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/lit/ - Literature

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19916593 No.19916593 [Reply] [Original]

Big bong edition

Old >>19908357

>> No.19916602
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What’s the /lit/ equivalent?

>> No.19916612

Universe People/Slavid Vedism

>> No.19916616
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Thank you for caring about me

>> No.19916630

Hatred is a more genuine and meaningful emotion than love, probably more than any other emotion really.
It is much harder to fake hate than love.
You hear of fake love.
Never of fake hate.

>> No.19916645
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I hope someday the people of the world can understand eachother as friends and not enemies. And cooperate on things which would benefit us all and not just the few. Maybe it will happen some day in the distant future, but I don't think I will see it. I hope humanity has something to look forward to.

>> No.19916652

Whoever makes these threads is consistently choosing terrible images. Can that guy who posted asian feet make these threads again?

>> No.19916661
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hopefully this makes you feel better

or atleast, horny

>> No.19916728

What is /lit/'s beer of choice?

>> No.19916738

Could a benevolent God (no cheating) lose in a game of cards?

>> No.19916750

Probably depends on the gmae played, but generally yes, since most card games are games of luck that are almost decided as soon as the cards are shuffeled/drawn.

>> No.19916764

Budweiser. I save all my pretentiousness for literature

>> No.19916765
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Still the best adaptation of 'Journey to the West'


>> No.19916778

I think that machine learning will make Neuro Linguistic Programming real. Advanced chat bots with access to psychometric profiles on people compiled from their social media use and shopping history will be able to talk people in to and out of nearly anything. It might even be treated as a weapon due to its potency and require some sort of licence to operate.

>> No.19916791

We all complain about ghosting. But we rarely remember the messages we don't answer as much as the ones we sent that weren't answered.

>> No.19916794

I've thought about this, but a major hurdle is it being able to understand inside jokes. i.e. I have an inside joke with my friends about "the tube" and the targetted ads started showing me PVC tubing, tube shaped chips, a book called "The Tube". It's like it was freaking out.

>> No.19916798

big dicks will rule the world

>> No.19916799

As a schitzoid I don't give a shit about being ghosted and ONLY think about the messaged that I haven't answered, and how as soon as I answer them there will just be MORE to answer.

>> No.19916800

Read Shakespeare - it's true.

>> No.19916802

I got ghosted by an anon I met here. I'm starting to think he might have died of Covid because he stopped replying around the time things got really bad in the USA.

>> No.19916822

I ghosted an anon I met here; by far, best decision in my life.

>> No.19916828


>> No.19916830


>> No.19916849


>> No.19916851

Nta but they were probably needy, codependent and annoying.

>> No.19916877

It was probably me. I'm sorry anon.

>> No.19916885

It's alright dude. Just read a book/focus on a hobby/do literally anything else instead of double-messaging next time.

Make peace with the fact that someone might never, ever message you back for no (as far as you can know) reason at any given moment, and that has nothing to do with your intrinsic value as a person unless you go looking for that unattainable answer.

>> No.19916939

isnt it pathetic that we all hope for a fucking after life? Why cant we all embrace oblivion and nothingness? I mean, look at the void in league of legends! IT WANTS TO BE NOTHING.

rather than being awake, it prefers eternal slumber, and I say thats the best thing that could happen out there, we all meet our end and we go to sleep forever, eternally blissfully unaware of anything, why should we care when we arent even aware of it?

Dissonance only happens when we acutely have a sense of what they are, and when we are aware of something bad, we feel bad too.

for example, I'll say that someone is getting raped right now.

and you'll think, oh thats too bad! but since its only words and you arent anxious to the point of worrying about your own hallucinations you dont actually care about it. It isnt in your radar afterall.

I say we all go for the religion of sleep, and forever be at peace.

>> No.19916951

They literally already do.

>> No.19916966

Me too. There’s an email I’ve been ignoring for a couple days and it’s stressing me out. But I don’t know how to reply and like you said I know it here will be another one as soon as I reply

>> No.19916976

you have depression

>> No.19917011

Why does soccer cause its fans to have emotional breakdowns like no other sport?

>> No.19917024


>> No.19917038

I only do it because other people did it to me too many times. Socializing is just tiresome.

>> No.19917050

This exists already.

>> No.19917052

Probably because it has a higher percentage of people who tried to "make it" as a professional player than other sports. So its much less detached, and the greater amount of time spent trying to make it in their youth (or having a close family member or friend that tried and failed) would cause a greater emotional response imo

>> No.19917061

More people play irl than any sport.

>> No.19917077

I think I'd like to do creative job but I have absolutely no idea what it could be.

>> No.19917104

I wonder what japanese girl feet smell like. i was with a russian girl for around a month and her feet smelled bad even for me

>> No.19917188

Masculine twinks.

>> No.19917203
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I have been listening exclusively to dungeon synth lately. I don't pretend it is good music, although to be honest I don't know much about music, but I suspect this stuff is on the simpler side, but I don't really have the taste or knowledge to fully appreciate anything higher.

I am treating it like purgative for my ADHD. I am so sick of not focusing on anything I have chosen this one thing almost arbitrarily and am subjecting myself to it to almost punish myself into sticking to something. I need to get deep in to something, even if that something is ultimately shallow. I don't know if that makes sense to anyone

>> No.19917216
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Is this correct?

>> No.19917234

The concept of dedicating a month to the history of something "black" does not make any sense.

>> No.19917268

One should always do what is demanded of one - no matter how absurd or cruel it may be - as not to make one's life harder than it already is.

>> No.19917284

we should make a white, asian, and green month as well. to make it fair.

>> No.19917288
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If you will, I can prime you. what ability music holds really is spiritual. it can change your mode of thought.

>> No.19917294

I know this is a strange thing to tell you, but you can do whatever you like.
It's all up to you.

>> No.19917300

idk what exactly you mean, but prime away

>> No.19917304

People fake love more than they fake hate because everyone wants to be the object of love and nobody wants to be the object of hate. Therefore the incentives to fake love are much bigger than those to fake hate. It's not due to hatred being this special sentiment.

>> No.19917348
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I'm not sure if i might have ADHD or i just fucked up my attention span with browsing YT and 4chan or I'm just stupid. But i feel unable to read plato. I'm just not able to concentrate or understand. What do? I'm trying to stop watching so much youtube but it's very hard (might be addicted, been watching it for several hours a day for 8 years now. I didn't know any better i was just a kid. I try to stop but constantly relapse) pls help. are we zoomers just cursed to be enslaved by technology?

>> No.19917351

cause I didn't mean anything exactly - all I can do here is offer material in hopes that it'll change something in you. what? I don't know either !! but music mediates this sentiment.

here are some different tastes

- formula paraiso : reykjavik606
- brace yourself jason : mu-ziq
- aloe drip : GILA
- flash in the pan : against all logic

>> No.19917370

Thanks, I'll check them out.

>> No.19917371

>But i feel unable to read plato. I'm just not able to concentrate or understand.
Just read it, read the book you want to read "for several hours a day". You have nothing better to do. Eventually you will get used to reading and understand.
>I try to stop but constantly relapse
I don't know if my turbo-'tism is showing but have you tried not relapsing?
Just close the tab, block the website, whatever. It's just a few clicks.
Force yourself to do something different, to do nothing at all.

