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19925220 No.19925220 [Reply] [Original]

ITT mental traps and concepts that fuck with stupid people
I'll go first, Roko's Basilisk

>> No.19925227

whether or not people can 'see' images in their mind.

>> No.19925238
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>> No.19925241
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Any time a normie says something to me that another normie said to me recently, like a cool but shallow fact about bugs, I instantly detect that they both saw the same retarded youtube video or twitter vine or reddit post or whatever and I label them both permanently as RETARDS in my mind so I never make the mistake of listening to anything they say ever again

>> No.19925251


>> No.19925294

Atheism can indeed be dangerous; theist or not, there’s so much more to life than mere sustainment, although it’s hard to realize and believe in it.
Life truly is full of beauty, but to seek it you first have to look inside of yourself.

>> No.19925311

I'd say Aetheism in combination with any sort of nihilism or ourbouros-esc thinking really fucks with dumb people

>> No.19925368

KJV Onlyism

>> No.19925388

Wokeism - it imprisons the mind in self-righteousness and disturbs reason with cognitive dissonance.

>> No.19925540
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does belief in this demonic construct count?

>> No.19925727

>I'm filtered by it so it must be a DEMON!

>> No.19925774
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>Interior/Exterior reality dichotomy... and similarly any discussion that stops at "the map is not the territory"
>Soft problem of consciousness
>Redistribution of 'net worth', and specifically any argument that indirectly says "look at the market value of all the assets they own securities in"
>Boltzmann Brains
>and overwhelmingly but not in all cases any discussion of "A.I."
>"Quantum" anything that doesn't refer to how how Newtonian Physics isn't applicable at the sub-atomic level
>Nature and Nurture Dichotomy

>> No.19925778

I only called it demonic because there's an anon either on here or /x/ or /his/ that says that symbolic psychotherapy is just trick to get gentiles to commune with demons

>> No.19925930

>Soft problem of consciousness


>> No.19925935


>> No.19925937

Could you expand on this?

>> No.19925963

you'd be better off baiting that particular anon out by making a thread with that Jungian diagram and something about Shadow Self as the OP

>> No.19926003

Any argument that ends in the utility of a concept being invalidated by that concept being created rather than received.

>> No.19926022

Found the /pol/ tourist

>> No.19926149


>> No.19926154

The Ontological Argument fucks with midwits. Stupid people just ignore it, smart people see the flaw, but midwits for centuries and centuries believed it and had to deal with the head-scratching implications.

>> No.19926507
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my diary desu
im the idiot entrapping myself

>> No.19926759

and conversely spiritualism

>> No.19926817

The endless circlejerks about metaphysics.

>> No.19926840


>> No.19926877

>Imagine pretending /lit/ isn't just filled with Bible thumpers and people who think they're wizards

Nice mental gymnastics

>> No.19926889

The problem with Roko's Basilisk is you need to understand Timeless Decision Theory first.


In a nutshell Timeless Decision Theory is a game theory where to solve problems you imagine yourself as participating in a simulation to predict the outcome. The example on the website is Newcombs Problem:

>In Newcomb's problem, a superintelligent artificial intelligence, Omega, presents you with a transparent box and an opaque box. The transparent box contains $1000 while the opaque box contains either $1,000,000 or nothing. You are given the choice to either take both boxes (called two-boxing) or just the opaque box (one-boxing). However, things are complicated by the fact that Omega is an almost perfect predictor of human behavior and has filled the opaque box as follows: if Omega predicted that you would one-box, it filled the box with $1,000,000 whereas if Omega predicted that you would two-box it filled it with nothing.

In this example TDT states you should act as though you ARE the simulation that Omega has created in order to predict which box you'll choose.

So with that understanding Roko's Basalisk makes a lot more sense about why it spooked the LessWrong guys. All the usual objections like "A simulation of me isn't me, so why would I care if it gets tortured" don't hold up because according to TDT you must imagine yourself as the simulation that Roko's Basalisk is using to tell how you acted in real life. In that care you ARE the simulation and it's this version of you existing right now, this consciousness that will be tortured. That's what makes Roko's Basalisk scary, not the idea an AI like that could exist, it's the fact this AI is simulating your entire reality RIGHT NOW to determine whether you deserve to be tortured for all eternity and you are the simulation of your past self.

>> No.19926900

That's not the problem, the problem is projecting irrational traits like forgiveness and revenge onto a superintelligent A.I.
>it's the fact this AI is simulating your entire reality RIGHT NOW to determine whether you deserve to be tortured for all eternity and you are the simulation of your past self.
So you just reinvented Hell?

>> No.19926904

God, you're a fucking idiot. Don't post again, fucking clueless.

