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1993540 No.1993540 [Reply] [Original]

Just finished reading A Storm of Swords. Holy shit, what a long ass book. It was so overwhelming keeping up with all of the story arcs between ranging beyond the wall, War of the Five Kings, Slave Bay city conquests. So many resolved issues like Who tried to murder Bran, Jon Arryn's death, dat Selmy Barristan. Anyway, favorite parts:

-Dat prologue
-JAIME FUCKING LANNISTER! (I saw some comments here in /lit/ that there would be a complete turn-around regarding a reader's feelings for the King Slayer. I didn't know how a guy who pushed a child out of a window to die would be a likeable character, however, GRRM really wrote the shit out of Jaime. He's like Tyrion without all Tyrion's emotional baggage and a kickass fighter)
-Conquest of Astapor (it was kind of predictable, but it was well written)
-Dat Joffrey death
-Dat Coldhands (Benjen?)


-Arstan Whitebeard reveal (the mystery knight serves the true queen)
(and taking the time to write his own dismissal on the White Book. Badass)
-Dat Red Viper (and his ho)
-Littlefinger and Lysa's wedding
-Stannis saving the Wall Stannis! Stannis! Stannis!
-Dat Tysha reveal leading to...
-Tywin Lannister's death (and Shae. Bitches and whores)
-Dat Lysa death
-Dat Catelyn reveal

Boring parts:

-some of the Bran parts I slogged through to read
-some of the early Jon parts before he went back to the wall
-ALL CATELYN CHAPTERS (what a dumb bitch, releasing Jaime, triggering Karstark's rash act and possibly fracturing the northmen. I hate Catelyn

I can't believe Littlefinger is Light Yagami. I think that he uses chaos as an opportunity to better his status, not as some omnipotent player of the game of thrones. Also, What is Varys' angle? I can't figure him out.

>> No.1993541 [DELETED] 
File: 7 KB, 285x213, Nuttymadam2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

op here

YFW red wedding

>> No.1993547

I'm curious to see what happens next and what happens to my favorite characters but I must say I liked the books about the knight duncan the best because they show a more local part of westeros and it also shows the targariens pryor to Daeneris.They're set like 1 generation after the last dragon in westeros dies and have a lot of cool stuff, so go read them.

You also see younger lannisters and stuff.

>> No.1993549

Should I read the novellas before or after the main 5 books?

>> No.1993554

whenever you want, they dont spoiler anything, all they will do is make the universe bigger in your mind

i myself haven't started dance of dragons yet because im reading The Way of Kings, and I want you to write that down and read it as well
its not gritty fantasy but it is extremely well written

>> No.1993558

Another thing, who are the characters in the cover that I posted? In AGoT, it's Jon Snow, in ACoK, it's Melisandre, Stannis and Davos. I can't figure who they are supposed to be.

>> No.1993567

According to wiki, there are 3 novellas: The Hedge Knight, The Sworn Sword and The Mystery Knight. What is the Way of Kings?

>> No.1993570

oh it has nothing to do with Song of Ice and Fire

it's a fantasy book by Brandon Sanderson, it has 1000 pages and it's the first of 10

I've probably turned fanboy for that guy.

Anyway if you are looking for another fantasy title try it

>> No.1993571

You'll learn more about Varys and his goals in Dance.

>> No.1993575

the cover shows Cathelyn Stark and her brother at their father's funeral ceremony (Thulleys get sent in a boat and someone lights it up with a fire arrow, similar to vikings)

other 2 men I can't tell, maybe one is the Blackfish, cathelyn's uncle

>> No.1993578

thanks, will add that to my amazon list to keep track

I have to finish Feast first, I'm in Captain of the Guard.

thanks! I forgot Hoster Tully was still alive and died midway through ASoS.

>> No.1993580
File: 174 KB, 673x1023, path-of-daggers-by-robert-jordan-ebook.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

usually the cover for older books especially fantasy books that illustrate certain scenes aren't very good, if you want a better looking cover try something like the E book version

Example is pic for the WoT series Ebook

>> No.1993591

I'm waiting for Feast For Crows now. Dat Storm of Swords ending. It's gonna look awesome on TV. A Frey is hanging there. Shitscared. Suddenly Cat emerges from the shadows. She takes off the hood and we see this horribly scarred and almost deformed face. She then gives the sign to execute the Frey guy. Then the main theme kicks in. Badass!

>> No.1993593

Oh, and I almost stopped reading the book at RW. Too hard for me to carry when when GRRM butchers one of my favourite characters like that. Glad I continued though. Dat Tyrion final chapter.

>> No.1993597

Congrats, now you have 2000 pages of crap this will have compelled you to read.

>> No.1993600

In the end, Tywin Lannister did not, in fact, shit gold.

