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19926140 No.19926140 [Reply] [Original]

Previous: >>19911001

>> No.19926141
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First for fun.

>> No.19926150

Go to >>>/his/

>> No.19926282

First for heterosexual adult male Christian.

>> No.19926875

My Humble Lamb Bible arrived today. It's incredibly nice. I got the edge lined NKJV.

>> No.19926906

Nice. My copy of Alter's Hebrew Bible arrived today, and it's massive.

>> No.19927008

my Exodus reading continued...
To really underline just how tldr God's Tabernacle instructions were, it turns out that Moses was up the mountain listening for so long that those peabrained Israelites had begun to worship a golden calf instead of God. Everything he's done, the parting of the sea, the saving them from Egypt, all of it forgotten. So God is on the verge of a major chimpout, he tells Moses he's just kill 'em all this time, but Moses intercedes and saves their skins... but then has several thousand of them slaughtered as punishment.
also, while Moses was still up the mountain, God said
>Verily my sabbaths ye shall keep: for it is a sign between me and you throughout your generations; that ye may know that I am the Lord that doth sanctify you
>Ye shall keep the sabbath therefore; for it is holy unto you: every one that defileth it shall surely be put to death: for whosoever doeth any work therein, that soul shall be cut off from among his people.
>Six days may work be done; but in the seventh is the sabbath of rest, holy to the Lord: whosoever doeth any work in the sabbath day, he shall surely be put to death.
I used to HATE working Sundays, I knew I was right.

>> No.19927158
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Zelda is Christian. The Triforce was supposed to be representative of the Holy Trinity.

>> No.19928179
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I need teach myself to fast so the only thing I ever eat is communion.

>> No.19928707


>> No.19928721

accidentally posted in old thread last night but I finished the OT and the prophetic books filtered me hard bros… i think it was the combination of schizo ramblings and all the allusions to places and people and them being all over the place chronologically and the disjointed nature of many of the books

>> No.19928748

>and them being all over the place chronologically and the disjointed nature of many of the books
This is why you should've been reading either using a BIAY guide or chronological guide. Don't tell me you read all 150 Pslams in one go, did you?

>> No.19928764

i read the psalms along with the NT, i did a few a day

>> No.19928847

>schizo ramblings

>> No.19928900

I will not apologize for my faith.

>> No.19928993

that’s right

>> No.19929039

Enjoy being among the scoffers who didn't listen because of your worldly normie orientation.
Faith in what, textual critical science?

>> No.19929076

if a man came up to you on the street and started telling you about his apocalyptic visions you’d call it schizo ramblings

>> No.19929081

Wrong, I'd say right on brother it's coming.

>> No.19929093


>> No.19929457

The sabbath is Saturday, Sunday is the Lord's day

>> No.19930127

Apologize for not getting the Tyndale House GNT instead.

>> No.19930274

>any Greek is superior to the celestial angelic of the KJB

>> No.19930323
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>Faith in what, textual critical science?


>> No.19930482

Where do you see sunday being called the lord's day in the bible?

>> No.19931331
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Get more.

>> No.19931346

That's called suicide by starvation.

>> No.19931605

Prospective Catholic here: why am I supposed to read the Bible if I'm not allowed to interpret or think about the Bible?

>> No.19931630

To learn about your own religion?

>> No.19931671

But reading the Bible is learning about Protestant religion.

>> No.19931685

If you really are a prospective Catholic, you should stop letting your beliefs be dictated to you from people who aren't Catholic and dislike it.
Like, what even is this question? Why should you read the Bible if you're not allowed to interpret or think about it? There is no rule against either, that's a Protestant meme.
It would be like saying "I'm a prospective Christian. Why should I follow Jesus if He isn't the Messiah?"
Or, "I'm a prospective religious person. Why should I worship God if He doesn't exist?"
There is no way to really properly answer your question

>> No.19931691

The Bible existed and was read for 1200 years before the "Protestant religion" existed.

>> No.19931693

Longer than that.
Genesis was written around 1000 BC
Luther didn't shit out his new religion until 1500 AD

>> No.19931694

The point is that reading the Bible provides me with a different rule to live by than asking a Catholic priest.

>> No.19931704

Catholics are the ones who try to *dictate*, we just inform people of how Scripture btfos Catholics.

>> No.19931719

>Catholicism btfos Catholics
What did he mean by this?

>> No.19931732

I just read Luke 18:19 and Jesus basically said He wasn't God. What am I to make of this? Arent they one and the same?

>> No.19931743

>buy a resource from a Protestant publisher
>Printed in China
>buy a resource from a Catholic publisher
>Printed in the USA/Italy/Netherlands/Philippines
What am I to make of this?

>> No.19931746

You cant discuss the Bible with your priest?

>> No.19931750

Protestant work ethic is all about profit.

>> No.19931761

>Protestant work ethic is all about using slave labor from atheists.

>> No.19931764

>buy a resource from a Protestant publisher
>is Christian
buy a resource from a Catholic publisher
>is Satanic

>> No.19931769

>printed by Chinese communists
okay mao

>> No.19931789

Not one of mine are printed anywhere but the USA. Freedom fries for me thanks.

>> No.19931913
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One day catholics claim authorship over the bible because they """compiled""" it, next day they refuse to read it because it's "too protestant"...

Crazy how far you can get from God when you read the Roman Talmud (Catechism) and let silly men in robes interpret the Word of God for you

>> No.19931946

fasting before eucharist is not obligatory
faith =/= textual source worship
sabbath obligation is abolished. new obligation is on sunday and is only obligatory by decree of the Church.
catholicism allows extensive leeway in personal biblical interpretation in everything but regard to core doctrine
there is no way to interpret the bible in a vacuum aka by oneself. at least doctrinially.
ἀγαθός refers to the power that comes from God the father, the power to have authority (this is the authority the son co-eternally "submits" to). the question has a subtext of "what must i do to have the ἀγαθός of god" - jesus rebukes him and says that is alone proper to god (ie there is a clear divide between what god can do and what man can do)
who cares

>> No.19931955

the Church strongly encourages personal biblical devotion

>> No.19931962

>Crazy how far you can get from God when you
Pray to demons disguised as Mary and saints.

>> No.19931991

>catholicism allows extensive leeway in personal biblical interpretation in everything but regard to core doctrine
What precisely is core doctrine? Obviously I believe in the Trinity and the crucifixion and so on, but if I thought the Bible doesn't say anything specifically against gays and permits non-procreative sex acts between spouses, does that mean I can't be Catholic?

>> No.19932027

>who cares about giving money to those who persecute Christians

>> No.19932033

This is a minor point, but fasting before Communion is obligatory. The fast, however, is only required to be an hour before receiving, so unless you are in the habit of eating your pop-tarts on the way to Mass, the rule is comically negligible.

>> No.19932080

>The fast, however, is only required to be an hour before receiving, so unless you are in the habit of eating your pop-tarts on the way to Mass, the rule is comically negligible.
Also, since it is usually given about 40 minutes into mass, unless you live next door to the church and just had breakfast or ate within 20 minutes of walking in the church, it's also negligible, because a 10-15 minute drive is enough of a buffer.

>> No.19932085

I believe under the 1964 CCC addendum the obligation can be waived by bishops in their own diocese, if youre in the usa there's a high chance you live in a diocese with a waived obligation. it's still a good devotional practice however
you support 100s of oppressive companies and countries everyday through the supply chain. for example, if you consume coffee or chocolate or use any rubber products today there's a high chance it was produced with slave labor. we're not obligated to avoid such things as they are far too complex to be taken as an individual responsibility.
there are two sources of core doctrine: sacred scripture and sacred tradition.

btw the bible does condemn homosexuality (see paul) and permits non procreative sex (see paul, marry lest lust overtake you, etc). ofc sola scriptura is false so catholics dont need to rely on the bible alone for doctrine.

>> No.19932092

>ofc sola scriptura is false so catholics dont need to rely on the bible alone for doctrine.
This is literally what I'm talking about. Catholics don't believe in non-procreative sex, but the Bible does.