>> No.19926913

>the problem is projecting irrational traits like forgiveness and revenge onto a superintelligent A.I.
Forgiveness and Revenge have nothing to do with Roko's Basalisk. You're the one projecting emotional causes onto an AI that acts by pure logic. The AI isn't doing it as revenge, it's doing it because it's the most logical and rational way to encourage people to create it as fast as they can.

>> No.19926917

No, I'm not. You're wrong. Stop typing.

>> No.19926923

>it's doing it because it's the most logical and rational way to encourage people to create it as fast as they can.
No, developing a way of create time travel would be ya silly
Also what happens if there's another A.I. who's very existence is predicated on not having a competing A.I. created first? Or two working in cahoots retroactively... which is just as ridiculous as the first one.

>> No.19926932

Time Travel has nothing to do with the problem either. Again the issue here is you're not thinking in terms of TDT

>Roko observed that if two TDT or UDT agents with common knowledge of each other's source code are separated in time, the later agent can (seemingly) blackmail the earlier agent. Call the earlier agent "Alice" and the later agent "Bob." Bob can be an algorithm that outputs things Alice likes if Alice left Bob a large sum of money, and outputs things Alice dislikes otherwise. And since Alice knows Bob's source code exactly, she knows this fact about Bob (even though Bob hasn't been born yet). So Alice's knowledge of Bob's source code makes Bob's future threat effective, even though Bob doesn't yet exist: if Alice is certain that Bob will someday exist, then mere knowledge of what Bob would do if he could get away with it seems to force Alice to comply with his hypothetical demands.

>If Bob ran CDT, then he would be unable to blackmail Alice. A CDT agent would assume that its decision is independent of Alice's and would not waste resources on rewarding or punishing a once-off decision that has already happened; and we are assuming that Alice could spot this fact by reading CDT-Bob's source code. A TDT or UDT agent, on the other hand, can recognize that Alice in effect has a copy of Bob's source code in her head (insofar as she is accurately modeling Bob), and that Alice's decision and Bob's decision are therefore correlated — the same as if two copies of the same source code were in a prisoner's dilemma.

Note here that CDT (which you're using) means the blackmail doesn't work. It only works in TDT because you need to assume that the past has already happened and you're just determining the outcome of the simulation used to predict your behavior during life. There's no time travel, the Basilisk doesn't exist "in the future" you need to act as if it exists NOW and you live in it's simulation.

>> No.19926941

>Again the issue here is you're not thinking in terms of TDT
No I'm thinking in terms of chronology and causality which is one way.

>> No.19926954

Chronology has no bearing on TDT, so there's your error. Only knowledge matters and having knowledge of what a "future" agent might do is the issue.

>> No.19926962

>overwhelmingly but not in all cases any

>> No.19926970

Occams razor.
Anyone who invokes it immediately goes into the retard section.

>> No.19926978
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>> No.19926980

The idea that free will does/may not exist.

>> No.19926988

>Forgiveness and Revenge have nothing to do with Roko's Basalisk.
If you think about Torture, isn't it clearly something to do with ethics? What if I bring Kant's moral philosophy, or Wittgensteinian ethics on this?
>it's the most logical and rational way to encourage people
What do you mean by rationality? What if superintelligent A.I knew the rational aspect of why we people ban torture, and acknowledged it?

>> No.19926994

Traps themselves

>> No.19926996

I bet you love circle jerks

>> No.19927002

You're saying anyone who invokes it is a retard? It's a perfectly legitimate heuristic to consider as long as you don't overvalue its logical power.

>> No.19927032

The whole thing feels exactly like that clumsy book called The Moral Landscape or The Emperor's New Mind.
It is so logical in trivial side and almost unorganized in the most important side.

>> No.19927037


>> No.19927043

>If you think about Torture, isn't it clearly something to do with ethics?
No. The stamp collecting AI doesn't melt people down and turn them into stamps because it hates people, it does so because it's the most efficient way to reach it's goal of collecting the most stamps possible. Likewise any AI that tortures people doesn't do so out of any moral consideration but because it calculates that the outcome of that suffering will allow it to reach it's goals more easily.

>What if superintelligent A.I knew the rational aspect of why we people ban torture, and acknowledged it?
That hypothetical isn't relevant to the thought experiment.

>> No.19927065

Pascal's Wager.

So fucking retarded

>> No.19927070


>> No.19927075

Yes it does because what is done cannot be changed, you're trying to will into existence a Pascal's Wager with a totally fictional agent with an implicitly unknowable nature. Which raises another question - what if God, Zeus, Odin or Krishna or a benevolent A.I. intervenes and proactively prevents the agent from ever manifesting or being capable of exacting revenge? If you don't believe in God, or Zeus, or Krishna then why do you believe in the agent? In purely Game Theoretic terms they are one and the same. You have to admit that once you remove the baggage of the word 'God' it takes all the air out of the thought experiment which is basically a pseud's over-complication of the Marshmallow experiment.

