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/lit/ - Literature

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1994048 No.1994048 [Reply] [Original]

I'm never been much of a /lit/ kind of guy, but now I'm looking to change that. What would /lit/ recommend me as good starting books? I'm open to anything, but I'm most interested in fantasy.

One thing in particular that I'm interested in is the "A Song of Fire and Ice" series by George R.R. Martin.

>> No.1994052

Seems like you've already made up your mind on what you'd like to start with, so go for it.

>> No.1994054

Yeah, start with that series.

Or you could read Jon Dies at the End.

>> No.1994057
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Way of Kings by Brandon Sanderson, and if you like his writting he has a completed trilogy and stuff, every universe he makes has an interesting and well-ruled out magical system, as well as awesome characters

if you want something similar to lord of the rings try the Wheel of Time, but that's a reaaaaaaaally long read (worth it if you ask me, although many say you should skip books 6-8 or even more)

also fair warning majority of /lit/ are hipsters that will post about fantasy not being literature

>> No.1994059

ASOIF is a good series to start with. Go ahead.

>> No.1994062


I see what you did there.

>> No.1994073

If you want a series to read then I'd recommend Robin Hobb (aka Megan Lindholm). She has 3 trilogies out and I believe is working on 4th.
While you can read the second trilogy at any point, the third trilogy follows the characters from the first (and I believe the 4th will follow the 2nd). They are all set in the same world though.

Assassin's Trilogy:
Assassin's Apprentice, Royal Assassin, Assassin's Quest

Liveship Traders Trilogy:
Ship of Magic, The Mad Ship, Ship of Destiny

Tawny Man Trilogy: Fool's Errand, Golden Fool, Fool's Fate

I would also recommend
The Night Angel Trilogy by Brent Weeks
and anything by Iain M. Banks

>> No.1994081

oh or if you want to check out Brandon Sanderson's writing skills go download standalone novel Warbreaker, it's free, and I loved it

>> No.1994086

A Song of Ice and Fire is worth reading for mainstream epic fantasy. Lord of the Rings is the best, in my opinion; other names worth mentioning are Joe Abercrombie, R Scott Bakker, Steve Erikson, and Robert Jordan.

For some stuff outside of mainstream epic fantasy, check out Jack Vance, Michael Moorcock, Jeffrey Barlough, and Fritz Leiber.

>> No.1994097

>dead men

1/10 I responded

>> No.1994094

Or you can read, you know, Ovid, Milton, Homer, Dante...people who matter.

>> No.1994106

Thanks to all your help I've started a list of books I plan to order from Amazon today. I'm really looking forward to next weekend.

Thanks again everyone!

>> No.1994109
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The Elements of Style
Carnal Crimes: Sexual Assault Law in Canada, 1900-1975
Infinite Jest
Swann's Way

>> No.1994291

Dude don't buy from Amazon. Buy from eBay. You are gonna over pay so badly. eBay you can get used or new books for way cheap.

>> No.1994298

Thanks. I was going to see what the fuss was all about, but you just saved me time and money.

>> No.1994299

amazon has a free year of amazon prime membership for students.
might be cheaper to use that until the year runs out. the free 2 day shipping is pretty awesome.

>> No.1994304


What? Amazon has mad delios. I get hardcover books new for less than 10 or 12 bucks all the time.

>> No.1994308

also fair warning majority of /lit/ are insecure aspies that will post about fantasy being the only type of literature that is good because they simply can't go beyond the ephemeral scapism of the most mediocre kind of fantasy,

>> No.1994474

>huttburt because I pointed out the truth so he goes on to write a completely untrue thing

stay mad