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/lit/ - Literature

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19950004 No.19950004 [Reply] [Original]

I'll start with Carmelo Bene

>> No.19950079

me :(

>> No.19950088
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>> No.19950135

We talk about pynchon all the time.

>> No.19950140
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>> No.19950151
File: 113 KB, 1224x1222, Paolo Pasolini.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19950158

Chinese literature, don't have a specific author, just in general.
I think worthless le funny posts ruin the board's quality and enable newfags and others to think it's expected of them to make similar le funny posts, which is how boards die.

>> No.19950181

Boards dead it gasped it’s final breath after the waldun thing.
Now it’s just cathlarpers and storm niggers shitting up every thread constantly.

>> No.19950190

>I think worthless le funny posts ruin the board's quality
These posts are as old as the board/4chan. They and their occasional unintended consequences is a big part of what sets 4chan apart from moderated forums where they would be deleted.

>> No.19950224

John Huston

>> No.19950242
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>Chinese literature, don't have a specific author, just in general.
I agree with this. All the classic Chinese novels are a lot of fun, but Ive also always felt that a lot of posters on here would find a lot to like from the May 4th authors and their contemporaries.

For example- there's a 1922 short story by Yun Dafu called 'Sinking' that explores the mind of a young man wrapped up in despair, alienation, loneliness, and sexual longing as he laments the weakness of his homeland- the sorta thing the Mishima heads on here would no doubt eat up.

Interwar China- especially Shanghai- was a fascinating place.

>> No.19951524

This cunt is just a pretender

>> No.19951728

>Carmelo Bene

He's like a shitty hippy version of Pasolini and Genet

>> No.19951732
File: 49 KB, 933x525, 9780385540629_wide-565f21f0245d68397e8b9160683b3f765c81dafe-s1100-c50.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related is the real pretender.

>> No.19952854

Woa, he’s buff