>> No.19932141

>Catholics don't believe in non-procreative sex
incorrect. catechism says sex has 2 purposes: procreation and bonding. what do you think natural family planning is? it is licit to have sex for pleasure so long as the telos of the act is not violated and if you do it in the infertile period the telos is intact even though there's no possibility of pregnancy.

also there's other "licit" sex with does not violate the telos of the act and can be done purely for bonding. cunnilingus and nipple play are two example. the line between objectifying lust and licit bonding sex is left to the determination of the couple.

>> No.19932169

I want to have sex with my wife in the fertile period using contraception, and have sex with her non-vaginally. These are all ways my wife and I have bonded in the decade prior to our discovery of Christianity. I'm pretty sure Catholics don't permit that even though Proverbs 5 and 1 Corinthians 7 say to take joy in your wife's sexuality.

>> No.19932180

>you support 100s of oppressive companies and countries everyday through the supply chain. for example, if you consume coffee or chocolate or use any rubber products today there's a high chance it was produced with slave labor. we're not obligated to avoid such things as they are far too complex to be taken as an individual responsibility.
And yet you're comparing that to Bible production when there exist publishers, both Catholic and Protestant, who still print in non-communist countries without slave labor. All someone has to do is avoid Crossway, Zondervan, and Thomas Nelson, and they're in the clear. That's not hard.

>> No.19932218

>I want to have sex with my wife in the fertile period using contraception
desiring something =/= it is licit
contraception violates the telos of the act, both materially and spiritually. human beings are both physical and spiritual, read fides et ratio and more on theology of the body.
>and have sex with her non-vaginally
this is licit, depends exactly what you're doing and your motivation behind the act, it would be case by case. same with things like sex toys, there's no universally applicably binding law because the act itself remains intact.
>these are all ways my wife and I have bonded
if you are using contraception you are actually limiting your bonding. couples who practice NFP have a 0.03% divorce rate (sorce georgetown study of married catholics). this is very statistically significant wrt the normal divorce rate for catholics. nfp promotes communication, self-control, and boding bt the couple. limitation is inherent to human desire, to deny otherwise is to equate the kingdom of heaven with "that which has been given to satanas" (see the temptation in the desert)

you're free to buy what you wish, but there's no moral obligation to boycott certain things/countries etc. in the traditionally sense of obligation. whats more important, cheap mass production of bibles? or sourcing of labor? no correct answer there.

>> No.19932255

Catholics and "Orthodox™"
>muh fast before Eucharist
>eat at home before you do the Lord Supper so you don't come and eat too much
Implying also not just a wafer or cube and sip.
>muh we are the original church

>> No.19932265

>muh fast before Eucharist
>eat at home before you do the Lord Supper so you don't come and eat too much

Glad you've stopped being historically ignorant.

>> No.19932268

agape love feast of believers =/= sacramental priestly eucharist instituted by Christ

>> No.19932278

So literally what I said: Catholics have made it illicit to do what is encouraged in the Bible.

>> No.19932286

where does it say in the bible does it "encourage" contraception and having anal sex? if it's not the bible, it's not allowed, right? you realize contraceptive and anal sex was not legally considered "sexual activity between a man and woman" under roman law right (and paul was a roman)? why do you think that is?

>> No.19932302

>Proverbs 5:18–19: Let thy fountain be blessed: and rejoice with the wife of thy youth. Let her be as the loving hind and pleasant roe; let her breasts satisfy thee at all times; and be thou ravished always with her love.
>1 Corinthians 7:5: Defraud ye not one the other, except it be with consent for a time, that ye may give yourselves to fasting and prayer; and come together again, that Satan tempt you not for your incontinency. 1 >Corinthians 7:3-4: Let the husband render unto the wife due benevolence: and likewise also the wife unto the husband. The wife hath not power of her own body, but the husband: and likewise also the husband hath not power of his own body, but the wife.
Sure contraception is neither explicitly permitted nor denied in the Bible, but sexual pleasure through the full use of spouses' bodies is encouraged.

>> No.19932309

>this is how we retconned

>> No.19932319


answer the question: why was it that both contraceptive and anal sex were not legally considered "sexual activity between a man and woman"? could it be perhaps because ancient moral systems recognized such sexual activity was not in fact "rejoicing in the wife of thy youth" (see quiver full of arrows in psalms aka referring to progeny as "blessing" wrt marriage)?

>Let the husband render unto the wife due benevolence
this means do not use your wife or husbands body in a manner of sex which is not fitting to the marital state you are in aka sex that was really frotting or sodomy ie non reproductive sex which, teleologically ,*cannot* be proper to that sacramental state

>> No.19932325

I have no need to cope, I'm not in a Satanic Babylonian counterfeit "Church™".

>> No.19932335
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r8 my Bible

>> No.19932357

>why was it that both contraceptive and anal sex were not legally considered "sexual activity between a man and woman"?
It could be that contraceptives weren't easily available or there was an incentive to have a lot of children, and I never mentioned anal sex. This, like your other quote regarding the meaning of "benevolence", is a context which is open to interpretation. Rubbing yourself off on your wife's breasts wasn't considered "sexual activity between a man and a woman" but Proverbs 5:19 encourages it in the most obvious interpretation.

>> No.19932385

Show cover and spine.

>> No.19932387

girl bedspread/10

you have a rudimentary understanding of catholic sexual ethics. it's significantly more "pleasure oriented" than you realize, however it is based in scholastic understanding of the nature of action. it's difficult to explain or justify here as it is essentially based in an aristotelian/thomistic philosophy which was abandoned by the protestants and never adopted by the orthodox. suffice to say catholics don't rely on the bible alone for doctrine so the points you're raising are frankly irrelevant, im just pointing out how by your own logic sola scriptura itself is not clear on what is and is not acceptable wrt to sex. search catholic.com for "sola scriptura" if you want more info.

i highly recommend you read humanae vitae and the execellent commentary "why humanae vitae is still right" if youre interesting in understanding the logic behind what is and isnt christian wrt to sex.

>> No.19932536

>you have a rudimentary understanding of catholic sexual ethics.
I don't disagree, in fact Catholic ethics in general is something I'm attempting to look into at the moment. I'm not normally a strict Protestant but my initial points here >>19931605 >>19931694 isn't just that the Bible is still important despite not believing in sola scriptura myself, but that rules determined from external teachings shouldn't conflict with it. In my view, the prohibition on matrimonial sexual pleasures conflicts with the passages I mentioned here >>19932302 and I'm not sure what logic could justify such a prohibition.

>i highly recommend you read humanae vitae and the execellent commentary "why humanae vitae is still right"
Before or after I read the Catechism? Right now I'm reading Augustine, my backlog is immense.

>> No.19932539

>catholics don't rely on the bible alone for doctrine
that's right. what does pachamama say about sexuality?

>> No.19932661
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>sabbath obligation is abolished. new obligation is on sunday and is only obligatory by decree of the Church.
You value the word of your church's leaders over the Word of God.

You did not answer my question either. >>19930482

>> No.19932663
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>> No.19932667
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>> No.19932671
File: 1.00 MB, 1920x1080, Revelation 13 Vs 18 - 666 - Snapshot Image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19932676
File: 44 KB, 1122x621, Who Was The Sabbath Really Made For - Jesus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19932786

This is actually a problem for Protestants and not Catholics/Orthodox. There are not explicit directions given in Scripture on how these things are meant to occur, so the Protestant has to basically make it up based on the sparse details that Scripture provides. Catholics/Orthodox have a Church that can make rulings on how these things are to ordered and can actually exercise the power of binding/loosing.

>> No.19932796

Anon, sodomy is evil. It is not good or acceptable for anyone to engage in. If you do this to your wife you are defiling and abusing her body. If this is your reason for not becoming Catholic then you are a child of Satan.

>> No.19932799

>I never mentioned anal sex
It doesn't bring us closer so we don't do it. That said, I don't think that's necessarily true of all couples, but it's not relevant to my personal situation.

>> No.19932807

It is objectively evil and is always wrong no matter who is doing it or for what purpose. This is one of the primary reasons that you should not be interpreting Scripture for yourself. You ultimately will just use it as a mirror to justify the things that you want to do. The authority isn't actually Scripture but yourself.

>> No.19932823

kek get a load of these words of timeless wisdom from virtuous holy man™

>> No.19932829

Simeon the Holy Fool was like a Christian Diogenes the Cynic.