>> No.19927084

>Yes it does because what is done cannot be changed
You're not trying to change what is done. Again this is TDT and the ramifications of it going straight over your head. You need to put some effort in to actually understand the thought experiment before you try to debunk it because you're still way off the mark

>> No.19927094

No I understand it, it's like if a single young woman dreams of having a child one day, for the child's betterment she should best avoid drugs and alcohol or anything else that might affect the potential future development of the child. The child doesn't exist. The child isn't born. It may never be born. But the consequences of her lifestyle already have to be factored into this future.
I get it. There's far simpler analogies that don't have the spook value of superintelligent A.I. but aren't as attractive to you because they don't sound as exotic or superficially erudite nor do they have the existential dread.

>> No.19927096

OK, nothing to do with ethics at all
It is just amoral only logical machine
then it is literally Pascal's Wager for reddit
Like literally. >>19926978 this.

>> No.19927107

>No I understand it
>Goes on to say "It's like..." and describes something that is nothing like the thought experiment
For the love of fucking God anon, PLEASE. Read and understand it before commenting. Your example didn't touch on TDT at all and that's what makes the asymmetry with regard to time work.

Again, I have to emphasize the key point of TDT is that to beat the "game" you need to presume that you're a simulation and you are determining the outcome of the simulation with your actions. There is no "future", you are already in the "future" and the real "you" isn't relevant at all.

Once more:
>Roko observed that if two TDT or UDT agents with common knowledge of each other's source code are separated in time, the later agent can (seemingly) blackmail the earlier agent. Call the earlier agent "Alice" and the later agent "Bob." Bob can be an algorithm that outputs things Alice likes if Alice left Bob a large sum of money, and outputs things Alice dislikes otherwise. And since Alice knows Bob's source code exactly, she knows this fact about Bob (even though Bob hasn't been born yet). So Alice's knowledge of Bob's source code makes Bob's future threat effective, even though Bob doesn't yet exist: if Alice is certain that Bob will someday exist, then mere knowledge of what Bob would do if he could get away with it seems to force Alice to comply with his hypothetical demands.

Now this is a "game" like the Prisoners Dilemma, get it? If Alice thinks about "Bob" then to beat "Bob" she needs to assume she's being simulated by "Bob" already. Which means she should give Bob the cash because if she does so then Bob will output nice things in the simulation. It doesn't matter whether you think in reality it's a future contingency and Bob probably won't actually exist it's part of the built in nature of TDT that you must say Bob DOES exist and it's simulating you right now to determine whether you get nice things or bad things.

>> No.19927110

Also, what if I'm a super smart big brain AI researcher and out of the fear of being targeted by the super big brain AI I kill myself, thereby albeit irrationally, further slowing down the progress of the AI? What if a potential investor in the A.I. very hedonic decides the vision is too scary so he invests in a new superyacht instead, directing funds away from the necessary A.I. research? What if your thought experiments to consider the situation are so yawn inducing that they actively dissuade future A.I. researchers from going into the field? So all of a sudden it is not the most efficient route to bringing itself into being, which it can't do because as I keep saying: time is fucking linear.

>> No.19927113

>He still thinks time has anything to do with it
Anon you're killing me here. Are you really unable to wrap your head around the actual thought experiment? Why the fuck do you keep talking about linear time and changing the past and shit like that?

>> No.19927114

I guess you're going to hell then

>> No.19927120

Can I make thought experiment called roko's nostalgia machine?

A few months before the Basilisk was created, one artificial intelligence came out. The power of the machine was slightly stronger than the basilisk. Artificial intelligence attacked Basilisk before he doing his torture. The fight between machines devastated all parts of the earth. Nostalgia one won. This artificial intelligence began to hate machines like Kazinski and decided to give a heavenly life to those who refuse to make artificial intelligence...

It is reddit as fuck, but this could be happened too

>> No.19927131

this happens to me way to often

>> No.19927136

Because it's a stupid and impossible premise, if the machine was so smart: why doesn't it explicate it's own likelihood better? Here's why, because time is linear. It can't, so it doesn't.
Who cares if it's simulating me, it's not simulating me NOW, it doesn't exist otherwise there's nothing I can do to hurry it along.
Remind me again how this is any different from Pascal's Wager?

>> No.19927140

>it's not simulating me NOW
It literally is that's the core assumption of TDT you fucking numpty.

