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19948375 No.19948375 [Reply] [Original]

Great book, it actually managed to make me more suicidal than I already was. There is no higher praise.

>> No.19948750

the story wasn't even sad tho, the entire thing was his fault for being a such a bitch. he literally had his entire life handed to him on a silver platter and chose to throw all away woman tier BPD reasons, sorry can't relate. too many people have it hard these days so if you're as much of a faggot as the protagonist of this story, you probably should just kys.

>> No.19948886

This book is over rated man. This shit wasn't even sad. He literally gets chicks and opportunities tossed at him for just existing. If you think this is sad then you're normie tier as fuck and probably got depressed because quarantine.

>> No.19948917

>This shit wasn't even sad. He literally gets chicks and opportunities tossed at him for just existing. If you think this is sad then you're normie
Ah, another incel complaining that if he's not getting any pussy and social success it's le sad and if someone is getting them then he doesn't have a right to be sad. Kys.

>> No.19948948

"i have a personality disorder"

wow great book

>> No.19948958

Did you miss the part where the servants molested him? I prefer inceldom to that.

>> No.19948999
File: 22 KB, 259x383, Complete_Manual_of_Suicide.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try reading this:

>> No.19949031

Thanks, I'll check it out

>> No.19949038

The book really pleads to get help with your personal and social relationship troubles. It makes quite a picture of mental health issues and if it is relatable I'd advise finding someone to help you.
Remember that people lika Oba and Osamu can make it in life, the biggest hurdle is accepting that you need help from a supporting outsider.

>> No.19949051

I know I need to but I always put it off for vague reasons.
One of these days, I swear.

>> No.19949115

>Notes From Underground vs No Longer Human

>> No.19949216

i'll try it out, thanks

>> No.19949236

The "criticisms" this book gets never fail to amuse me. But yes, it's fantastic. A great translation, too.

>> No.19949281

Once you make the move you'll realize that doing it earlier would have saved suffering. The person you are hurting the most is yourself anon, but everyone needs a little push sometimes anon.
I believe there will be a day where you cut the knot and take the leap finding help.

>> No.19949290

Isn't that just a list and explanations of different suicide methods?

>> No.19949291

>He literally gets chicks and opportunities tossed at him for just existing.
incels are so shallow

>> No.19949369

>The Complete Manual of Suicide
>is a manual of suicide
why are you surprised?

>> No.19949400

Thanks anon, chronic depression was winning today and I needed that.

>> No.19949428
File: 60 KB, 376x275, bilbo baggins.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not him but what's shallow about it, it's the truth. the protagonist of this novel is

>a rich kid with a dad who fucks about with the jap parliament
>spends all day taking advantage of retarded women who pay his way through life because he's a cute twink
>trolls cringeworthy communist clubs out of their money so he can drink all day
>overall acts like a beta bitch and kills himself in his 30s when he realizes the gravy train is over (same thing the author did)

genuinely trying to figure out how this is a sympathetic character when there are literal fucking slaves around the world to this day, people who live in constant insolvency, violent warzones, etc. every time somebody brings this up, guys like you screech their "WHATABOUTISM, depression is real okay? problems are real if they exist in your mind?!"

to which the appropriate response is:
yes, depression and demoralization sucks but at the end of the day such people are unsympathetic characters because there is no hope for them, they have every fucking thing in this world and still screw it up, so fuck them. there are people who would kill for a tenth of yozo's opportunity, so when someone like him says DURRRR I SUFFER! many people just rightfully roll their eyes. if you are on that level and still suffer, your story is not worth telling, you should just fucking die and let real humans into the mix and let them live their lives (via taxing your demographic until you can't breathe).

tl;dr yes, people born rich can still suffer and have mental problems etc. but they should basically just fucking be killed and their assets seized for the common good because if you are that much of a brain-broken fuckup then it's a waste of everyone's time to rehabilitate you and you are an active parasite making the world a worse place for others. yes such people have real problems, but this is a zero sum world so you deserve zero sympathy.

>> No.19949545

>this is a zero sum world
Take your own advise asap

>> No.19949554

All i'm getting from this is that you're a virgin.

>> No.19949557

If anything I think this all just speaks to your personal inability to feel sympathy for others. You're too obsessed with your own little miseries.
Yes, of course there are people who aren't born into extravagant wealth and would, quite literally, kill to achieve the level of comfort Yozo has in his little bubble of irrelevance. But there are many more who would find themselves in his shoes, inherit his mental illnesses, and an hero unapologetically after noticing how fucking vapid their lives happen to be. This is what the novel explores.
I'm sorry you're so much of a narcissist you can't empathize with the plights of others, no matter who they may be. Perhaps you should look deep inside and write a reflection on the subject.