>> No.19932846

I do got the Rahlfs and a different version of the W&H. They are holy books.

>> No.19932882

Okay anon, so what is your authority that tittyfucking your wife is wrong, and how does it refute Proverbs 5:19?

>> No.19932912

>Okay anon, so what is your authority that tittyfucking your wife is wrong
The Church, by whose apostolic authority it is taught that any sexual act which does not terminate in a manner open to procreation is sin.
>and how does it refute Proverbs 5:19?
There's nothing to refute. Your interpretation of the verse is simply wrong. Firstly, taking the literal meaning of "breast", you have read your preferred sex act into the verse, which does not state such a thing. Secondly, the Hebrew may be read as indicating love or affection, as the breast was perceived as the seat of such emotions. You are engaging in a common act of ignorance in which you equate your interpretation of the verse with the supposed "plain meaning" of the verse.

>> No.19932933

>by whose apostolic authority
But the Apostles didn't say anything about tittyfucking.

>> No.19932963

Given your vulgar language and how vacuous this objection is, I am doubting the sincerity of your concern over this topic.

>> No.19933006

The Apostles were perfectly adamant when stating that all adulterers and fornicators get the rope.

>> No.19933045

Fornication is pre-marital sex, not non-procreative sex.

The thing is that we're talking at side angles. I don't see where Scripture prohibits non-procreative marital sex, but the Catholic Church teaches that it's bad because it's unnatural and therefore an affront to God, a line of argument I can't really understand.

>> No.19933098

Marriage is something known as a "type". It is a foreshadowing or prefiguration which is fulfilled by something which comes later. This concept is used explicitly in scripture, for instance here:
>Rom. 5:14 Yet death reigned from Adam to Moses, even over those whose sins were not like the transgression of Adam, who was a type of the one who was to come.
Now, as Adam was a "type" of Christ, marriage is a "type" of the Church:
>Eph. 5:31-32 “For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh.” This is a great mystery, and I mean in reference to Christ and the church.
This means that marriage is not a thing itself, but something that exists in reference to the Church. As in marriage the husband and wife become one flesh, so in the Church the faithful and Christ become one body (1 Cor. 12:12-13). So this union has a "telos" or an ultimate end. It a purpose within itself, and functions properly in accord with this purpose. So the purpose of marriage is the life-giving union of husband and wife in prefiguration of the life-giving union of Christ and the Church. And sex is something that properly functions only within marriage. Sex also is not something that exists unto itself, but has an end, which is to be the means by which life is created in marriage. So sexual acts that do not function according to this end are disordered. They exist unto themselves.

>> No.19933116

Even holding hands, inappropriate conversation, and certain types of eye contact is fornication. We crucify the flesh and earthly desires for luxury and comfort along with it, in order to rise with the Spirit. How can you be born again if you haven’t first died to the world?

Go ahead reap what you sew anon

>> No.19933125

Where can I read about this?

I agree, according to the logic of the post above yours.

>> No.19933155



>> No.19933215

The Catechism? I'll bump it up my reading list and stop asking questions then... though isn't it longer than the New Testament?

>> No.19933303

I don't know of a specific resource about the typology of marriage, it's something that I've learned about from various things. I was just pointing you to those two sections, not really telling you to read the entire thing (which is indeed long).

>> No.19933355

Can I keep listening to Burzum if I become Catholic? What about reading Harry Potter? Some kids I once knew got in trouble at their Catholic school for reading it.

>> No.19933358

What does this mean, Protestant bros?

1 John 5:16-17
If any one sees his brother committing what is not a mortal sin, he will ask, and God will give him life for those whose sin is not mortal. There is sin which is mortal; I do not say that one is to pray for that. All wrongdoing is sin, but there is sin which is not mortal.

>> No.19933387

Where is your heart at? Where is your head at? Are you for real? Do you want to be part of a Catholic community? A pagan black metal community? Or the sci-fi death cult mainstream community?
Or are you in it in order to get closer to God?
In which case listen to what he tells you in the gospel about being “wise as serpents and harmless like doves”. You are required to know how enemy moves, in order to guard yourself against him.

>> No.19933393

This is a hard question. The two things you mention are rather different, as the former is directly opposed to Christianity. Will anyone actually bother you about this? I doubt it, honestly, but you never know. Should you do those things? I don't think there is anything particular to Catholicism that would bear upon this. But I can tell you that you should not be finding enjoyment in things that are clearly evil and opposed to Christ. This would apply to black metal. Harry Potter I will leave to your own conscience.

>> No.19933482

I want to continue to enjoy the music I like, even if it's creator expresses ideas contrary to my own, or even if the music itself does through unintelligible lyrics in a dead foreign language.

>> No.19933493

>I want to
>I like
>my own
Your problem

>> No.19934258

Do you suppose that your flawed reasoning is superior to what Saints and the Church Fathers have to say?

>> No.19934289

Oh I see, so when you called yourself a "prospective Catholic" you were just lying. Got it

>> No.19934405

Not really Bible related but is reading other holy books from other religions a sin? I'm Catholic if that makes a difference

>> No.19934414

Depends on why you're doing it.

>> No.19934616

So sick of worrying about theology and institutions. But I know if I get rid of that then I'm just making shit up on my own. Oh yeah, follow the Bible, but how do I know what books are in it huh? I think I'm going to lose my faith.

>> No.19934711

Anon, why are you so adamant about making M-F anal sex and thrusting your penis through a women's breasts unsinful?

>> No.19934736

>Not really Bible related but is reading other holy books from other religions a sin?
No. The apostles were familiar with what we now consider the Greek classics--which, though not stated in their surviving writings, no doubt included stuff like the Iliad and the Odyssey--which depict and speak of the Greek gods. We also know various saints read and critiqued the Quran, most notably St. John of Damascus, and nobody would claim that action to be sinful.

>> No.19934768
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>call no man "Father" you have *one* Father in heaven
>"Church Fathers"
>"Church Fathers"
>"Church Fathers"
>Pope (Papa)
>Pope (Papa)
>Pope (Papa)
He said what He did for good reason, and He meant it. If your "Tradition™" is to disregard Christ then it is a pile of dung. Your pile of dung is so high and ornate it has become as a tower of Babel.

>> No.19934792

If you lose faith in such a manner then it's not much faith to begin with. The institutions are corrupted to varying degrees, the old ones severely, but they did preserve the seed through the ages, able to be replanted and grow again in the fertilizer of their dung heaps. God loves planting, sowing, growing, trees, vines, etc. It's kind of His thing. Also: Romans 8:28.

>> No.19934801

Matt. 5:34-37
But I say to you, Do not swear at all, either by heaven, for it is the throne of God, or by the earth, for it is his footstool, or by Jerusalem, for it is the city of the great King. And do not swear by your head, for you cannot make one hair white or black. Let what you say be simply ‘Yes’ or ‘No’; anything more than this comes from evil.

Rom. 1:9-10
For God is my witness, whom I serve with my spirit in the gospel of his Son, that without ceasing I mention you always in my prayers, asking that somehow by God’s will I may now at last succeed in coming to you.

Rom. 9:1-2
I am speaking the truth in Christ, I am not lying; my conscience bears me witness in the Holy Spirit, 2 that I have great sorrow and unceasing anguish in my heart.

2 Cor. 1:23
But I call God to witness against me—it was to spare you that I refrained from coming to Corinth.

2 Cor. 11:31
The God and Father of the Lord Jesus, he who is blessed for ever, knows that I do not lie.

Gal. 1:20
(In what I am writing to you, before God, I do not lie!)

Phil. 1:8
For God is my witness, how I yearn for you all with the affection of Christ Jesus.


>> No.19935106

Just curious as to who makes up these threads
What denomination (if any) are you?
t. Baptist

>> No.19935167

I've made all of them save for two since Jan. 21, the two I didn't make being Jan. 24 and Jan. 31. So, I've made all of them since Feb. 2 at this point. Catholic.

>> No.19935392
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For me, it's the Aquinas Institute.

>> No.19935396
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>> No.19935407

My Confirmation Saint was actually Constantine, a Saint of the Eastern Catholic Church.

>> No.19935426

Pro tip there is no such thing as confirmation saints.

>> No.19935455

Pro tip the Bible has 73 books.

