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19950096 No.19950096 [Reply] [Original]

It says "people" but can it also work on women?
I can't imagine a woman reacting positively to words of appreciation for example, unless, like in the example he gives, it comes from her husband or boyfriend or whatever.

>> No.19950102

This book and others typically recommended along with it are for faggots.

>> No.19950118
File: 172 KB, 654x980, Tumblr_l_29821343528465.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a retard book. You can definitely win everyone's heart by giving him a free blowjob.

>> No.19950408

The book is a crash course on how to not be a sperg if you want to climb the corporate ladder. The only thing I got out of the book is to not correct "higher ups" during discussions. Better tip is: don't ever question or ask anything from your manager unless it is absolutely necessary. I always get good reviews from managers and am fast tracked to management in large part due to that principle.

>> No.19950464

Despite what any of these faggots ITT will tell you, yeah the methods shown on that book will work on just about anybody desu. Basically the entire gist of that book is to talk less about yourself and put most of the focus of the conversation on the person that you're talking to. People ultimately care more about themselves than the person that they're talking to.

The only times where that book wouldn't work is if you're talking to someone who already has some sort of strong, unchangable superficial prejudice against you right from the beginning. But in that case they're not really worth giving a damn about so who gives a fuck?

>> No.19951360

Anectdotally I've received nothing but positive responses from complimenting women on their appearance. I keep it sincere and focus on stuff they have put effort into. Like I would never say, "Your hands are cute," but instead "I love your nails" when it is clear that they have had their nails done. You start on that level of complimenting her style/aesthetics and transition to directly complimenting her body when you have already passed the touch barrier or intimate touch barrier.

You'd think the above example sounds faggy as fuck--you're right. I put more thought into compliments of women I actually am attracted to. The reason I even bring up the faggy example is it has strangely panned out for me with decent results when I had zero expectations and was more or less expressing a throwaway compliment to talk to someone because I was bored.

Getting people to talk about themselves is great, but even a dumb compliment seems to shift the conversation into the realm of attraction intention. Even when that intent is not present on your end, I've observed that is how it is processed by the receiver.

I've never yet had a bad reaction to complimenting a woman. I'm not a giga chad or hideous either. I'm a solid 7 tall skelly.

>> No.19951368

But das gay, Anon

>> No.19952374

This worked once for me, back in high school, I complimented a friend on her teeth once. Was just totally random, I just noticed she had really nice teeth, and she was so genuinely heartfelt that I complimented her on it, this was probably the most sincere emotion I've ever seen that bitch display.
I was really taken aback, so yeah I cam to the same conclusion as you and tried doing that since then, but I mostly just get replies like "ah yeah thanks" so I don't really know.

>> No.19952502

This piece of shit books still works. Zoomers don't get the sort of treatment that this book offers, so the effects double, especially on women because usually they don't get any type of compliment in this day-age.

Zoomers, read this book even if it appears cringe.

>> No.19952572

The rare case in which "them" is the correct pronoun

>> No.19953262

I was under the impression that this is boomer-tier trash. Seems like everyone has read it which leads me to believe that it isn't effective since everyone will be adopting the tactics.

That being said, is worth reading?

>> No.19953322

see >>19950464

TL;DR: Yes.

>> No.19953330

>t. No friends and doesn’t influence people

>> No.19953338

>especially on women because usually they don't get any type of compliment in this day-age.

>> No.19953340

This book and The Bible collectively trigger spastic seething in the replies. Given the state of the average poster on this site that’s a good indicator that they contain valuable information for those seeking a life beyond the confines of mom’s basement.

>> No.19953344

Am I supposed to compliment on her colored nails although I don't like it when the nails of females are clean and cut short? I don't want to teach her to superficially alter her outsides to get my affection.

>> No.19953347

How tall are you?

>> No.19953355

Not that anon, but I think he meant that while women get fuck-tons of compliments online, women (especially zoomer chicks) generally don't really get complimented that much in-person/IRL by their male, due to zoomer males being total pussy faggots that never approach girls or compliment them out of the blue.

This is why older dudes, Chads, and other high-testosterone males in general tend to succeed better with younger women nowadays, but most zoomer males in the West have become such faggots that they don't even bother to take chances with women.

>> No.19953362

The guy was only using the nails analogy as an example, you fucking retarded faggot. Never compliment a girl on her fucking nails unless you want her to treat you as if you were literally her gay friend.

