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/lit/ - Literature

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19950386 No.19950386 [Reply] [Original]

Write a plot idea you have. Other anons will let you know if something similar it's already been made. I'll start:

Condecorated soldier struggles to adapt to civilian life after almost a decade fighting abroad due to his temper and tendency to get into fights. He becomes a police officer and soon becomes dischanted with burocracy and corruption, which prompts him to become a vigilante hellbent on cleaning the streets

First half of the book is what I just described, second half is his life as a batman-esque dark knight and the subsequent manhunt that leads to his... death? escape to another country?

>> No.19950404

the main character (death) has a list of people to kill. The book goes from person to person trying to make the reader as sympathetic as possible to these people but the protagonist reminds the reader of there useless sentiment before finishing his job each time. Finally by the end the final person on the list has achieved a sort of material immortality but death is still happy knowing there would be victim has done his work form him in producing an infinite artificial hell and he can now rest easy as the rest of the worlds population joins said program

>> No.19950439

It's a basic bitch idea but: a sci-fi story, set about 100 years in the future. The world has adopted crypto currency as its main currency and now terrorists are trying a 51% attack.

>> No.19950468

sounds a bit like Black Parade (anime)
sounds a bit like that movie in which Daniel Radcliff is a skinhead minus the crypto part. You didnt even explain what crypto has to do with these terrorist (protagonists?)

>> No.19950694
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Every beautiful lady has an asshole (an organ that literally embodies the hot sulphurous underworld contained within us), but not every asshole has a beautiful lady. In short, every beauty has a beast, but not every beast has a beauty. This is the story of one such beautiful ani mirabilis feminae (to coin a phrase), and indeed one attached to a girl who went on to make it big in Hollywood, because of the impressive entourage she always carried with her wherever she went and which some researchers say literally became her Achilles heel in the end.

>> No.19950701

I would read the book you described

>> No.19952264


— Man meets woman for blind date. She is mysterious and not forthcoming, but he likes her. She slips away after the date. Then he finds he has a text / email saying his date cancelled. So who was the mysterious woman?

— Sailor meets woman. Promises to bring her back a necklace which will match her eyes. When he gets back with the necklace her eyes have changed colour. An Isak Dinesen-style possibly-supernatural romantic fable.

— A man sets up a business called LIFESWAP. A bit like a dating agency: you say what your life is and what you would like it to be. e.g. "I'm a university professor and I want to be a bartender." The agency matches you up with a bartender who wants to be a university professor then swaps your lives around, giving you both new identities, so you can start living as the other person.

>> No.19952284

The idea I have for plot is that plot itself is menial, trivial, and pointless. The greater challenge is to write something plotless. I see plot as being wholly beneath me and I refuse to engage with the concept on its own terms. Furthermore, I blame video games. "Wow! It's got a GREAT PLOT!" are words never spoken about books until recently. This is because brain-rotted slaves to sensation have come over from Marvel movies, anime, and video games trying to capture a bit of imagined gravitas by becoming The Guy Who Reads, so when mommy knocks on the door and daddy's with her going, "Son, we wish you would spend less time on this ANNIE-MAY and VIDYER GAMES," you can pull out a novel written with the aptitude of a gorilla's sign language to prove that you're reading, and isn't that great! Because your parents don't read either, they get to feel some passing ignorant pride that at least you're Reading Books too, and they get to kick that existential can down the road just one more day.

I hate plot. I hate anime. I hate video games. I hate anime niggers obsessed with plot and whose tastes come from video games. I wish everyone in this thread were dead, including myself. Oh, and fuck niggers, too!

>> No.19952301

Could be decent as a thriller short story, might educate some boomers and zoomers about what crypto currencies are, their limitations and what a 51% attack is. Anything beyond a short story would have to have merits beyond the plot, good characters, world building, etc.

>> No.19952353 [DELETED] 
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Here's an idea, in the future women are offered the opportunity the opportunity to virtually "swap pussies" with other girls through an internet-enabled neurolink that allows them to feel what other girls are feeling when they have sex, masturbating, or just thinking about a hot of boy (or girl). Thereby they'd also be able to choose from a menu of alternative pussies by age, race, sexual orientation, vaginal size, etc. Not only will girl be able to get another girl's head, but also into another girl's pussy directly and, as it were, telepathically--all while remaining technically quite heterosexual, if that's her thing. Talk about expanding the bounds and binds of feminism! Female orgasms of the world unite!

>> No.19952368
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Here's an idea, in the future women are offered the opportunity to virtually "swap pussies" with other girls through an internet-enabled neurolink that allows them to feel what other girls are feeling when they have sex, are masturbating, or just thinking about a hot boy (or girl). Thereby they'd also be able to choose from a menu of alternative pussies by age, race, sexual orientation, vaginal dimensions, etc. Not only will girl be able to get another girl's head, but also into another girl's pussy directly and, as it were, telepathically--all while remaining technically quite heterosexual, if that's her thing. Talk about expanding the bounds and bonds of feminism! Female orgasms of the world unite!

>> No.19952419

One of the many cool things in Neuromancer is SimStim — you can connect to another person and experience all their sensations.

Gibson uses it quite a bit so Case can ride along with Molly and see what she's doing, but a thing like that would make a gigantic difference to everything in the world and he doesn't really even begin to tackle all the ramifications.

That's why he's frustrating. He has lots of cool, prescient ideas, but he's so shallow they're mostly wasted. He's a slick, superficial writer. But he's good enough that it's annoying, because he could be so much better.

>> No.19952667


Mix going-forward-in-time and going-backwards-in-time.

It's been done, of course. In The Once And Future King, Merlin (sort of) lives backwards in time, so he "remembers" what's going to happen, but has no knowledge of what actually *has* happened. Similarly, in traditional folklore, fairies can remember the future but not the past. Or in the film Tenet, we have these objects that move backwards in time. The trouble with Tenet is that when you have that much interaction between "forwards" and "backwards", the whole thing falls to pieces in about two seconds because of logical impossibilities.

What I have in mind is a reasonably hard sci-fi treatment. That means no spectacular buildings-exploding-backwards-and-forwards or man-fights-reverse-man shenanigans. Basically I don't think you can have any physical interaction between the two realities because of causality & all. So how do you do it?

Tentative suggestion:

Imagine if you get an isolated system. You put it in a black hole or Dyson Sphere or something. Inside that "black box", time runs backwards. Then after a while, you can open the box and interact with the contents, but doing so breaks the reverse time thing.

So for example:

You put an old person in the box, together with enough of a world for him to live in. Shut it up. Wait a decade. Open it. The person is young. But now he starts ageing "forwards" again.

This isn't insane if there's no interaction, I think, because the laws of physics work just as well backwards in time as forwards. One issue is entropy, which is why Tenet burbles on about entropy. But there's ways round the problem.

>> No.19953974