>> No.1993602

There's an another awesome Tyrion line in A Clash of Kings.

>And then Cersei cried. Tyrion could not have been more surprised if Aegon The Conqueror opened the door riding on a dragon whilst juggling lemon pies.

>> No.1993604

Are the following books really that bad? I mean, I understand it doesn't have the pacing of ASOS but it can't be all bad?

>> No.1993605


ADwD has more 1 star than 5 star reviews on Amazon. And this is a fanboy genre.

>> No.1993606


You can tell they're trying to make Robb more likeable in the TV series.

>> No.1993607

>1000 pages and it's the first of 10
I know it's pretty normal for fantasy series, but god damn it, I'm becoming too old for this endless shit.

>> No.1993611

no no, unlike R.R. Martin, this guy is making these not as "stay tuned for the next exciting episode", no bullshit cliffhanger, he specifically said he wants each book to stand on its own as a novel

>> No.1993612

Jon Snow dies in book 5.

So does Stannis.

>> No.1993614
File: 188 KB, 246x551, no.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and get ressed by the sun god's gay followers

Someone's mad their latest novella didn't get a good review on /lit/ and that we're talking about real authors and literature, or about a popular genre of literature

>> No.1993615


No, I'm just your average, every day troll.

>> No.1993623

Fucking asshole...

>> No.1993626

>What is Varys' angle? I can't figure him out.

Fracture the Seven Kingdoms as much as possible and put a Targaryen on the Iron Throne. He believes it's best for the realm, and indeed, the Targaryen rule saw relative peace for three hundred years with a war here and there. In the Baratheon-Lannister dynasty we've seen several major wars in 17 years. Varys wanted to have the Starks and Lannisters go to war when Dany was close to coming home, but Joff ruined that. And now that Dany looks like she has no interest in coming home, he's putting everything on a boy named Young Grif, who he planned to wed to Dany. Keep the Seven Kingdoms splintered in time for the Targaryen conquest, that is his aim.

>> No.1993627


he was my favorite stark, in fact one of my top three for sure.

just imagining the awesomeness that would have ensued if Robb The Motherfucking Young Wolf, went head to head with Aegon The Conquerer Returned brings me an erection.

Why you fat fuck. WHY!

>> No.1993630 [DELETED] 
File: 10 KB, 251x250, 1312613601001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot my face

>> No.1993632

Still kinda upset for that guy ruining ADWD ):

>> No.1993650

He didn't though. Stannis is a cliffhanger, he may or may not be dead, and you really think Jon Snow is dead? Have you seen how thick his plot armor is?

>> No.1993654


Not only that, the 1 and 2 star reviews massively outnumber the 4 and 5 star ones. Opinion is negative and unified: Not enough happens, bad editing, etc. Martin says on his LJ that he doesn't take Amazon reviews seriously, only what he hears from fanboys at cons.

Because, you know, people go to cons when they want to tell an author how much their last book sucked cock.

>> No.1993657

This is why Griff's addition feels so forced and pulled out of his ass. He has actually a better claim on the throne than Daenerys, so if Varys and Illyrio knew from the beginning that he was alive, why did they think Daenerys was the main pretender at all? They didn't even know she would have had alive dragons with her at that time. I can't remember clearly, but weren't the dragon eggs a gift from Illyrio? If he knew about Griff, wouldn't it be in their best interests to give them to him or her older brother instead to a girl?
Plenty of plotholes that basically scream that he added Griff afterwards.

>> No.1993665

I think the idea was lead Dany to invade Westeros, and when the time is right, send Griff to her side. I assume they banked on having Dorne on their side as well, and considering the Dragon has three heads, that gives Dany a Dornishman, and Griff. More to the point, Illyrio and Varys didn't bank on Viserys dying, and a lot of other things happening. They've had to wing it for quite some time.

>> No.1993670

Ramsay Bolton cuts off Theon Greyjoy's penis. He also forces him to perform oral sex on his wife. Also, he makes his wife fuck dogs.

>> No.1993693


He's got a point about Amazon reviews. They're horribly biased. It is very often that the reviews actually don't concern the book itself, but some peripheral issue, like say that it took 6 years for the book to be released.

Amazon reviews should not be taken seriously at all. Not anymore.

There is a good reason why DwD has received almost universal praise by the professional critics. It's a very good book overall, although it has some weaknesses. I enjoyed reading it. I thought it had some amazing POVs and I've got a feeling that the next book will be loaded with action now that all the pieces are in place.

>> No.1993698


Read AFFC alongside the first half of DwD. That way both books will feel a lot better.

Ignore the haters. AFFC and DWD are very good books, although they focus more on character development than action.

