

>> No.19961220

The Weary Blues
The Palm-Wine Drinkard
Invisible Man
Giovanni's Room
Things Fall Apart

>> No.19961343

Lots of poets

>> No.19961458

>Quicksand by Nella Larsen
Can I ask how you heard about this? I'm very curious if it might be similar to how I discovered it.

>> No.19961475
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>> No.19961536

Rapping is just the American form of poetry, so by right all rappers a poets. You can just listen to rap music to immerse in the American literary scene

>> No.19961552

People always say that Song Of Solomon and Beloved are the best Toni Morrison books, but for me, it is Sula

>> No.19961554


>> No.19961571
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I like Imaro, basically just Black Conan riding around on tigers punching the lights out of Voodoo wizards and jungle monsters.

>> No.19961574

I genuinely liked Native Son by Richard Wright until the last 100 pages when it got the Ayn Rand style monologue.

>> No.19961578

There once was a thug named Brown
Who bumrushed a cop with a frown
Six bullets later he met his Creator
And his homies burnt the town

>> No.19961870

Nicole Hannah Jones - 1619

>> No.19961999
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Have you heard of Dr. Matthew C. Harris?

>> No.19962004 [DELETED] 

>Black people make up insane racial grievances about the recent past

Checks out

>> No.19962009

Never read bluest eye but Song of Solomon is truly one of the worst books I've ever read

>> No.19962028 [DELETED] 
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Yeah weird how the people massively overrepresented in media ownership and top management (especially movies, news, and porn), in political representation, in the top levels of the military, in academia, in publishing, in campaign donations, and in finance may actually be responsible for literally anything

>> No.19962045 [DELETED] 

Then your beef is with the establishment, not Jews.

>> No.19962077 [DELETED] 

The establishment, at all levels, is almost exclusively dominated by Jews.

The establishment, before that came to be, wasn't nearly this bad.

Think really hard about how effortlessly leftists will condemn white people because of the existing power structure but also excuse Jews for not being white, despite dominating that power structure.

There are other fundamental problems, sure. But tackling Jewish power head on is essential to actually making the world a better place.

>> No.19962117

Richard Wright's memoir, Black Boy, is excellent. He details growing up in the Jim Crow south, moving north as a young man, and experiencing new and more insidious forms of racism in the north. He then joins a communist party where in his first meeting he witnesses a dispute between factions where one side nominates him to be the new chapter president because they know the other side won't vote against a black man. It has a lot in it about how black people behave around eachother vs how they behave around white people. If you want to get a better grasp of the history of race in america then I definitely recommend it. It's a great life story as well.

>> No.19962131 [DELETED] 

so any Jew who gets ahead only got ahead because they were born Jewish? How is this any different from white privilege nonsense?

>I read it in a /pol/ infograph so it must be true!

>> No.19962140

Class Notes - Adolph Reed

>> No.19962146

I love black women so much it's unreal
Love from Houston (actually GeorgeFloydistan)

>> No.19962266 [DELETED] 

>How is this any different from white privilege nonsense?

Non-hispanic whites make up 60% of the American population. Jews of all races make up 2% and are significantly more ethnocentric than whites. Considering those numbers it's fair to ask questions about how they came to be so overrepresented in positions of power. Nepotism is just a theory but you must admit it is weird that they make up over 60% of American billionaires.

>> No.19962277 [DELETED] 

>The establishment, at all levels, is almost exclusively dominated by Jews.

Last I checked it was a pretty even mix of Jews and gentiles. It's undeniable there's massive overrepresentation though.

>> No.19962316 [DELETED] 
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It would probably behoove you to actually look at the board composition of any major corporation, the top hedge fund, managers, the religion of most of Biden's cabinet, top political donors, etc

/pol/ obviously has a bias but it's not like they're making things up whole cloth

>> No.19962348 [DELETED] 

White people are significantly underrepresented at most levels of power and influence. There are also demonstrable mechanisms by which white people face added hurdles in society:

-Affirmative action

-College admissions, which penalize whites and Asians to the benefit of blacks and Hispanics

- literally this entire cultural milieu that blames whites for everything and retroactively justifies violence against them

That is why white privilege is nonsense.

Meanwhile jews have several orders of magnitude more wealth and power than their population size would suggest, which they use to treat the west like a colonial site of value extraction and to demonize and undermine the white societies therein.

