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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 449 KB, 955x555, evola.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19938289 No.19938289 [Reply] [Original]

Okay /lit/. I am a big fan of Evola, but I find his work so difficult to read. It requires a serious amount of concentration on my part to follow what he is saying. I don't think I'm a complete brainlet but I find it difficult to track his writing at times, it seems like he rambles or goes on tangents, or has points within points.

Is it just difficult to translate Italian to English? Does it just require a higher reading level than I have or is he just an obtuse and arguably poor writer?

>> No.19938597

First just have a general understanding of how myths and symbols can carry layers of meaning.

From there, an easy introduction to Evola is perhaps "Metaphysics of War" or perhaps "Mediations on the Mountain".

From there, go to "The Mystery of The Grail"

He's not particularly hard to understand, however he can be hard to follow when he's referencing extremely esoteric non-western references. But I find if you read the right works, he typically avoids such things.

>> No.19938878

>The Mystery of The Grail
i never read that bppk,is there a true knightly iniciatic tradition? or is evola using these arthurian symbols as examples of higher traditional symbols?

>> No.19938891

>or is he just an obtuse and arguably poor writer?
It's my firm belief that people can have good ideas but never manage to write them well. Likewise, people can write well but never have any good ideas.

>> No.19939323

He's an extremely good writer and you should get better at reading if his writing style troubles you. The italian to english might be a little awkward at times though.

>> No.19939324

The translations are probably by illiterate chuds

>> No.19939388

how are you a big fan of him if you have trouble reading him...

>> No.19939394
File: 344 KB, 1080x781, evola.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Evola is my favorite LGQBT+ supporting author

>> No.19939494

OP is a lying tranny trying to run ops on lit. See>>19939394

>> No.19939514

Read Guenon first and Evola becomes a cakewalk. Indulgent, even. Like getting wanked off.

>> No.19939713

That quote honestly sounds like the exact same thing a communist would say (and by communist I do mean exactly that, i.e. ML, not the demsoc berniebro types).

>> No.19939734
File: 186 KB, 500x375, guenon frog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Evola essentially copied Guenon but made it shit through his misunderstandings.
You're wasting your time, OP. You're reading cringe when you could be reading the most based man in history.

>> No.19939821

Why are they like this?

>> No.19939833

He is the most extreme anti-communist possible.

Does Evola offend you or something?

>> No.19939972

yes, it's true, but he also treats how that symbolism connects to earlier traditions.

if you so much as read that chapter of eros you'd realize that he is totally opposed to the lgbt movement. his view is based on the affirming the metaphysical existence of the male and female principle, while the other is on rejecting it and promoting androgyny.

you sound like a boomer cuckservative

>> No.19940045
File: 246 KB, 850x400, 1644885723437.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Evola bros...

>> No.19940090

fake and gay

>> No.19940663
File: 1.24 MB, 450x450, 1644370432509.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is not real. Picrel has posted this as a psyop.

>> No.19940726 [DELETED] 

He and Guenon made an effort to be a very easy read given their elitism. They also criticized modern aestheticism and sentimentality so I’d imagine they’d were trying to sound as austere as possible.

>> No.19940739

He and Guenon made no effort to be a very easy read given their elitism. They also criticized modern aestheticism and sentimentality so I’d imagine they were trying to sound as austere as possible.