>> No.19949567

Go back to >>>/r/eddit
>it's a waste of everyone's time to rehabilitate you and you are an active parasite making the world a worse place for others
Who's this "everyone", and how do wealthy depressed people make the world a significantly worse place?

>> No.19949573

In a not-so-twisted logic I could see how the wasted opportunity could tangibly make the world a worse place in the eyes of someone who doesn't quite understand how wealth and capitalism works. A twisted version of noblesse obligue, I guess?

>> No.19949582

To me, No Longer Human does a great job of demonstrating how you can have luck and good lucks and a whole bunch of shit going for you and still fuck it all up by being obsessed with the wrong ideas. He can't get certain thoughts about himself and the world out of his head, so he self-destructs situations that could actually bring meaning to his life. Probably because deep down, he doesn't think he deserves happiness.

>> No.19949588

reddit stank

>> No.19949599

>Probably because deep down, he doesn't think he deserves happiness.
This is literally what the original title allures towards.

>> No.19949610

It's a very human novel

>> No.19949682
File: 7 KB, 251x201, based little man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these therapy-attending niggas just proved your right, my lawd.

>> No.19949699
File: 51 KB, 678x381, a knight's tale.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Who's this "everyone", and how do wealthy depressed people make the world a significantly worse place?

by consuming the prosperity of the third world slaves who make the goods they consoom while producing nothing, pretty straightforward. as >>19949573 says (misspelled), when you are on that level you either noblesse oblige or your consumption is an active parasite on other people. spot the lie?

>> No.19949727

literally me

>> No.19949745

>by consuming the prosperity of the third world slaves who make the goods they consoom while producing nothing
that's literally everyone from the first world though not just rich people

>> No.19949755
File: 31 KB, 261x381, The_Tartar_Steppe_cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok. Now read this
it will make you feel so much better ;)

>> No.19949784

not entirely. while the abject poor do get to consoom those goods in the first world, reminder that that bottom half of the US for example is worth less than $1k (many are in the negative)

so any time people bitch about this kind of bougie shit (i'm le sad even though my dad works in the jap diet) it just brings to mind the fact that half your own countrymen live like thirdworlders and meanwhile you're "overwhelmed" by the of it all, like shut the fuck up if you can't handle being rich turd (compared to the 99% of the world) you should just die since your mere existence is an aggression against those people every day.

>> No.19949863

It made me want to blow all my money on booze and prostitutes, that's how I plan to spend rest of my year after I get my degree

>> No.19949889

the actual destitute in the US are still part of the relentless consumption machine, that's how they justify their existence in the eyes of the fed
they're just pigs that keep money flowing into the economy by paying for a myriad luxuries while, at least on paper, being destitute
of course not everyone gets a tugboat at the end of the month but the grand majority of them do and are more than happy to fulfill their role
maybe that's what will bring the conversation full circle and make you realize the human condition is pretty much a joke and any attempts at taking wealth or merit seriously are laugh worthy
just read the bezos or musk interviews if you want a peek into the mind of the type of people that have percentages of the entire global economy at their fingertips

>> No.19949909

Didn't Osamu drown himself in a river?

>> No.19950116

>You can't suffer if you're socially successful because... you just can't, okay?!
You're so small-minded and myopic that you believe if girls sucked your dick you would have zero woes in your life. It's honestly pathetic.

>> No.19950133

Little commie bitch.

>> No.19950169
File: 810 KB, 1054x677, 1612737398029.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>To me, No Longer Human does a great job of demonstrating how you can have luck and good lucks and a whole bunch of shit going for you and still fuck it all up by being obsessed with the wrong ideas. He can't get certain thoughts about himself and the world out of his head, so he self-destructs situations that could actually bring meaning to his life. Probably because deep down, he doesn't think he deserves happiness.
Fuck anon this hits me hard.

Another fun side-effect of this is that if you try to explain this to a psychologist they will try to somehow explain it all away as "environmental factors" or whatever. They will never admit that I'm just a shitty person and that it's my own fault that things are the way they are. They thus also do not accept my self-evaluation of human trash, instead of acknowledging the problem they dance around it and it ends up going nowhere.

>> No.19950754
File: 59 KB, 330x300, Kalmankantaja - Kuolonsäkeet (Digipack).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this book is for those who can relate and it's not even a particularly helpful experience for them (I guess it can be, if the reader was not previously self-aware). this book is dsbm in book form.