>> No.19962394

No, he's right.
Even "Nigga nigga nigga nigga nigga. I'm 100% nigga." Is real poetry. The repetition is poetic and the final "nigga" adds emphasis to the line.

>> No.19962522 [DELETED] 

>they make up over 60% of American billionaires
can you back up this claim?

>> No.19962526

have you actually looked at it?

>> No.19962545

The Sport of the Gods - Paul Laurence DUnbar

>> No.19962569

I don't think there is. There's certainly a lot of YA material, but no Carroll-type classic that buttresses poetry and math with a silly and fun frame narrative. Lots of shit antedates Alice (Perrault and Jean de La Bruyèr, for example), but nothing in the "black corpus" even comes close to resembling it.

>> No.19962668 [DELETED] 
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Literally yes


>> No.19962698

Books with this feel?

>> No.19962755 [DELETED] 
File: 443 KB, 3152x4144, overr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you plug "site:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki "American billionaires" "Jews"|"Jewish"" into google, you get 580 hits, out of 923 entries in the "American billionaires" category. (62.01%)

Here's what comes up when you try the same thing with other categories:
site:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ "American media executives" "Jews"|"Jewish" (81 entries out of 157)
site:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ "American hedge fund managers" "Jews"|"Jewish"(97 entries of 197)
site:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ "American businesspeople convicted of crimes" "Jews"|"Jewish" (76 entries of 213)
site:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ "American people convicted of tax crimes" "Jews"|"Jewish" (106 entries of 217)
site:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ "American defectors to the Soviet Union" "Jews"|"Jewish" (18 entries of 18 )
site:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ "American spies for the Soviet Union" "Jews"|"Jewish" (46 entries of 132)
site:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ "American Communists" "Jews"|"Jewish" (235 entries of 336)

The numbers might not be perfectly accurate but if the truth is anywhere near that ballpark it's still unusual.

>> No.19962779 [DELETED] 
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>> No.19962817

Cane by Jean Toomer

>> No.19962868

Honestly, if it's 2% vs 60%, even with nepotism turned all the way up, i'd say it looks like they're just genuinely more intelligent and capable than us.

>> No.19962926

No one else can keep up that teamwork against the rest seriously. Too dumb to know themselves. Jews know themselves keenly. KEENLY.

>> No.19962944

retarded point, with nepotism turned all the way up it would literally be 100%

>> No.19962945
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It's possible. You could always convert to Judaism, join them and marry a big brain qt. "Jew" is a much looser category than most other ethnic groups, anyone can become a Jew.

>> No.19962963

That's a coca cola bonafide registered trademark genetic Jew you can draw in any country and call a Jew. Sorry but Obongo Ubuntu Martinez is not going to strike anyone as Jewish because he has a yamaka on for 10 minutes a year.

>> No.19962988

You can be a Jew without being biologically Jewish. Obongon Ubuntu Martinez could make friends at the synagogue and make Jewish babies if he wished.

>> No.19963001

White Fragility. I thought it was going to be a book trolling whitey, turned into a concise expose on black culture (especially in juxtaposition to white culture) and its propensity to fail its community. Its actually fairly based and I agree with it. Dear White People was really good too. About black self segregation (and how its destined to fail, as well as how wokeness is destined to fail) in the end.

>> No.19963034

This. His book easily mogs modern-day Black authors with its immense page length and fantastic plot.

>> No.19963037

White fragility was written by a white girl.

>> No.19963043

This nigga was a mutt, he wasn't a full blown BLACK king.

>> No.19963052

If you are American, then you have to apply your own rule and call him Black. Also Pushkin.

>> No.19963320

The Right Way to Pick Cotton by Negradora Shaboon

>> No.19963707


>> No.19963764

I actually really enjoyed "Things Fall Apart" by whatever the fuck his name is. Though that's probably the most entry level African literature there is.

>> No.19963858


>> No.19963865

he has nappy hair

>> No.19963880

Why would the author's skin color matter? Just read good books, for fuck's sake.

>> No.19964049

>white people
>write about everything
>black people
>write about being black
>promoting laziness

>> No.19964947

>Imposing filthy Americanisms on Monsieur Dumas

>> No.19964993
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I beg of you, please learn any language besides English.
Please become less of an uncultured swine.

>> No.19965003

Machado, Pushkin, Dumas wrote about many things.