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File: 14 KB, 331x331, Christopher-Hitchens.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19954904 No.19954904 [Reply] [Original]

>A Holocaust denier is a Holocaust affirmer.

>> No.19954916
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More like a Holocaust illumimator. A Holocaustic sage, if you will.

>> No.19954928

I read an article with Hitchens where he said, almost verbatim, that the Holocaust "isn't what it's cracked up to be."

>> No.19954946
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>The Holocaust? What's that? Isn't that the Homeric word for mass sacrifice?
>Deny what? How can I deny something if you haven't even told me what it is?
>Ma'am, you are acting hysterical. Please calm down.
>I... see. My apologies, "sir."

>> No.19954948
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Guess he meant that they should've cracked those oven doors open just a little bit if they really wanted to lessen their chances of turning into human challah bread.

>> No.19954965

Me personally? The Holocaust? Tad overrated.

>> No.19954983
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*denies the holocaust even harder*

>> No.19954984

I don't have a problem with killing..human society directly or indirectly kills many people for a variety of reasons. It's the torture I have a problem with, and many accounts of the torture have been proven to be fabricated like that retarded glory hole shotgun bullshit and many individual memoirs or hearsay (even Primo Levi, whom I respect greatly, lied about Nazis using prayer shawls specifically to make underwear.) Therefore I have to agree it's not what it's cracked up to be.

>> No.19955019
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>I don't have a problem with killing..human society directly or indirectly kills many people for a variety of reasons.

>> No.19955038

Fair enough. Denial is only good for dealing with weaponized pathos.

>> No.19955046

Accepting that isn't being edgy, it's being an adult.

>> No.19955067

i'll be sure to stand around and stroke my chin and nod solemnly if you and yours are ever dragged away by a death squad

>> No.19955080

You were going to do that anyway.

>> No.19955086

Why are you such a gay faggot?

>> No.19955087
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I prefer the term Holocaust enjoyer myself

>> No.19955088


>> No.19955101

Of course an atheist would be so heartless and cold as to say something like that.

>> No.19955110

The fact that the most unequivocally documented event in history is still denied or even hoped for by some is very telling of how dark humanity really is. I hate that I share a board with some of you. One of the most tragic events of human history is nothing but a meme to you

>> No.19955115

^^^ watch the gigachad edgelords flock to this one

>> No.19955116

I know, to deny the Resurrection is insanity at this point.

>> No.19955125


>> No.19955148
File: 70 KB, 720x586, FH72j0yXIAQqR3a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when your brother is Peter Hitchens, but you are still the stupid one in your family

>> No.19955162


Reddit's that way.

>> No.19955170
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>Reddit's that way.

>> No.19955254
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Every human on earth dies for a variety reasons, including naturally but also as a product of social expediency (the velocity required for expedient long distance travel for example also creates lethal conditions). Death is not a tragedy it's an inevitability and as often natural as not. It's not like your little videogames, cutie. I also find it interesting how you don't attack the part of the post that points out the documented lies of survivors, many with admissions from the author they aren't truths (often pretending they evoke an essential truth as an excuse, which I don't personally accept as historical fact.) That's says more than your actual post.

>> No.19955276


>> No.19955280


>> No.19955311
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>> No.19955324

this nigga still seething lmao

>> No.19955341

>No u

Genius wit. This kike totally defusing the Holocaust thread!

>> No.19955347

yeah i kinda draw the line at lining civilians up next to pre-dug mass graves and machinegunning them to death (regardless of ideology, race, nationality or whatever) but you do you baby

>> No.19955395
File: 606 KB, 666x891, FIH9df8WQAIAEaY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not reckless disregard that causes say disasters? When's the last time you weeped for the innocent victims of Bhopal? There are many inhumane tragedies you don't think about or if you do don't affect you in an ongoing manner. Why? Your jewish libido is overinvested.

>> No.19955492
File: 62 KB, 976x549, _80081758_elliottspencerandstephenfryrexfeatures.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a term for people who no longer care?

>> No.19955603

Happened in every country since guns were invented. Why are you crying about some fat & rich jews?
I dont see you crying and pissing over the serbs that the ustase massacred...

>> No.19955938

Hitchens had done more for the left then you ever will.