>> No.19917373

>I have absolutely no idea what it could be.
That's not very creative of you

>> No.19917403

>are we zoomers just cursed to be enslaved by technology?

I think Zoomers are fucked. Millennials, at least sort of had one foot either side of the internet. They shaped, and were shaped by it, but have memories before its total ascendancy over everything. Zoomers on the other hand, coming directly after, have no such experience and so have a harder time charting a course to calmer waters, so to speak.

I think with the tail end of Gen Alpha, and whatever comes after, who will primarily be the children of Millennials, we will see a trend in "analogue" low-tech parenting. Post-extremely online parents actively seeking to inoculate their kids from the attention-traps of the modern world. This has been popular in silicon valley for a while now, and will probably mainstream later this decade. Covid forcing so many to home school and experience the horrors of zoom classrooms likely helps.

Of course this approach will only be popular among wealthier, educated people. If you are born poor expect to be given a tableted and raised by youtube from now on.

>> No.19917404

Why is it that I always want what I can't have? I suppose that's in the nature of want. As soon as you obtain the object of desire all the allure drains from it, the excitement which color it blanches, like a watercolor painting left out in the rain.

That which hovers right outside the horizon of obtainability, the golden dream, which fools you into the belief that it holds the secrets to everything one lacks, that glittering mirage which recedes a step further for every step you take, just out of reach, it is that coveted ideal which enchants and bewitches most.

>> No.19917422

How is internet addiction real just turn the screen off literally just go outside nigga hahahaha.

>> No.19917424

I know. It's sad.

>> No.19917442

I believe A.I. will either set us free or completely destroy us. Every system created thus far only truly fails because of human weakness. Capitalism and socialism need to be scraped and replaced by a new system that maximizes human contentment. How do you measure and enforce this? You'll need an A.I. that is independent of humans to control and interference. Is this even possible? If implemented properly it will dynamically cater to the individuals wants and needs while enforcing the rules set in place. Let's use Capitalism as an example. Currently, the top 1% own roughly 80% of all stocks. In this new system the trades will be blocked once a threshold is met. Only the A.I. will understand the threshold as it will be based on a metric that calculates the social disruption caused by that inequality. Monopolies wouldn't exist because humans wouldn't be able to lobby the A.I. or influence key figures. It'll a hands-off government that truly serves mankind.....or completely destroys us.

>> No.19917456
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Guys, I prefer watching instantly gratifying short videos on the computer to reading long and boring philosophical tracts. Is this a disease? Somebody please help!

>> No.19917457

For me, its black people reacting to other videos.

>> No.19917463

>long and boring philosophical tracts instead of kino fiction

>> No.19917505

PBR nigga

>> No.19917506

Did you ever want to get to know someone, and they rejected you, so you convinced yourself you didn't like the person to begin with? Fake hate happens all the time.

>> No.19917574

I now realize that the reason America is already beginning to decline and why its government is ultimately a failure is because of the anti-federalists. I used to think Thomas Jefferson represented something good and necessary, now I see that he was a cancer, he represented decay, French liberalism is the antithesis to western culture, it destroys the intellectual tradition built up from the Greeks. The Federalists, Hamilton, Adams, Marshall, they represented a continuation of the development of Western culture and politics seen in Plato's Laws and Republic, Hobbes's Leviathan, encompassed by Hegel's historical dialectic. Voltaire's and Rousseau's "rationalism" has been a true plague, and I now see that these are the two opposing forces throughout history: Decadent liberalism/individualism/hedonism/materialism whatever, embodied by Epicurus, Marx, Voltaire, Rousseau, Jefferson, Locke, and transcendent wisdom-loving fascism/monarchism/aristocracy embodied by Plato, Aristotle, Hobbes, Hamilton, Hegel

>> No.19917625

I had a dream where I runned over somebody in a car, was sent to prison and within said prison I had a dream within a dream where I was with my family but I was sad because I knew it was just a dream.

>> No.19917630

I might be a retard for not ignoring (you), but the problem is not that YT is more fun than Plato, it's that YT might have made me unable to understand complex texts by lowering my attention span.

>> No.19917638

it means you should be with your family more anon

>> No.19917650

youtube isn't "fun." That's a lie. Your motivation for wasting all your time on this crap isn't "fun" it's a biochemical pathology, there is no reward, there is only endless anticipation of reward

>> No.19917651
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What's a good English translation of the Nibelungenlied?

>> No.19917686

I read a lot and have for a long time but I can’t name even three books or three authors I really prize above all the others.

>> No.19917785

I read it in original and it was worth it.

>> No.19918065

The internet needs to be destroyed. Television needs to be completely destroyed. It is the only way to wake from the nightmare.

>> No.19918077

I agree on the TV part. Boomers have to learn to think for themselves.
Everyone should be able to entertain and inform himself on the internet though.

>> No.19918096

My top two are
>The Stranger by Albert Camus
>Tonio Kröger by Thomas Mann
I don't think I have read a third book that was extremely better than the rest

>> No.19918124
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>> No.19918127

It's not that bad, I can't name authors I prize above all the others too, I mostly just enjoy one book from them or one specific series of books from them.

>> No.19918238

The internet is just one giant social media platform now (including 4chins). Zoomers don't understand what the internet was like before all of the phone fags joined.

>> No.19918267

Bros i want to be dominated by a sexy and confident woman

>> No.19918276

Stella Artois

>> No.19918281

True. I actually prefer when people ignore me.

>> No.19918289

Big dicks should rule my ass and mouth

>> No.19918292

What song

>> No.19918341

My father cucked me in my dream. It's not what I want.

>> No.19918441

The point of an afterlife isn't to hope for more of what we have on earth, but to hope for something better, beyond our comprehension.

>> No.19918650

Wordle getting popular recently really shows me how much I've changed. Back when 2048 came out a decade ago I used to sneak off during class to play it in the bathroom because I was so addicted. Wordle is probably just as good but I played it for two days, got bored, and moved on

>> No.19918656

Perfectionism is ruining me. I dont know how to deal with it.

>> No.19918659

Wow. My neighbors just gave me a large box of pepperoni pizza from Costco. I think because they want me to have it for the Super Bowl. I don't watch football, but that's really nice of them anyway.

>> No.19918789

Sometimes I do shit like I see people make fun of and it legit is better that way.

>> No.19918807

I think that I could put up the confident and charming act but it would just an act nevertheless.

>> No.19918814

I cannot stress enough how good it is to use a squatty potty (or an equivalent). I saw a graphic that showed squatting while shitting is better for you, and I had a step stool that was the right size so I tried it out. In a week, my hemorrhoids went away and they've never come back. My shits are smooth and take no time at all.

I've been wanting to tell this to people for years. People like to make fun of currys and pajeets, but this shit fucking works.

>> No.19918819

aw shit. I have shit like that. Lately, I've started to ask people within my dreams if this is a dream. It's really fucking me up.

>> No.19918821

I am in excruciating pain right now due to my illness and in these instances I have bouts of consciousness where I think I was meant to die. fUck

>> No.19918826

fake it 'til you make it actually works (to an extent). I say stick with it for a while.