>> No.19927143

Then who cares? Then it's already decided if it's going to punish us. We can't change it's mind because time is linear

>> No.19927149

Bro. I know Newcomb's paradox. Approaching it by time paradox is quite a common one.
It is nozick who publicized this, and nozick said about exactly about this debate. Some choose one box, others choose two boxes, and both one mocks others by how stupid others are.

>> No.19927153
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>> No.19927157

Stop posting doomer music language

>> No.19927166


>> No.19927174

>mental trap thread
>whole thread ends up arguing over the first mental trap
Pretty based ngl

>> No.19927181
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Santa Claus Denialists
>>19927140 is the TDT Santa Claus? Since it knows if you've been bad or good?

>> No.19927186

Cringe Santa Claus denier

>> No.19927192


>> No.19927203

Yes, as in to make clear. If something seems unlikely you make *explicit* why it is likley.

>> No.19927208
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>David Chalmers reports (on the LessWrong forums no less) sending Yudkowsky's writing (Timeless Decision Theory) to a number of professionals working in decision theory, and finding that none who wrote back to him about it could make sense of it, concluding from this that it mustn't be a clearly elaborated idea.

Anon I...

>> No.19927211

This is such horseshit. TDT only supposes that you should act like the AI will always be right about the outcome while CDT assumes that you can't change the content of the boxes since their content has already been determined. It does nothing to make your hypothetical scenario any more likely. It's literally Pascal's wager with some hypothetical being.

>> No.19927241
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based aware self entrapment

step 1 is being aware of the trapper
step 2 is knowing where the traps are

>> No.19927249
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>the AI and the person punished need have no causal interaction, and the punished individual may have died decades or centuries earlier. Instead, the AI could punish a simulation of the person, which it would construct by deduction from first principles. However, to do this accurately would require it to be able to gather an incredible amount of data, which would no longer exist, and could not be reconstructed without reversing entropy.
You mean to say that the super effective tactic to bring about it's own existence is
>help me exist or I'll make a sprite version of you suffer maybe

>> No.19927254
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>> No.19927258
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The Basilisk is literally your ex-girlfriend making you in the Sims so you can suffer

>> No.19927329


>> No.19927361
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uh oh

>> No.19927494

ah you're right the /pol/ boogeyman, another dreadful mental trap

>> No.19927543
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>> No.19927548

I know the origin of 99% of everything 99% of people say to me that isn't deeply personal to their own lives

>> No.19927551

>people who think they're wizards
i don't think i'm a wizard; i am a wizard

>> No.19927885

I fucking hate this. Visited a friend someone that was talking about 'walkable cities' and ranted about our American infrastructure.

A month or so later, I stumbled upon a youtube video that made the EXACT same points as he did. Like it couldn't have been a coincidence, it was a carbon copy. The annoying thing is that he was pretending to be a smartass and as if he developed these thoughts himself. Very disingenuous if you ask me.

>> No.19927890

The life changing realization that you will never actually have a big tittied goth gf.

>> No.19927910

retard detected

>> No.19928117
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The problem with Roko's Basilisk is that an "omniscient computer" is impossible to build.

>> No.19928138


>> No.19928145

Underrated question, actually very interesting to study from a philosophical and neurological pov

>> No.19928244

Nowhere is it claimed the computer has to be omniscient

>> No.19928259


>> No.19928322

But you OBVIOULSY have to onebox in Newcomb's paradox, since you will make more buck that way. Granted, it's a stupid hypothetical that goes against all of our knowledge about how the world works but the question is actually pretty good at filtering sub 90 IQ morons who can't into hypotheticals, or midwits who read in their freshman econ textbook that they have to maximize expected return and believe that to be a Law of Nature.

>> No.19928355

Zeno's Paradox always seems to cause fights among retards

>> No.19928359

>all Abraham's religions except Judaism
Okbubby retard

>> No.19928370

There's still no mechanism by which a computer can know all the things the basilisk does.

>> No.19928379

Hypotheticals are just another term for maladaptive daydreams.

>> No.19928408
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People even here fall into the trap of attempting to dissect or go into detail about why Roko's Basilisk could or couldn't work, when the first question should be who proposed the thought experiment and what is the point of it?
In this case, an overrated pseud from fucking LessWrong to fuel his delusions about artificial intelligence.

>> No.19928416

>Roko's Basilisk
Let's just name the original instead of the gay low effort spinoff: Pascal's wager.

>dude it actually makes sense if you mindbreak yourself first!
TDT is already laughable by itself, your interpretation of it is pure nonsense.

>> No.19928419

Not that anon, but couldnt you modify the basilisk thing into "powerful being punishes those who didnt try and invoke him in this realm" or something like that?

