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/lit/ - Literature

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19949673 No.19949673 [Reply] [Original]

For me, it's HA-P6

>> No.19949700


>> No.19949723
File: 156 KB, 1235x978, d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my full stack btw:
every 4 hours:
140mg CRL-40,941
250mg CDP-choline
250mg phosphatidylserine
1000mg histidine
25mg P-5-P intranasal

every 12 hours
500mg creatine
500mg ALCAR (sometimes more later)
250mg magnesium (1x more later)
600mg sodium butyrate
200mg alpha-lipoic acid (1x more later)
2000ug methyl B12 sublingual
50mg bromantane

0.5mg P21
12mg IDRA-21
5mg PRL-8-53 intranasal
20mg NSI-189 intranasal
40mg trans-ISRIB-A17 intranasal
15mg J-147
1mg semax
4mg brexpiprazole
10mg aripiprazole
20mg lutein xeanthine
0.15g RGPU-95
516ml Ar-Turmerone
11mg Risperidone

every other day:
120mg Vorinostat
40mg tranylcypromine buccal
8+4mg reboxetine
14mg JDTic
75mg bicalutamide
2.5mg selegiline buccal
12.5mg amisulpride
1.5mg naltrexone (ULDN)
10mg ramipril

20mg PPAP intranasal (+10mg later)
0.5g phenibut
10mg nitrendipine
200mg amantadine + 200mg later
0.2mg buprenorphine buccal + 0.2mg later

>> No.19950396

Have fun growing tits lol

Whats all this shit do for you anyways assuming you arent just bullshitting.

>> No.19950518

just do kratom dumbass

>> No.19950520

Seroquel :((

>> No.19950569

Acid, but not microdosing.

I probably took more than 2000ug LSD to get through Heidegger's Sein und Zeit.

>> No.19950626


>> No.19950742 [DELETED] 

adderall, admittedly. my straight mind struggles with a paragraph; it wanders, my attention is allured by anything--a color calling from the corner of my eye, a sound seducing my selective ear, a word willing memory or wanton wants--and i'm remiss to remember what was just read. when i pop a few pills and pick up a book, i can't put it down, i plow through pages and withhold every word, mesmerized by meaning, obsessed with observation, absorbed in appreciation, capturing concepts with captivating clarity--until the venom vacates my veins. so i crush a couple capsules, snort some salts, and set my sights back on some such classical or contemporary composition again.

>> No.19950749

adderall, admittedly. my straight mind struggles with a sentence; it straggles, my attention is allured by anything--a color calling from the corner of my eye, a sound seducing my selective ear, a word willing memory or wanton wants--and i'm remiss to remember what was just read. when i pop a few pills and pick up a book, i can't put it down, i plow through pages and withhold every word, mesmerized by meaning, obsessed with observation, absorbed in appreciation, capturing concepts with captivating clarity--until the venom vacates my veins. so i crush a couple capsules, snort some salts, and set my sights back on some such classical or contemporary composition again.

>> No.19950753

After a long bout of nootropics (so many racetams), the only things that actually made a difference were just Bacopa monnieri, coffee, and lifestyle changes.

>> No.19950770

I don't do drugs when I read, as I want what I read to be life altering and therefore "drugs" in itself. You're reading the wrong books if they don't give you these feelings, as if your world is expandig. I do however like a glass of red wine to go with my writing if my mind feel sluggish.

>> No.19950776

I drink a couple white claws and I vape 35mg nicotine salts like it's my job

>> No.19950886

to whoever’s reading this: please don’t do kratom. it will 100% make you go bald, develop gyno, and completely dependent on opiates until you die.

>> No.19951037

What kind of books do you like to read?

>> No.19951124

Not him but when my deppression causes me to wake up with the urge to put a bullet through my head its kinda hard to feel anything except shitty.

>> No.19951142

I don't take drugs
not some brainwash american cattle

>> No.19951634

This guy fucks.

>> No.19951775


Yep. Adderall is the closest thing to that "limitless" pill. When I read on that poison my mind absorbs and remembers everything, there's no need to take notes. I'll get through a book in one day that would take me a week before. In social situations I'm a lot more articulate and can express my thoughts more clearly that captivates people's attention.

I'm on a very low dose too so I don't get the euphoric feelings from it but it's a great drug when not abused. Weekends only for me.

>> No.19951882

Not just for reading but it has the effect of allowing me to read without pause until I realize that it's been 9 hours and I'm about to pee my pants. Same for pretty much every other activity.

Only problem is that it builds up in my system a lot more than most people. If I stop taking it after 4-5 days per week for a month I'll spend the next week sleeping 12 hours a night and taking a 2 hour nap every afternoon. This, even though my sleep schedule is pretty stable at 7-8 hours per night and I usually wake up naturally before my alarm.

