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19942607 No.19942607 [Reply] [Original]

>Hello, Barnes & Noble? I would like to order the complete works of Margaret Atwood. Yes, the one who wrote the Handmaid's Tale. I'm trying to support female writers. Gilead, what's that?

>> No.19942614

I love the civil war between boomer anti-trannies and nu-females.

>> No.19942615

I will never support women no matter what

>> No.19942621
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catastrophically based

>> No.19942623

imagine thinking f*minists are based because tr*nnies are cringe

>> No.19942760

almost like old women don't like men pretending to be women or something

>> No.19942787

You're making trannies sound based. Stop

>> No.19942863
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It's so funny to see Second Generation Feminists being feasted upon by their descendents.

>> No.19942868

And It's beautiful.

>> No.19942884

>men are not women


>> No.19942891

i have the same facial structure as a man

>> No.19942909

gilead is a great book by a far superior female author, marylinne robinson

>> No.19942947

How did trannies come to dominate the culture in just a handful of years

>> No.19942953

Funded and supported by the corporate elite

>> No.19942954

as opposed to having the same facial structure as a woman? obviously, you're male after all

>> No.19942964

Male excellence

>> No.19942976

About to read the sequel, I hope it's comfy

>> No.19943081
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If history repeats itself (yes) then based on Rowlint we know what's coming next:
>Apologize? FOR WHAT?!
>I like trannies but they aren't women.
>No, you see you're devaluing women by claiming to be them.
>I thought you were my frens :(
>Fuck trannies.

>> No.19943270

I really like her necklace and earrings, the blue is so vivid.

>> No.19943636

nobody to blame but yourselves

>> No.19944002

Based. Hate trannies Love radfems

>> No.19944499

Oryx and Crake was fun. The rest of that series was garbage. I've never read anything else from her and probably never will.

>> No.19944511

subscription based personal identity

>> No.19944514

I hate every single human being except ascetics, those are cool.

>> No.19944758

Because men are more skilled than women, so when they start to pretend to be women of course they'll take over women's fields like feminism.

>> No.19944771

It's kinda like men and women were the orcs and humans. Then came the undead scourge to make this a 3 way faction battle with an end game.

>> No.19944778

I'm glad the Demiurge decided to make the storyline a little more interesting.

>> No.19944816

I've never seen anybody make this take, so here goes:

Forcing women to breed with elites in a world where fertility has almost disappeared is actually a rational thing to do, all the other societies in-universe are failing.

Most women would be happier with a return to domestic life, this is half the theme of Submission

>> No.19944835

Thats pretty hot desu. Breeder farms of lonely women who get used by the most elite to repopulate the world with a master race

>> No.19944858

It's called eugenics and we fought a war over it.

>> No.19944897

Wtf this libtard is based now? Or is she just copying rowling? A little bit late she's gonna die in 2 to 5 years

>> No.19944922
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>> No.19944927

No anon, progressives today have taken things so far that the insane liberals of just last generation are "conservative" by contrast

>> No.19944940
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She does this shit every 18 months or so...wait until a year from now to do this thread again.

>> No.19944944

Unfortunate that we lost that war.

>> No.19944949

The right and left camps are more complex than most think.
Some on the right hate the nanny state government, some are very much pro-nanny state. They’re also known as fascists.

So so lefties are rational, some feminists are reasonable. Don’t box people in.

>> No.19944953

>So so
*So some

>> No.19944974

thats giving into half of their demands. sorry I won't allow it.

>> No.19944993

What most men don't realize (and what women won't tell you) is that women don't read the handmaid's tale as a dystopic novel, they're reading it as porn

>> No.19945001

Ive seen clips from the tv adaptation of it. Its basically porn.

>> No.19945058

Atwood is dull. And I should know I come from Canada.

