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/lit/ - Literature

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19952682 No.19952682 [Reply] [Original]

Name some realistic depiction of the female creature in literature
>Anna Karenina
>Emma Bovary
>Odette Swann

>> No.19952760
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>> No.19952771

Moby Dick

>> No.19952815

I don't want to be that guy but can someone provide the name of the female in the webm

>> No.19952827

Look at this post.
What we see here is a pic of some dude, who knows who he is or what he actually stands for. But he is a symbol, an insult, to an imaginary group of "incels".

While female behavior in modern society is well documented, mostly self-documented -a piece of evidence even provided by the OP, and even though magazines and other such media targeted at women admit and celebrate this behavior, in the end, if you make fun of it, it will be framed as a huge conspiracy theory of a bunch of irredeemable, angry, ugly, morally low virgins, ignoring even that men who are the opposite of a virgin, a man-whore so to say, express the same ideas.

A fine example of doublethink.

>> No.19952829
File: 84 KB, 602x900, guilt-by-accusation-9781510757530_xlg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any of the ones in this

>> No.19952838

It's BigJB21

>> No.19952841

Jhor Slutte-Beich

>> No.19952855

>ignoring even that men who are the opposite of a virgin, a man-whore so to say, express the same ideas.

Not for the most part, no. Funnily enough when you hang out with a bunch of women regularly as a "man-whore" you start to see them as fellow human beans.

Honestly, what people find frustrating about women as a whole is that most of them are midwits. Literally. The IQ distribution for them is much less erratic than mens. So it's much harder to find a stupid or genius woman than it is a man. The disparity is frustrating but gender neutral. You're just angry because you want to put your dick in them as well.

>> No.19952865

That is so gross, no one wants a child toy that smells like cooch.

>> No.19952869

This slimy Jew pedo might actually be kinda based

>> No.19952871

>But he is a symbol, an insult, to an imaginary group of "incels".
He is? I thought he was just a funny reaction image meme

>> No.19952872

Yeah I agree. That's just unhygenic.

>> No.19952876

Florence Dowell (nee Hurlbird)

>> No.19952884

I expected better from you

>> No.19952888

>no one wants a child toy that smells like cooch
I do

>> No.19952903

>Florence Dowell: John Dowell's wife and a scheming, manipulative, unfaithful woman who uses Dowell for his money while pursuing her affairs on the side. She fakes a heart ailment to get what she wants out of her husband and has a lengthy affair with Edward Ashburnham
The quintessential w*man

>> No.19952910

I'm just angry at rampant framing that has ruined good discourse in many topics. I still hold a grudge over "gamer gate".

I want to put my dick in them as well, true, but I have learned that the relationships are not desirable. I have become a casual man-whore with middling success. I strongly dislike women, which makes dating them rather weird.

But it's all a distraction. The issue is the imagined "incel", who I doubt exists. There was a documentary on an incel and he clearly seemed like a normal person with unfortunate looks and an unfortunate awkwardness (but not lack of confidence) that prevents him from getting a girlfriend. That is all. A situation such as this should not invalidate his observations either- even if he was the bitter, fat incel who plans school shootings, as this archetype is imagined to be.

Just like the poor should not be excluded from debate about wealth and the economy, just because they can't have it.

Again: it's not even about getting women or being an incel (imagined or real), it's how it is used (like "nazi"), to distract away from core issues.

Regarding female IQ I am unsure. I think they often pretend to be dumb, because it leads to better outcomes than to engage. My first gf was pretty smart and has a research job now. Ofc its anecdotal. The unpleasant part about women is, besides rampant delusion, lack of empathy (yet I don't mean "empathy for incels", rather empathy in general). They cannot imagine themselves in the skin of others. Then again they seem to like animals and many take on caretaker roles and jobs such as being a nurse, which implies empathy. Maybe it's something else.

>> No.19952913

why do i have an erection

>> No.19952915

The poem title Carthonn, set around 300ad?

>> No.19952919

the internet was a mistake

>> No.19952926

a reaction image needs a context to make sense. It's usually posted to imply that the OP is fat and by extension lazy and therefore has a bitterness towards women, because they surely rejected him before. It's just lazy mockery.

>> No.19952934

>It's usually posted to imply that the OP is fat
How new are you? It means "God I wish that were me"

>> No.19952946
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Traumnovelle by Schnitzler.

>> No.19952949

I hate women

>> No.19952966

What the fuck are you talking about. It means that that poster wishes he were the teddy bear in OP's webm.

>> No.19952973

Damn that's a nice ass

>> No.19952986

You glowies and "academic research graduates" really need to lurk moar

>> No.19952994

stfu glowies are based

>> No.19953018

other girl is cuter

>> No.19953043

It's more nuanced than that but yeah

>> No.19953189

Man, you are fucking pathetic.

>> No.19953837

same, men NEVER do things like this on camera

>> No.19953871

Some men are like that (or do even stupider shit) but those are the bottom of the barrell in terms of intellect and class. Problem is that ALL women, every single one of them, are vain whores.

>> No.19953921
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>> No.19953925

in other words, post books about schizo BPD roasties

>> No.19953932

god I wish that was me

>> No.19953957

>Natalia Poklonskaya

>> No.19953959

what a fag, you don't have to like women, you just use them to get off. harboring grudges because they're not sexually repressed like you are is gay as hell

>> No.19953982

Forgot to read the words

>> No.19954073
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>> No.19954075

Interesting. It would fit in with how we turn a group of people into an archetype. Therefore the image of that group’s supposed ‘example’ or typical guy, can become more important. The framing is downloaded so that anyone who sees someone with incel traits can already be judged. I’ve been studying socionics and they have a dichotomy for this, aristocratic/democratic. The aristocratic personalities don’t care about the Individual but more so the group.

