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File: 562 KB, 750x1130, 9781839822575.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19930093 No.19930093 [Reply] [Original]

>accurately deconstructs incels
This should become a mandatory read in highschool, it's 10/10 and freely distributed online

>> No.19930098

So much this. Nofap, and incel "self improvement" in general are threats to our democracy and women.

>> No.19930157

> Look, I studied the thing wholly invented by media!

Nothing is new under the sun since the days of exploding vans.

>> No.19930529
File: 67 KB, 540x564, 3809CF3D-50A9-42B1-AAE6-2F6A138D5A95.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be powerful, independent woman who doesn’t need a man, especially a white man
>Why are anonymous virgin men mean to me online :( I’m so scared…men can you help us fight this?

>> No.19930714
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She wrote a chapter on how to avoid the "risks" associated with studying online communities. Astonishing just how pathetic academics are.

>> No.19930786

I make my girlfriend wear a hijab when web browsing to counteract just this constant threat of violence.

>> No.19930788
File: 206 KB, 2000x1000, disgusted-man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So much this.

>> No.19930801
File: 1.24 MB, 450x450, 1644370432509.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that people who unironically use the word "Incel" look like this.

>> No.19930804

Do these people think nofap started in 2020?

It's shit like this that renders academia a depraved, fascist institution.

>> No.19930809

There is no war against women.

>> No.19930916

>NoFap is an anti-Semitic, anti-sexuality movement started in 2020 by the Rogan Youth, a fascist youth organization.[2][14] The movement claims that masturbation saps "WhiteQi", an energy which men require to enslave women and fight gender equity. [3][5][6]

>> No.19930933

Please tell me that's a quote xD

>> No.19930938
File: 83 KB, 1068x1083, 265064089_4942815085749274_264664699322784289_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But they certainly are provoking one.

>> No.19930949

I'm from a culture where beating women is tolerated and I haven't had sex in two years, but I don't hate or try to oppose women, I just hate and oppose feminists because they are evil

>> No.19930958

What the fuck do these buzzwords even mean? Who bankrolls this useless research?

>> No.19930973

Who do you think?

>> No.19930997

OK incel

>> No.19931010

wtf I love NoFap now

>> No.19931013

Yeah if you could not help their case that'd be great

>> No.19931017

We all do bro...taxpayer > gov > NGO > grants

>> No.19931022

Bro I worked for a student news paper and got terrorized by the pride center for asking questions. The uni is like the Nazi party.
We're paying to be oppressed

>> No.19931844

anyone got a download to this yet? I'm not giving academics anymore of my money. i'm sick of paying money to be terrorized.

>> No.19931870

All Incels are spiritually Indian. Unless the book actually is willing to wrestle with this fact, that it is primarily and Indian migrant movement, then it is an incomplete treaty.

>> No.19931881

stfu nazi. stop proving them right

>> No.19931907

Is incel a gay movement?
Also I think women-nonexistance is a growing trend probably parallel to it

>> No.19931912

The absolute state of Wikipedia.

>> No.19931953

I've noticed they completely deny the ethnic angle. The incel wiki has a bunch of stuff about how much easier white guys have it and use terms like "ricecel" or browncel to refer to themselves. Its genuinely quite depressing

>> No.19931974

99.9% of the shit that has come out of academia since ~2000 has been absolutely Godawful. Why do you think? I credit over-theorizing, publish or perish mentality, and too many academics.

>> No.19932006

>comes here
>onto a Tibetan pataphysics forum
>calls everyone a derogatory term
>expects them to read whatever they wrote
I never understood this.

Why do you figure anyone here would take you seriously? Are you autistic?

>> No.19932010

t. voted Biden and calls themselves "leftist"

>> No.19932038

I just read the bit that you can for free on google books. Absolutely not worth wasting your time on. If you're interested in incels, just read their own wiki. It's actually less partisan than this book and more informative, with far more primary references. For example the opening quote is from some Jewish feminist: "There are two reasons why people don't support the word feminist: The first is they don't know what it means. The second is they do know what it means".

>> No.19932073

Yeah I'm interested in what misandrist academics are saying, because they tried to paint me as one so I'd like to burn the academy to the ground thank you

>> No.19932082

Ie get them fired.

T. Far leftist

>> No.19932108

>some Jewish feminist:
Name? Sauce?

>> No.19932113

Their wiki is like a fucking textbook, they're not kidding around lmao.

>> No.19932125

Gloria Steinem.

>> No.19932127
File: 468 KB, 1536x2048, FGc-M2nUUAE9LMh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her Twitter is pretty interesting, I wonder who buys this shit? Academics remind me of Instagram "life coaches", just a group of retards who follow each other and feed each other praise for creating products no one uses, outside of their little circles

>> No.19932135

idk how it even works for that field since they dont "make" money "legitimately"

>> No.19932172

The ebook on amazon is free.

>> No.19932207

Going on her Twitter, it seems that her entire "field" is just a bunch of 30-40 something unmarried cat moms who happen to be academics.

>> No.19932488

Why do I get the sense that a woman studying the new incel-simp-improover social dynamic is a complete fucking nonstarter?

>> No.19932505

"Incel" now literally means unsuccessful white male, it doesn't even describe some kind of sexual loser anymore. If you have a problem with society you are an incel. This word is cancer and it's part of the great scheme of criminalizing unhappiness and lack of success in this dystopian society, the latter of which most often happens due to moral boundaries and values rather than lack of skill and merit.
One of the worst words of the century

>> No.19932538

>cultivating multiple indentities
That is some recipe for schizophrenia right there.

>> No.19932540


>> No.19932550

Books by writers outside the incel movement who try to make sense of the incel movement ultimately fail because the writer doesn't know (usually) know what its like to be an incel. Zero stars

>> No.19932556

LOL at this roastie writing a book about inceldom, that is like a blind person talking about colors.

>> No.19932686

Contrapoints video about incels was very on point, and I think most 4channers should watch it

>> No.19932745

she's a retard and most "incel haters/researchers" just focus on the trolls that think they're incel, without that they would have nothing to talk about

>> No.19932773

you absolutely haven’t watched the video, lol.

>> No.19932887
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love from kazakhstan

>> No.19932898

>The media and I keep giving a voice to the unimportant and disgusting dregs of society in all manners, fat underdeveloped and literally mentally ill virgins, people who cut of their dicks and tits, really really ugly people, and people who don't have a family. How can we stop this problem of giving a voice to the disgusting?
In the same way that you do not care about the millions of impoverished and pissed off Indians and they haven't risen up to massacre their betters, neither will incels, who are fewer in number and don't have a moral backing.