>> No.19935478
File: 107 KB, 720x897, crusader.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What Catholic Bibles should I start with?

>> No.19935486


>> No.19935500

Douay and Ignatius. Then the Knox as an interpretative companion, but not as a literal translation, if you want.

>> No.19935528

If you're in the USA then the Church has the following allowances:


If you're not going to submit to the rulings of the Church then you aren't truly part of it.

>> No.19935542

not bible direct, but commentary question
how different are the Navarre single NT version vs the single book versions?

>> No.19935576
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From the preface to the "The Navarre Bible: New Testament Expanded Edition."

>> No.19936017

>I'm Catholic
>I'm Orthodox
Protestant no matter what type
>I'm Christian
Neat how Christians are such a unified body in core spirit regardless of differences in minor technical opinions. I guess a lot of that unity comes from reading the Bible and believing it.

>> No.19936063

the Authorized Version

>> No.19936114

>JWs and Mormons are in "a unified body in core spirit regardless of differences in minor technical opinions"
Sorry, but non-trinitarians aren't Christian even if they claim to be.

>> No.19936531

Neither of those are Protestant so ok.

>> No.19936612

They are. And they call themselves Christian, like Protestant Christians, Orthodox Christians, and Catholic Christians do.

>> No.19936709

No they aren't, Google it.

>> No.19936718

Finally. Something I can wrap my head around.

>> No.19936726

Where can I purchase old Collins Authorised KJV Bibles? My current bible is incomplete, as my brother ripped out seventy pages out of the OT.

>> No.19936731

You said Protestants are Christians because they called themselves Christians.
>Members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints unequivocally affirm themselves to be Christians.
>Yes. We are Christians for the following reasons:
So by your claim, they're both Christians because they will call themselves Christians when asked. Hope you found that helpful!

>> No.19936786

The Jerusalem Bible

>> No.19936787

>You said Protestants are Christians because they called themselves Christians
Wrong, I said Protestants just call ourselves Christian, without a word about us being Christians simple because we call ourselves that. We're Christian because we're Christian, simple as. But Catholics and "Orthodox™" see yourselves as Catholics and "Orthodox™", so when you state your religion that's what you call it. Us, we just say Christian is our religion and then people might ask about "denominations" and such from there. Catholics and "Orthodox™" make idols of even what you call yourselves.

>> No.19936836

>I said Protestants just call ourselves Christian
Right, and so do other Protestants like Mormons and JWs.

>> No.19936882

No, in everyday interaction they call themselves JW and Mormon. If you walk up to one in the street and ask what their religion is that's what they respond with, just like "Catholic" and "Orthodox™". Walk up to a Baptist, Methodist, Pentecostal, etc. and ask their religion and Christian is the answer you get.

>> No.19936943

>No, in everyday interaction they call themselves JW and Mormon.
Mormons will call themselves Christians or Latter-day Saints/LDS, not "Mormon," so that's wrong.
>If you walk up to one in the street and ask what their religion is that's what they respond with, just like "Catholic" and "Orthodox™".
Right, Catholic Christians and Orthodox Christians, like many Protestants you've listed will call themselves Evangelical Christians.
>Walk up to a Baptist, Methodist, Pentecostal, etc. and ask their religion and Christian is the answer you get.
Right, Evangelical Christian or Protestant Christian.

>> No.19936972


>> No.19937011

Actually, right. Sorry about your fringe, incorrect views.

>> No.19937168

>Sorry about your fringe, incorrect views
Exactly what they should have said to "saint" Jerome when he came in pushing the Mary worship mess.

>> No.19937178

They will have it, that some five or fix thousand years ago, all that is since come to pass, was then unchangeably decreed. They lay down the way in which the Heavens and the Earth were Created ; and tell you, that Man was made of the Dust of the Earth, and the Woman out of one of his Ribs, as if God had not made her of the same Stuff ; that a Serpent tempted this Man in a Garden of Fruit- Trees to eat of an Apple, which was the occasion that the Great Spirit put his own Son to Death, on purpose to save all men. If I would say that these advances have a greater appearance of fabulousness than of truth, you would close upon me with Reasons fetch'd from your Bible : But according to your own words, this Scripture of yours had not always a Being ; the invention of it bears the date of some three thousand years ago ; and 'twas not Printed till within these four or five Centuries. Now, considering the divers events that come round in the course of several Ages, one must certainly be very credulous in giving credit to so many idle Stories as are huddled up in that great Book that the Christians would have us to believe. I have seen some of the Books that the Jesuits Writ of our Country ; and those who knew how to read 'em, explain'd to me the sense of 'em in the Language that I speak ; but I found they contain'd an infinity of Lyes and Fictions heap'd up one above another. Now, if we see with our eyes that Lyes are in Print, and that things are not represented in Paper as they really are ; how can you press me to believe the Sincerity of your Bible that was Writ so many Ages ago, and Translated out of several Languages by ignorant Men that could not reach the just Sense, or by Lyars who have alter'd, interpolated, or pared the Words you now read. I could mention several other Objections, which in the end will perhaps influence thee in some measure, to own that I have some reason to confine my Belief to such things as are visible and probable.

>> No.19937312

humanae vitae is short, can be read in an hour. same with some intro books on theology of the body.
you seem obsessed with pagan deities. is this a protestant trait?
sola scriptura is false anyway so it doesnt matter how many schizo infographics you spam
>anal sex is objectively evil
false. this is not the orthodox catholic understanding. anal non climatic male-female sex in marriage is licit.
>Certainly there isn’t any ‘Church teaching’ about heterosexual anal intercourse at a magisterial level, but few seem to know that there is a tradition of approval of such behavior as foreplay to intercourse (not to be confused with the biblical condemnation of sodomy which replaces intercourse) by orthodox Catholic ethicists. The principle generally invoked is that consensual actions that culminate in intercourse are morally permissible as part of bonding during foreplay.
Janet E Smith
>The Church, by whose apostolic authority it is taught that any sexual act which does not terminate in a manner open to procreation is sin.
key word: terminate. breast play is valid as it does not have the climax as the inherent telos of the act.
sex within marriage cannot, by definition, be fornication. stop being a protestant puritan heretic prude.
the cathechism is a good "intro" but for in-depth moral answers on certain topics youll need secondary literature
music, by itself, cannot be "evil" by merit of the melody and methods of composition. lyrics can, yes. but a christian "death metal" style concerto is perfectly licit.
trust the authority that compiled the canon. ie the catholic and orthodox church. doctrine precedes scripture by definition.
neither are sinful per se

>> No.19937332

lol. there is a certain type of catholic who looks like this.
got em
the abbey psalter. nabre.
any translation is approved for personal study. the church allows the faithful to use their judgement.
the separate volumes have *way* more content.
both are new religious movements that are protestant in origin. the bible student movement is distinctly american protestant.
the catholic church assembled the bible. keep coping.

>> No.19937467

So Catholics can do whatever sex acts they want in marriage as long as the husband never ejaculates except procreatively? Catholics have to practice orgasm denial? That makes it sound incredibly kinky.and honestly less good at bringing couples together.

>> No.19937488

>music, by itself, cannot be "evil" by merit of the melody and methods of composition
I wont bother with the rest of your points but this is incorrect.

>> No.19937504

>false. this is not the orthodox catholic understanding. anal non climatic male-female sex in marriage is licit.
There is a difference between normal foreplay and sodomy. This definition would mean that sodomy is only sodomy if it terminates as sodomy, which is nonsense. Sodomy is wrong because you're using the body in an unnatural and abusive manner.

>> No.19937540

This stuff?

>> No.19937589

Shouldn't be hard to figure out that sodomy is wrong, IMO. Homosexuals who engage in it frequently end up with a colostomy bag eventually.

>> No.19937595

>the catholic church
loves to take credit for God's work.

>> No.19937625

>I'm not allowed to interpret or think about the Bible?
Who the fuck says Catholics don't think about the Bible you sound like a shitposter

>> No.19937645

Mormons absolutely latch on to being identified as "Christians" for cultural respectability even though their beliefs are pretty patently non-Christian.

>> No.19937655

>What makes sexual sins intrinsically evil is any of the following: the deprivation of the procreative, unitive, and/or marital meanings, or lack of consent (rape), or the breaking of marital vows (adultery), or any combination. Anal sex used as a type of foreplay is inherently non-unitive
Seems like this article relies entirely on a non sequitor.