>> No.19945072

>I've never seen anybody make this take
Have you read the republic?

also stop using the word "take" like that

>> No.19945177

Social engineering

>> No.19945262

>radfems talking about castrating all male children or wiping out the male sex except for a few breeding studs
I sleep
>radfems saying men aren't women
Real shit

>> No.19945297

>tfw I will never be a psycho woman's breeding stud

>> No.19945380

It's hilarious. They're doing the same shit they have for decades, only now instead of being praised for it like they used to be, they now get condemned for it.

>> No.19945400

One is a fictional setting, the other is real world social engineering psyops

>> No.19945443

I don't think the white women who read Handmade's Tail actually give a fuck about pondering the larger themes or even the plot itself, they just want to sperg out about loving abortion.

>> No.19945642

RADFEMS have been advocating for mandatory vasectomies upon birth for a while now, they're a million times worse than trannies (trannies are men so between them and women I'd rather support trannies)

>> No.19945679

Handmaid's Tale is retarded and you can't convince me it isn't. Why would male society use weak women for manual labor? Just because they can't reproduce? It's like having a toddler bring in your groceries. It can do the job eventually, probably, but it's not at all efficient. Why not use the non-elite men who will never have a chance instead?

>> No.19945688

Women are retarded, bro

>> No.19945708

Hating trannies is not based, it's only natural. Remember that trannies are abominations, and the only way to look at them as anything other than abominations is to be effectively brainwashed. People can even do this to themselves. In the same way that you don't smile and congratulate a grown man for going to the bathroom properly, you shouldn't look positively upon people simply because they look upon abominations with disgust and contempt, but only see them and know, "This person is normal."

>> No.19945727

Yeah, I always forget that it's not supposed to be a reflection of reality but something for women larping as intelligent to point to and say "this is basically happening now"

>> No.19946078

Transgender industrial complex makes so much money that corpos can't help but push it more.

>> No.19946321

What about all those tribes with tranny roles. Maybe there is some kind of specific social function trannies can fill

>> No.19946324

Because they are men duh.

>> No.19946336


>> No.19946419

tell me about these tribes i know nothing of

>> No.19946541

Yeah, and the good guys lost those

>> No.19946556

No, what's that?

>> No.19947009

They are usually entertainers in other tribes, so I guess it makes sense why many of them are twitch streamers

>> No.19947014

Trannys are just inverts with technology.

>> No.19947015

This except for my mother and my grandmother

>> No.19947030

I want to meet the guy who read 1984 as porn

>> No.19947090
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Well yeah. In those cases they usually just do the same shit that the women do. And probably better. I mean they still have stuff like this outside of an ancient tribal setting, like the ladyboys in Thailand. But instead of picking berries and weaving cloth they have sex with western men for money like they biological female counterparts. And probably do that better too. Hmm yes, probably much better indeed...

>> No.19947105

men are better than women even at behaving like stupid women without a purpose, what did you expect?

also, its beautiful to see how they go for each other's throats. after decades of eroding the societal fabric that allowed for it in the first place, feminists can now get a taste of their own medicine for all i care.
Herr, die Not ist groß. Die ich rief, die Geister, werd ich nun nicht los.

>> No.19947123
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the ultimate victory of man over woman is to appropriate femininity and claim it as your own.

>> No.19947128

>same shit that the women do. And probably better.
>And probably do that better too. Hmm yes, probably much better indeed...
How do i know you're a prison gay incel tranny chaser? Careful not to trip on all that cope

>> No.19947145
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Nobody is afraid of these cringe annoying freaks. We're just annoyed and mildly disgusted by them. Sometimes more than mildly.

Also daily reminder that Yujiro rapes men.

>> No.19947146

>what about those handful of inbred pigfuckers I was told about?
>I'm such a weak minded retard that some ugly dyke teaching me about two freak incidents makes me accept overtly terrible things
Sociology was a mistake

>> No.19947149

My God what a minx she is. Those eyes, that hair, those lips hnnnnnng...!

>> No.19947159

No it isn't, fuckwit. In that setting you're not selecting for specific attributes because you want to make mankind taller/whiter/smarter, etc., you're encouraging anyone still fertile to breed with no distinctions because otherwise the species dies out. The goal is completely different.