>> No.19951193

I love how the author also hates utilitarians. In my country where everyone is obsessed with "profit" and "entrepreneurs", it's nice to have someone see how ridiculous it all is.

>> No.19951199

you're correct anon, ignore all the replies, people born into material stability but still think about suicide are fucking pussies and the tides of history will forget them

>> No.19951232

The tides of history will firget you regardless

>> No.19951238

Yes the tides of history will forget the best selling writer in Japan but remember you and your fit bros. Sure buddy.

>> No.19951276

Anyone living in a first world country today is living a life of complete ease and luxury compared to anyone born 200 years ago. Your argument holds no water

>> No.19951283

>your mere existence is an aggression against those people every day.
Very few people think like this.

>> No.19951726

What is the title of that book? I can't read it on the image.

>> No.19951741

Shut the fuck up. muh hope muh "would kill for opportunity" We are all automata winding out our inborn potential until we die and you are too stupid to even understand this, let alone the depths of suffering. The common cattle doesn't really know what it means to suffer and be denied because he never had anything going for him and he is only capable or suited or meant for drudge work. If he is unhappy, the prescription is rote maintenance then replacement i.e. suicide, same as for a broken cog. Unlike you I actually have some understanding of the human condition, since I have always been highly literate and I have built upon it with world-class education. The problems of a person with nothing to lose don't exist. This is self-evident.
I was against the great reset meme mainly because I figured it was pointless, but recent factors, including that retarded fucker protest in canada plus your post, have convinced me that this elaboration of government technopower can only be a good thing. Of course you would kill for a tenth of the opportunity, it would be as the apotheosis of a vermin into sentience.
This """working class""" you speak of is eagerly and gleefully consumerist and they reveal their true loyalties whenever they prioritize work and material goods over their dysfunctional fucking redneck families or incredibly hollow moral principles. You are just a technical problem to be solved. The real humans are running the system and that's why our stories are told, dumb cunt.
If I ever find out your name and address I will groom your child into a tranny (no matter the sex), cram it full of hormones, preen its malformed ego and then rape it in the ass daily. If you come after me I will kill you and the government will punish me lightly because you perpetrated a transphobic attack.
Fuck you. You deserve what you get. I would at least tell you to read Deleuze and maybe awaken your sleeping potential but your post made it clear that you have none of that.
>this is a zero sum world
you will own nothing and you will be happy you immense plebeian p-zombie, come on, feign as if you're angry about my response

>> No.19951745

yeah i'm actually nihlistic, mentally ill, and suicidal as an mf fr. its not bussin bussin or fire but actually i'm really interesting and trendy because of it. get the jab y'all.

>> No.19951836

came here to say this

>> No.19951863


>> No.19951894

Maybe because it’s all in your head? There’s no objective measurement to call yourself human trash because YOU think so.

>> No.19951902

I have and it genuinely did.
No longer human shows that you are the one that inhibits yourself with negative thinking patterns of inaction.
The tartar steppe shows the opposite. Self inhibition by positive thinking patterns of inaction.
So what it really boils down to is that you have the freedom to follow your heart, you just need to cross your self imposed mental barriers. No one inherently cares how or what you think, you can only make them care if you care and want them to as well.

>> No.19951906

Yes because he failed to receive help, but there are people like Osamu who didn’t end by suicide.

>> No.19951919

With the caveat that some exceptional improper people will behave differently:
Psychologists will never tell you that you are irredeemable trash and will never agree to you expressing that idea, by training
Psychologists will never tell you to take extreme measures to fix the problems you see, even if that would be necessary. They will never tell you to launch a revolution against the ruling greedy elite
Psychologists see you as a free but misguided human who needs to be rehabilitated, and failure or impossibility of rehabilitation, or continued errant behaviour, is an offence to civic society and its civic values which are all-mighty
Psychologists deserve to bleed in the street

>> No.19952182

>They will never tell you to launch a revolution against the ruling greedy elite
I don't see this as a solution (or the problem) though. That sounds more like the "it's your circumstances/environment" type of deal.
My issue is that I see myself as the defect/faulty/responsible person, but that it feels like nobody besides me wants to admit that. You can't fix something if you refuse to admit it's broken.
I don't want to bore you with my personal life, but I'm fairly certain that by objective standards I'm a failure of a person/human trash. Psychologists take your attitude as well, my counterpoint is usually that people are very lenient/unjudging of those they don't know very well but want to remain friendly towards, and that it's an unrealistic standard.