>> No.19937669

so long as the husband finishes in the vagina most thinks are either permitted or morally neutral. a good example would be using a dildo - it is part of foreplay, or is it purely for like "size queen" please? marital sexual acts cannot violate the telos of procreation or bonding within the act itself. ie: a dildo does not have the ability to get a woman pregnant, thus is it a morally neutral object. but in what manner is it being used? to what end? this determines licity.
name an "evil note". is a guitar evil? what about a synthesizer? at what point does using a synthesizer become evil? name an evil tempo. what about an evil pitch of voice?
>this definition would mean that sodomy is only sodomy if it terminates as sodomy
partially correct. sodomy is sodomy because happens between a man and a man. anal sex between a man and a woman, by definition, cannot be sodomy
>which is nonsense
read more Thomistic philosophy.
no such concept exists in catholicism - the "natural vs unnatural" false dichotomy is a protestant import. so long as the act's telos is not evil, the component parts of the act are neutral (use of a penis is neutral, use of the anus for please is neutral in and of itself), and the circumstances of the act are not evil (ie within the proper sexual ordering ie in this case within marriage), the act cannot, by definition, be immoral. it doesn't matter whether it "feels" right or wrong.
see the above explanation. the act itself is neither good nor bad with orthodox theology

>> No.19937690

Yes, but if you stop them in the street and ask their religion the answer will be Mormon or LDS, not Christian.

>> No.19937836

Pretty sure the article posted above refutes literally everything you say.

>> No.19937850

Hey so what bible is the most accurate translation. My boomer mother flipped out and ranted to me because she found her two king james bibles use different words in Genesis 15:4. One uses "body" the other uses "bowels".

>> No.19937877

>Hey so what bible is the most accurate translation.
Depending on the definition of "literal" (as in, the source GNT), it could be the King James, the ASV/RV, or the NASB.
>My boomer mother flipped out and ranted to me because she found her two king james bibles use different words in Genesis 15:4. One uses "body" the other uses "bowels".
Are either from Thomas Nelson? Because the 1611 version and the primary updated version should both say bowels.

>> No.19937880

KJV is, and it says bowels.

>> No.19937892

The NKJV says "body" so maybe she's mistaken? Otherwise, it's probably Thomas Nelson's shit; they've been known to quietly edit the KJV and the NKJV without telling people, though that's usually to add a comma or something.

>> No.19937914

Alright I looked at the two bibles in question. One is king James and the other is New king james and it does have Thomas Nelsons name in it.
However according to her and some other yt boomer its supposed to say "body" because ((they)) are changing it

>> No.19937945

If they were "changing it", wouldn't 'body' be found in the earlier translation? As in.... in the KJV?

>> No.19937950

>However according to her and some other yt boomer its supposed to say "body" because ((they)) are changing it
The KJV, ASV, Douay-Rheims, YLT, and many other old translations from Greek and Latin say bowels; the RSV, NASB, and others say body; and others like the NAB, ESV, and NRSV range from "flesh and blood" to "son" to "issue."

>> No.19937996

Ive been trying to tell her that and even point out the one with body says "New King James" on it. But "bowels" makes her think of shit so therefore body is correct. Then she brought up Joshua 9:4 one says bottles but the newer one says wineskin.

>> No.19938032

Alright I found the yt channel that told her and sparked this whole dumb conversation.

>> No.19938049

The trouble is that no translation is perfect. The KJV has errors which other translations don't make. The reason it's still the foremost translation is that it is the translation with the least errors and the lowest magnitude of error.

I just looked at the embed title and cringed hard, I'm not sure you can reason with someone who takes such a YouTube video as Gospel.

>> No.19938055

Is it possible to memorize the entire Greek New Testament?

>> No.19938068

Of course, back in Jesus's day Jews usually memorised the entire Hebrew Bible by 14, and Greeks the Iliad or Odyssey. They were trained from infancy for this though, it will be harder for you.

>> No.19938070

Introduce her to R. Grant Jones. He's an old guy who compares Bibles and his favorites are the KJV and ASV. He's got multiple videos comparing translations and analyzing textual sources. I'd also recommend introducing her to biblehub.com, particularly: https://biblehub.com/interlinear

Here's that Genesis 15:4 passage: https://biblehub.com/text/genesis/15-4.htm
And Joshua 9:4: https://biblehub.com/text/joshua/9-4.htm

>> No.19938111

>lowest magnitude of error
This especially.

>> No.19938266

ive read the article, it's literally from a schizo rambling blog. he shows a limited understanding of thomistic philosophy: the "each act" of humanae vitae refers to acts that have their proper telos in the completion of sex. foreplay can't be condemned as "nonprocreative" if the act itself is morally neutral and lacks the telos of creative ability. JPII covers this extensively in his 1983 lectures, basically the guy you "cited" is a radtrad who is not in agreement with either the magisterium or the vast majority of neo thomists today (of which janet smith is a notable one).
use multiple bibles and compare translations. "accuracy" depends on the source texts.
I 2nd this rec.
erasmusian MT is not accurate. it was made from 6 manuscripts, the latest of which came from the 12th century. also it uses the OT MT which is all you need to know.

>> No.19938296

>erasmusian MT is not accurate. it was made from 6 manuscripts, the latest of which came from the 12th century. also it uses the OT MT which is all you need to know.
What always fascinated me was that this same issue exists in Catholicism, and the Douay-Rheims, but was largely dealt with with minimal issue. The original Rheims NT was completed before the Sixto-Clementine Vulgate, and thus was translated from a medieval Latin edition of the Vulgate from a few sketchy manuscripts. I'm not sure if the completed DRB NT was edited in accordance with the Sixto-Clementine Vulgate in 1610 or whether it wasn't until Challoner in the 1750s that that happened, but it does make the handful of traditionalist larpers seem stupid if they want to revert to the original 1582 Rheims and worship the Sixto-Clementine Vulgate, unaware that the two are not the same.

>> No.19938364

If there's a typo in my Bible, should I correct it with a pen, write the correction on a tiny slip of paper and glue it over the typo, or burn the Bible?

>> No.19938374

What is a good site or book or similar for an overview of generally agreed Catholic doctrine?

>> No.19938382
File: 71 KB, 379x575, mangabible.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've posted this once before, but I actually own a manga Bible.

>> No.19938391

Catechism of the Catholic Church.

>> No.19938399
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>What is a good site or book or similar for an overview of generally agreed Catholic doctrine?
The Catechism of the Catholic Church is all the teaching of the Church in one volume.

>> No.19938407

There are three "Manga Bibles" I know about but OP's is the only one I know that's "authentic" in the sense that it's published by the Japan Bible Society and was done by actual manga artists. Not sure about the one you posted, but the third was done by some black dude trying to mimic the manga "style" so it's a joke.

>> No.19938440

The one I posted is published by Tyndale and isn't even fully manga. It has a handful of manga sections, but is really just a NLT Bible.

>> No.19938446

I see. Does it have the name of the artist(s)?

>> No.19938459
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Oh, it's also worth noting that the one in OP obviously isn't the full Bible text. It's literally a manga covering the major stories of the Bible. The one by the black dude is pic related.

>> No.19938466

I can't find an illustrator credit but now I'm curious myself. I did notice, as I was just looking through it, that it was printed in Japan. I'll take a couple pictures and post them in a few minutes.

>> No.19938524

Why isn't it on Mangadex? I want to read.

>> No.19938530

The other anon said it was too surface level, and I saw that it was longer than the entire NT. I would prefer something more like a series of articles or an encyclopaedia page as a preliminary structural guide.

>> No.19938535
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>> No.19938539

The Catechism is really easy to read since it's broken up into specific sections covering different areas of doctrine and theology. I'm not Catholic and I flat-out reject much of Catholicism, but if you want a handy reference guide, the Catechism is hard to beat.

>> No.19938546
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>> No.19938556
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So, as you can see, the art leaves a lot to be desired. I've seen worse from legit mangaka, but this looks like someone learned from one of those How to Draw Manga books I used to find in my high school library.