>> No.19947203

>to breed with elites
>anyone fertile to breed with no distinctions
On /lit/ and he can't read, how sad

>> No.19947207

>also stop using the word "take" like that
THIS, you should instead say "I've never seen anybody ESPOUSE this position before" but really put a lot of emphasis on the word espouse and look around to see if anyone saw you say it.

>> No.19947228


>> No.19947237

>work for decades to disenfranchise men and undermine the very concept of gender
You love to see it kek

>> No.19947279
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rowling is grade A milf material. Something about ginger mommies is just so hot. Would definitely suck on those milkers

>> No.19947282

Industrial seed oils.

>> No.19947352


>> No.19947815

Die frau ist ein vehikel des satans.

>> No.19947875

being “””””women”””” gave them the room to hijack the current wave of feminism
being faggots allowed them to hijack the gay movement

>> No.19947890

before trannies there were no “terfs” just feminist
before trannies there was no need to include a giant blue, pink, white triangle on the gay flag
it’s also funny that trannies and lesbians can’t coexist. one must debunk the other

>> No.19947912

you forgot the brown part
which represent black people and the poopie

>> No.19947916

Lesbians love what they are, trannies hate what they are
They aren’t what drove the campaign. It was culture war flames started by the security state. IDpol divisionary tactics

>> No.19947923

They are the spear head for transhumanism that Satanist can't wait to be a big thing.

>> No.19947929

discordsisters...not like this...

>> No.19947957

This is the only correct answer

>> No.19947993

Cross dressers in some African tribe, they hot some in India and famously in Thailand.
I wish you people would stop this obsession, or confine it to the appropriate board

>> No.19948000

>they HAVE some

>> No.19948035

Based and monkpilled

>> No.19948053

Literally me
I will NEVER read a work written by a woman

>> No.19948063

learn English

>> No.19949685

I disagree and think that Oryx and Crake was the weakest of the series. The Year of the Flood was the best with the other two tied for second.

>> No.19950149

Freudian slip

>> No.19950356

>25 October 2021
How come I never knew about this, but wherever I go it gets mentioned Rowling hates troons?

>> No.19950361

Because they are valid.

>> No.19950365

I never read books about women nor especially if it’s written by women.

>> No.19950374

Modern morality is built on weak = pious. Obviously the weaker you are the more morally superior you become. By painting a narrative of opression greater than the other socially progressive, opressed groups (faggots, woman etc) you now become the spearhead of the movement as you are weaker than them. Of course trannies are also useful for the system as not only do they depend on its continued existence for commodities (as you and I do) but the very fabric of their ego is built on the system. Trannies can't go on a 2 week long hike as they will start growing a beard and their neovagina will start closing. Trannies need the system to be and as such they quickly become oversocialized.

>> No.19950390

Universalist values are weak against freaks and on top of that troons surfed the wave of feminism the establishment was pushing hard in the last decade.

>> No.19950411

i support women but not feminists. they are all actual scum and intellectually illegitimate/incoherent.

>> No.19950441

lol. basically this.

>> No.19950465


>> No.19950783

But they heckin cute?

>> No.19950790

top kek

>> No.19950958

If your “culture” is current fashion of media stories, I feel sorry for you.

>> No.19951099

Have you never heard the term "pop culture"?

>> No.19951112

whats that? Sorry, ESL.

>> No.19951127
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Is /lit/ aware of this?

>> No.19951182

How could she have read it three times and still be wrong.

>> No.19951465

Based Khanh helping a bro out.

>> No.19951477

Are we also going to get a book/short story from Atwood where a trans woman is the villain like with Rowling?

>> No.19951492

Anyone who has the confidence to disagree with two people, one of whom said she'd read it three times, is going to be pretty certain. How the fuck someone could read a book three times and be completely wrong about the author is another matter. I guess she's not an English speaker, but still.