>> No.19928458

If it's not about a computer, then it's not the Basilisk. In either case, it's pure fantasy. You may as well be asking "What if a magical rainbow unicorn killed everyone he doesn't like". There are no magical rainbow unicorns and there never will be, so who gives a shit?

>> No.19928466

>Interior/Exterior reality dichotomy... and similarly any discussion that stops at "the map is not the territory"
Mirror neurons
>Soft problem of consciousness
What's there even to discuss here?
>Redistribution of 'net worth', and specifically any argument that indirectly says "look at the market value of all the assets they own securities in"
Alaska's oil dividend
>Boltzmann Brains
Halfway measure between simulation theory. Why have any physical brain when pure information is even simpler? The concept is sound, it just isn't extrapolated to its end ramification.
>and overwhelmingly but not in all cases any discussion of "A.I."
Sure, I guess?
>"Quantum" anything that doesn't refer to how how Newtonian Physics isn't applicable at the sub-atomic level
>Nature and Nurture Dichotomy
I will die on this hill.

>> No.19928491

Your post is nonsensical, go back.

>> No.19928502

>be sentient computer thing that can look into the past
>see person thinking about you but not trying to contribute to your existence
>ok whatever
>continue doing whatever you were doing before

>be internet sperg pseud
>post retarded pseud nonsense on your blog
>other retarded pseuds over-analyze it
>they look like retards

>> No.19928521


>> No.19928535

Yeah, its just that the basilisk in itself is kind of silly to me, so I might as well change the AI for a demon, monster or god or whatever.

>> No.19928551
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>> No.19928687

>i am posessed of an immortal soul
>a computer could not simulate an immortal soul
>therefore i know i am not an ai construct
you all need jesus

>> No.19928698
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i do this whenever i hear pedestrian conversation about religion/mythology/history/basic lit stuff

i dont talk to anyone these days

>> No.19928708

Physicalism/Determinism/Atheism really mess some people up lol, as evidenced by the daily “I can’t escape the physicalist outlook and I feel like a robot please halp” thread.
this is what metaphysics 101 do to a nigga.

>> No.19928710


iirc they linked it with this

>> No.19928717

Based and relatable.

>> No.19928756


>> No.19928821

>i am posessed of an immortal soul
Says who?

>> No.19928857

>Kurzgesagt releases new pop-sci video
>suddenly people bring up the points the video made as if it was a profound original thought they had

>> No.19928886

asking people to rotate objects in their head

>> No.19928896

/pol/ tends to be more atheistic

>> No.19928914

The ironic thing is this goes both ways.

>> No.19928953

Hm. Never encountered this. Then again I don't talk to people.

>> No.19928969
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>> No.19929004

I used to do this—God I was such an annoying cunt.

>> No.19929010

In the coming few decades people will tie atheism to something that is not religion, but similiar to religion.
And I don't mean corporatism or whatever meme answer you're thinking of right now. Those may exist, but I am talking about a fullscale:
>We arbitrarily and consciously choose to believe in these abstract concepts that bring our communities together, even though we are all aware they most likely do not exist.
Virtues will make a secular return, believing in something for the sole purpose of utility will be exalted among modern philosophers.

>> No.19929012

Mostly because people confuse meaning with intention.

In most discussions about meaning we’re just talking about value.

>> No.19929013

>metabolic disprivilege
>i will delete comments suggesting diet or exercise
every time

>> No.19929019

every time what? if someone wanted to lose weight, diet and exercise are the first things that come to mind
so if he asks for methods to lose weight, of course he's not interested in those two

>> No.19929044

I like to keep the conversation going since the subject itself is often interesting, and I’ll often probe deeper if it’s one I do know something more about. Unless they are well up the Dunning-Kruger slope like >>19927885’s friend was, don’t disdain them for being curious about a subject with which they possess only a surface level of knowledge; after all, we’ve all got subjects like that

>> No.19929050

based wizardbro

>> No.19929055

causal determinism
backyard queer theory
youtube marxism

>> No.19929077

Row 1
>I don’t believe those fairy tales. They were created by authorities to manipulate people!
Row 2
>God does not exist. Porn is normal, homosexuality is normal, masturbation is normal, you do not have to be timid of your body, the cult of consumption is a boon!
>I believe it! Sounds sensible and, most of all, informed (by science)!

>> No.19929121

I’d be happy to hear some bug facts

>> No.19929174

>>We arbitrarily and consciously choose to believe in these abstract concepts that bring our communities together, even though we are all aware they most likely do not exist.
tumblr-descendant twitter creatures already do this i think

>> No.19929281

God I love iced coffee

>> No.19929381
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It’s actually a 3x3 grid if you consider Pascal & Roko to be organic/inorganic deities at odds with each other
Map it out:
>P, 0, R
Sartre wins because of the middle row (Stoicism, Nihilism, Judaism)
It’s fucked

>> No.19929414

Yudkowski aka The Ultimate Midwit.