>> No.19952263

>I don't want to bore you with my personal life, but I'm fairly certain that by objective standards
Post the objective standards and how you failed them in your life.

As for your comment about being friendly, to get to know someone and build a relationship you have to start friendly, really it’s just the fundamentals of basic relationship building except that (nowadays) most relationships are made through very long continuous exposure which costs time that care providers don’t have. So to process the stages of relationship active interest and reincorporation is necessary.

>> No.19952647

>I don't see this as a solution (or the problem) though. That sounds more like the "it's your circumstances/environment" type of deal.
>My issue is that I see myself as the defect/faulty/responsible person, but that it feels like nobody besides me wants to admit that. You can't fix something if you refuse to admit it's broken.
Yes I addressed your situation in points 1 and maybe 3 anon. I inserted point 2 to reinforce the idea that psychs serve the ruling system, not you as a patient

>> No.19952765

Books for this?

>> No.19953191

Did you even read the book?

>> No.19953522

I think he was a good writer, and his story is compelling, to me at least, but I did not think this was a good book. It is almost too autobiographical. The story meanders and feels haphazard. I never felt like I was reading a novel.

>> No.19954915

I really did not want to blogpost, but alright. I'll keep it brief though:
>mid-twenties male in first world country, have assburgers diagnosed at age 19
>job in software engineering (I think this is the only thing which I didn't completely fuck up, at least I'm not a NEET), but always fail to connect with colleagues, am always an outcast.
>introvert, dorky hobbies like books, vidya, VNs, chinese cartoons, programming. Aka template loser
>extreme coward, afraid of things most would find normal (ordinary things like going to stores, any and all social contact, etc). If my mobile phone goes off it gives me an impulse of fear
>weak mental fortitude, as indicated by cowardice and lack of backbone. Strong feelings of self-hatred.
>no social contact besides occasionally playing online videogames with guy I know from college. My average day off is spent entirely my pc or reading books.
>needless to say never had a relationship
>still live with parents since I'm deathly afraid of mortgages, but have somehow convinced myself that I have to buy something instead of renting since renting just burns money.

I think the average person would look at this and conclude that something is wrong here and that it should be fixed. For some reason all psychologists I've spoken deny this though and give me advice akin to "just accept yourself".

>> No.19954932

Boring, poseur shit for pseuds.

>> No.19954951

Not a book but an album it seems.
Found it listed on discogs.

>> No.19954971

Found the album on YouTube

>> No.19955443

>If my mobile phone goes off
I just realised this is ambiguously worded. I meant if it starts ringing because someone is calling.

>> No.19955664

Most therapists you talk to probably realize right from the get-go there's some trauma involved in your fear of outside factors (something only worsened by your assburgers), but nothing about what you've said here happens to be particularly turbulent or directly stops you from functioning. Hell, you've got a job and the weak will to actually change your cowardly dispositions (through your own admission that they are "wrong"), you're far better off than most of the individuals in this thread and there's nothing some good ol' psychotherapy wouldn't be able to fix in your scenario (like, come on! You've got some good self-actualization and you even internalize your own problems instead of making the lives of others pure hell in your little meaningless rebellions, that's so adorable!). A mid-life crisis may just as well give you the energy to solve these issues on your own.

>> No.19955719

Psychologists don't want you to be happy, they want you to be a functioning member of society. If your mental pain doesn't prevent you from working, and doesn't cause you to commit crimes, it's not considered pathological. Presumably because the definition of what is "pathological" is determined by a people who are not interested with whether you are happy or not, but whether or not you contribute to society

>> No.19956504

I'm a pretty normal, successful person and all these seem fine to me with I guess the exception of being scared of going to the stores and shit which is kind of weird. Nothing I'd particularly dwell on if I were you, certainly nothing that calls for self-hatred, though this sentence obviously doesn't help you. Be aware of this random stranger's opinion though.

>> No.19956524

Samefag here, I just dredged out a memory of being sort of scared of going to the shops for some time when I left for college. Weird shit, man, so I guess I 25%-50% understand that one.

