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19954213 No.19954213[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What is the permanent solution to lust? It feels like this degenerate world we live in offers so much sin. What is a Christian's key to not becoming a by-product of this hedonistic society?

>> No.19954221

In the Confessions, Augustine does it by grace pretty much. Beyond that I haven't a clue. God help us coomers.

>> No.19954223

Get married. Fuck wife. Have kids. Repent.
God doesn’t call on us to be free of sin. He knows we will sin and calls on us to repent.

>> No.19954304
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Just stop looking at others lustfully. Christ did it, so pick up your cross and follow the Lord.

"Go and sin no more"

Leviticus 11:44
>[...] and ye shall be holy; for I am holy: [...]
1 Peter 1:16
>Because it is written, Be ye holy; for I am holy.

>> No.19954331

Another relevant verse:

1 Corinthians 10:13
>There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it.

>> No.19954442

Jesus was pretty clear about this, cut off the body part that offends you.

>> No.19954453

Note that the Bible never demonstrates this actually occuring.

>> No.19954454
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What helps me is to listen to sermons and to read the Bible regularly. There's something about appreciating the beauty of God's creation and plan, that is fundamentally incompatible with those kinds of desires. We're all children of God and we are all victims of sin. When you see a pretty woman, you have to realize that she's someone's daughter. Even harlots and bitchy and agressive women should be treated with patience and respect. They are victims of sin, whether they know it or not and the last thing that they need is someone exploiting their situation. That's really key, not wanting to add to the misery of others. When you sexually exploit a woman, you are adding to the misery of the world. These kinds of desires will never be quenched, the more you indulge, the greater your appetite will grow and the emptier you will feel. You need to realize that sexual lust literally equates to death. It drain you physically and mentally, it dulls your mind and weakens you. Read the proverbs, there is so much wisdom on lust there. God bless you friend.

"My son, pay attention to my wisdom; Lend your ear to my understanding, That you may preserve discretion, And your lips may keep knowledge. For the lips of an immoral woman drip honey, And her mouth is smoother than oil; But in the end she is bitter as wormwood, Sharp as a two-edged sword. Her feet go down to death, Her steps lay hold of hell."
Proverbs 5:1-5 NKJV

>> No.19954459

If you'd been paying attention you'd have figured this out by now: everyone goes to hell.

>> No.19954464


>> No.19954466


>> No.19954467

embrace it, be a degenerate, what else is there to do? sit inside praying to jesus?

>> No.19954497

>quoting Leviticus at me
Hope you aren’t wearing cotton/spandex blend jeans anon.
Everyone sins and will continue to sin. You cannot live a life free of sin. No man besides Jesus ever has or ever will. All of the saints were sinners. All of the apostles denied and abandoned Christ when it came time to be crucified.
That’s why we need God’s grace.
If anons are struggling with lustful urges, that’s an opportunity to pray for mercy because you’re being reminded viscerally of your sinful nature. Hopefully with faith that destructive lust can be transformed into fruitful love in holy matrimony with a wife.

>> No.19954502

Everyone earns hell. That’s why we ask for God’s mercy.

>> No.19954515

Degenerates are not happy. They don’t even pretend to be until someone brings up Christ.
The rest of the time they’re blathering on about their addictions and mental illnesses and making melodramatic posts in facebook about their baby mama or whatever.
Then as soon as you call on them to repent it’s all “heh, and give up all the fun I’m having? No thanks, drugs rule, I love slaying mad pussy at the club(goes home alone 99% of the time)”

>> No.19954529
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"One day while [St. Benedict] was alone, the tempter came in the form of a little blackbird, which began to flutter in front of his face. It kept so close that he could easily have caught it in his hand. Instead he made the sign of the Cross and the bird flew away. The moment it left, he was seized with an unusually violent temptation. The evil spirit recalled to his mind a woman he had once see, and before he realized it his emotions were carrying him away. Almost overcome in the struggle, he was on the point of abandoning the lonely wilderness, when suddenly with the help of God’s grace he came to himself. Just then he noticed a thick patch of nettles and briers next to him. Throwing his garment aside he flung himself naked in to the sharp thorns and stinging nettles. There he rolled and tossed util his whole body was in pain and covered with blood. Yet once he had conquered pleasure through suffering, his torn and bleeding skin served to drain off the poison of temptation from his body. Before long the pain that was burning his whole body had put out the fires of evil in his heart. It was by exchanging these two fires that he gained the victory over sin. So complete was his triumph that from then on, as he later told his disciples, he never experienced another temptation of this kind."

>> No.19954533

Lol now /lit/ has to deal with the christcucks booted off every other board, when even /pol/ hates you that should tell you something

>> No.19954556

You aren't going to get it unless you start cutting off some appendages

>> No.19954576

There’s no such thing as a “solution”, that’s part of being a Christian — everyone is fallen and liable to sin at all times, no-one is privileged enough to transcend the fallibility of human nature. The only “permanent solution“ is castrating yourself, but, apart from being a terrible idea for relatively obvious reasons, it’s a cop-out because that is merely removing the ability to sin without counteracting anyone’s inherent sinfulness. Pray and ask God for forgiveness and to help you forgo sin in the future, it’s all you can do.

>> No.19954582

Stop sinning.

God says be holy, for He is holy. This is quoted in 1st Peter.

Christ said "go, and sin no more" John 8:11
Christ said "repent or perish" Luke 13:3, 5


God didn't give you a license to sin.
1 John Chapter 3
>4 Whosoever committeth sin transgresseth also the law: for sin is the transgression of the law.
>Romans Chapter 6
>1 What shall we say then? Shall we continue in sin, that grace may abound?
>2 God forbid. How shall we, that are dead to sin, live any longer therein?
God forbid we continue to live in sin.

>> No.19954621

Avoid occasions that could bring lustful thoughts to your mind. Like, if you have problems with lust, you shouldn't even be on 4chan in the first place, since people post porn and write sexual fantasies all the time here. You should avoid most of the internet, actually.

Lustful thoughts are not spontaneous. If you distance yourself from the things that are associated with these thoughts, they will eventually go away.

>> No.19954636

>cut off the body part that offends you.

>> No.19954646

the solution to lust is worshipping God more so as to deepen your trust in Him. Once you genuinely believe in the very depth of your being that God loves you indescribably and that the afterlife is real, you will view abstention as a form of worship (which is really what it is) rather than a sacrifice. You will be happy to abstain. I don't really know what christians do when they deepen their worship, but as a muslim it's pretty straightforward: read more Quran, pray more salat. But just... let your natural love of God evolve, and keep seeking forgiveness, and know that you will be forgiven, but still keep trying. God knows you are trying. It will be alright.

>> No.19954669

There is no God. Your cult was like Mormonism or JWs

>> No.19954689

>browsing pol
>leaves pol for lit
>acting like pol