>> No.19953367

*don't really get complimented that much in-person/IRL by their male peers

>> No.19953368

Anon, you can say whatever it doesn’t matter.
Rule number 1: be attractive
Rule number 2: don’t be unattractive
Satisfy these two requirements and you could compliment a woman’s ear lobes or key chain and she’d be happy about it

>> No.19953371

this is presumptuous of me, but I got the impression the book was a handbook for those who were essentially socially inept. Like you grew up on a farm and now have to interact with many people on a daily basis. Doesn't it recommend something like using someone's name any time you speak with them?

>> No.19953387

this unironically

>> No.19953413

>Doesn't it recommend something like using someone's name any time you speak with them?
Not so much to the point where you sound like a weird creepy autist, but referring to someone by their name during a conversation has been proven to make you seem much more likeable as a person. Most people tend to be low-key narcissistic if you really think about, so the more you shift the conversation towards the person that you're speaking to, the more likely that person will like you and see you as a friend (or better yet, if you're dealing with a woman, she will develop a stronger romantic/sexual attraction towards you).

Plus referring to someone by their name at certain points during a conversation just makes you seem more charming. Most people don't do this sort of thing because they put all of their focus during a conversation on themselves rather than the person that they're speaking to, which is why most dudes fucking suck at it lol. This is the reason why if notice closely, youll see charming male movie characters use this same exact tactic while flirting with a female character.

>> No.19953433
File: 144 KB, 1024x929, looking good ladies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not the guy you're responding to but you have no fucking clue what you're talking about. If you go around complimenting women you'll look like a faggot. You "compliment" them by giving them selective and targeted attention but only after you've established yourself as desirable. You only compliment women which you have no desire.

>pic related is the impression you're giving me

>> No.19953453

I never said that the ONLY way can compliment women is by going around and cold-approaching them. But way to miss the point though, fucking retard.

>> No.19953460

*the ONLY way you can compliment women

>> No.19953466

>Most people don't do this sort of thing because they put all of their focus during a conversation on themselves rather than the person that they're speaking to
This is really the thesis of the book. When you meet a stranger the worst thing you can do is talk about yourself cause they have no relationship with you and simply don’t care. You should direct the conversation to something they are interested in. 99% of the time that will be themselves, but it doesn't have to be. It’s just hard to know what shared interests you have off the bat so the safest direction to guide the conversation is towards the other person. Also let the other person talk.
Biggest charisma pro-tip I can give any anon: don’t feel the need to respond to everything the other person says. If you pause for what feels like an uncomfortable period of time the other person will just instinctively start talking about something they care about and will usually end up sharing very intimate details. Almost everyone has something they are yearning to get off their chest. Ask open ended questions and just wait………. And they’ll tell you exactly what they want.

>> No.19953479
File: 33 KB, 680x763, 66f-1 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It says "people" but can it also work on women?

>> No.19953484
File: 13 KB, 650x650, ba9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek based

>> No.19953496

If you knew how to read you'd know that wasn't even implied in my response nor my argument

>> No.19953512
File: 381 KB, 600x692, 673.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"If you GO AROUND complimenting women you'll look like a faggot" = essentially implying that I had exclusively meant that you could only compliment women by merely approaching them
>posts a meme of some boomerjak cold-approaching women at a bar with compliments then walking away
>"If you knew how to read you'd know that wasn't even implied in my response nor my argument"
Holy fuck I am engaging a conversation with a literal retard.

>> No.19953531
File: 500 KB, 728x640, 1640031475273.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19953581

Is retard you're only insult? Expand your vocabulary instead of archiving pepe memes you limp dick faggot.

Let spell it for you: You said zoomers were faggots for not "complimenting women out of the blue" and I'm calling you out for the fairy beta bitch you are for thinking this tactic is viable. Since we are on topic, women didn't just suddenly start desiring older men. This has been going on since the dawn of mankind. Your whole post was just indirect way of saying you're, "I'm full of shit".

Didn't check grammar since I'm phone posting now. Driving to your mom's house to compliment her by giving her a new, better son.

>> No.19953620
File: 6 KB, 200x202, 973.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm calling you out for the fairy beta bitch you are for thinking this tactic is viable
Well of fucking course you don't think it's a viable tactic, probably because you're a seething zoomer incel who's too pussy to even go about talking to a girl IRL (let alone approach one), and you've basically taken everything I've said way too personally because it hit a little too close to home for you, lmao.

Now here's another pic of an animated frog.

