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19914381 No.19914381[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>not my problem

What philosophy is closest to this?

>> No.19914383

spider man (2002)

>> No.19914391

being a living hamburger aka america

>> No.19914464

In fact it's a combination of the above two posts: Objectivism.

>> No.19914474


>> No.19914671

Heffleyism as espoused in Diary of a Wimpy Kid.

>> No.19915001

Libertinage, since it causes me an erection

>> No.19915003


>> No.19915019
File: 877 KB, 1678x1308, 1800_Wilkinson_Map_of_the_4_Eastern_Churches_rectified.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

literally Eastern Orthodox Christianity
they care so little about the world around them that they don't mind eventually becoming Muslim even.

>> No.19915033

I don't necessarily disagree with you, but I'd say anarchism is more accurate.

>> No.19915099

this is kinda true especially with the whole mystical idea of becoming invsibile
talking to people makes you less invisible so shut up bitch and that whole kind of thinking

>> No.19915271

That is inaccurate. Anarchists are the most ecologically oriented political ideology out there. More so than even the various Greens, and certainly more environmentally aware than “scientific socialist” authoritarian-socialists
And “libertarianism” is actually just liberalism in anarchist skin.
Libertarian-socialism is anarchism. Liberals took the name the same way they took conservative, Labour, and social-democrat. They steal words and confuse the hell out of everyone

>> No.19915304

It's not a philosophy it is the way most people behave.
They are thoughtless beings who do not reflect upon their impact on others and the world for the most part.
Dump litter, park wherever they want, stare at their phones, stand in the way, and so on.

>> No.19915320
File: 26 KB, 500x261, quote-epictetus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not my problem completely and totally embodies Stoicism in 3 words.
ignore every and all other answers.
You just described Stoicism perfectly.

>> No.19915463

That’s a bust of Epicurus!

>> No.19915472

god you people are fucking stupid

>> No.19915482

based ordodogz coverting to islam get rekt catlicks

>> No.19915485

not my problem.

>> No.19915493

Are you trolling or something?
That’s all true

>> No.19915524

ahh those fuckin greeks
they all look the same...

>> No.19916696

That is your problem. You are clogging your own drain.

Its doesnt.

>> No.19916834

Thou be retard.

>> No.19916984
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>> No.19917003

>he doesn’t know there’s more than one kind of anarchism
>he doesn’t know about ancap