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19911488 No.19911488 [Reply] [Original]

>dude just dont watch porn

Why the fuck do people praise this book so much? It has 0 substance.

>> No.19911502

does it really say just that or has porn given OP brain damage?

>> No.19911519

It says more than that but that's generally the gist of it. I mean, what more is there to it? It'd be like if OP was raging at books that encourage quitting smoking or drinking since they, in essence, say just don't drink or smoke,.

>> No.19911528

You have free will. You do not become possessed by evil spirits when you masturbate. You choose to do it because you want to, and if you really, truly didn't want to, you would just never do it.

>> No.19911531
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>You have free will. You do not become possessed by evil spirits when you masturbate. You choose to do it because you want to, and if you really, truly didn't want to, you would just never do it.

>> No.19911548

This book is the epitome of self improvement literature

>> No.19911549

Person: How do I quit porn?
EasyPeasy: Don't watch it!

The book pretends it's going to offer some manner of methodology, but it never truly does. It spends 100 pages discussing the benefits of quitting porn and how you don't lose anything but have much to gain. However, it never gets to the HOW. Saying "don't watch it" isn't a solution, its a restatement of the problem.

>> No.19911562

Are you older than 21? are you not stuck in teenage mentality? have you had sex at least three times to kill the idealization of it? If yes to all those you only need to avoid watching, it barely takes any willpower, I haven't watched porn for three years and feel disgust by the idea, is really as simple as just not doing it.

>> No.19911566

thinking porn is something to quit and not just an outlet for natural coom feelings is the problem. stop pathologizing sex just because you hate yourself

>> No.19911570

Have sex truly, honestly and unironically.

>> No.19911600

>just repress all your feelings that will surely work!
Why are poltards like this

>> No.19911609

What feelings? hornyness you get from watching someone else having sex meanwhile you develop ED when you actually have sex and is nowhere near the same thing? completely bs, porn is a recent thing in humanity, not something that always existed, nobody needs it to have a orgasm, you are handcapping yourself.

>> No.19911621

>You have free will
You do not have free will.

>possessed by evil spirits
You're "possessed" by your brain anatomy and chemistry...
The brain anatomy can be changed after a trauma; your brain chemistry can be voluntarily changed too, but it takes some effort.

Watch Chaturbate / soft porn, or try to masturbate using your imagination.

>> No.19911629

>porn is a recent thing in humanity
>nobody needs it to have a orgasm
> you are handcapping yourself

>> No.19911643

Neck yourself moralfag

>> No.19911656

That sounds like willpower to me, so I guess the book is lying.

>> No.19911662


>> No.19911665

From what I recall, the book tells you it's gonna give you the secret to quitting, then tells you for like a hundred pages how good it would be to quit, then it gives you the secret: "Just like, don't"

>> No.19911666

>just an outlet
If you need something to get you horny you don't even need to masturbate in the first place, you are forcing and attaching it to this thing, if you were that horny already you would just masturbate naturally with no need for external input

>> No.19911674

If you don't need any external input tear out your eyes like Jesus says

>> No.19911686

So you admit you have no natural hornyness, got it, may as well cut your balls off

>> No.19911693

>t. coomer who got filtered hard and didnt even finish the book

It works. Don't let the porn lobby let you think otherwise.

Coomer take. I hope you will realize you are wrong.

>> No.19911694

I dont necessarily agree with nofap, but porn is not an "outlet" it's an "inlet." Why would you think that *watching something* would be your brain outputting something rather than having something input into your brain.

>> No.19911698
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>quit porn
>masturbate with thoughts
>thoughts are full of internet porn

how do I undo this? am I irreversibly gone?

>> No.19911707

It will genuinely go away on its own. It will take time.

>> No.19911711

Time is the answer, you won't forget those things in a few days or even months, more like years. Unironically have real sex, you will have something else to think about, but the real goal would be to think nothing really, just feel the sensation(unless you are americut, then you may as well cut the whole dick out already haahahaha).

>> No.19911718

>You're "possessed" by your brain anatomy and chemistry...
No you are not. Your body works in such a way that if it recieves signals from the brain to move in a certain way, it will. You are perfectly capable of moving your body in every way in this manner. Everything you do, you choose to do. Brain chemistry will make people disposed to doing certain things, but it does not refute that everything that you do, is the result of a more or less conscious choice you made in your mind. It is very easy for us to start abstracting this process, removing ourselves from the equation, and think "I want to do X, but I can't!" but this is really a form of self-deception. In my case, at least, once you stop deceiving yourself, it becomes much easier to change.

>> No.19911786

Stop masturbating.

>> No.19911792

Why should I quit porn?
I read the book and my only thought was "yeah ok but I don't care"

>> No.19911797

If you don't feel like doing, then don't lol, nobody is your mom here to tell you what to do

>> No.19911803

Same here, enjoy porn as much as you want.

Nofappers have other problems that they're really trying to solve, like never going outside or being a beta male.

>> No.19911817
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I'm going to coom :)

>> No.19911822

so I just keep jacking off with porn thoughts? because I have nothing else that does it for me in there
>have sex
I am on 4chan bro, I don't get to have sex that easy

>> No.19911824

Yeah, it's retarded. It basically comes down to "You're brainwashed into thinking that you need porn" and some kind of pascal's wager that says that your life will only get better if you quit porn, but that simply isn't true. My life sucks and it's so easy for me to slip back into porn and sexting because it's only things that helps me cope with the constant feelings of despair that I experience every waking moment. So yes, I know porn is bad for me, I know life in the long run will get better when I quit, but that doesn't change the fact that my life fucking sucks and that I'm a lonely wreck. I've gone extended periods without porn and I objectively didn't feel better because I had to deal with all these feelings that are caused by things that I can't change. Porn is not the problem, it's a symptom of the real problems which are loneliness / emptiness / anxiety / depression etc.