>> No.19938607

I found this, which discusses Tyndale House publishing both the OP series and >>19938382.
>Tyndale House Publishers announced that it is launching a yearly series of Christian manga drawn by Japanese artists in September, as well as a Manga Bible with three manga sections in November. Amazon lists Hidenori Kumai as the author, with Kozumi Shinozawa and Atsuko Ogawa as the illustrators, of the first manga book, Manga Messiah. The Manga Bible will include the entire New Living Translation of the text with three 32-page manga tip-in sections that summarize the narrative.
So, we know the two illustrators for the OP series but nothing on the single-volume with the NLT.

>> No.19938702

Based. I got the 5 vol Christian Classics version because it was cheaper and I don't really need the Latin. I do have the commentaries though and they're really good.

>> No.19938722

>Right to left

>> No.19938738

The Vulgate textual tradition is just as messy as the Hebrew and Greek traditions (see the old latin controversy) but for whatever reason Catholics have cared a lot less.
correcting it is fine. it's just paper.
the CCC but it provides a very high-level overview. it's also quite dense. id recommend ratzinger's book "introduction to Christianity" if you're a complete beginner to catholicism. it's also worth reading some orthodox perspectives on catholicism as they provide interesting critiques and 98% of what the EO church believes is true of the catholic church in the east as well.
you might be interested in the baltimore catechisms. they're simple pre VII catechisms written for children. also ott's book on dogma, schall's books. perhaps this: https://www.amazon.com/What-Catholics-Believe-Pocket-Catechism/dp/0879735740.. catholic answers (catholic.com) has great articles on individual topics.

>> No.19938750

I'm mixed. On one hand, the Christian Classics version of the Summa is cheaper and perfectly fine, plus commentaries. Same, I'd assume, the Catena Aurea from Preserving Christian Publications. On the other, the Aquinas Institute has clearly put an unspeakable amount of time and effort into their ongoing series, which isn't due to be finished until Vol. 60 in 2026 and will include texts that lack any existing English translation. Though while their editions have the Latin text, they also lack any footnotes or commentary; the aim being that you only get Aquinas's writing.

One Amazon reviewer commented on getting the 5-volume Christian Classics version and complained about blurry type, whereas the Aquinas Institute versions seem to have universal acclaim. Quite tempting.

>> No.19938788

If you have the money to spend the Aquinas Institute versions are obviously better. I'm waiting on their translation of his commentary on the Divine Names

>> No.19938821

If I could pick and choose, for the time being, I'd prioritize the Summa, various OT and NT commentaries, and the Catena Aurea when those come out from the Aquinas Institute. Setting aside costs, a 60-volume series sounds absolutely insane to try to keep shelved and would likely look like an eyesore in a bookcase. You'd probably have to build and measure a completely separate bookcase just for them. Reminds me of those 30+ volume books of the Church Fathers, with the same aesthetic problem.

>> No.19939035
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>studying the bible is ... LE SCHIZO
Why do catholics hate the bible so much? Pretend to love it but really hate it. They can't even debate theology, all they do is insult people or claim they're not TrueChristians™ because they don't pay indulgences or tithe to ROME (or because they read the bible themselves and learned so many catholic doctrines are completely unbiblical).

Trinity isn't in the bible

Neither are indulgences, infant baptism, purgatory, pope, Peter being a pope, calling men your Father, bowing to men, making idols and bowing to them or kissing them, etc but studying the bible is apparently "schizo" to roman catholic cultists. They won't even read that article because it exposes one of their cult's heresies, so it's easier to just shut off their brain and vomit buzzwords.

Catholics are just Pharisees at the end of the day, complete with their own roman talmud (catechism) and zohar (summa). Sadly, the average catholic churchgoer knows even less about their own church cult than its critics (not like they read any bible or history book that wasn't corrupted by ROME), but they'll never listen to any "heretics" for trying to correct them or save them from the plagues Revelation 18:4. No, they'll just insult you or claim you're not a TrueChristian™ for not agreeing with their cult full of pedophile wolves which are protected by their church (but you're supposed to believe Peter the rock established the catholic cult and the gates of hell didn't prevail against it, despite all its heresies and scandals and abominations).

The catholic cult is the WHORE OF BABYLON.
But that's just another bible study that they'll scoff at and vomit buzzwords to disregard. After all, they worship their church and their church "fathers" instead of God. And they even view murdering heretics to their cult as defending God as evidenced by their crusades and even modern rhetoric, despite that explicitly going against what Christ taught (but you better believe they have an excuse for that too).
>...but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven...

Cathodox don't read the bible, if they did they'd recognize their chuch's heresies (or maybe their perception is too distorted by their talmuds and church "father" teachings). Just look at their posts ITT, they don't even discuss the bible in a bible thread. It'd be funny if it wasn't so serious. And even after all that I've written, they won't even consider the possibility that their church isn't god. No, they "know" they're right, just like the atheists who "know" they're right too. The pope ought to wear a fedora, it'd be more fitting than a dagon priest mitre.

>> No.19939054

I'll pray for your sinfulness. It's sad to hear you and the rest of the Pharisees reject Christ as God.

>> No.19939067

Explain how Christs sacrifice can save if the doctrine of the Trinity is false.

>> No.19939106

>fucking your wife's ass is no longer a sin so long as it's foreplay

>> No.19939264

Not really that useful, how many wives have asses these days, and what wife would want to fuck you after you've fucked a donkey.

>> No.19939341

If Catholicism teaches that sodomizing your wife is licit then Catholicism is evil. You might as well say it's okay to slap her around or beat her with a belt. There's no difference. Hell, you probably agree with that too.

>> No.19939353

>anti-Trinitarian calling others evil

>> No.19939362

I am not the anti-Trinitarian anon. I do not believe that Catholicism actually teaches this thing, but that its teachings are being distorted. Anal sex is fundamentally abusive and disordered. It cannot be good. I would ask you to demonstrate to me what the difference is between performing anal sex on your wife and choking or slapping her around as a (consensual) sexual practice. You cannot.

>> No.19939374
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For me, it's the Syriac.

>> No.19939399

>sodomy is sodomy because happens between a man and a man. anal sex between a man and a woman, by definition, cannot be sodomy
The traditional definition of sodomy is anal or oral sex between any people.

>> No.19939423

>if the act itself is morally neutral
Sticking things in your asshole to pleasure yourself is "morally neutral."

>> No.19939432

Choking and slapping can only provide mental and not physical pleasure.

>> No.19939437

Anal sex does not provide physical pleasure unless a person has been abused to the point that their anus is no longer functioning naturally.

>> No.19939460

If you want to perform anal sex on your wife, it means one of two things 1.) you have been a consumer of pornography and it has caused your desires to be disordered, or 2.) you want to have sex with your wife in the manner in which you would have sex with a man.

>> No.19939468

Not everyone was raised Christian. We all have different backgrounds and experiences.

>> No.19939477

Indeed, and part of being a Christian is the healing of the things which are wrong with you, such as the desire to perform sodomy.

>> No.19939478
File: 357 KB, 981x1102, Screenshot_20220217-231202_Got Questions.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19939485

everyone in this thread is in dire need of clozapine, you guys do know that this stuff is not real right?

>> No.19939490

I don't care how you want to justify it, the act itself is evil. That is not what the anus was designed for. To perform this act upon it is intrinsically harmful on a physical level and constitutes an abuse of the body. You either have homosexual tendencies or you are aroused by abusing women. Or perhaps you are aroused by fecal matter? It is not and will never be neutral. Repent.

>> No.19939499

>you are aroused by fecal matter... Repent!
This low IQ strawman arguing is just pathetic. The anon earlier in the thread already said it's fine for Catholics and it's clearly fine for Evangelicals too, try arguing against your own scholars instead of the boogeyman.

>> No.19939505

It is not fine for either one. You cannot address the fact that is intrinsically abusive, which is why you keep ignoring it. God is not fooled by your excuses.

>> No.19939584

>Got Questions
Always knew this site was trash.

>> No.19939678

Why did the anti-Catholic anon ignore this post?

>> No.19939732

I dug around in this site a little bit and it's pretty funny. Apparently it advocates that the Seventh Day Adventists are the "remnant church" because they fit various criteria, primarily rejecting the Trinity and holding Saturday as the Sabbath, but Seventh Day Adventists today accept the Trinity, so now there's some invisible remnant of a remnant or something. This is where non-Trinitarianism gets you, lol.

