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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 147 KB, 1556x2396, Discipline and Punish.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19937984 No.19937984 [Reply] [Original]

Hello lit

my professor is making me read Discipline and Punish by Foucault

i hear a lot about him on this board (and not in a good way), so i guess I would like to ask how I can best prepare for Foucault

Also, what did you think of his book?

>> No.19937994

It’s a great book, you’re lucky

>> No.19938001

fuck i wish i was back at uni, discussing philosophy and european cinema with fellow pseuds and pumping 6/10 sluts every thursday and friday night

>> No.19938060

I wish I could personally thank the fag who gave Foucault AIDS.

>> No.19938069

Most who criticize Foucault haven't read him. Just read and form your own opinions, you don't have to prepare. Enjoy, OP.

>> No.19938092

It's a must if you want to understand modern critic

>> No.19938103

its pretty good.
its not the same as it used to be before covid, unfortunately.

>> No.19938155
File: 462 KB, 2000x1340, Foucault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gets HIV to prove that medicine in a social construct
what did he mean by that?

>> No.19938164

I mean, he was kinda right. See: Chink flu

>> No.19938174

If you live in the US, you had to go out of your way to end up in a class that makes you engage with Foucault. You should have been able to tell from the description alone if a class is going to try to pump your brain with trash 20th century French "philosophy."

>> No.19938176

No, this is my sociology class

>> No.19938179

>My professor is making me...

After you're born the only thing you have to do is die. You're making yourself read ir for some pathetic, futile social obligations to which you've subjected yourself through conformity or desire to conform. Quit acting like a fucking bitch.

>> No.19938209

And you could have probably figured out from the description that you were going to engage with the likes of Foucault. If it included terms like "spaces," "bodies," "power relations," etc. Thinkers like this have specific terms and phrases associated with them, so you should have known if a class was going to make you engage with the shitty fake philosophy that France produced in the 20th century.
It's all on you, man.

>> No.19938220


You're in the leather bar on gear night and this faggot approaches you. What do you do?

>> No.19938223

>sociology class

>> No.19938232

>hat do you do?
consensually rape him against the "prison bars"

>> No.19938235

American sociology gen eds are just a way for professors to propagandize through continental philosophy rather than teaching what sociology is as a field and how to conduct sociological studies.
It's the sort of bald-faced propaganda that makes something like your standard econ 202 class seem ideologically neutral in comparison.

>> No.19938242

yeah man, its a course requirement that i need to graduate

>> No.19938249

get that gallic gawk gawk 3000

>> No.19938260

I am not a fan of his noggin, he looks pre-dead. Is this photograph post mortem?

>> No.19938271

>I am not a fan of his noggin
At Fag Club, you learn to cut your hair short so a big HIV+ buck can't pin you down. Remember, the first rule of Fag Club is you don't talk about Fag Club.

>> No.19938284
File: 32 KB, 328x500, lmao.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My teacher has a hard on for social constructionists, as indicated by the other things we are reading in class

See: Blumer, berger /luckmann, and mead

>> No.19938302

"I got my anus fucked so hard that I had a spiritual awakening. Discipline and Punish is my favorite game ;)" - Monsieur Fuckalt

>> No.19938324

>Why should I read the most influential contemporary philosopher of our era?
I wonder why

>> No.19938354

If that influence is clearly negative, it is better to reject him and support the active destruction of his works than to engage with it. Foucault is one of those thinkers whose negative impact can seen without ever having to read a sentence of what he wrote.

>> No.19938386

post some examples of his negative impact.

>> No.19938418

The fact that mainstream political discourse has incorporated terms like "bodies" and "spaces" into its lexicon.
>inb4 "spaces is actually Lefebvre's doing.

>> No.19938444 [DELETED] 


>I think Sam Brinton's case highlights what might be called the Germanic vs the Latin mindset (i.e. psychology), though one that takes said logic to what is still a quite unusual degree. The Germanic logic valorizes and prioritizes an ethics of free will and autonomous mastery over self to such a degree that what one must assume is a case of fastidiously disciplined, but at the same time public, division, compartmentalization, and separation of the hedonistic vis a vis the professional, is seen not as just something positive for itself, but as a model pointing the way towards a Foucauldian teleology of entirely open and transparent hedonism (even ultra-hedonism) on the one hand, and the strictest, most disciplined, and efficient professionalism on the other.

>The underlying ethical theory is that there's nothing intrinsically immoral or unethical with consensual hedonism, not even in cases of Sadean ultra-hedonism, and that if you have any hangups/obstacles in your psychological ability to engage in such forms of even Sadean hedonism, the problem is not intrinsic to the activities in question, but rather to the learned psychological pre-judices you unconsciously bring to what are in effect perfectly neutral and amoral (perhaps even quite moral and ethical according to the strictures of one's bdsm community) human behaviors.