>> No.19956703
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not that anon but if my psych refuses to give me the meds I need at our next appointment I will actually beat the shit out of him, and maybe that'll get it into his head that my problems are real.
I suffer from extreme ADHD which has become intolerable since the pandemic and is threatening to torpedo my entire career, but my parents want nothing to do with it and refuse to cooperate so the DSM requirement for "symptoms must have been present before age 12" cannot be satisfied, because they keep testifying I was a model child. I had an easy time in school because the level of content is fit for complete retards, and I wasn't ruined by electronics yet. But even then I had some symptoms.
Anyways, he got it into his head that all my problems are just simple anxiety which is the furthest thing from the truth, and refuses to even entertain what I say. I actually put together two pages of evidence which I read out to him and he found two things which allowed him to pin it on anxiety and disregard the rest.
I'd rather be in prison getting harassed by retarded guards and convicts than interacting with these civic cow-eyed cretins who think they're invincible because of their little bureaucratic world. I have basic hygiene and grooming and I'm tall and I look respectable so these dipshits all think I must be a perfectly domesticated cog in their machine.
anyways thanks for reading my blog

>> No.19956726

Pretty much the exact same except I'm currently in college for computer science instead of job, not as scared but still don't like going out or going to places, and I don't hate myself. I do acknowledge I'm kind of a loser though, but I don't think there's anything wrong with me.
based, I'm anti-meds in general but if you need the medication you need it, try getting another doctor.

>> No.19956935

>self imposed mental barriers
>be ugly
>be poor
>self imposed barriers
mein bootstraps

>> No.19957487

Just don't be poor or ugly. Be like Yozo.

>> No.19957505 [DELETED] 

Go fuck yourself you retarded Reddit commiefag

>> No.19957673

evola solves this

>> No.19957686

Being ugly is no detriment to self actualisation, being poor can be.
I’m the anon you responded to.
What I really wanted to show you was that the objective standards you perceive there to be aren’t really there. This doesn’t mean you can’t be unsatisfied.
What I got from your post (correct if I’m wrong) is that you’re unhappy about interpersonal relationships; too few and unfulfilling. You also seem to suffer from anxieties; social interaction, monetary things etc.
Cause and effect are a bit muddled but general insecurity is what causes and gets fed by these thoughts and fears.
What I would recommend is finding a therapist and tell them that you want to fix these problems, which in turn will make you confident in being you and self hatred or thoughts of failure will disappear.
They’ll do the How and What part of the process easing your burden to only do the executive part.
Unlike some bitter anons who think that therapists and psychologists are only out for some “social acceptability” you have clear defined goals that you want to work for. This gives a significantly clear image of making process which helps both you and the person who is helping you in finding areas of struggle which need focus.
TLDR: write down your problems that you want fixed and find a therapist/psychologist (don’t worry if you have to try several people before finding someone) to work on them.

>> No.19958044

>there's some trauma involved in your fear of outside factors
I cannot think of the trauma, don't think it exists. Up until +-12 years of age I was a very normal kid with a normal life. I got bullied a bit after that but it wasn't anything major (never got my ass beat or anything). Think it was inevitable, I'm unlikable, weak and thus a likely target.
>Hell, you've got a job
I forgot to add that work is like a balancing act to try to not go nuts. Unsurprisingly I'm very poor at dealing with stress, when the pressure piles on and the stakes are high I am prone to panic. I often feel like I'm holding up a façade of being a functional human bean.
>there's nothing some good ol' psychotherapy wouldn't be able to fix in your scenario
I wish, but I am losing my trust in psychotherapy. Have been on-and-off in therapy for 6 years with barely any progress.
Either way, thanks for your thoughts anon.

>> No.19958105

>What I really wanted to show you was that the objective standards you perceive there to be aren’t really there.
Bringing it back to objective standards, I think the following can be said to be objectively bad:
* Fear of normal things in life, both the big and small. Mental fortitude of a mouse.
* Social outcast/shutin, failure to connect with others, no interpersonal relationships, no experience in love
* Intense self-hatred
I feel that people (psychotherapists included) often pretend that there are no standards and that everything is permitted.
>Cause and effect are a bit muddled but general insecurity is what causes and gets fed by these thoughts and fears.
I agree that cause and effect appear muddled. I think most things can be led back to me being an unworthy person though. As my cousin once put it back when I was 14: "it's difficult to be liked when you don't like yourself".
>and find a therapist/psychologist (don’t worry if you have to try several people before finding someone) to work on them.
As mentioned before I have bad experience with this with little to no progress (though I have become better at hiding my disposition, which became a necessity because of work)
I might attempt to find a different clinic though, the one I'm currently at fail to acknowledge my problems even when I spell it out and default to "just accept yourself" and the current trend of mindfulness.
Thanks for your thoughts anon.

>> No.19958639

"My Twisted World" by E. Roger.