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/lit/ - Literature

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19931315 No.19931315[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What kind of books do black people read?

>> No.19931319
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>> No.19931320

I'm black and I read medieval literature

>> No.19931328

Black pepe is unholy. Normal pepe is not white he is green, black people can use him too

>> No.19931334

Share your favorite books anon

>> No.19931358
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>> No.19931365

Song of Roland
Divine Comedy
Canterbury Tales (very big on Chaucer)
The Faerie Queen
Gargantua and Pantagruel (Bakhtin)

>> No.19931367


>> No.19931386

>Gargantua and Pantagruel (Bakhtin)
So you read Rabelais and his World or what does this mean?

>> No.19931393

I'm black i read The Trauma Myth

>> No.19931397

Stolen ones

>> No.19931402

Do you believe medieval Europe was also incredibly diverse and future of black people, but became racist in the slave trade? This is what my country is telling me.

>> No.19931407

Amazing book; one of my favorites on medieval literature.

>> No.19931408

I don't think blacks read. That said, most whites don't read either.

>> No.19931414

shut the fuck up bitch ass faggot stop being such a pissy baby because some historical fiction on tv cast a black person
grow up

>> No.19931422

Caricaturish display

>> No.19931488

Black people can read?

>> No.19931501

Only hispanics and chinks read

>> No.19931515

do you enjoy watching porn where black men creampie asian women. Serious question

>> No.19931522

I'm no history expert. I'm just a simple surveyor of medieval poetics.

>> No.19931535

I used to regularly take a bus route that had primarily black riders. What they read usually fell into one of three categories:
Afrocentric literature
Religious books
Business/Self help books

>> No.19931573

The only real answer is that it depends. Most blacks don't read that much, but that goes for most people anway and what someone reads depends pretty much soley on their enviroment and intelligence rather than their race anyway. You don't think that some nigerian warlord, a thug from detroit and some well educated lawyer read anything even remotely similar to each other on average, do you? You could bring average iq into the discussion, but the exact type of books one is interested in just depends on a lot more than basic intellegince (especially if you grew up in some shithole), so besides mentioning how the types of books they're interested in would, on average, coincide more with those that people with a low iq like to read, you can't really say much of anything

>> No.19931609

the people that particularly like that stuff are either just watching it because they can self-insert into it more easily (with the guy being black) or they're in it for the fetish aspect (and that's kind of weird regardless of whether you're black or not)
the jav stuff i saw, while a lot more racist, wasn't nearly as weird as some of the western stuff is imo
t.different black guy

>> No.19931617

what are you reading fren?

>> No.19931626

Based black bro

>> No.19931642

I work at a bookstore and I've seen ~6 come in, first 4 were couples. The first was a man and a woman and they asked where the religious lit was and then left after they didn't find anything. The second pair were two teens who knocked a bunch of shelves over and then tried taking money from the register when I went to go fix it. The other 2 were college girls who bought anti-racist feminist poetry or some shit.

>> No.19931646

black can read?

>> No.19931649

That nigga got the game fu up

>> No.19931651

Francesco Petrarca, Augustine, and Wolfram von Eschenbach at the moment. What about you?

>> No.19931681

t. sissy skirt-wearing black guy
ok, gotcha

>> No.19931911

But it's like every tv show, in fact, I got off at Birmingham station and they had a video on black people in medieval England with medieval outfits on.

>> No.19931921

This seems accurate, they're usually very religious and obsessed with gaining wealth and status whilst believing absolute nonsense afrocentric history.

>> No.19931929

I pretty much only read occult literature (Case, Evola, Kaplan, etc) and the odd surrealist fiction, some fantasy.

>> No.19931938

The cool black people I know read a ton of science fiction

>> No.19931945
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Nice. I dig the mystic/neoplatonism/occult tendencies, fren. Personally, I've been reading some schizo lit from the old french tradition like melusine.

>> No.19931964


>> No.19931980

black guy here
i dont care about creampies
dont get why anyone would have a fetish for it
it's pointless, it's not like there's any kind of spectacle behind it

>> No.19932019


>> No.19932252

They start with the greeks

>> No.19932324

Urban Fiction and Thug Erotica

t. Work at a library

>> No.19932333

Good one.

>> No.19932355

white guy here w/asian wife
for me it's the impregnation risk that makes it hot. and the humiliation that would result from the fact that everyone would blatantly know I'm not the father.
I'm addicted to that shit though and trying to break away from it. Don't go down that road if you're not already down it

>> No.19932364

Kill yourself.

>> No.19932526

Flashman: On The March

>> No.19932555
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what is he reading?

>> No.19932563


>> No.19932578

so you're a pedo, interesting

>> No.19932582

In his left it looks like a hymn book.
But someone must recognize the size of the book in his right hand with the gold trim at the top and the 2 white stickers.

>> No.19932950


>> No.19933160

linus, is that you?

>> No.19933165

Stolen rapper biographies

>> No.19933203

I'm reading voices in the wilderness they wrote the sea scrolls.

>> No.19933205


>> No.19933207

big head ah

>> No.19933213


>> No.19933285

I read nonfiction and fantasy

>> No.19933297

Name the most recent 5 books you enjoyed anon

>> No.19933309

They read the bible, it's for low IQ.

>> No.19933313


>> No.19933925

Kill yourself

>> No.19934203
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I mostly read literary fiction, horror, and non-fiction crime. I just read pic related last night. It was pretty amazing and one of my favorites now.

>> No.19934221


>> No.19934232

hello fellow whites

>> No.19934233

I also recommend saga of didrik of bern, Orlando Innamorato and Tristan by strassburg

>> No.19934864
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>> No.19934876

Go ask the folks at Miller Grove

>> No.19935252

Post picture of wrist and one of those books

>> No.19935278

Love Chaucer, good choice
>No Boethius
Bad choice, nigger

>> No.19935284

I’m black and I read what /lit/ tells me.

>> No.19935296

Nothing, he's tripping high af and is pretending to read two books so no one bothers him

>> No.19935427

You guys can make jokes all you want, I'd like to see how well you'd know how to read if you had to go through centuries of oppression and fighting against white supremacy every single day of your life

>> No.19935479

I've also taken public transit for most of my life and kind of agree with this, but
of all the black people I've seen reading on the bus or subway, the overwhelming majority is middle-aged women reading those goofy smut novels with some airbrushed half-naked man on the cover.

>> No.19935490

I'm 99% sure I've seen someone break down that picture. He's reading some sort of commentary or bible-related book and cross-referencing it with the Bible in his left hand.

>> No.19936135

I'm not but I also don't think it should be a big deal