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/lit/ - Literature

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19948972 No.19948972 [Reply] [Original]

das rite

>> No.19948984

Russia is Nigeria with snow

>> No.19948996

Peter the Great was black and his real name was Tyrone but they covered that up

>> No.19949006

What's with half the text being in orange? Is it just social media shit where they want to catch scrolling zoomers with a 0.5 millisecond attention span?

>> No.19949014


>> No.19949021 [DELETED] 

Amazing how little niggers have achieved apart from the great figures who have been "proven" to be black.

>> No.19949030

75% black + 25% white = black
75% white + 25% black = black

>> No.19949065

And according to the tale he would've only been 12.5% black

>> No.19949074

>A certain socialite lady was once asking Pushkin about his ancestors.
>"Is it true that negro blood flows in your veins?"
>"Of course," answered Pushkin.
>"So, your grandfather was a negro?"
>"No, my grandfather was not a negro already."
>"Therefore, your great-grandfather was a negro?" insisted the lady.
>"Yes, my great-grandfather was one."
>"Well, so, he was a negro. In that case, who was his father?"
>"An ape, my lady!", snapped Pushkin.

>> No.19949097

Can't blame them, it was white people who came up with that rule in the first place.

>> No.19949322

Wheres that from? Or is it fake?

>> No.19949377

This isn't wrong though, he was a nigger-sl*v mutt, not White; but everyone already knows this and the only people who care likely don't even read in the first place.

>> No.19949404

It's a well-known anecdote about Pushkin that can be found in many Russian-language sources. It may be apocryphal though.

>> No.19949511

>Kidnapped as a child by Ottomans, Gannibal was traded to Russia and presented as a gift to Peter the Great, where he was freed, adopted and raised in the Emperor's court household as his godson.
What a great gift, I always wanted a black child I can breed into the nobility

>> No.19949843

Kek wtf is that photo. After three generations of bleaching you look like a normal white, maybe with a big nose

>> No.19949864
File: 45 KB, 552x535, one.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's with
>half the text
being in green? is it just social media
where they want to catch strolling zoomers with a
>0.5 millisecond attention span?

>> No.19949968

I remember one were he made fun of a white guy who was making fun of him, though.
kek. People where weird back then and a black kid was novel.
> After three generations of bleaching you look like a normal white
> t. Coping American

>> No.19951105
File: 46 KB, 609x616, B04AF4AF-8509-4378-83F8-558B7DD5C542.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19951387
File: 36 KB, 650x341, 7B21E6BC-CBA6-4A43-A4E0-4BDD7C2CD14B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah even when its only an 1/8th its easy to tell

>> No.19951415

gonna need a source on that

>> No.19951443

see >>19951387
He and his wife were practically "white passing". Like anon said, Pinchback was only 1/8th black but the government legally classified him as black, unofficially mulato.

>> No.19951448

No one tell them that jews are the most mixed race on the planet.

>> No.19951453

I'm the nigger that's going to sleep with your sister

>> No.19951454 [DELETED] 

A nigger is nigger, no matter how much nigger he is.

>> No.19952268

Just because your name is Abraham, David, John, or Isaac doesn't mean you're Jewish retard, kys.

>> No.19953721

What retards could possibly think john in a jewish name these days?

>> No.19953894

Nigger never held a job, wrote rhymes and died in a shootout, everything checks out..

>> No.19955009

Pushkin sounds like a nice guy

>> No.19955024

>the father of Russian literature


>> No.19955068

1 drop rule's most ardent defenders are libs now kek

>> No.19955260
File: 168 KB, 985x1000, alexander-pushkin-at-work-1899.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pushkin died in 1837. Somov, the artist who wrote that portrait in 1899 to illustrate a new edition of Pushkin's collected works, was born in 1869.

>> No.19955320

Drew, not wrote, duh.

He deviated a bit from realism, for sure:

>> No.19955731


>> No.19957069


Vladimir Putin's real name is Lamar Otis and his father is a blues guitar player from St Louis named Leon.