>> No.19954935

>Seems like everyone has read it which leads me to believe that it isn't effective since everyone will be adopting the tactics.
1. It has sold 30 million copies worldwide over a span of 75 years. There are 7 billion people in the world. That's .042% of the current world population. And many of that 30 million it was sold to is dead or senile.
2. Many of that 30 million that bought it, never read it
3. Many of the people that bought it and read it don't even remember reading it.
4. Out of the people who bought it, read it, and remembered it, very, very few actually got around to putting any of it into practice.
5. And if they did they probably didn't keep it up long.

as for the content it's timeless shit. That said the version i'm reading must be updated since it references Stevie Wonder being a hit in the 70s

>> No.19954994


>> No.19955027

This. I'm the skelly and my whole point was I make a statement like that fully aware that it should put me in the "gay friend" box so I can have a friendly conversation dynamic without sexual intent. I'm continually surprised that some women actually respond to it with increased interest and it pushes the needle into sexual interest territory. It just goes to show the strength of compliments that even a faggy compliment can have that kind of response, A well thought out and intentioned compliment is fucking gold and rarer than you would think. Women receive a lot of stares, but not a lot of verbal feedback in our increasingly isolated and autistic world.

>> No.19955075

Dont internalize the shitty zoomer/millennial older men thing. It's pure divisional psy op nonsense mixed with bloomer cope. Millennials have nothing. Zoomers are on track to have even less than millennials or maybe equal if we've finally hit exploitation rock bottom. The guy you are conversing with is preaching crabs in a bucket shit. You don't have to feed into that meaningless discourse.
t. millennial

>> No.19955109

what should i compliment tho

>> No.19955117

It's a book on how to assume psychopath-esque behaviors. Just live your life anon, you only get this one round to be you, why spend your life in servitude of a machine?

>> No.19955120

start with the tits and go from there

>> No.19955136

something about them you genuinely appreciate.
author makes ditnctionb between flattery ang genuinme appreciation. do the latter. the former will probably not work.

>> No.19955139

what if i appreciate her ass or tits

>> No.19955151

i dont rememberr if it was written, but hed probably say you have to be respectful and inoffensive.

>> No.19955203

i'll compliment her bosom then

>> No.19955253

I'll compliment her ass then
she does always talk about how she goes to the gym, I mean the squats are definitely doing something, thighs too

>> No.19955270

I already told you, their style. Women put a lot of effort into their physical appearance compared to men. You are noticing and appreciating a piece of that effort. Sometimes they give you something more concrete to work with than clothes/accessories like a book, band apparel, sticker, etc. If only you could comprehend the sheer amount of fucking earrings your average woman has. Jewelry, shoes, hats, scarves--there are so many points of interest she is trying to get someone to appreciate when in reality all that stuff is background to her body and her face. If you bring it out of the background it makes her day.

A tip for conjoined types (sorority sisters in any group size or friends) is to directly compliment their conformity. They are matching for a reason and you are basically fellating their friendship telling the group you like their matching apparel. Throw in the low hanging fruit that it makes them like sisters. They love that, that's what they are going for and someone is acknowledging it.

You've gotta be sincere though. It's got to be stuff you organically notice, not something contrived you have to look for after you've already decided you are purely attracted to them physically. It's like a wink. If you have to think about the wink it's not the right time to wink.

>> No.19955273

can probably be done if phrased smoothly.

>> No.19955279

The book didn't tell me how to be smooth

>> No.19955291

i dont think it means to.

>> No.19955404
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Every jew I've ever met has been obsessed with this fucking book.

It works, too. Especially on white male boomers. I truly do admire the sheer evolutionary optimum that the jewelry have achieved, they're like those fungal parasites that control ant brains.

>> No.19955948

Do you think Stevie Wonder ever read his book?

>> No.19956328

You must understand that this book works on the presumption that the person reading it is a high functioning normal human being who has aspirations of becoming a socialite or management type. If you can't order food from a waiter in person without stuttering I'm afraid you're not going to get much from this book, since you probably won't be able to execute its suggestions

>> No.19956534

Do you do this on dating apps, or do you approach women and do it in person? Has it actually gotten you laid?

>> No.19956561

What if you’re not all that physically attracted to the girl, and her style seems boring/basic? Should you try to strike up a conversation about her interests first, or just give her a disingenuous compliment about her appearance and hope that it gets you somewhere? Also, when I’ve complimented girls about their looks, they often just say “Awww, thanks!” and it doesn’t lead the conversation anywhere. If they respond that way, how do you proceed from there?