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19954697 No.19954697 [Reply] [Original]

Do modern art and NFTs disprove the LTV?

>> No.19954751

No, Marx even had a section in capital I believe on artificially scarce goods.

>> No.19954760
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My badly written light novel took two years to write. that means it's worth at least the minimum wage times however many hours that makes

>> No.19954770

>he doesn't know about SNLT

>> No.19955066

That's like asking if fiat money disproves the LTV. Art and NFTs would just be the same as other forms of rental income. It's a potential claim on surplus value but it doesn't generate it, it has to do with the distribution of the social surplus.

>> No.19955438

They are the platonic form of commodity fetishism. Before the marx-understanders log-on, LTV was borrowed from Adam Smith and Ricardo. You know...capitalist economists. Its pretty retarded to look back 200 years and say "hurr durr he didn't predict everything in future! so everything he said is wrong!" By the same logic all of Austrian economics is wrong because China invalidates the free market theory. If anything, NFTs disprove that market forces produce goods of necessity and value.

>> No.19955734
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This and also chapter 25 in volume 3 is literally about
>Credit and Fictitious Capital

>> No.19955764

>he doesn't know SNLT is just disguised demand as Nozick showed

>> No.19955769


>> No.19955774

LTV is like 6th grade tier thinking. All you need to btfo it is the concept of "futility".

>> No.19955776

this is what's so great about marxism comrade sisters, it's impervious to empirical refutation.

>> No.19955781

How much value is created by digging ditches then filling them back in?

>> No.19955809

That's a question for a local level US politician

>> No.19955820

If you read the very first chapter of Capital you'd know.

>> No.19956069

None because it's not socially-necessary labour and thus is worthless. If no one's paying you to dig ditches and fill them in, then it's technically not deemed necessary by society that you do that, and you're a retard for doing it. If someone does pay you, then society is effectively saying that that action (digging holes and refilling) is socially-necessary, otherwise why would they pay you for it?

>> No.19956261
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>China invalidates the free market theory

i love threads with images of marx as the op, you dont get quality retardposts like this anywhere else