>> No.1993705
File: 51 KB, 396x385, 129265803747.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Reek chapter

>> No.1993716

Keep in mind that I too have only finished a storm of swords.
I think its that Jon Snow is Lyanna's kid with Rhaegar Targaryen and she made Ned promise not to tell anyone because he would be killed for the sole reason of being a Targaryen.

>> No.1993735

At least he died as himself once Ramsey defeated Stannis.

Yeah considering everything was actualy going fine if not for the Mad King being allowed to his own devices, Eddards Brother overreacting, angering the King and Robert and Ned rebelling. Which in turn is all Cercei's and Jaime's fault because they could stay seperated, which in turn led Tywinn to leave his possition as Hand which was the only thing keeping the Mad King in check.

I find it quite fun to notice that Jaime still thinks of Tyrion when he wished he could be more sarcastic or smarter. It shows that he not only liked but also respected him and still seems to do even after killing their father. Also being the only god damn person in the entire kingdom besides Jaime's Aunt and Jon Snow to ever speak or think of him by his name and not his nicknames.

Though Tyrion certainly doesn't shares this love anymore, however he seems to really have second thoughts about wishing him dead and hating him.

>> No.1993764

So does Beric Dondarriontruly die when he revived catelyn?

>> No.1993802

that's why I stayed off /lit/ while reading this series, tho
isn't entirely acurate

>> No.1993818

I've just bought A game of Thrones, the other day. looking forward to starting this series, it sounds epic.

>> No.1993820

True, it's entirely possible that not only does Stannis manage to drive Ramsey angry with guerillia tactic he might have taken on by a suggestion of Theon and that Mance and his spearwives espaced him or at least some of them. So Ramsey tries to anger Jon into abandoning the wall to come to their help.

>> No.1993848

1) Nobody has been successful in hatching dragon eggs in 300 FUCKING YEARS. Illyrio could not have known.

2) Dany was a wild card. They had no idea she would have been so competent in warfare to have invaded and conquered three cities in the span of a couple of months. Once Varys and Illyrio did hear of her accomplishments, they sent Aegon to her immediately.

There are no plot holes.

>> No.1993854

They basicly thought that they could turn it into supporting him, since their family often married among each other and since the law usualy makes the male owner of the possesion and the one who commands, he would have gained her dragons and the cities she conquered.

>> No.1993866

Not to mention while Dany was being sold for armies, Griff was being tutored and shaped into a king. Dany and Aegon are different in this sense. Dany sees it as her right, Aegon sees it as his duty. We've all seen how poor of a ruler Dany is, and whether or not she wants to admit it, is very much her father's daughter. If Aegon is anything like his father, one can only imagine who the better ruler will be.

>> No.1993944

If Dany truly though it was her right to rule, she would have left for Westeros when offered the chance. Instead, she stayed behind in a place where many hated her and married the heir of the previous slaver rulers because it was her duty to her "children". It's her first experience as a ruler and she's a poor one because she was caught in an impossible situation?

Aegon may think it's his duty to rule, but only because Varys and Illyrio have manipulated him into believing so, as Tyrion manipulated him to abandon his journey to Dany and her dragons (the dragons are everything) and Aegon stupidly fell for it. Now he's showing the typical impetuous character of a young man who wants to rush headlong into battle for glory by wanting to lead the attack on Storm's End, the same fortess that was only succesfully besieged in all it's history through the use of magic.

>> No.1993957

Didn't Loras recently conquered it with heavy casulties and getting horribly burned from oil?

Urgh, i bet he looks worse than Tyrion now.

>> No.1993963


If he does that though, Dorne will have his back since Griff said they were just waiting for someone to show their strength and get behind a strong contender. It's a bold move but he might be able to do it.

>> No.1993972


that was Dragonstone...Stannis' old crib.

>> No.1993995


He went to Dragonstone, because Cersi knew he'd be impatient and try and storm it rather than waiting it out.

Mace Tyrell went to Storm's End, Cersi sent him there because she wanted him away from the Council and Tommen, knowing it would take years to starve them out since a siege is almost impossible.

>> No.1994075

I don't know whether to laugh or cry when people take words of characters, renowned for their lies and treachery, at face value.

>> No.1994085

>Not to mention while Dany was being sold for armies, Griff was being tutored and shaped into a king. Dany and Aegon are different in this sense. Dany sees it as her right, Aegon sees it as his duty.

Ahahaha. Wait, are you really talking about that massively entitled, stupid, easily manipulated, petulant brat (who is 90% likely to be a fake heir) we've seen in the book?

>> No.1994217

Pretty much the reason i bet Ramsey is actualy deep in shit thanks to Mance, Stannis and maybe Theon.

>> No.1994221

There are three fucking threads in the first page about this shitty series. Contain yourselves, you fucking nerds!

>> No.1994246

This one was here before.