>> No.19954084

no wonder people are becoming trans. as overtly masculine behavior is discouraged, and behavior like this is normalized, why would you not want to be a woman?

>> No.19954085
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>> No.19954109

stop making low-quality threads

>> No.19954117

This is the best thread in /lit/ catalog though

>> No.19954131

Insane physique, peak female form

>> No.19954291

Most trans just want to find a lesbian who wants a post-op mtf. Only way to get women to fuck them.

>> No.19954355
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>> No.19954508

Will I ever be able to stop resenting women? I'm trying to have a better attitude, but it seems that all of them are motivated by something that is so foreign and unpleasant to me.

>> No.19954681


>> No.19954684

You have to befriend some women; it's the only way to fix such negative perceptions. Quitting porn is good too. You need to stop approaching women like you would men. Women are NOT like men. They're starkly different- worse in some ways, but better in others. It's important to come into encounters in good faith. It's hard to explain but you need to think of them as different creatures with different expectations and social rules. Once you get over your baseline resentment you'll learn to love and appreciate women, but only if you recognize that they are not and can't be men, especially not the sort of autistic-adjacent men you tend to speak with online.

>> No.19954705

If your dad never told you how to operate a woman, read Hormonal by Margie Haselton

Gwyneth Paltrow in Sliding Doors
> We're women. We don't say what we want, but we reserve the right to be pissed off if we don't get it.

>> No.19954739


>> No.19954755

Dorothea Brooke

>> No.19954769

Peak demoralization

>> No.19954787

Radical Islam is pretty dumb but it's 100% right about women

>> No.19954788

I get that, but there's something about what they seem to be that I think I will always resent. They all seem so easy-going, hedonistic, and lacking in self awareness, and from that comes a capacity for cruelty that I've never seen in even the most sadistic of men.

>> No.19954801

You're right: bipolar disorder, narcissism and sociopathy are the default personality setting of a woman. Especially in contemporary first world culture - all the intrinsic female flaws are encourage, amplified and celebrated.

>> No.19954810

Dude you are the virginoid shutin here. Women IRL completely confirm every bias you get from media except it's even grayer and shittier

>> No.19954815
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Hilda Lessways in Clayhanger (by Arnold Bennett), and in the sequel from her perspective, called Hilda Lessways.

Arnold Bennett is such an underappreciated writer but while he lived he was the most famous writer on earth. The depiction of Hilda is so moving in the Clayhanger books it is hard to describe. That time she corners Edwin at the new house and asks him if he really means it about there being no virtue in belief. Or when she helps old Mr. Shushions or straightens her back. Is so vivid too.

>> No.19954856
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>They all
I know that it's tempting to speak in generalizations but women, like men, come on a case-by-case basis. I also know that "just make friends with a woman bro" is weak advice, but it's all I've got. I befriended some women and now I feel that I understand them better. I don't, and never will, completely understand female psychology, but having some reference is better than having none. You're going to make things much harder for yourself if you keep expecting women to behave like men do (and keep getting angry when they invariably don't act exactly like men). Keep an open mind and keep your head on straight brothers.

>> No.19954872


>> No.19954905

>women, like men, come on a case-by-case basis
I'm not one of those Anons you're quoting, but to be fair, it's quite safe to make generalizations about women - they're natural midwits and conformists. Sure, they have "interests", "quirks" and slight personality differences based on life experience but all in all they're pretty much uniform - at least considerably more so than men.

>> No.19954943

I used to agree with this line of thinking but have come to feel that it's too charitable towards men. Most men are retarded monkies. I am willing to concede that there are more exceptionally interesting men than there are exceptionally interesting women, but that says little about men/women as whole groups. That said I would like to reiterate my belief that comparing men and women directly is stupid because they're so different from eachother. I will also maintain that there ARE cool and interesting women who have more to offer than their lil pussies, though they're clearly more difficult to find than the cream of the male crop (no homo). The original anon I responded to asked if it was possible to get over his resentment/distrust of women, to which I still say "just make friends with a few women bro".

>> No.19954969
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What's the name of the pussy wagon riding that bear?

>> No.19954972

I would also like to be honest and note that I (white male) have never really had many white female friends, not since elementary school at least. To my memory every single girl I've ever befriended or dated was either an exchange student or a first generation immigrant. Chinese, Indian, Mexican, Thai, Kazakh, Japanese, but never a white girl. Make what you will of this.

>> No.19955127

good morning my friend

>> No.19955178

You're a coping half-incel mutt that's gotten laid a few times by mostly BPD chicks.

>> No.19955222

This isn’t true. You view them more as animals/children but lose the retarded vendetta some men have against women. Almost all the problems women present are just reflections of the problems with men. They lack the individuality to genuinely take a stand on anything, so going after them is like going after a symptom rather than the source of the disease.

>> No.19955232

Fair enough, I'm glad you've had some positive real life experience. Me, on the other hand - I've had every nasty blackpill stereotype confirmed.

>> No.19955238

lower your dosage of Adderall lmao

>> No.19955598

i'm convinced that the crossover is very high given the massive popularity of bookthreads, and i remember one post that was a copy of a litthread

i'm sutpenian btw, keep an eye out

>> No.19955630

This says a lot about our board as a whole