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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 22 KB, 289x382, C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19928166 No.19928166 [Reply] [Original]

I'm in the process of selling or trashing everything I own and then I will wander the earth with a single backpack. I want to carry one book with me on my travels to reread what should it be? It needs to be something that has value and provides enjoyment in being read over and over hundreds of times.

>> No.19928168

the book

>> No.19928170

Mein Kampf

>> No.19928194

Book of pook.

>> No.19928202

White Fragility

>> No.19928238

What's with all the anti-white posts I've been noticing lately? Are American demographics really changing that fast?

>> No.19928256

You are having a manic episode and need to find someone who used to know you before you started going batshit crazy. You don’t live in a movie, being a vagabond in modern America WILL get you stabbed or bludgeoned to death. Crust punks, niggers, tweakers, they’re everywhere and you will die.

>> No.19928260

Just pick your favourite book

>> No.19928268

What's with /pol/tards being unable to detect obvious sarcasm? Is this why their board went from ironic to unironic natsoc?

>> No.19928282
File: 363 KB, 1910x999, the-books.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the books

although KJV is superior from a literary standpoint, you should probably look for the complete version since you can only take one

>> No.19928296

I'm leaving America

>> No.19928306

Also everybody is constantly mentioning /pol/ now. It's getting really fucking annoying.

>> No.19928307

A Kindle would make the most sense.

>> No.19928325
File: 36 KB, 500x298, em-two.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did what OP describes, more than once. It's not a big deal; many Irish and Australians base their existence around it even. Something millions of 19-year-old girls do yearly without fear or incident (though a girl I knew did go missing in Guatemala, but that's the exception.)

>> No.19928330

As long you have access to a power source periodically, I completely agree.

>> No.19928336

Industrial Society and Its Future

>> No.19928889

Do you live in a place where the sun doesn't shine, the wind doesn't blow, the water doesn't flow, and do you suffer from the inability to move your four limbs? You always have a power source.

>> No.19928912

Big difference between backpacking with dad's credit card and doing what I think OP is describing. But I agree with your point and think that anon you are replying to is a faggot.

>> No.19928919

I said I was going out of America but you must live a sad life if you stay inside all because you're scared of people

>> No.19928938

because they get easy replies. I wish they'd be more absurd though like posting Maoist literature that calls for the genocide of reactionary races instead of just your standard CRT

>> No.19928945

Check out Vagrant Holiday

>> No.19928946

rent free

>> No.19928949


>> No.19928954

Welcome to the last eight years. Don't like it? Get a job and fuck off!

>> No.19928955

Get an e-reader and load it up with books from zlib and libgen

>> No.19929005
File: 8 KB, 200x252, Maugham.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Collected Short Stories of W. Somerset Maugham

>> No.19929020
File: 265 KB, 1438x1401, 9756f51b-523e-4157-b1a9-668bb755b6bb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Constant raids by trannies. Over on /tv/ shit is way worse, but they get rekt in every thread. Its kinda funny.

>> No.19929164


>> No.19929219
File: 39 KB, 293x475, chekhov.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did this with picrel. Selling everything and leaving was the best decision I ever made.

>> No.19930187

Book of the New Sun

>> No.19930221

What's with op pic? Looks like someone I know.

>> No.19930664


>> No.19931382

It's an ai generated image. It probably looks like lots of people lots of people know

>> No.19931409

calm down, it not that difficult to avoid niggers.

>> No.19931419

In Our Time, so you can read Big Two-Hearted river whenever you need it

>> No.19931703

It's a real image. This is a myth

>> No.19931970

you'll definitely need some funds. what kinda backpack are you going with? Nomatic is at least one brand that's got a lot of functional space while still being lithe and light.
>or trashing
donate. don't be a villain.

>> No.19931993

HoofBeat Volume 2

>> No.19932022

What did she expect?

>> No.19932449
File: 132 KB, 437x633, ReadBetterBooks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

google image search or read more finer literature (pic related)

>> No.19932465

I already did that. The Holy Bible.

>> No.19932473

>I'm in the process of selling or trashing everything I own and then I will wander the earth with a single backpack.
But why???

>> No.19932476

Something to coom with. Bible, then.

>> No.19932484

Why to which part? Possessions mean storage. Storage means rent. Rent means working everyday of your life to pay for rent. Get rid of possessions and you won't need to work. Eventually I'm sure I will find a place to settle down but you can't find it if you don't look.

>> No.19932572

tranny raids

>> No.19932964

Why don’t you try to be rich so you don’t have to work like normal people?

>> No.19933185

Renting or buying a house is really the only problem. For 99% of people the home is what takes up your entire life, savings, work. If you owned a house you wouldn't need to work or be rich because you could make it so you don't need anything to live.

>> No.19933201

The most rigorous book on logic you can find.

>> No.19933813

Maybe because it is what is carrying the whole of 4chan's relevance these days