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19912637 No.19912637[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

why are men inherently evil?

>> No.19912642

Natural selection

>> No.19912835

Raised by women

>> No.19912852

Fear is scary

>> No.19913098

Few things will make your mind as dark as being raised by a woman with selfish intentions.

>> No.19913344

Niggers, men means both men and women

>> No.19913390

Because of chuds like these

>> No.19913466

inherently? that's pretty fucking kino if that's the case, literal beings of darkness bringing chaos and violence everywhere? god I love being a man

>> No.19913471

They don’t listen to me.

>> No.19913531

Because of killer monkey theory

>> No.19913571
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True. Excess yin/chthonic energy.

>> No.19913650

jew here
jewish men aren't
only christian men
this too

>> No.19913914

where can i read more on this? I'm only now in my mid twenties starting to realise the manifold ways in which this might've affected me.

>> No.19914123

this but unironically, men are raised in a very effeminate society, which causes some to go haywire when they feel lost, As someone raised by a single mom it took me a lot of effort and frankly, luck to get past all this, that said I still hate society and wait for the day the modern west crashes and burns

>> No.19914132

Women told you to man up but incels never listen

>> No.19914169

Because they are not perfectly rational and powerful. A blackpill people still haven't taken is that you can be unintentionally evil, you can be evil through passivity as well as activity.

>> No.19914236

kek "manning up" isn't allowed anymore, I wonder if women realize they want to abolish the same things that they want in men. Women aren't really a problem for me and this only happened because I have literally 0 respect of expectations from them, incels can be right about women however because of their desperation they use that knowledge to direct hatred towards them instead of using those truths to better oneself and rise above it.

>> No.19914239

Touch grass

>> No.19914335

Why do you suck so much dick

>> No.19914419

Man is the animal

>> No.19914573

I try to avoid letting my resentment shape my opinions. Incels/"nazis" and SJWs are just two sides of the same coin of lost youths with no guidance or strong father figures who snap them out of radical ideologies.

>> No.19915267

kek you just keep saying the same tired lines thinking you're making some sort of clever point I get plenty of sun as it is.

>> No.19915294

yeah, I feel you man. My disdain for liberal western society, especially America isn't something I dislike because of my experiences fully, there's plenty of reason to hate where we're headed. Now I just try to not let my resentment affect my actions, I'm of the belief that if it really does suck, it'll eventually implode on itself, now I just do my best and try to seel comfort where I can, hopefully, a ceaser can come along and set things right, that man is not me. For now I want to have children and encourage them to stay /fit/ and want to be a strong figure for them, also might start an underground fight club, evefyone dude I know in collage knows deep down inside that something is wrong with the way we live, you just need to know how to get them to admit it.

>> No.19916529
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If men are so evil, why cant you spell happenis without saying ah-penis checkmate femenests

>> No.19916536

testosterone just makes us overly emotional in the bad way: rage

>> No.19916568
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>> No.19916579

>t. incels

>> No.19916583

Wrong board, tranny

>> No.19916932


>> No.19917312

OP here, you should try meditation, maybe then the troons won't live in your head so easily

>> No.19917321

Specifically women selected evil men.