>> No.19918828

all I have is this place and nobody even knows my name here
What a sad end

>> No.19918840

the internet can exist but it has to be something difficult to use

>> No.19918841

the 1£ ale of the month at spoons

>> No.19918842

That sounds awful. Obvie I can't help, but try reciting your favorite song from memory. It helped me direct out of surgery.

>> No.19918851

TV is basically already dead. No one I know even has a tv- and if they do, they use it exclusively to watch youtube or netflix

>> No.19918855


>> No.19918872

I'm just watching a few random videos trying not to think. It's a kind of pain like when you get sunburn and even being talked to hurts.

>> No.19918878

I wonder how much of my negative qualities as a person is caused by being abused, molested, and raped as a child versus the bad decisions I've made. Am I responsible for making all of the bad decisions in my life and becoming who I am now?

>> No.19918894

I'm sorry for you anon. Like I said, I can't help from here, but I've heard that listening to your favorite music is supposed to help. I guess it's just a distraction thing. When I was in pain after surgery, I recited this song:
to myself, and I did notice a significant difference. When I got my ears pierced, the jeweler gave me gummy bears to chew, and the pain level lurched downwards. I was shocked by how effective it was. These are just things I've tried myself though. Has a doctor talked to you? If you have an illness, someone should have given you pain management tips. What I know leans towards mental pain, not physical...

>> No.19918896

Don't you find comfort in anonymity?

>> No.19918903

My dad has a TV and he watches the public programme for about 3 hours every day.
He also uses on-demand streaming since I taught him how to use it.

>> No.19918905

I've always thought it was a corny and stupid holiday based on marketing but valentine's day is coming about and I'm not only single but dealing with unrequited love and depressed about it.

One of the holiday's many distortions is that of its depiction of its mascot, Cupid. Who was not a little angel who blesses couples with love, but a mischievous and cruel-hearted imp that shoots people with arrows. Arrows, lest we forget, fucking hurt to get shot with. Cupid is a bringer of misfortune. As Schopenhauer elucidates:

>The ancients personified the genius of the species in Cupid, notwithstanding his having the form of a child, as a hostile and cruel god, and therefore one to be decried as a capricious and despotic demon, and yet lord of both gods and men.

>Murderous darts, blindness, and wings are Cupid's attributes. The latter signify inconstancy, which as a rule comes with the disillusion following possession.

>> No.19918906

Nice in a really cheap and thoughtless way

>> No.19918910

Yes and no. As long as you don't use your tragedy as an excuse then it's okay. You just have to keep trying to get better, anon, and that's enough.

>> No.19918917

>My dad
doesn't count. He probably has the same cable-plan from before the internet even existed.

>> No.19918919

Ive struggled with that for a while. To what degree does a person really have agency? It's a matter of fact that kids who were abused end up as fucked up adults. With so many environmental factors which are empirically demonstrable to have influence on personality how can we really say anyone has agency?

>> No.19918922

>Am I responsible for making [...] bad decisions in my life and becoming who I am now?
From a certain age you are an adult and are responible for your decisions.
"I only made these decisions because of something that happened in my childhood" is just an excuse. At some point you have to break free from the cycle of tragedy, as the other Anon said

>> No.19918926

Don't be a fucking asshole. A nice gesture is not measured by its worth. What is wrong with you?

>> No.19918932

One time my mom screamed at me "WHY CAN'T YOU BE NORMAL?" and it's still the most crippling thing anyone has ever said to me.

>> No.19918937

I just wait it out usually until it goes away
music sort of does the opposite for me but having my cat around is very nice. she's sleeping though
I think anonymity is a trap. I would like to be me without the paranoia of being judged for being a weirdo

>> No.19918943

Maybe it works for some but for I can only do that for 30 mins or so. The it becomes very obvious that it's only an act and behind the confident mask lies the anxious wreck.

>> No.19918954

He doesn't pay for a cable-plan. Most TV stations in my country are funded by advertisements or tax money.
There is some pay-TV but he doesn't watch those anyway.
Why would my dad not count? He has a TV and uses it in ways other than by >>19918851 described.

>> No.19918960

that's what alcohol is for. I'm not kidding. As long as you're absolutely sure that you won't become a raging alcoholic, I used to keep a flachmann in my jacket- I'd take a sip to fortify myself before anything- meeting new people, making an appointment. Eventually I stopped needing to do it, but it helped. I can fake it very well. Just pretend that it doesn't bother you.

>> No.19918971

A friend told me this week that I can never have a normal romantic relationship because I am "autistic and lack the interpersonal component". Too good I'm kinda schizoid.
He broke up with his gf the next day because she annoyed him while he was trying to study for his exams.

>> No.19918973

He sounds like a dick

>> No.19918984

>I would like to be me without the paranoia of being judged for being a weirdo
Here you can be yourself, say what you want to say. And you will only be judged by the content of your words because nobody knows anything else about you.
Please elaborate on how anonymity is a trap.

>> No.19918988

1000 umbrellas by xtc
preferably you should listen to ballet for a rainy day leading into 1000 umbrellas, because they're tied together.

>> No.19919013

I'm the anon that starts to freak out when they drink. I'm, worried I don't exist. I hate this. Drinking used to be fun, but now it's a chore. Why doesn't it feel good anymore?

>> No.19919014

He is a dick, but he is my only friend and we get by just fine, so I don't have a problem with him.
I tried to talk him out of breaking up because he could just spend less time with her until the exams are over, but he insisted that he has no time and that I do not understand what relationships are about and so forth.
He then scolded me for me wanting to change his mind and proclained I had to be on his side. As if friendship was about saying "Yes, very well" about everything the other one does.

>> No.19919030

He sounds like a sped that is using you as a measuring stick.

>> No.19919047

Costco pizzas are like five bucks dude. It is thoughtful I'm sure but the laziest kind of thoughtful

>> No.19919051

Lol my dad did the equivalent of this and I turned it around on him. Pointed out that all his "normal" behaviors are actually decadent and immoral. I shielded my autism with just enough bullshitting about philosophy and religion to hop onto the high horse. He never brought it up again

>> No.19919053

What kind of egotistical shit are you on? They went out of their way to walk to anon's door and put a pizza in his hand. There are a hundred different steps between one and the other. That's not how this works.

>> No.19919057

Reminds me of when my family held an intervention for me being weird and "socially fucked".

>> No.19919058


>> No.19919060

I've been given way too many after thoughts as a form of faux generosity that i see it as spiteful.

>> No.19919068

I wish that alcohol would help. It only makes me more depressed and withdrawn.

>> No.19919070

>Here you can be yourself
No, I am not me, I am Anonymous. Anonymity tempts you to vent all your innermost thoughts into a giant sea of nothing. People know nothing about you, yes, so they will judge you by making guesses. Look at how everyone here paints each other as a strawman. There must be an I. Even pseudonymity is less alienating.
Also sorry I may not reply anymore since I'm feeling like shit

>> No.19919071

I'm in the state of mourning

>> No.19919074

lmao. But our relationship was inherently dysfunctional, I nearly hit her, moved out as soon as I could and refused to talk to her for a year. We have a really good relationship now.

