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19939575 No.19939575[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Can erotica be lit or will it remain firmly in the realm of smut?

>> No.19939583

Perfect phenotype and physique for BBC

>> No.19939591

What is it that black people like about flabby bitches like that?

>> No.19939592

don't you have a fellow black to shoot

>> No.19939594
File: 222 KB, 822x844, uuy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19939623

You incel fucks have such high standards, it's absolutely unbelievable.

>> No.19939625

>implying blacks actually make these posts instead of it simply being a case of a sad incel trying to bait a slightly less sad incel (as with most shit posts on this site)

>> No.19939639

It's not what they are high standards, even, as "high" would imply having some sort of refined of taste. It's usually just oddly specific, unrealistic and, ultimately, unappealing image of a woman someone who has never touched one has.

>> No.19939653

>Can erotica be lit
Yes, Song of Songs, Satyricon, Gulistan, etc.

>> No.19939681


>> No.19939684

fat chicks won't fuck incels, otherwise it would be an option.

>> No.19939693

That woman has like a 10/10 body. Don't be so pretentious anon, we all know you'd give up your life to get a taste of that

>> No.19939697

Bible isn't literature, dumb fuck

>> No.19939708

She's so sexually aesthetic, I can't help but be mesmerised, but I don't even get hard. What's going on?

>> No.19939714

I never say this but this is peak butterface. I would walk right by.

>> No.19939716

Yikes she needs to shave that body hair

>> No.19939733


>> No.19939747

I hold that only one who doesn’t have sex very often (albeit not a virgin) can write the best erotica because for me I imagine a sex scene and I’m like meh, when are we going to get it over and watch tv/read.

>> No.19939763

who's the bitch

>> No.19939771

Jesus Christ, her legs are almost three times as thick as mine and I do running intensive Sports multiple times a week.

>> No.19939775

Lola Naymark

>> No.19939801

That's not muscle. You are forgetting bone mass and fat.

>> No.19939807

yes it's a woman's but that is still a muscular ass.

>> No.19939812

>write generic """"high-brow"""" word soup
>its has literally nothing to do with sex and is more of a descritption of a cardboard compressor
>hand it to collogue and tell him itis erotic
its all so tiresome

>> No.19939837

high T

>> No.19939850

they have lower T and higher estrogen, it's because their women generally are flabby and fat, so they are more attracted to that type.

kill yourself subhuman

>> No.19939878

This is a bot. I think it get triggered from this particular image/webm/gif. I've seen it in several other places and I dont think a person who posts that would be on every board, so its either a bot or a snide faggot who thinks hes being funny.

>> No.19939892

To be honest, hardly a mystery
>thick French redhead showing off her body on a beach
She's been riding Nubian 10 inchers since she's turned 14

>> No.19939914

It's not a standard. It's common sense. I genuinely hate even slightly overweight people, male and female alike, and subscribe to theologians of the opinion that they merit eternal damnation on account of their gluttony which attaches their will to sensual pursuits. I hate people who behave like animals and can't control themselves and need to snack 5 times a day or "need" a 700 calories carbochino. It speaks to larger character deficits. A predisposition to having no ability to delay gratification. They'll watch TV aimlessly. Won't reciprocate questions in conversation. They'll text or scroll shit. Their world is self centered. People like this are incapable of empathy. I've experienced it a number of times. I NEED TO EAT NOW. Ok let's wait 30 minutes or an hour. WAIT I CAN'T WAIT IM EATING WITHOUT YOU. (Thess are all comments from flabbies male or women , no romantic involvement). I'm not admiring a woman with a shit metabolism, puts no effort into controlling herself, and expects a good looking male to fawn over her. I'm not.

>> No.19939922
File: 162 KB, 1080x1349, 1644320372753.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Being a bit overweight isn't bad, in fact most men like a little belly on their women. Can you post a girl you think is attractive so we can see what is skinny and overweight to you?

>> No.19939928
File: 3.00 MB, 540x960, 1641124517701.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19939934

Holy shit... Goddess

>> No.19939938

meds, take em'

>> No.19939945

Utterly based

>> No.19939951

Trick question. Smut is lit.

Anyone have 1 or 2 erotic short stories they re-read for years? Mostly all trash, but those rare diamonds in the rough are like heroin.

>> No.19939955

A long ass time ago I came across an academic paper arguing that erotica can be on the same level as the Kantian sublime, or maybe it was the Schopenhauerian suspension of the intellect from the will, but I can't remember the name of the paper or the author, and I can't seem to find it anywhere.

>> No.19939973

the truth

>> No.19939981

Low T spotted

>> No.19939986

You're delusional. You could bounce a dime off of her ass. It's just not tensed. I understand, because you've never seen or spoken to a woman before, it might be hard to understand this, but women are not made of concrete. The ideal fat % for a woman is 25%.

The way you see women, and expect them to look is completely unrealistic, and borders on psychosis.Stop having opinions.

>> No.19939992

if you believe that the woman in OP is in any way overweight or unattractive or unhealthy, you have never felt the touch of a woman and most likely never will.

