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/lit/ - Literature

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19949308 No.19949308 [Reply] [Original]

I'm looking for books that explain why is West, all of a sudden, so obsessed with the notions of "equality" and "diversity"; why sexual and race minorities suddenly matter? Why communism is suddenly cool again? And so on. Why is it suddenly okay to silence out anyone who dares to have a different opinion on anything? And why are all of the biggest corporations in the world like Facebook, Google, Twitter, etc. seemingly so in love of all those ideas?

>> No.19949323
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>> No.19949324

I'll spare you days of reading, it's the jews anon.

>> No.19949331

>all of a sudden
it has been ever since the enlightenment, about 300 years ago
>why sexual and race minorities suddenly matter?
because they're human beings
>seemingly so in love of all those ideas?
because if they seem progressive and in line with the values of most people they will be more successful as businesses. also they need to appeal to as many people as possible

>> No.19949466
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>> No.19949476

Are there any good books to confirm this for me? How did you come to that impression?

>> No.19949483

Ibn Khaldun (pbuh)

>> No.19949484

Cold war ended so the politicians weaponized partisanship.

>> No.19949490

sure, checkout the nation of islams catalog on the subject

>> No.19949495

A religious conversion is taking place, the likes of which have not been seen in 2000 years.

>> No.19949518


What do you mean "all of a sudden?"

The entire history of the west is the pursuit of liberty against the forces of tyranny.

>> No.19949635
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>> No.19949642

>all of a sudden
Two world wars were fought over this. The bad guys won btw.

>> No.19949652

No, this is literally just Christianity doing what it's been doing since it started. Go crack read Eusebius, he talks about the necessity of uniting humanity as one race practicing one religion and speaking one anti-language (technically Hebrew is the only true language, Koine is not "a language" according to him).

>> No.19949653

Fuck you and that face, given people nightmares

>> No.19949660

Tocqueville's Democracy in America
Baudrillard's Consumer Society

>> No.19949669
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Ted didn't offer any solutions but he provided some pretty decent analysis on why things are the way they are.

>> No.19949888


Democracy in America, Why Liberalism Failed, the passages on masks and on the rabble in Thus Spoke Zarathustra, the chapter "On Nobility" in BG&E, Marquis de Sade, Houellebecq, "Victim of the Muses" by Todd M. Compton, "The End of History and the Last Man" by Fukuyama

tl;dr crowds win at violence, and the interest of the crowd and its participants is to grow larger and larger since its power draws on quantity alone. And it expresses its power through violence or implicit violence by exclusion. The crowd cannot endlessly grow in mass because this would violate its feeling of power if there was none left for it to attack and persecute. But it has a general tendency to grow in mass, and the desire it fulfills comes in opposition to other desires such as pride, self distinction, individual recognition and superiority, etc. "Equality" is a mechanism for subduing the desire for self superiority, in favor of the mass superiority of the crowd. And when the power of the crowd eventually grows too much, society begins to lose necessary social distinctions required to support advanced civilization

>> No.19949903
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Or to rephrase very simply, quantity and quality are always at war with one another

>> No.19949911
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Here's an actually good recommendation
Highly suggest reading

>> No.19950007

>>durr the early Church had universal ambitions so therefore its the progenitor of everything else in the world that does

Based most superficial possible analysis. Might be worth taking five minutes to look into the actual philosophical substance of the things you're talking about.

>> No.19950026

It's just another great awakening. The us has them every 50 years or so.

>> No.19950028

Just read Lasch bro.

>> No.19950032

The philosophical substance doesn't matter in this instance. It set up the cultural features necessary and then mutated for a sizeable part of the population to what you're seeing now.

>> No.19950062

Read Nietzsche. Or even Hegel

>> No.19950131

This thread proves how divided /lit/ is. No unifying hatred of a common enemy. The world really is fucked. I’m going to read some Karl Schmitt and fantasise about dead democrats,

>> No.19950136

nice bait

>> No.19950146

> No unifying hatred of a common enemy
Are you telling me this is bad?

>> No.19950159

It's bacause White people are good and kind. I still wish they would disappear though.

>> No.19950174
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I'll be your enemy

>> No.19950189

Genealogy of Morality, Gay Science, Beyond Good and Evil

>> No.19950205
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Oh my dude

>> No.19950210

>wtf are you saying that things are made up of parts and that these parts have consequences for the thing that they make up?!
...Yes? Duh? That's why I said it.

>> No.19950301

I'm amazed you have the energy to type this out, I can't be fucked to. Might just copy this to paste it again when it comes up for the six hundredth time.

>> No.19950412

Kevin MacDonald's trilogy is said to be very good. I have only read the third, Culture of Critique, but I stand by it.
The first two books are on the history of the Jews, and their society. And the third concludes with how they achieved their positions of power, how they further their influence, and why they use the methods they use.

>> No.19950435

Verbeeten, The Politics of Nonassimilation

>> No.19952273
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think on this, OP.

>> No.19952277

blah blaah blah blah
Shut the fuck up you newfaggot culture war peasant zoomer retard subhuman trash
You are an exhausted easily replicated manufactured cliché gutterscum rodent

>> No.19952280

for a primer, watch some e michael jones interviews

>> No.19952296


>> No.19952344

>it has been ever since the enlightenment, about 300 years ago
Equality, yes in some sense, diversity, no.
>because they're human beings
The idea of a human being is a non-reality which has been constantly changing over time. One day it might foreseeably include simians.
>because if they seem progressive and in line with the values of most people they will be more successful as businesses. also they need to appeal to as many people as possible
The only thing in your post which is actually correct, although glaringly obvious and does not say anything we didn't already know

>> No.19952526

Leftist analysis is so laughable, they have literally nothing beyond this depersonalized sociological and economic critique. They absolutely shit the bed when attempting any kind of actual *political* analysis. They don't know who the actors are, where the power lies, or what motivates the elite, it's all just "THEY JUST WANT PROFITS MAN".

>> No.19952532
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>> No.19952542

The e Michael Jones book posted earlier is great. Try the Scot Howard's Transgender Industrial Complex.

>> No.19952544

>I'm looking for confirmation bias on things I've already established foregone conclusions on
You're stuck in an ideological prison with the same people you undoubtedly loathe and will endlessly complain about for the same reasons.

>> No.19952571

Corporations are in it for the money of course. And Larry Fink gives you money for it.

>> No.19952574

you people are so fucking boring. get new material. we've seen the statistics, what the fuck are we gonna do about it? i come here to talk about one of the things that i take enjoyment in, literature. go to another board you underoccupied faggot

>> No.19952600

Lollers @ all the powerless, argumentless seething at op. Makes me interested in the books provided.

>> No.19952606

As I wrote elsewhere:

>What is most existentially determining, sex, race or class? Obviously class–the rich of any race or sex have far more in common among themselves than they do with those of their sex or race who are not wealthy, beginning with the inordinate power they wield over "democracies" Is it impolite to say this while it is not impolite to discuss racial or gender conflict at the first opportunity?

You get the picture about why they're doing it.

>> No.19952607

Mitchell Heisman's Suicide Note

>> No.19952830

leftism revisited - erik von kuenheldt-leddihn

it's because of the french revolution

>> No.19952866

>e Michael Jones
Retard busted.

>> No.19952987
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>> No.19953046

>because if they seem progressive and in line with the values of most people they will be more successful as businesses
But that's just not true, look at for example the difference between critic and audience scores on rotten tomatoes of all these woke movies. It's all top down and it's not even working

>> No.19953163

This. So. Much. This.

>> No.19954142


>> No.19954152

Coddling of the American Mind

Cynical theories

Primal screams by Mary Eberstadt