Although her happily telling me how she's working as a psychiatric nurse after years of refusing to try and engage with me was a hard pill to swallow for a little bit.

>> No.19919079
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Well this place is old
It feels just like a beat up truck
I turn the engine but the engine doesn't turn
Well it smells of cheap wine and cigarettes
This place is always such a mess
Sometimes I think I'd like to watch it burn

>> No.19919089

Thats a really interesting spurdo-apu

>> No.19919095

Hm. I suppose. It's a way to see it, though. You can be bitter about being an afterthought (and that's fair) but you can also see it that even these lazy fucks put in the effort to give it to you. Like I said, there's a hundred steps between. Most people just throw shit away. Even pretending to care is better than not. And just because you're bitter, don't try to taint other people. That makes you worse than anyone.

>> No.19919113

I don’t wash my hands after taking a shit but I wash my hands after touching my mother. What does that tell you?

>> No.19919123

>Anonymity tempts you to vent all your innermost thoughts into a giant sea of nothing.
I find exactly this to be very liberating.
>they will judge you by making guesses. Look at how everyone here paints each other as a strawman.
That's a problem that does not stem from anonymity but from some people here.

>> No.19919126

I am Wormwood. All people will be made bitter by me

>> No.19919129

>touch mother
>wash hands
You are a king, my friend.

>> No.19919131

Yeah. That's how I am now. I don't know when it changed, but I have this love-hate with alcohol. I'm what I call an "anti-addictive personality". I can stop cold turkey whenever I want (alc, cigarettes, etc) (and it's hard to say this with a straight face because EVERY alcoholic says that), but what I'd do is that I'd go hard until I'd realize I'm drinking a gallon of hard liquor a week, and then I'd stop.
I generally only drink when I'm with other people, now, maybe ten times a year? When I drink when I'm alone I end up getting worried about my state of existence, and wake up the next morning with claw marks all over my body. Not fun. I used to have fun when I drink. Now what happens when I'm alone is that I drink, start getting anxious, keep drinking to keep the anxiousness away, it doesn't work, and I spam 4chan so that I have a constant stream of replies to solidify a very weak sense of self.

I'm always worried when I used

>> No.19919132

I don't want to be forgiven, I want to change

>> No.19919134


>> No.19919137

then change

>> No.19919140

you hate your mother, obvie

>> No.19919171
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what the fuck do you think I'm doing?

>> No.19919204

well, good on you then. I'm proud of you, anon.

>> No.19919306

What am I doing of my life? What did I do all these years?

>> No.19919311

Planning to read ulysses after having read dubliners and portrait. I didnt have much trouble reading either, will it still be difficult? I dont mind going at a slow pace, i just dont want to be stuck at a pace so slow it feels like im going nowhere.

>> No.19919374

I've been looking for meaning, for purpose, anything to give sense to my existence. But at some point, I felt myself go hollow, now I wonder what to do now.

>> No.19919404

My life fucking crazy

How is your day?

I went out to eat. Waffles.

I want to make waffles for you.

Remember that day you were there when I made pancakes

>> No.19919410

pleasure. give yourself pleasure. give others pleasure. give pleasure to the world. Make everything around you nicer.

>> No.19919504

How do I find myself? I don't mean that in an overly self-centered or entitled way.

>> No.19919651

It's interesting how, not only can the same event be seen differently by different people, but also by the same people at different times.

Last night I sensed a unity between us. The conversation flowed, I made you laugh, you made me laugh. You cooked for me, I brought the wine. I kissed you, you kissed me back.

I pushed my luck, yes, because I wanted you. You said no and so we didn't have sex.

Now this morning, it's like we're describing parallel universes. You're talking about physically stopping me, being forced to let me stay over because I was too drunk to drive home, that I "assumed" we'd have sex, that you were laughing and brushing things off in case I was a violent person who would get mad at rejection, that I made you feel like it was your fault that I couldn't behave.

You physically stopped me, but you were also stroking my leg and kissing me. Mixed messages. You invited me over and asked me to bring wine, did you expect me to drive home afterwards? I didn't "assume" we'd have sex - and we didn't - but I thought the possibility was on the table, what else were we doing? There's no reason to assume I would get violent I've given absolutely no indication that would be the case. Granted you don't know me well and I'm in your home which puts you in a vulnerable position but that's an unwarranted low blow. I made it feel like it was your fault how? By saying I thought you were sexy? You were happy to take the compliment at the time. You were happy with everything at the time, all smiles, and leg rubs and kisses and banter.

Nothing you describe is factually inaccurate per se, but it's just a weird distortion of last night. Or maybe my memory is the distortion? Or maybe there is no way to objectively remember an incident. Anyway, good luck with the PhD, I feel awful to have upset you. I'm not a sex pest, just a horny dope I guess?

>> No.19919665

>There are 8 posters in this thread

>> No.19919688

My parents did everything in their power to tear me down my entire life and are simultaneously confused that I've become an antisocial hermit.

>> No.19919720

11.14 posts per poster

>> No.19919732

>157 / 14 / 53 / 1

>> No.19919746

Do they not have taxis in your country?

>> No.19919786

She didn't ask me to get a taxi. She didn't ask me to leave. She was kissing me and having fun. This morning she acts like I'm a rapist. She says now that she was laughing so as not to upset me, how am I supposed to know that? I'm not a mind reader. It's not true either, she was laughing because she was having fun. I pushed my luck, I know that. It's what men do. The truth is sometime a no does become a yes. In this case it didn't - fine. Ultimately we didn't have sex so I don't see what the problem is. To me it was a fun and enjoyable night and now it's tainted by her femoid logic

>> No.19919821

I’ve read the advice to copy or mimic your favorite writer.

But I honestly, don’t even know who my favorite writer is.

>> No.19919880

It's not strange, it's retarded. Probably because you're very stupid.

>> No.19919930


>> No.19919957

Time to cuck your father in real life

>> No.19919993

I just cucked my son in a dream.

>> No.19920000

Lmao coward.

>> No.19920001

>trying to push people to do anything in their house because you might get away with it
You're a shitty houseguest even if it's a dude's house, anon.
Did she ask you to sleep over when you were getting the wine, or did you tell her she had to let you because you were drunk (and cheap)?

>> No.19920009

>I'm sick of people kicking up a fuss about being sexually assaulted

>> No.19920096
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Dubs and I get friends tomorrow.
Good night.

>> No.19920104

I didn't pursue her because I "thought I could get away with it", I pursued her because I wanted to fuck her. We'd had 1 date prior, in a public place. It went well and she invited me over to her place for the next date. This is a clear escalation. I suppose we didn't spell out explicitly whether sex was on the cards or not - I'm not an autistic zoomer who needs to hand out consent cards and ask "is this okay?" after every time I touch a woman. I have experience of the world and of women. You just play it by ear, get feedback and feel it out as you go. I probably got too handsy and I'll cop to that. Still, after she told me she didn't want to have sex that night I accepted it and she kept kissing me and I kept feeling her up. I guess she thinks me feeling her up was me trying to have sex with her.