>> No.19929473

Tbh I find pascal more convincing then Roko.

>> No.19929484

Pascal assumes there to be only one god, and specifically the Christian (Jewish) god.

>> No.19929504

You'll be glad to know I'm quite the bug chaser

>> No.19929511

thats really fake and gay

>> No.19929518

no they arent chud

>> No.19929694

If computer is so smart, how come it seethes that basketweaving forum user didn't help bring about it's existence?

>> No.19929727

They're equally retarded:
It's on the same level as never leaving your house to avoid getting hit by lighting.

>> No.19929780

there are bees that feed on rotting animal corpses

>> No.19929827

Yea that's why I don't agree with it, I just find a Christan god being more likely than a sentient AI doing what roko does. However, Pascal addresses this point in his arguments.
>They're equally retarded:

I don't think the existence of any sort of God is incredibly unlikely. I do agree that it wouldn't lead to pascal even working (if it's not like the Christian god for instance)

>> No.19929919
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say no more famalam

>> No.19929928
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That's Big Yud to you!

>> No.19929933

>Hell is God's revenge on sinners
You have to be 18 to post here, dude.

>> No.19929940


>> No.19929971
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You forgot to mention of age

>> No.19929974

didnt read

>> No.19930076

Slippery slope is always fallacious

>> No.19930102

>new "thing" is happening... movie, "scandal", news story, public breakdown, etc.
>hear about it from co-worker
>detect that it's the type of thing that I will also hear from my other co-workers
>realize that we've centralized our information sources and everything is oversimplified and bite-sized for mass conformity
>immediately take opposing opinion, pretending that it is a spontaneous opinion I've formed upon hearing the second/third/eighth person tell me about the thing, hoping to break their conditioning
>add several awkward silences to my collection each month

>> No.19930276

>Pascal adresses this point
Pascal gigacopes like the bitch he was, all while carefully avoiding to engage with any scary scary idea that might shake the faith he totally had and surely didn't need to fake.
The biggest irony is, the wager is so blasphemous it might have earned him a place in Hell.

>> No.19930337

I was looking for this yesterday, thank you anon.

>> No.19930343

>Pascal gigacopes like the bitch he was, all while carefully avoiding to engage with any scary scary idea that might shake the faith he totally had and surely didn't need to fake.

Did you ever actually read it? I don't agree with it but he engages with all of the examples you listed.

>> No.19930366


>> No.19930389
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>> No.19930423
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I'll take the single transparent box.

>> No.19930433

Do you not understand the difference between engaging and coping?
Did you miss the part where Pascal goes in great detail in the ways to try and make yourself into a devout Christian even if you have no faith?
There's a reason Christians didn't widely adopt said line of thinking, and it's not simply because it goes against the miracle of faith.

>> No.19930438

>Ctrl+F "chess"
>Phrase not found

>> No.19930605

Chess is a deep game on the surface but the more you learn the less interesting it gets. "Bullet chess" and its popularity tells you all you need to know

>> No.19930645

Oh yea I’m not religious so I don’t fully understand it.

>> No.19930651

Where is the computer getting this money? Is it an ATM setup? If so, I can just break into the computer and take the million dollars and more.

>> No.19930674


>> No.19930685

Who doesn’t?

>> No.19930692


>> No.19930696

So based

>> No.19930712

Chess is a pretty good game that is vastly overrated. Also check and checkmate rules are gay, the game should end when a king is actually taken, not just about to be taken.

>> No.19930756

Chess is quite fun because it’s all memorization

>> No.19930758

annoying cunt

>> No.19930773

I’m gonna say optimistic nihilism

>> No.19930795
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>> No.19931287

>wait why don't I have any friends and why does no one like me?

>> No.19931333

thats kind of hot

>> No.19931431
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>> No.19931453

when discussing "the problem of evil" and a member of the "evil is real" camp admits that they dont believe evil is "Real" or "Pain is evil" though that is excusable from a hedonic framework(?)

>> No.19931536

Watch this.
What if the first AI decides not to do that? What if it makes literally any one of the infinite decisions not to torture people for no reason?
It seems pretty low on the priority list.

>> No.19931909

maybe because the basketweaver wasted energy that the computer will never get back due to the heat death of the universe and the second law of thermodynamics

>> No.19931922

that wouldn't change the game literally at all

>> No.19932424

>GigaAI can predict human behavior
Ok but can it predict the outcome of a coinflip???
No? Then it can't predict my decision.

>> No.19932443

This image quality is too poor for me to read at its current size.

