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19919326 No.19919326 [Reply] [Original]

>always enjoyed writing
>dropped out of high school
>writing slows down
>seven years to get ged
>writing maybe once a week now in between flipping burger as a wagie
i am never going to make it. so many ideas but next to no schedule or discipline

>> No.19919348

Do you work overtime ? Surely you can spare 15 mins. Also drop your ideas here.

>> No.19919359

Just start writing, remove the other distractions from your life.
he is saying his life lacks a schedule and he lacks the discipline for one.

>> No.19919372

no, i am just lazy and have never developed any form of discipline. my parents still make me do chores but that's about the extent of my time management - other than the job

>> No.19919381

I started writing an epic poem about mehmed fatih in iambic pentameter but gave up after about 20 lines

>> No.19919424

Clearly you have some discipline to wake up and go to work.

>> No.19919430

sort of, but honestly I wouldn't go if my parents didn't make me

>> No.19919622

You should go to therapy man

>> No.19919632

This. Get yourself some help. Even if it doesn’t take, getting any kind of learned opinion as to why you lack motivation will be valuable. Having another opinion might help you see things in a different light, and that’s usually all it takes to get started.

>> No.19919654

I see. Have you ever been diagnosed with some cognitive disability?

>> No.19919678

im in a dopamine dump right now as well, used to have a schedule but it got fucked up after last year's finals which i told myself I'd take a break after doing them for just a week. sadly that break turned from a week to a month to a year now. i recommend trying to do productive things outside of your room, your brain probably sees your room as a place to relax and its hard to get out of that cycle. the only way to turn your room into something productive is to start little by little. thats too hard so just leave your room and go to your local library and start writing

>> No.19919774
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I wrote my two books while being a wage slave, it is possible, hard but possible

>> No.19919864

Focus 100% on your ged man. You need to stop being a loser

>> No.19919885

no, just always been really lazy and could never set any goals

>> No.19919893

I am not a loser just unmotivated desu. I enjoy my job enough i guess

>> No.19919966

>no, just always been really lazy and could never set any goals
That's probably your parent's fault.
And you should go to a psychiatrist, to get that cognitive disability thing checked once and for all (I know you won't, but keep that in mind).
It is probably obvious to you that being a 39 y/o loser living with his parents and who was unable to finish high school is not a normal or desirable way to live your life. There's something wrong here and you'll have to confront it at some point.

>> No.19920075

I've already been working on the ged for seven years and the motivation is slowly going away for that too. Id rather find some way to focus my energy on writing. I don't mind my job or living with my folks

>> No.19920092

Eventually you will have to fly out of the nest.

>> No.19920098

Yes true. But first things first, need to become a half way decent writer

>> No.19920135

Then make one paragraph

>> No.19920157

Here is a poem i managed to finish:

Michel Houlllebecq and I

Swam into the open ocean

After we had discussed and joked about the

Sinuous flow of the number


We sat criscross

And as the wave came in

Rhythmically and consistently

We breathed in

We breathed out

And a sort of aura began to

Develop and pulsate

Around us both

Until we jumped into the open portal

And switched consciousnesses.

I cannot recall what his was like.

All I know is that I fell asleep on a train

The best of the wheels against the tracks

Rhythmically and consistently

And found myself in front of the

Porta Nigra in Trier.

But this was short lived, a mere prelude

To the pathos of the last act.

I jumped back into myself through the portal

And discovered myself standing face to face

Not with Michel

But with an unassuming man from Barbados

Who complained to me about loud airplanes.

Just then an airplane swooped down

And approached

Rhythmically and consistently

But its wing clipped the side of a building

And as it landed and began to billow smoke,

We knew that our fates had been sealed.

Just as the worst seemed to be approaching,

The ejection seat was deployed

With a stentorian bang that shook our chests

Inside sat Michel

Who fell back to Earth


To along a river

With a bottle of wine.

>> No.19920203
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>I've already been working on the ged for seven years and the motivation is slowly going away for that too.
How is this not larp?

The ONLY thing you need to do to get your GED is pass a test, it's easy as shit too.

t. dropout who got my GED 1 week after deciding to get it so I can join the military

nothing about it was remotely difficult and the bar to pass is quite low, it's like a sad joke they give out 'honor' versions of the GED if you score in the top percentile, which I did, never studied for anything a day in my life

one of 3 things is true here
1) this is larp
2) you vastly overestimate the difficulty of getting your GED
3) you are actually retarded and should just give up

Which is it?

>> No.19920213

What do you want to write about, anon? Can't say I'm one to speak about doing things on time, but it is natural to lose passion as you get older. Gotta roll with the punches and stick to a schedule I guess.

>> No.19920246

Probably two. I'm old now and im scared and insecure that I won't know enough to pass it

>> No.19920283

Mehmed fatih, aphorisms or poems about the biographies of modern writers and an epic poem about ernst haeckels theory of recapitulation

>> No.19920330

>Mehmed II
>Ernst Häckel
And you don't have a GED? Massive larp, faggot.

>> No.19920445

>help what do I do? I've already identified exactly what the problem is, I just don't know what's wrong
There are a billion trillion discipline guides online, it's probably the most widely-proliferated form of self-help that actually has merit. Work on your discipline and form a daily schedule based on habits.

>> No.19920466

It's not complicated, no reason to piss away his money. He has free time and no obligations so he's let himself go. It's impossible to form self-discipline when all you have is free time to relax and skate by on life. He doesn't need therapy he needs to apply effort in a structured manner, rather than the blunt-force approach he's been no doubt using, along the lines of "let's just sit down and start writing! :^)"

>> No.19920478

Set your goals lower for now, considering you don't have any skill whatsoever. Aim for those when you've actually managed to form habits and practice the craft.

>> No.19921405

Your a loser if your a wagie at 40 years old.

>> No.19921436

>make it
make what

>> No.19921978

Yeah just believe you have such and such """mental disorders"""" and buy their pills, so simple...

>> No.19921979

Yo what's up Lewis.

>> No.19922058

What exactly is the alternative at this point?

>> No.19922105

I might be much more sad than OP is, but just because of my spite for the entire psycho"""logy""" industry alone I will not allow any of these conmen therapy-trip me. The alternative is stop caring about all of it other than eat normal food and sleep enough

>> No.19922124
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Bolano could do it, so can you OP

>> No.19922137

>stop caring about all of it other than eat normal food and sleep enough
Damn, we've never tried that before