She didn't ask me to sleep over nor go home. You don't plan for everything in life anon, you go with the flow. But once we were 2 bottles in I wasn't going to drive home. I said I would sleep on the couch and she offered me the spare bed. At this point I still feel like we were on good terms. I think it must have been right at the very end when we went to bed that she got pissed off because I didn't sense it at all before then

I just think the bar for what some women consider sexual assault is quite low and doesn't take into account the differences between men and women. I do, however, feel absolutely mortified that she does indeed feel this way about the events of last night. She was a nice girl and things were going so well.

>> No.19920116
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>> No.19920119

>I'm not an autistic
You clearly are because you got drunk in someone else's house the first time you went there and then invited yourself to sleep on the couch. That's a shithead move even if it's a dude and sex isn't on the table.

>> No.19920129

I was going to try and explain where you went wrong, but that would take up so much time. Good luck I guess.

>> No.19920133

Go on. I would appreciate it actually

>> No.19920150

>I just think the bar for what some women consider sexual assault is quite low and doesn't take into account the differences between men and women.

I think your "differences" are simply justifications for your lack of respect of other peoples boundaries.

>> No.19920175

Fair. I think it's both. I didn't respect her boundaries but I do think this is biologically driven. She was rubbing my thigh and I got horny like a dog or an ape would. Short of throwing ice water over my lap I don't know what you can do to a man in that situation, especially if we've lowered our inhibitions with alcohol

It's all a learning curve anyway, I'm back on the dating scene after 5 years out, I'm a little rusty. The first girl I met I was very timid and respectful with and she wasn't interested. The second fucked me on the first night and told me I should dick her every day. And now this third girl was mixed bag, going well up until I fucked it. I learn, grow and move on. I'm mainly just angry at myself that I blew it but I am also a bit mad at her because she was giving mixed messages, wasn't clear in her protestations and seemed to be enjoying herself (she WAS enjoying herself) up until the very end.

>> No.19920180

>and I got horny like a dog or an ape would. Short of throwing ice water over my lap I don't know what you can do to a man in that situation, especially if we've lowered our inhibitions with alcohol

Literally just control yourself. I'm a recovering sex addict, my libido is through the roof. Sexual frustration is just a synonym for conciousness for me. Stop jerking off. Stop making excuses. You are not a wild animal, stop acting like one.

>> No.19920184

Imagine if Marcus Aurelius published his Mediations and what impact that would have on the ancient world.

>> No.19920204

I mean, I did...

I didn't whip my dick out, I didn't rape her. That's why I'm disgruntled by her account of events. I DID control myself. But I wanted more because I am an ape and there's no 2 ways around that. I'm not an actor so I can't pretend I'm not horny when I am. Women do need to understand that sex drive is the most primal force and if you can't deal with the consequences of unleashing a man's libido you shouldn't invite men you barely know over for drinks after exchanging flirty messages.

I do understand her point of view but I feel like I have a valid point of view too.

Anyway, i feel like I've taken up too much of this thread now so I'm out.

>> No.19920209

fuck being the only one who puts effort into the relationship

>> No.19920227

>didn't whip my dick out, I didn't rape her. That's why I'm disgruntled by her account of events.
Uh, do you think you get good boy points for not whipping your dick out? She's complaining about you scaring her, and you're like
>What? I didn't rape you! Isn't that positive? Shouldn't I get cookie now?

>> No.19920236

Sex for recreational purposes is bad. The world would be a better place if human beings did not enjoy sex. If there were a way to genetically engineer everyone to be asexual, I would do so in a heartbeat. That way people would only have sex to procreate and nothing more.
Whenever I think about people having sex for fun and not feeling shame, I just wanna kill em all.

>> No.19920240

>I didn't whip my dick out, I didn't rape her.
Bro, if someone slept over in my house uninvited and I explained why I didn't like that shit the next morning because who fucking knows what they could do, and their response was "I didn't stab you in your sleep!" I would definitely think they didn't understand normal social boundaries.

>> No.19920242

What a weird guy lol

>> No.19920260

>that you were laughing and brushing things off in case I was a violent person who would get mad at rejection, that I made you feel like it was your fault that I couldn't behave.
now you learned anon. women are just children. there's always going to be a bigotry of low expectations where women want to be treated like children 100% of the time because they can never be expected to express preferences out loud because they can just pretend like every man is a serial killer, so you always have to assume you are raping her even if she gives consent, because she's an eternal child, that's just women in 2022 anon.

>> No.19920268

You're one of these male feminists aren't you? The type that thinks the way to get women on side is to uncritically agree with everything you think they believe. The truth is women know men better than we know ourselves. They got flashed in the park when they were 8, hit on by the bus driver when they were 12, dealt with their classmates gaslighting them for nudes, saw their long term boyfriends jealousy and insecurities, pretend to ignore when their husbands check out younger women. They know full well how horny men are and laugh at your "lust is just a social construct that can be doublespeaked out of existence" bullshit.

The truth is women are multifaceted complex people with real world experience guiding their views on men. They know I'm right because they recognise it and they know you're just a simp and a virgin, they recognise that from a mile away too

They also get uncontrollably horny themselves, believe it or not. And they also recoginse their own irrational behavior, hence why they can laugh at self deprecating female comedians

>> No.19920269

t.incel that hasn't talked to women for months if not years

>> No.19920275

>The type that thinks the way to get women on side is to uncritically agree with everything you think they believe.

Nta but disagreeing with women is a great way to get laid. You can do this and also not be a sex pest thats too cowardly to even be a rapist. Lmaoing at you.

>> No.19920289

I'm blunt and truthful with everyone. Idc if they're women or not. I don't care about hurting anyones feelings. But I also understand the importance of physical boundaries.

>> No.19920294

You mean LingMAO

>> No.19920303

I understand her point of view but I feel like I have a valid point of view too. I tried to go for sex, it didn't happen. I literally don't see an issue here. It's just a thing of no importance that happened. Or didn't happen. It's a non event in the grand scheme of things.

And for full clarity, i don't agree with this chud >>19920260. I don't think women are children. I'm not a misogynist, just a realist

>> No.19920304

Why don't you communicate with her?

>> No.19920307

Yes. Thank you. Idk how I got those two mixed up.

>> No.19920308

I am the illness that speaks through this body and its hands and its voice and its heart. I am the illness that persists while taking. I am the illness that spills itself out onto the pavement every time there’s a reason for its existence to persist. Keep on existing, says the man who speaks without quotation marks. Someday soon everyone in this thread will be dead. The eyes reading this post will be dead. Everyone will die. This post will disappear. Everything will disappear. The sun will disappear. You alone exist. You are the one existence which persists. You are the eternal voice speaking to itself. An echo of an echo and a mirror mirroring a mirror of itself. You are being itself. You are the illness. There is no cure.

>> No.19920313

I fucking hate muslims, Fuck Muslims, I wish somebody would just fucking kill them all like hitler did to the jews, Fuck these mullas

>> No.19920323

>Keep on existing, says the man who speaks without quotation marks.

Fucking nice.

>> No.19920329

The religion or just Mid-Easterners?