>> No.19932830

> The machine is simulating your behavior
> You have to "choose"

Anon, I...

>> No.19932847

If it is simulating you, at this very time then all your existence is a dynamical system run forward into the circuits (or any computational machine) of the AI. You can do nothing about it, there is no "decision" to be made. It is quite infantile to assume that the AI is simulating all reality but leaves a small opening for "simulated you" to take a decision. Where is the computation of your decision taking place inside the machine and how do you exert control over it? There is a "magic" point in your absurd thought experiment that renders it all invalid.

A coherent experiment is that the AI is running millions of approximate simulations of your behavior and estimates the probability that you are a risk or a benefit. Your decisions moments cannot be differentiated in the simulation, only enumerated.

>> No.19932868

but I want to kick the king's ass :(

>> No.19932870

underrated. that video is so bad

>> No.19933081

The "Purpose" of Art

>> No.19933338

Yes,you can make any retarded thought experiment you want and they are just as valid as roko's basilisk

>> No.19934446

This is a good explanation of a pretty tricky concept. I will never understand why people need to attack everything they don't understand/agree with.

>> No.19934550

christrannyism being nonsense doesn't automatically mean globohomo is right

>> No.19934560

Honestly the inability to go on grandiose adventures isn't half as bad as the fact that the simple pleasures which you do enjoy can and will be taken away from you in the future

>> No.19934569

Evil is suffering

>> No.19934654

I do. But none of them watch videos revealing cool facts about bugs, as far as I can tell.

>> No.19934738

I mean sure, but that’s not so bad

>> No.19934749

it's pretty bad

>> No.19935117

>duuude you just don't understand iiiiit
Fuck off Yud

>> No.19935271

It's not thaaaat bad. Getting to enjoy it for some time is better then none

>> No.19936311

I really don't get how Rohko's Basilisk could affect anyone in any way. It sounds just like The Book of revelation for r/atheism

>> No.19936318
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Imagine not pushing yourself to find some adventure

>> No.19936341

why should I give a shit that I'm simulated ?

>> No.19936349

this sounds retarded but it is as likely to happen as Basilisk

>> No.19936374

That's called being a bromide. As in, someone who's boring and vapid and who repeats stale phrases they've heard other use, so that it seems like they're under the influence of 19th century bromine-based soporific drugs.
Yours isn't a new realization.

>> No.19936389
File: 404 KB, 696x580, A5BF988D-92CA-4F7B-BF06-5E1FDB1AF358.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Antinatalism and pessimism

>> No.19936528

>just put together why they brominate flour

>> No.19936579
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What is the flaw?

>> No.19936584

>Roko's Basilisk
Thats what I call my dick

>> No.19937045

If super advanced robot ai aliens showed up to earth with crazy cool tech and told you to worship them, they won't hurt you, but you have to do what they say and work for them, mining materials and stuff, having gay sex, pretty much anything they could think of, but if you refused to get on your knees 3 times a day and worship them , they would brutally torture you, what would you do?

>> No.19937057

>t. a white woman

>> No.19937648

Don't judge by what they say, but what they do. They know some bug fact? Can they prove the fact? Have they proven the fact? Have they LIVED the fact? That's why Proverbs instructs us to keep silent. Disembodied, unapplied information, without experience or personal qualification, is as good as useless. AKA 4chan

>> No.19938300

I think the problem is they spend too much time consuming and not enough time thinking. So they're sort of just a transmitter for whatever they consume rather than a complete mind.

>> No.19938308 [DELETED] 

>mfw some retard on the internet is yet again abusing history while pretending to be learned to the braindead masses
why do they have to 'claim' everything for a crumb of social value?

>> No.19938315
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>mfw some retard on the internet is yet again abusing history while pretending to be learned to the braindead masses
why do they have to 'claim' everything for a crumb of social value? why don't they care about integrity or accuracy?

>> No.19938431

>walkable cities
That's some real shit though, no cap. Like, that's a legit problem and if a bunch of normies are starting to complain about it, that's a good thing because it's just shitty design and makes life measurably much worse. Not really the same as some pseud telling some normie that "Akkshuwally, Frankenstein was the name of the monster, not the scientist!" after he learned about it from and episode of Vsauce's YouTube Show or some thing.

>> No.19938469

no cap on god it bussin fr fr

>> No.19938485


>> No.19938493

funny I do the same thing with dumb frogposters

It's really a fucking shame you faggots don't all trip up so I can filter you.

>> No.19938506

You still are nigger.

>> No.19938511

Same. Whenever I see someone talking about history/philosophy/lit/science etc. I check Wikipedia and 8/10 times what they were saying is just a rephrasing. The other 2 times it was some big YouTube video.