In Latin cultures hedonism also flourishes as long as it is "hetero patriarchal." Thus the roguish pride in the "Latin lover," but the still ubiquitous visceral disgust of the male homosexual. By which it is assumed that Latin cultures place far greater importance on the social "que diran"/"what will they say," than do so called Protestant Germanic cultures, which so value individual privacy and the separation of the two spheres.

>"Latin" popular psychology also seems to have a far harder time coming to grips with the notion that one's sexual psychology, especially if acted upon (and even if entirely consensually) doesn't bleed into one's overall psychology, that it is a fiction that such things can be truly separated and compartmentalized, and that it is not one's own perception of the act that colors it, but rather something intrinsic to the act that colors one, and in the case of so-called egregious "hedonistic immorality," the coloration is quite literally defiling and potentially equally damning (regardless of the subject's insouciance towards said literally shameless ultra-hedonism).


>> No.19938448

I wrote a blogpost about Sam Brinton band Foucauldian hedonist ethics:

>I think Sam Brinton's case highlights what might be called the Germanic vs the Latin mindset (i.e. psychology), though one that takes said logic to what is still a quite unusual degree. The Germanic logic valorizes and prioritizes an ethics of free will and autonomous mastery over self to such a degree that what one must assume is a case of fastidiously disciplined, but at the same time public, division, compartmentalization, and separation of the hedonistic vis a vis the professional, is seen not as just something positive for itself, but as a model pointing the way towards a Foucauldian teleology of entirely open and transparent hedonism (even ultra-hedonism) on the one hand, and the strictest, most disciplined, and efficient professionalism on the other.

>The underlying ethical theory is that there's nothing intrinsically immoral or unethical with consensual hedonism, not even in cases of Sadean ultra-hedonism, and that if you have any hangups/obstacles in your psychological ability to engage in such forms of even Sadean hedonism, the problem is not intrinsic to the activities in question, but rather to the learned psychological pre-judices you unconsciously bring to what are in effect perfectly neutral and amoral (perhaps even quite moral and ethical according to the strictures of one's bdsm community) human behaviors.

>In Latin cultures hedonism also flourishes as long as it is "hetero patriarchal." Thus the roguish pride in the "Latin lover," but the still ubiquitous visceral disgust of the male homosexual. By which it is assumed that Latin cultures place far greater importance on the social "que diran"/"what will they say," than do so called Protestant Germanic cultures, which so value individual privacy and the separation of the two spheres.

>"Latin" popular psychology also seems to have a far harder time coming to grips with the notion that one's sexual psychology, especially if acted upon (and even if entirely consensually) doesn't bleed into one's overall psychology, that it is a fiction that such things can be truly separated and compartmentalized, and that it is not one's own perception of the act that colors it, but rather something intrinsic to the act that colors one, and in the case of so-called egregious "hedonistic immorality," the coloration is quite literally defiling and potentially equally damning (regardless of the subject's insouciance towards said literally shameless ultra-hedonism).


>> No.19938457

>Extending the aforesaid "Latin" logic further still, the acts in question would not only be defiling, and potentially damning, but also individually and socially contaminative, etc (in contrast not so much or not all in the Germanic cultural lands), regardless of whether the subject in question perceives himself as contaminative or not. Obviously according to the US manifest cultural, political, and economic values and tenets the Germanic cultural lands are much the freer in all senses truly worth considering, but not yet free enough--but then that's precisely the purpose of people like Brinton: to lead the way, to bore through the arbitrary prejudicial darkness, locating the as yet unexplored underlying teleological channels of Germanic conceptual freedom.

>> No.19938475

>Thinkers like this have specific terms and phrases associated with them
So how would he know this without having been exposed to them? Bro, critical theory has taken over the university in almost all fields. You sound naive.

>> No.19938489

Posting on here for a long enough amount of time will get you the information you need. There's a laundry list of philosophers I have no intention of ever engaging with, yet I know the terminology associated with each of them. This allows me to determine which people I should avoid and ignore in real life.

>> No.19938532

>as yet unexplored underlying teleological channels of Germanic conceptual freedom

>> No.19938573

Call your professor a pedo, and get him fired instead of having to read it

>> No.19940172

Read Power/Knowledge. It's the best introduction to Foucault's primary ideas. Pretty accessible too.

>> No.19940206

ask him to show exactly what he means by discipline and punish

>> No.19940211

>it is better to reject him and support the active destruction of his works than to engage with it. Foucault is one of those thinkers whose negative impact can seen without ever having to read a sentence of what he wrote.
nu-/lit/ in a nutshell
>inb4 gigachad

>> No.19940298

Still haven’t given me a good reason why Engaging with Foucault is justifiable when doing so causes observable harm. The only thing I can give him is that he his writing is stylistically more tolerable than his contemporaries, but that doesn’t make his work salvageable.

>> No.19940308

Foucault is right wing

>> No.19940313

I used to think like this too until I read Foucault. He's not what you're expecting...

>> No.19940319

Muslim tier
Also name those "observable harms"

>> No.19940346

This guy HAS to be a petersonfag. I could summarize this shit in a paragraph.