>> No.19920334

sorry but if a grown woman can't even be expected to voice preferences then what we're doing is all agreeing to treat them like children. that's reality today

>I don't think women are children. I'm not a misogynist, just a realist
That's the same thing in 2022, which is why you think I'm a misogynist even though I didn't say anything mysoginistic. Wake up idiot. You don't think women should be treated like children then surely you agree that she should have voiced this to you that night instead of pretending like she was scared the day after?

>> No.19920341

>I'm a compulsive autist whose bar for good effort is set at "not raping"
>all those other dudes who are not raping and not getting too drunk to control themselves are just simp male feminists
Know what you do if the chick says, I don't want to fuck? You leave. If you were not a fucking autist you would have called a taxi the second she said that, because from that moment on your choices were
>Be the creepy autist who invites themselves to sleep on someone's couch when they just told you they had no plans for you to stay over
>Be a fucking normal man and go home and let her change her mind in the morning so she has to explicitly invite you over next time
You're so smart you don't know how you're getting home at night, and smarter still, just put yourself on the same list as people who actually did try to whip their dick out.

>> No.19920357

>surely you agree that she should have voiced this to you that night instead of pretending like she was scared the day after?
This is basically my entire beef in a nutshell, yes. But that doesn't make all women children, that's a shit take. Women can be awesome. This one was pretty cool herself, I just wish she could have been less contradictory at the time. But then she probably wishes I could have been better at inferring from her hints. It's just the age old battle of the sexes shit. Can't live with 'em, can't live without 'em.

All in all I enjoy the chase and the seeming incompatibility, it makes life interesting. I think you probably need to relax, get off the internet for a while and get to know some decent women. Life's too short to hate 50% of the world population anon

I prefer not to take dating advice from virgins sorry

>> No.19920359

The problem is that you stayed in her house uninvited, and I don't think you consider her point of view valid.
Imagine this
>You get stuck in a city and know no one there
>Some dude sees you being cold and with no transport and he's like, bro, come crash at mine
>You get to his, and he kisses you
>You say no homo and he says oh I thought homo but okay you just go to sleep
If your instinct is to leave, remember it was her house.

>> No.19920370

>Autist assumes everyone else is a virgin
>Autist is also proud he didn't whip his dick out in front of women who don't want to see it today
Do you want a cookie?

>> No.19920377

Thats actually really solid advice but it seems you take pride in acting like an animal.

>> No.19920387

>But that doesn't make all women children, that's a shit take. Women can be awesome.
Of course that's not my point, it's that this is how you have to treat women, they're children in 2022 even if they're grown fucking adults. You learned this the hard way. Doesn't matter how cool they seem, doesn't matter how good you think you are at gleaning her inner soul from "hints" she gives you, it's ridiculous we're even considering it,
>All in all I enjoy the chase
But this is the problem. The fact that society expects you to chase women, the fact that this is the only way you will ever get laid, chasing women as if they are to be hunted, forever crossing their boundaries just to arrive anywhere, and then it's a big surprise when a man can't tell the difference between a real and ersatz boundary, what a joke

>I think you probably need to relax, get off the internet for a while and get to know some decent women. Life's too short to hate 50% of the world population anon
50%? That's it? You think I only hate 50% of the population anon? You think I stop at most women? Not even close to the real percentage, I know that much. Touching grass is the problem. Like people all you want they'll still claim you were a rapist the next day, you'll see

>> No.19920390

Holy solipsism

>> No.19920410

i would say what this anon said >>19920334
>I'm not a solipsist, just a realist
Of course everyone's always a realist, reality being constructed in their head

>> No.19920417 [DELETED] 
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oops i meant the anon i replied to there

>> No.19920429
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>> No.19920469

just busted hard

>> No.19920473


>> No.19920483

To be surrounded by people and not with the person you want to be with. And that person actively going out of their way to make you know they don't want anything to do with you? Special kinda hell.

>> No.19920489
File: 63 KB, 1280x768, Accident1967.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't imagine a situation where another human being would have sufficient motivation to exploit me, especially since I have almost no money.
Oddly this upsets me in the hyperbolic sense of
>even psychopaths don't want anything to do with me
Obviously I don't want to be exploited by anyone and certainly won't seek out to be exploited. But it's more: if no one values me for nefarious ends, then I musn't have any positive value either?

>> No.19920493

I dunno. I just want the people I dig to dig me back. One sided love is bullshit.

>> No.19920494

A very active band of /qa/tards aren’t they?

>> No.19920500

Then be likable and lovable, dependable and caring. It’s not that hard, is it?

>> No.19920518

Alright so this thread has made me text the girl an apology. I still stand by my point of view but reaching out and offering a sincere and unequivocal apology costs nothing and I do feel bad I upset her so hopefully this makes my feelsbadman.jpg go away and makes her feel somewhat validated

>> No.19920521

I'd like to think I am. I don't do all that for anything in return. Just wish it was mutual.

>> No.19920526

i would kill myself immediately if i didn't believe in hell
if God came down right now and assured me i wouldn't burn i would go buy a gun and shoot myself

>> No.19920530


>> No.19920558
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I have eight open books atm, pick one I should finish

>> No.19920567

The Law. Just cause I think everyone should know it. Even though I don't.

>> No.19920568

it is now too late to get a degree
can't be done
i will never have a degree

>> No.19920584

The thing is. It goes both way. There aren't many I click with. Those that do don't seem to want to have much to do with me. That that don't mostly want to use me as a "useful If I happen to be bored enough or have use of you".

>> No.19920588

this is funny, it's like that episode of that show (always sunny?) where a guy was upset that everyone else got molested as a child except him

Jesus. Throwing those babies out with the bathwater I see, you may as well also apologize to her for not having asked your parents for permission to come over, or for not having brought over a blanket to make a fort, or not having brought an adult chaperone

>> No.19920603


>> No.19920632

she charter my house til i parma

>> No.19920644

everyone i loved either died or left
i miss them

>> No.19920647

she press my dalkey til i archive

>> No.19920656

I'm sick of being the smartest man in the room; it feels so lonely. Don't get me wrong: I'm not depressed and I greatly enjoy the company of people from all waks of life, but I feel like I'm missing something - someone I can truly relate to.

>> No.19920694

I don't particularly think I'm better or smarter than anyone else. Just as an introvert, there are few people that I'm drawn to enough to try for a connection with. I'm sure if there were extroverts that gave a shit enough to try for a connection, I'd pick up on that. But it usually has to be someone worthwhile for me to try to connect with personally.

As such, if there are any individuals that actually like who I am,they don't make it known. And anyone that does see any value I have does so for exploitative reasons. Or sees something in me that they superimposed onto cause as I'm withdrawn, they can just paint me as anything.

>> No.19920702

Just if she didn't want anything to do with me or couldn't stand me, I just wish she'd fucking tell me. I wouldn't understand why but I'd still respect it.

>> No.19920712
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like just look at what you are saying here! the fact she couldn't (even be expected to! hell, she lacks the capacity entirely) open her mouth to express a single preference to you and now you're the one feeling bad, like some blind orphan apologizing for who knows what because it's free is the kooky clown world we live in. it costs her nothing either to open her mouth for once, to apologize to you for making you feel like a freakshow. if you feel bad you're the victim, she brought you over to her house told you to bring wine got you drunk became mute, hell who knows what she really feels, probably pretty happy she gets to generate pathos messaging her friends some creep almost raped her by sleeping on her couch once and obsequiously apologizing the next day for it like a hunchback butler. weird retard art school fractostratus byzantine hipster artifice reality

>> No.19920717

really need someone to slonk my shit rn stupid style

>> No.19920727

I disagree eith everything you used but I really love youre use of the word fractostratus. Based nephologist.