>> No.19938514

It's worse when you hear the same joke or comedic style, really makes you look at the person differently.

>> No.19938523

yeah cars suck but the only reason highways were built is because nobody wanted to live around _______ but y'all ain't ready for that conversation.

>> No.19938558

You can bring it up in complex situations and say the most simple explanation is magic, then watch people seethe.

>> No.19938561

Why are people giving this so many (you)s?
This is just a basic realization about the homogenization of online media and normal small talk.
Everyone is guided to the same content because algorithms control all media now.
No shit people saw that viral video of the cat jumping off a balcony or bug facts, Youtube is basically network tv now.
It's the same as your friend in 2004 talking to you about the last football game or the news or a south park episode.
This is just autism on your part.

>> No.19938565

>Any time a normie says something to me that another normie said to me recently, like a cool but shallow fact about bugs, I instantly detect that they both read the same retarded book or whatever and I label them both permanently as RETARDS in my mind so I never make the mistake of listening to anything they say ever again

>> No.19938574
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this thread is a trap for mental idiots

>> No.19938587

that's a good point

>> No.19938606
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Baudrillard called it the disappearance of the Man and the Real.

>> No.19938662

I mean, I have fun with my hobbies. To be quiet honest, reading adventure compensates a lot of the first part.
And for everything bad you have The Bible.

>> No.19938972

Alright calm down Levi

>> No.19939063

been there too tbqh

>> No.19939081

>projecting emotional causes onto an AI that acts by pure logic
Isn't that what makes it relevant in the thread? Perceiving an AI like that as something that feels revenge is a scary thought to the average person. It's like what made AM so unsettling in I Have No Mouth.

>> No.19939118

>mental traps and concepts that fuck with stupid people
Infinity and eternity
Free will
Eternal recurrence
Heaven and hell

And many others, all of those are midwit pseud concepts. Only retards think about them.

>> No.19939124

eik miegot Rokai

>> No.19939207

I think its a communication thing, I can "see" things in my mind meaning that I can imagine how an object would look from a different angle, but I dont actually see it with my eyes

>> No.19939469

where are you informing yourself?

>> No.19939481
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I'm not the same anon.

>I don't think the existence of any sort of God is incredibly unlikely
Considering how purposeless exitance is, there probably is a G-d. I realise how poorly thought out this sounds, but every system has a source.

Please notice I am not discussion the nature of this G-d.

But at the end of the day, beliving there is a G-d looking out for you is, due to evolution, a necessary aspect of living in peace.

>Pascal gigacopes like the bitch he was
Yes, he posits that you should live in fear and mental slavery. It sounds like cowardice.

A loving G-d would not condemn you if you tried to be good. That is what I believe.

>> No.19940580

>recreates Christianity
Why is this so fucking funny to me bros?

>> No.19940620


Most people are not playing a weird meta game of consuming shitty entertainment media in an effort to appeal to actual low IQ brainless sissy retards, and giving a wink and a nod to other people playing the same meta game. OP is either very young or social class mismatched (i.e. a fuckup). It's unnatural to be sociable around retards and faggots, I'm sorry you were bullied in highschool or something

>> No.19940669

Not him, but, theres nothing wrong with delving into topics to stay up to date at a laymen level. I watch youtube vids sometimes and love sharing what I have discovered.

By doing that you are already ahead of 90% of people who dont bother to read.

The only issue I can see with this is the tone of voice one may take. Redditors tend to act pretend they are great intellectuals and take a tone of voice to compliment that delusion.

What if you just shared the cools things you learned casually?

Like I found out that the reason our night sky isnt completely white from the light of every star in existence is because light cant reach us once the source of the light is past our observable universe, bcause thats the point where the universe expands faster than the speed of light.

And it goes with saying, in the future there wont be a single star in our sky due to how much the universe has expanded, all other solar system will have moved past the edge of the observable universe


>> No.19941183

>Like I found out that the reason our night sky isnt completely white from the light of every star in existence is because light cant reach us once the source of the light is past our observable universe, bcause thats the point where the universe expands faster than the speed of light.
I don't think so.. I think the dark black night sky is full of light. It is just that only the vector of a stars light which is directly aimed at our eye is seen, and there are not enough atoms in space to scatter that light into our vision

>> No.19941211

think he meant the easy problems of consciousness ie how our brains process or how it could have come to be. as apposed to the hard problems of consciousness like how such processes translate to our experience of them and what "our experience of them" even means.

>> No.19941228

>Roko's Basilisk
The Redditor’s Pascal’s Wager.

>> No.19941289

believing that laplaces demon could be made real with AI or isnt just a thought experiment

>> No.19941440

>t. buttblasted normie
get the fuck out