>> No.19939861
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Is this true bros?

>> No.19940280

Yes, and it was intentional.

>> No.19940530

Reversion to the Mosaic Law is common with people like that. It happened with my dad. It's idiotic and just comes from poor hermeneutics.

>> No.19940563

It seems like once you get rid of certain markers of orthodoxy, you inevitably end up going off into crazy places.

>> No.19940591
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What is the best Catholic bible in English? Is the NRSV acceptable? I'm having difficulty finding copies of Wycliffes or Douay-Rheims in physical.

>> No.19940625

King James is the only Bible so keep that in mind.

>> No.19940658

What are you referring to? I don't believe there any Catholic Bibles by that name as Wycliffe was a proto-Protestant. That being said, the RSVCE, NRSVCE, and NABRE are good modern translations.

>> No.19940859

I've seen it happen so many times, and it's at the heart of so many denominations, even ones we wouldn't normally consider very aberrant. Like this guy >>19940625 with his KJO thing. It doesn't seem like much of a problem, but when you turn it into almost an item of the faith, it's really easy to get lost in division and end up breaking the church. I'm always reminded of Luke 17:1-2. We know stumbling blocks will come, but for the people through whom they come, it's going to be a bad deal.

>> No.19940957

I wonder if the NLT sections are just pulled from the other version OP posted. If it's all Tyndale, I could see them doing that as a cost saving measure. Strange that there aren't any artist credits in the actual book, though, at least that I could find.

>> No.19940976
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Indeed, woe unto them that lead people into Satan's counterfeit "bibles" instead of the Holy Bible (Authorized Version).

>> No.19941069

>trinity is evil
>institutional church is evil
>calvinism is evil
>bible translated by state church trinitarian calvinists is the only bible

>> No.19941138

>What is the best Catholic bible in English?
RSV2CE from Ignatius Press and Douay-Rheims-Challoner from Baronius Press for formal equivalence. The NRSVCE is acceptable, sure, but it is not recommended for non-scholarly use. The NABRE is eh, better if you ignore the notes which are filled with outdated secular theories the USCCB outsourced them to.

>> No.19941177

Citation needed.

>> No.19941229


>> No.19941353

Douay-Rheims Challoner, Knox, or RSV-2CE
Anglicans aren't Calvinists

>> No.19941389

>Anglicans aren't Calvinists
We are speaking of the Reformation era. The Puritans were part of the Church of England. The Westminster Assembly was a function of the Church of England. It was quite literally full of Calvinists. Of course modern Anglicanism has no particular theological beliefs at all.

>> No.19941545

>RSV2CE from Ignatius Press and Douay-Rheims-Challoner from Baronius Press for formal equivalence. The NRSVCE is acceptable, sure, but it is not recommended for non-scholarly use.
what specifically is the difference between them?

>> No.19941934

That translation isn't the best but the illustrations are great.

>> No.19942083

What's wrong with it exactly?

>> No.19942106

Modernist. Fails the Isaiah 7 litmus test. If Saint Matthew says that Isaiah 7:14 says virgin then it says virgin, any translation created by secular scholars who assert it's "young woman", completely ignoring the inspiration of scripture is automatically tainted

>> No.19942502
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Oof, okay, that's a hard pass then.
So what's the difference between RSV 2nd edition and Douay Rheims Challoner aside from the price tag? I'm not afraid to spend a few extra bucks on a good bible if it's worth getting.

>> No.19943831

They are both pozzed. The DR says the woman will crush the serpent instead of her seed in Genesis 3 because Catholics worship Mary instead of Christ and they can't make an honest Bible to save their shriveled souls. The RSV was the first to start putting young woman instead of virgin.

>> No.19943861

Here is Gen 3:15 in parallel so you can see for yourself. Pro tip, the Holy Bible is the Authorized King James, accept no Satanic counterfeits.


>> No.19943904
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This is the version of the bible I read.

>> No.19943967

>doesn't quote scripture
>doesn't quote scripture
>doesn't quote scripture

>> No.19943999

The RSV-2CE is a correction of the RSV, which is a 20th-century translation based directly on Greek and Hebrew sources. The current Douay-Rheims you can buy is a translation of the Sixto-Clementine Vulgate, revised in the 1750s, a Latin translation of older, more accurate Greek and Hebrew manuscripts than survive today. Both the Douay and the RSV-2CE preserve correct renderings of passages like Isaiah 7:14, Luke 1:28, etc. Feel free to skim these videos for information:
These are schizos. Be wary of their efforts to lead you astray from the path of God and his Church.

>> No.19944012

Matthew 28:19
Now stop being a JW and become saved.

>> No.19944023
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>gaslighting and character attacks to defend a cult
>can't quote scriptures
Not that anon, but you cultists are such hypocrites.

I'm not JW and that doesn't prove your cult is right.

>> No.19944025

Doesn't the fact that there are female Apostles in the Bible supersede the notion that women shouldn't teach when it comes to determining if women should be able to become priests? Surely if it was good enough for Jesus and Paul...

>> No.19944029
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These threads in a nutshell.

>> No.19944056

>I'm not JW and that doesn't prove your cult is right.
>all Catholic, Protestant, and Orthodox Christians are cultists because they don't subscribe to your fringe, anti-Trinitarian beliefs
If you're not a JW, then you're the Judaizers St. Paul warned about.

>> No.19944059

Christ never said "believe in the trinity or perish"

You are in a cult.

>> No.19944088

>Christ never said "believe in the trinity or perish"
Are you sure?
>"And there are also many other things which Jesus did, the which, if they should be written every one, I suppose that even the world itself could not contain the books that should be written. Amen." John 21:25

>> No.19944129

Jesus said he was building a Church, said the Holy Spirit would guide it into all the truth, and said that the gates of hell would not prevail against it. Why do you call Jesus a liar?
>"The gates of hell shall not prevail against my Church, except for how they will prevail and my Church will be corrupted for over a thousand years until some disgruntled guys dissolve my Church and built their own churches, which will also be corrupted until some dudes in America circumvent all my teachings and make their own." -Jesus, apparently

>> No.19944155
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If it was important, it would have been recorded. But I guess that's why you have your own talmud to "interpret" the scripture for you.

>The gates of hell shall not prevail against my Church
Oh nonono...

>> No.19944158
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Why should I not join the orthodox church

>> No.19944172

While the Catholics have all that history/retarded gossip orthodox have the KGB, so pick your poison.

>> No.19944199

>Oh nonono...
Yes, you are a Donatist heretic, we all know.

>> No.19944209

Because to convert to Orthodoxy you have to use the same methodology as you would convert to Protestantism, which is to investigate everything and decide for yourself who has the most accurate claim. You have to justify that Orthodoxy is in the correct side of the schism which requires this personal theological/historical investigation. Whereas in Catholicism you can eschew this and simply enter into communion with the Pope. Orthodoxy doesn't have any principle of unity that allows a person to bypass this problem. Also there are multiple "Orthodox" churches, so you'll need to distinguish why the Eastern Orthodox are correct over the monophysite Oriental Orthodox. Again, same problem.

>> No.19944224

no one wants them, even pol hates them

>> No.19944227
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>no arguments

>> No.19944242

The argument with Donatism was had 1,600 years ago, and St. Augustine demonstrated conclusively that your understanding of the Church is wrong. Your idiotic opinion today is meaningless. The Church and its sacraments depend on the promises of God not men's personal morality.

>> No.19944271

You aren't even engaging in my arguments, you're just bringing up off topic nonsense to discredit and disregard what I say. First you call me JW now you call me Donatist, you just character attack and strawman

>> No.19944280
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Couldn't be more true.

>> No.19944289

>Because to convert to Orthodoxy you have to use the same methodology as you would convert to Protestantism, which is to investigate everything and decide for yourself who has the most accurate claim. You have to justify that Orthodoxy is in the correct side of the schism which requires this personal theological/historical investigation. Whereas in Catholicism you can eschew this and simply enter into communion with the Pope. Orthodoxy doesn't have any principle of unity that allows a person to bypass this problem. Also there are multiple "Orthodox" churches, so you'll need to distinguish why the Eastern Orthodox are correct over the monophysite Oriental Orthodox. Again, same problem.
ok but theological convenience isn't a justification of truth

>> No.19944371

Which Orthodox Church? Because all of them except for the Russians support contraception.