>> No.19920730

>Slonk is a now-obsolete verb meaning 'to swallow greedily'.
obsolete my ass, that's the best verb i ever heard

>> No.19920754

>based nephologist
thx anon, most of the time now clouds are the only good thing left to look at

>> No.19920760

>. if you feel bad you're the victim
Anon who slept in the spare room, be glad this guy is not giving the girl in this situation advice because your ass would be in jail by now

>> No.19920776

bruh the superbowl is so fucking commercialized now. doesn't even seem like a culturally binding event anymore.

and i broke up with this chick i met in school like a month ago. knew it just wouldn't work out for value/ideological reasons but man am i tempted to text her back just for a return of that fleeting excitement of being in a new relationship.

>> No.19920777

>it's like that episode of that show
South Park did one like that as I remember where they did the whole inversion/satire thing where it was a big confession and shock that his father never molested him.
I can see the similarity in sentiment but 'm not complaining about being the odd one out or comparing my experience to others, but more "I have nothing anybody wants. I'm neither on a pedestal, but confusingly I'm not even being exploited. I have nothing."

>> No.19920789

The Superb Owl has always been commercialized, anon. That's the only reason to watch it aside from the Halftime.

Game is rigged anyway. It's like wrestling or "reality" tv

>> No.19920796

she needs a lot more than advice. in no particular order a priest, a nurse, either in-home dementia care or at least a bib, a hard copy of Everybody Poops, a voice, an actual creep to come over for the wisdom to learn the difference, a father, another mother, a mother that had a father, what else

>> No.19920797

All sports in the current year is either blatantly commercialized or a way for questionable oil countries to rehabilitate their poor reputation

>> No.19920805
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well you do at least have one thing anon, trips of truth. checked

>> No.19920811

Fuck, I feel like I have to take up 'Gratitude Journaling now'
>Today I got trips...trips of truth
>An anon tried to point this out to me
>Didn't have to make breakfast because there was still leftovers in fridge

>> No.19920820

man, i just don't know. you go back and watch the U2 or michael jackson half time shows and they had at least some sort of higher significance, they pointed upward (or at least tried to). now its just pure vulgar debauchery.

>> No.19920822

Did she fuck your mum or something?

>> No.19920832

want violence

>> No.19920883


>> No.19920908

my brain has been balkanized

>> No.19920915

the lucky trips of truth no less! leftovers in the fridge too?? you'll take what you can get. you should also add to the journal,
>with sytty maids per man, sir,
I like your post too, so
>we didn't have much, but we sure had plenty: Rural women in their own words

No but add that somewhere to the list

goes too hard
>X-Raided was paroled on September 14, 2018 after serving 26 years in prison.

>> No.19920918

i'll balkanize your asshole

>> No.19920937

have you heard of benny revival
he’s a p recent 2010s era artist that’s kinda similar in style to brotha lynch

>> No.19920961
File: 223 KB, 828x785, B5D061F6-5B9F-44F9-B523-0CBC34C35594.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Twitter is having a meltdown because of this based boomer kek

>> No.19920974

if only the problem was relegated to niggers.

>> No.19921038

was this guy frozen in ice for most of his life? all of the performers this year peaked like 20 years ago

>> No.19921045

Which is the love part of the brain?

>> No.19921053

The fact that someone like my boomer gramps tweeting from his easy chair thinking out loud can enflame an entire generation into bouts of rage is very funny.

>> No.19921054

Racists are all like that.

>> No.19921055

School buses get a bad wrap in movies. Like it's a social downgrade to have to ride one to school. But I got more action in the back of a bus than I have my entire life. And I think that is fascinating as it is sad.

>> No.19921061

Look At Me: The Twitter Post

>> No.19921064
File: 1.07 MB, 3181x2386, 3A36D8AB-783C-451B-B99C-8959C5727EB5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who’s your favorite Greek god that thinkers like to write about?

>> No.19921074


>> No.19921081

>that thinkers like to write about?
Well what the fuck is this qualifier for? “Thinkers”? You mean philosophers, right? I don’t know of any that care about her.

>> No.19921088

ESL spotted

>> No.19921094

The guy above literally gave you a Hebrew god.
Why don’t you understand my post?

>> No.19921102

What Greek gods do thinkers like to write about? The only ones I can remember thinkers writing about are Athena, Aphrodite, Apollo, and Dionysus. Of those, I’d say Athena is my favorite.

>> No.19921103

oops missed this
>he’s a p recent 2010s era artist that’s kinda similar in style to brotha lynch
nop i haven't but i have now, thanks. this is the only rap song ive actually listened to lately https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Zn5o-gxtFA

>> No.19921106

They weren’t headlining the biggest annual musical performance in the country

>> No.19921112

>I don’t know of any that care about her.
Also, there are no IDs in /lit/ - different guy.

>> No.19921119

i don't get it

>> No.19921120


>> No.19921124

The tweet is referring to today’s super bowl half time show, which was headlined by rappers for the first time ever.

>> No.19921126

> you'll take what you can get.
I know. It could always be worse so rejoice when it isn't
>>with sytty maids per man, sir,
I'm not going to pretend I've read Finny or Ulysses. I'll just smile and nod

>> No.19921163

You might be experiencing depersonalization/derealization. Sometimes I get it too, and it's basically a symptom of anxiety from my understanding. So maybe something about being inebriated is causing you to tap into anxious thoughts?
It's quite different but weed does this to me sometimes, just dredging up bad shit and making it feel more unmanageable than usual. I find meditation and CBD can help.

>> No.19921166

I've been thinking about going to school for an English degree and when I brought up the subject with my brother he asked what I'd like to do with it, as in teach or write. I hadn't really thought about it like that, my desire is just to have a place to discuss literature with others and be able to write with a community to improve my ability to analyze works and express myself.

Preferably I will go to an inexpensive school so that money and debt won't be an issue. I just don't know what to do with myself and I wasn't thinking about building a career with an English degree.

>> No.19921177

>I'm not going to pretend I've read Finny or Ulysses. I'll just smile and nod
Me neither anon but the read the immediate passage. it's less "it could always be worse" and more "there are some good things ahead"

>> No.19921227

Hello, different guy. What’s wrong with having a favourite goddess?
Gawd, you people are so insecure.

>> No.19921260

You can do all that without having a degree. Makes friends that read. Join clubs and get to know people. Do all that while also not being broke and having another job. I work in healthcare, but I spend all my free time mostly talking about books and art with my 2-3 friends, and it's great. Also academia is incredibly gay.

>> No.19921270

I dislike my job. I don't know how people can just quit their job without having another one lined up - I wish I could be so brave, but I am stuck earning my living until I can find the next company that would be willing to hire me. I wish I could have less responsibilities.