>> No.19951918


>> No.19951980


>> No.19952122

Ritalin, ethanol, caffeine, cocaine, meditation, masturbation/sex, healthy diet and lifting weight.

>> No.19952127

This. Some philosophy after a good nut is unbeatable. Seneca hits especially hard for me after doing the deed.

>> No.19952140

Do burgers really?

>> No.19952153
File: 1.73 MB, 320x568, 1641278590970.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes they rly do

>> No.19952183

Orange juice

>> No.19952231

Harry Potter

>> No.19952365

You can tell how much seethe this vid has produced by how shitty and artifacty it is now.

>> No.19952395

How would risperidone make me grow tits?

>> No.19952400


>> No.19952423

no like swallowing someone elses cum

>> No.19952438

This made me laugh thanks anon

>> No.19952444

I wish I could get ket, I want to dissociate but I don't like nausea so fuck dxm

>> No.19952939

While this probably isnt true kratom sucks and kratom users are a cult

>> No.19953014

It got a recall a while ago for causing gynocomastia in males
t. had to take risperdone/risperdal

>> No.19954410


>> No.19954779

You're right, it's in the possible side effects. Less then one in ten patients experience this. It's hardly the worst side effect tho.
t. still on 1mg of risperdone

>> No.19954808

What's the story behind the video?

>> No.19954845

what is zoloft

>> No.19954875

Chevas and Newports

>> No.19954961

Based granny. Shame her legacy is a bunch of pill popping NPCs.

>> No.19955083


>> No.19955297

I wrote my PhD in record time by waking up at 4 every morning, drinking a pot of black coffee and taking 4g of dried lion's mane

>> No.19955525


>> No.19955531

Idk. Coffee, protein powder, creatine, some aspirin (baby)

>> No.19955553

look at these dysgenic subhumans.

>> No.19955556

So you're a tweaker

>> No.19955566

I took too much dmt. Instead of having a bit and seeing a bunch of friendly ayy lmaos, I had more than I should have and it's like I went to far. No aliens. I just crashed out and it's like I was seeing my own memories. I got stuck in some weird deja vu warp room. It wasn't fun at all and I haven't felt right since then.

>> No.19955582

My only drug is Mr. God.

>> No.19955614

I'm pretty sure a lot of /lit/ users are just stimheads who got a hold of the internet by mistake

>> No.19955992

this video was the final straw in my considering ssri's lmfao, its all too much, ill go to my grave insane and anxious i dont care.

>> No.19955999

Lmfao, based.

>> No.19956228

Wtf nigga you must be trolling, you dirty sarms goblin

>> No.19956292

No that anon but it’s mostly true. It’s an opiate so if taken daily it’s pretty much impossible to quit (check r/quittingkratom), it does fuck with your hormones, and a lot of people report the balding problem.

>> No.19956316

Adderall and similar drugs have turned multiple very intelligent people I know into narcissistic midwits who have psychotic breaks and paranoid delusions

>> No.19956323
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>being this jelly of psychotic breaks and paranoid delusions

>> No.19956433

that sounds awful :\

>> No.19956470

Psychedelics can be really intense and destructive under the right circumstances. It might take a while, but you should feel alright eventually. Don't be afraid to talk to someone if you need to.

>> No.19956488
File: 214 KB, 1800x1200, dudedrugs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What drugs does /lit/ take to read through books?

>> No.19956496

I took it daily for at least half a year and had no problem quitting. The people on quitting kratom take stupid high doses and often have had past opiate addictions. Imo if you keep your doses reasonable you'll be fine.

>> No.19956547

post IQ

>> No.19956555

I'll periodically microdose shrooms and gorge myself on redmeat. It helps

>> No.19956567

Mix of Codeine and Diazepam. Mainly because I suffer chronic head pain from an injury so I find it difficult to concentrate on reading unless I numb myself and relax

>> No.19956782

I had a DXM dose that fucked me right up for days

>> No.19956897

I'm a winner, I do drugs

>> No.19957319

Possibly derealization/depersonalization, happened to me after a bad trip. Took me 2 years to get over it and still struggle with feelings of unreality to this day 6 years later

>> No.19957636

All that to get through the say.
Also you forgot Coenzyme Q10, the best supplement of all

>> No.19957657

Fuck how can I get my psychologist to prescribe me this? I am so tired of slowly increasing dosages for stuff that doesn't make any difference, I just want to fucking read.

>> No.19957664

say you can't focus enough to read and want to try adderall. . .

>> No.19957702

That's what I told him last time, but he still insists that I spend weeks trying to slowly build up tolerance while increasing dosages for the drug I am currently taking.

>> No.19957929

what a kike, get a new one

>> No.19958400

try pregabaline