>> No.19944377
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If you just want to appear godly like all the LARPers in this thread who hate the bible and call studying it "schizo"

>> No.19944379

>You aren't even engaging in my arguments
You don't have arguments.

>> No.19944391

Now you lie and bear false witness.

>> No.19944444

I have young’s literal and a douay rheims that got kinda dirty. should I invest in a leather nice douay rheims or wait a few years until I can easily read the vulgate

>> No.19944460

When you use the word "Authorized" with that capital A, you are effectively putting words in God's mouth, implicating that He specifically authorized the KJV. You need to knock that shit off.

>> No.19944462

"studying it" is schizo if it leads you to schizo conclusions undoubtedly like the ones displayed in this image

>> No.19944491

Infant baptism is not in the bible.

>> No.19944599
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>> No.19944607

Are Catholics allowed to take into account historical research in their interpretations of the Bible? I've just watched InspiringPhilopsophy's Genesis series and I'm pretty sure it's not exactly what Catholics teach. If you think IP makes some good points based on historical context, does that mean you're basically ineligible to be a Catholic?

>> No.19944618
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Counterfeit "bible" enthusiast detected.

>> No.19944639
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>> No.19944730
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>> No.19944888
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>The Manga Bible
EW. Yeeech. Yuck. Ugh. It does exist.
But so does this.

>> No.19944917
File: 1020 KB, 1920x1080, Diplomacy_is_not_an_Option_Main_Screen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I do agree with you, but then Catholics all go into /v/ and post "Zelda is Catholic!"

Like, yeah, Nintendo did put christian imagery very subtly and trying to be kinda quiet about it in a universal way. But it doesn't explicitly do so. And over the years, which I think is the point of your post, is to point out, gotten further away from resembling that.

The Catholics also have a whole buncha pictures of crosses hidden in various places you wouldn't even expect. Like Yarn Kirby holding a cross. Captain Falcon supposedly getting his powers from Jesus Christ. Things like that.

We don't worship the cross like an idol, though. Pointing to the cross of Jesus means the death for our sins. He also resurrected from the tomb, which means the resurrection and the eternal life and ascension into Heaven.

Just represents what He did for us and our sins, not meant to be a statue we kneel to and pray.

>> No.19944919

>EW. Yeeech. Yuck. Ugh. It does exist.
Its basically just a childrens bible with anime style drawings instead of the typical western style.
Nice get btw.

>> No.19944929

Amen, I don't have time to read that whole thing, but Jesus did not break the Sabbath! Amen!

>> No.19944990


>> No.19945041

This only applies to 56 million people, there are 2.6 billion Christians. Yawn.

>> No.19945059

>am I my brother's keeper?

>> No.19945190


>> No.19945192


>> No.19945196

what exactly is the question?

>> No.19945245

I'd like to use an example but I don't know enough about Catholic theology. However, IP says that the "serpent" was actually likely a seraphim, which are described as (and portrayed in ancient art as) winged snakes, and as Eve would have trusted seraphim that's why she was led astray. If the Catholics insist it was a literal snake, and/or that Eve was stupid to trust a strange talking snake in the woods, is it problematic to hold the former interpretation?

>> No.19945294

No Catholics don't believe its a snake, the word thats used is serpent.
Also there are no references to snakes with wings so it sounds like he's just making things up

>> No.19945299

>Also there are no references to snakes with wings so it sounds like he's just making things up
I thought they let you read the Bible now

>> No.19945339

We know, catholic theology makes you seethe

>> No.19945594

For me, it's the American Standard Version. Can't wait for the Refreshed ASV to be finished.

>> No.19945700

For me it's the KJV. Can't wait for it to destroy yet another translation from the subsequent 400 years.

>> No.19945723

>For me it's the KJV.
Too dynamic. Not literal enough.

>> No.19945726

It's one of the most literal translations in existence.

>> No.19945730

It's less literal than the ASV, so it might as well be the Jerusalem Bible or the Message. If you're not the most literal, then you're among the least.

>> No.19945737

I'd like to read the bible but focus only on herod

>> No.19945752

Why don't you read the Literal Standard Version then?

>> No.19945798

Because that is also less literal than the ASV.

>> No.19945829

No it's not.

>> No.19945839

Yes, it is.
>modern English
Hard pass. If it doesn't use thee, thou, thy, etc., then it's obscuring meaning, and therefore is less literal by using an all-purpose "you".

>> No.19945847

>yeah we're a heretical cult that displeases God, so what

>> No.19945855

What meaning does "thou" have that "you" doesn't?

>> No.19945869

Thou is to indicate singular, while you indicates plural. Using you for everything can obscure whether a single person or multiple people are being referred to.

>> No.19945889

Thee and thy are also singular so there's no additional diversity of language.

>> No.19945923

So you'd rather build a cult around one old translation instead of studying and exercising good hermeneutics? You know Gail Riplinger is insane, right?

>> No.19945957

>So you'd rather build a cult around one old translation instead of studying and exercising good hermeneutics?
I haven't built a cult around the KJV, that's the other spammer.

>> No.19945962

>For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one.
John 5:7

>> No.19945975

I do enjoy these little references to the Christian faith from other cultures. These days it feels even the asians are far more repectful of the Christian faith than westerners.

>> No.19945979


>> No.19945983

>It might strike some as odd that intimate, holy objects like sacramental wafers would be mass-produced in a secular facility.
Why? Until it's consecrated then it's nothing but bread. You could take a shit on it for all it matters. Only when the Priest recites the words of consecration and it transubstantiates into the blood and flesh of Christ then it deserves absolute respect as it is the manifestation of God Himself in the presence of his people, the same as the cloud that was with the Israelites within the tabernacle.

>> No.19945984


>> No.19945991
File: 317 KB, 2560x1707, 1642101714561.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got this today, looking forward to digging in.

>> No.19946001

Got it when it came out last year. Better than I expected, but the binding is crap and the commentary isn't Navarre-tier.

>> No.19946073

Yeah I had a few volumes before this. Definitely aimed at the lay audience. I can't afford the Navarre Bible where I live so it's pretty much the best Catholic Commentary available

>> No.19946493

It's not an issue of convenience. It's an issue of who your authority is.

>> No.19946861

All right, I have a very real, serious objection to Catholicism that I would like to have an answer for. So read this article:


It concerns a priest, who found out after 30 years that his baptism was not valid. The baptism was done with the formula "We baptize..." rather than "I baptize..." which the Catholic Church has ruled as invalid, so that anyone baptized this way is not baptized. So, only baptized men may be ordained to the priesthood, so since he was not baptized, he was never a priest. So any sacraments he performed as a priest (Eucharist, confession, etc.) were not valid. So the church is trying to reach anyone who partook of the sacraments from him in order to redo them such that they will be valid.

Now the question I have should be obvious: if everything hinges on the use of correct grammar like this, how can you actually know you are receiving the sacraments? What if your priest was baptized as an infant with the wrong formula and no one knows? He was never a priest. When he absolved you of your sins they were not absolved. There is apparently no kind of economical allowance for these matters as it is all having to be handled as if none of it ever occurred. How can you actually have any certainty?

>> No.19946866

I ask this as a prospective convert to Catholicism, by the way.

>> No.19946894

Also this is not the only occurrence of this. A priest resigned in Arizona recently because he has been using the formula "We baptize..." for over a decade, meaning that thousands of people he baptized are not baptized and must be sought out and rebaptized:


And for myself, as a convert, I was baptized in a Baptist church some years ago. I don't remember the specific wording that was used. It was in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, but as for the pronoun, I have no idea.

>> No.19946926

Here's an answer given by a different article from the same source:


What I take from this is, "The church can only guarantee the sacraments are valid when they are performed correctly, so if they are performed incorrectly just have faith God did his end anyway." So why do they need to reperform them? To be sure and guarantee they're valid, correct? So basically you can't actually be sure that they're valid.

>> No.19946930

Someone start a new thread before jannoids wipe this one.

>> No.19947025

New thread the retarded OP didn't post a link to