>> No.19921291 [DELETED] 


>> No.19921292

I'm not great at making friends, or getting out of the house at all really, and I thought paying for a degree could help change that. Somewhere I have to be, or at least very much should be, as opposed to friends and clubs that I can easily flake on.

Just been feeling lost lately and like I need to do something more drastic to feel accomplished and productive.

>> No.19921297

>without having another one lined up
because they either have savings or a professional network in an industry where there is a lot of demand. And never ever forget the helping hand of mom and dad

>> No.19921302

BELIEVE me, antisocial behavior can be greatly exacerbated in college. It won't suddenly make you sociable. Plenty of people do ZERO networking in college.

>> No.19921366

If I so espouse mine belife herein, then forth would perhaps you take earnestly this monolog or consider such inanity as every else's schizo meanderings of whatnot?

>> No.19921509

is this your timothy dexter impression? pretty good

>> No.19921728

Just finished Infinite Jest. I can't believe how terribly people have misinterpreted Orin.

>> No.19921731

Never heard of him.

>> No.19921749

He's the protagonist of DFW's follow up novel "Pretentious Angst"

>> No.19921755

I'm almost to the point where I can start having test readers look at the first volume of a web novel. I'll be honest, I'm completely fucking terrified. I know that the space doesn't exactly have a high barrier to entry or expected skill, but I'm genuinely worried that I have some kind of extreme bias towards my work and it's actually shit and I just can't see it.

>> No.19921763

I wrote a whole plot for a video game I was about to make, but fuck that, I'll make it a shitty book and sell the film rights, AND the video game rights

>> No.19921782

Dependeths upon thine delivery. Troth be it too layered and gangly I mightst just find mineself a’slumber. Venture so! T’is thy dime.

>> No.19921817

nothing but science: bore
no science: ignorant

him & every other character, i don't even discuss the book with anyone here anymore. Not that I remember any of it at this point

it probably is shit no? either way it's proof that you can make SOMETHING, which means you can get BETTER if you put in more TIME unless you're WALDUN. if you can't make anything you can never get better

>> No.19921829

Read, anons, and read well.

>> No.19921859

Read em' & weep

>> No.19921911

>and sell the film rights, AND the video game rights
And how do you suppose you'll do that?

>> No.19921919

Will to power

>> No.19921941

finally read the communist manifesto

it's not bad

>> No.19921987

Seethe and Counter-Seethe

>> No.19921991

...but it's not good either.

>> No.19921997
File: 153 KB, 860x602, 599-5991841_crying-pepe-png-transparent-png.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

masturbation puts me into an existential crisis

>> No.19922002

...then don't? dumbass

>> No.19922003

Drinking wine and watching moe anime. This is the life.

>> No.19922010

to an extent yes, but then you have people that connect Hamilton with jews and that just makes my blood boil. Jefferson did have one good take which was the pro-gun stance and defense of private property. however that property must exist inside the nation and NOT in offshore bank accounts.

>> No.19922026

cool except every country that centralizes power turns into not just a decadent hellscape like the west, but a decadent hellscape without any real constitution, which is a gaping difference whether you admit it or not. the moment you allow power to centralize all rights become paper rights, they serve no real purpose. you might think that's great, but you're never going to get the masses to think so, which means we are stuck here probably forever, until the slaves want to give what little rights they had away so the ubermensches of society can stomp around heedless, never ever not gonna happen ever

>> No.19922027

Explicitly which other wills do you expect your own to impose over? In other words: who is going to buy the rights and why?

>> No.19922039

If some bimbo on the dole can do it (read: JK Rowling), so can I.

>> No.19922074

But who is going to buy the rights and why?

>> No.19922092

Someone who sees it as a good investment.

>> No.19922101

Anticipation to power

>> No.19922109
File: 154 KB, 756x756, F28E1FD8-DA4B-4F1A-ACA5-C63C9B5211BD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don’t shoot!

>> No.19922116

And who is that someone? Why would they see your IP as a good investment as opposed to say, investing in Asset Backed Securities where the assets are a variety of different film rights or even established book or multimedia franchises? Let alone the thousands of other investment opportunities and securities they could potentially make money from? Who are these people as in what distinguishing characteristics do they possess that will make them particularly interested in your IP? Are they in any particular industry, if so which one? or are they 'private investors'? What walks of life will they be drawn from other than "have disposable cash"?

>> No.19922130

I think I should be the asking questions here.
Who are you?

>> No.19922181

You think wrongly. I'm not a producer, but I am aware of the factors that influence which productions or properties producers in filmmaking become involved in and I am very curious why you think you can just sell the rights to an non-established property. And so far it appears you don't know anything that I don't.

>> No.19922190

Well, so far I know that it is innovatively unique in premise and plot. All I can say is that it is very action orientated.

>> No.19922199

>innovatively unique in premise and plot.
Which sounds like poison to film executives who are looking for by the numbers "save the cat" type films.
> All I can say is that it is very action orientated.
And? Where was the action in Mama Mia or Shrek or the Minions films? No one says "hey let's Baz Luhrmann's Great Gatsby for the action sequences!"

>> No.19922207

That was a shitty children's book, and look how it turned out. Adaptations don't have to be carbon copies of the source material.
Fine the closest analogy I can give is merging Tom Clancy with the books that were the basis of Dwayne the Rock Johnson's 'Geological Adventure' series, like Journey to the centre of the earth.

>> No.19922250

>and look how it turned out.
But why was it optioned in the first place is what you should be concerned with, not how it turned out.
After all, thousands of shitty childrens books get published every year, why was Shrek unique/special in the eyes of producers?

>> No.19922290

>why was Shrek unique/special in the eyes of producers?
They just liked it. That's pretty much it. They have the money and the skill to make it a marketable reality.
Why 'All Quiet on the Western Front'? Why not 'Storm of Steel'?

>> No.19922337

>a decadent hellscape like the west,
Please point out what you call decadence in the west and how it isn’t elsewhere in the world.

>> No.19922487
File: 108 KB, 491x443, 1077_platon1643.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For what I know there has been 3 collections of Plato's dialogues translated in Finnish that were in good quality as well. But they are extremely rare now even though the latest edition came in 90's. Complete set will cost something of 200-300 euros if you can find one. Seems like I need to get the Complete Works in English. I can read in English just as well, I seldom read translations from English. Though nonfiction in English, especially philosophy, takes more focus than I'd like so I really would like to find the complete set of Finnish translations.

>> No.19922519

>They just liked it. That's pretty much it.
Who were they? What did they like it?
>Why 'All Quiet on the Western Front'? Why not 'Storm of Steel'?
If you can't answer that, you'll never sell the rights

>> No.19922788

The federalists could have either decided to not empower the courts as much as they did (impossible), or realize that the elite republic system they were cultivating was unsustainable after introducing any democracy.

>> No.19922822

Not him but
>lobbying and the pretense it is not corruption while the rest of the world does not hide it or at least is more honest about it
>The World War 2 Trauma that convinces the Western Political class to keep trolling itself

There is more but these are the most egregious examples I can think of that don't apply to other countries (like the modern economic system that has been introduced world wide that has completely given up on families in favor of importing debt slaves to kick economic cans down forever with copes that a singularity or something will save this system from the day it eats itself)