>> No.19940008

it's preferable for him to think like that as this way he just won't see any of them meeting his arbitrary standard of attractiveness and ignore them instead of resenting them for not being attracted to him and taking it on them/others. there being a million people like that is preferable to even just one elliot rodger.

>> No.19940016

I hate women so much
Radical Muslims were right

>> No.19940025

But but muh islamicization
Islam would be a blessing

>> No.19940041

Why do people find fat girls cute?
>hurr incel incel
Nah I just only date skinny women

>> No.19940044

Must be some camera magic since the other pics im seeing of this girl her ass is pretty meh

>> No.19940061

this, i'm pretty disappointed

>> No.19940067
File: 3.63 MB, 640x360, mutts law in action.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19940080

Thoughts? I mean are we going to discuss erotica or rant about women?

>> No.19940100

>if you won't sleep with a fatty like me you never slept with anyone
cope. lay off the sugar beverages and alchohol.

>> No.19940101

>I mean are we going to discuss erotica or rant about women?
that question was off the table as soon as op decided to post that webm lol

>> No.19940102

If sex was not cringe, we wouldn't refer to it all the time with euphemisms. The only time it's appropriate to describe sex is while you're having sex, it's called dirty talk, and writing or reading a story is not having sex.

>> No.19940112


>> No.19940129

I mean yeah surely there is something about not having empirical experience of such activity that confers to it a somewhat mystic/platonic aura, and in general imagination goes way beyond actual material reality, so I imagine a virgin, with his immaculate and idealised vision of sex, can make poetry about it way better than a normal man that has been disillusioned by empirical experience

>> No.19940133

you truly are retarded

>> No.19940142

a nerve was struck.

>> No.19940146

>all of this sophistry just to cope with not getting laid

>> No.19940147

Her body isnt flabby at all/

>> No.19940165

absolutely delusional.
seethe harder, you fucking mong.

>> No.19940177

I'd accept eternal hellfire just for one sniff of that Venusian ass

Peak female form

>> No.19940181

who said I was talking about myself? nigger lmao

>> No.19940193

Yes, in hentai

>> No.19940196

Well thanks for proving my point, guess I was right.
Attention everyone, JIDF is in this thread >>19939583 and is posting demoralisation nigger porn.

>> No.19940207

anyone that actually give a shit about this should unironically hang themselves

>> No.19940214


Leave this board you fucking retard

>> No.19940215

Uoooohhhh, that’s Dutch Instagram model veradjiksman!

>> No.19940217

This anon is right. I know a woman who matches what he describes to a tee. She's lazy, selfish. annoying, whiny, entitled and looks like a Lovecraftian personification of eldritch gluttony.

>> No.19940229

anglo sade

>> No.19940237


>> No.19940245

Why do Americans do this?

>> No.19940256

You are gay

>> No.19940273

Erotica exists to stimulate the loins. Any meaning or beauty beyond the titillating is merely a bonus. As such, I don't consider erotica literature but a tool for base senses. Literature can include erotic scenes but that doesn't make it erotica. The line is crossed upon gratuitousness.
You're not wrong or crazy anon, the bots are everywhere, on every board now. The thread was probably started by one, too. We should stop thinking with our dicks and replying to bot threads entirely...

>> No.19940299

Same mechanism that makes people who were sexually abused as minors, more prone to the same behaviour as adults. Their entire country is blacked at the core, and so they aim to ease their own psychological suffering by fantasising about others being blacked.

>> No.19940303

>fantasising about others being blacked
Have you ever been to France? The native country of the woman in OP webm?

>> No.19940310

even if they're all replaced they still aren't as cucked to the core as the us

>> No.19940317

Based zoomer. Some of you have your eyes open.

>> No.19940321

Cicero, Aquinas, and Chesterton are damneD?

>> No.19940322

They're based.

>> No.19940325
File: 43 KB, 598x591, 1643404021066.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Holy shit... Goddess

>> No.19940329

They outlawed paternity tests and racial census/data in France, it's cuckold paradise.

>> No.19940342

Jealous big gay vibes

>> No.19940354

>slightly less sad
Lol, Lmao

>> No.19940361

Is she autistic wh
this is offtopic

>> No.19940374

Its demoralising because you see it everyday, its normalised little by little, you begin to care less and less.
Eventually when things get bad enough that you will never see a white couple in any media, it will only be a nigger and a white woman or vice versa, only then will faggots ask "omg how did it get this bad?!?!?".
It all starts with the little shit.

>> No.19940386

This is why she’s wonderful.

>> No.19940450

Jews know what they are doing, they invented psychology, they know what Blacked does to the straight white male psyche, even thought it’s false.

>> No.19940487

>im pretty because uhhh men sleep with me
peak delusion.

>> No.19940503

Pretty = attractive
Peak ESL

>> No.19940512

Not damned. Wasn't fat by all accounts and was strong and muscular like an Ox. The one painting of him makes people think he is fat.

>> No.19940521

Holy based

>> No.19940528

American golem detected

>> No.19940537

Do blacks actuall have bigger dicks on average? Never seen anything that actually confirms this