>> No.19911832

>beta male
No such thing, literally get out of the internet, ugly, old, fat dudes get woman, younger, hotter than they are all the time, incels are so pathetic and stuck in their teenage years so much that they will never understand a woman and keep coping forever.

>> No.19911847

dont jack off to porn thoughts. it slows the recovery process.
treat them like you treat porn.
ideally you should be able to jerk off just thinking about the physical sensation, if you can't there's no use in jerking off

>> No.19911850

So you don't even feel the need of masturbating and can only do it with porn?

>> No.19911853

Why did you read a book about quitting porn if you didn't want to quit in the first place. are you retarded

>> No.19911854

The smoking version worked really well for people I know irl, and the porn one gets huge praise too, so maybe give it go?

>> No.19911856

What would you have done to cope with those things had porn never existed?

>> No.19911858

>are you retarded
I thought it'd just magically make me quit so I was curious to see what the author's arguments were

>> No.19911868

I'm 27 and I've had ED several times, especially with girlfriends, because I prefer porn instead. If I don't watch porn for 5 days I'm like a raging bull and enjoy sex. I have to coom everyday multiple times, and when I wake up the only thing that stops the temptation of going back to sleep is thinking of porn which opens my eyes like holding a key of chang under a coke heads nose.

>> No.19911873

Yeah I agree, but it's one of the reasons people start with nofap.

>> No.19911879

Good question. I don't know to be honest. I think if porn hadn't existed I wouldn't have this many issues that needed coping with. Age 13-18 for me was basically one long anxiety ridden porn binge that isolated me from my everyone in my life. Then when I started seriously trying to quit porn at age 19 or so, I didn't know how to cope with all of the feelings and problems that started coming up so I started drinking a lot, doing drugs, gaming a lot etc. to cope instead. Nowadays I go months without watching porn, then I relapse and start binging porn and sexting ppl like crazy until eventually I snap out of it again and live like a monk for a few months and then I do it all over again. I don't know why, I think I'm just an addict at heart.

>> No.19911888

based screwtape

>> No.19911890

"binging" is a neurotic trait, it's not inherent in porn or substances, seek out help for your anxiety.

>> No.19911894

I watch porn (mostly 2D) and I can't cum with real women
It's not the porn's fault though, it's 3D women's fault for looking like shit

>> No.19911897

Dont wory, it will catch up to you guys too. You dont think it is a problem, until it is a problem. It is your own choice. Most of us are just trying to warn you.

> some kind of pascals wager that says your life will only get better if you quit porn
You cleary havent read the book, because it strictly says that quiting porn will make your life better. And then you fucking type this.
> I know life in the long run will get better when I quit
See how that contradicts the first part of your post?

Porn is a symptom of the problems, until it becomes one of the problems. Just like with drugs. Drugs are done because of underlying problem in life. They want to escape. At some point the drugs become the problem itself.

>> No.19911901
File: 232 KB, 346x360, 1644673096563.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The first time I fucked my gf in uni, a cute 18 year old girl who was eager to have her pussy fucked, I literally couldn't cum because of how much I had been jacking off. What was supposed to be one of the most memorable moments in a man's life, as a virgin myself fucking a horny 18 year old virgin girl, her bent over on my bed spreading her pussy for me, was a lukewarm experience at best. For the first time in my life I had a genuinely attractive girl choking on my cock and doing her damnedest to pleasure me and I barely enjoyed it because of how mind-blasted porn had left me. Don't undetrstimtate porn's power to desensitize.

>> No.19911910

A relapsing virgin typed this post

>> No.19911912

Yeah I know that sounds very contradictory. What I mean to say is that life gets better, but I don't feel better. When I abstain from PMO I become more successful in my life, but I don't feel any better emotionally. Its just me trying to do all sorts of different things in the hope to feel satisfied, but nothing ever makes me feel that way.
I'm in therapy for it at the moment, hopefully it will get better. I feel like I have deeper underlying problems like traumas and things that I can't really identify or pinpoint.

>> No.19911930

Warning to do no good, humans usually learn only when they experience things on their own. Is no use trying to convince someone that something may harm them in the long term and better just to discuss ideas with those who already suffered from it and want to change. That said, the nature of 4chan is that is filled with edgy teenagers and adults who got stuck in that life stage for various reasons, so naturally you will see people trolling and having childish behaviour like namecalling, bragging and personal attacks.

>> No.19911949
File: 247 KB, 1080x1169, photo_2020-05-09_14-56-50.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Porn is actually quite beneficial and healthy. It depends on how you use it.

>> No.19911953

Yeah, for the people making money on it is awesome hahaha

>> No.19911960

what do you expect?
porn isn't alcohol or heroin, you aren't addicted.
just stop watching it
saying porn is an addiction is literally a made up strawman by the people who want to sell you a remedy to cure your so called "addiction".

>> No.19911980

reading a book about working out will make you more fit only if you wanted to become more fit in the first place
the purpose of the book isn't to convince you to quit

>> No.19911987

then why is the book available for free

>> No.19911988

It's funny because the original author never quit porn succesfully either

>> No.19911989

this specific book might be, most others on the issue aren't

>> No.19912003

What did you expected? do one hundred push ups, sacrifice a chicken, eat avocados, etc? lmao

>> No.19912016

Blatantly false. 99% of everything about porn addiction is completely free

>> No.19912024

Kinda devilish to just lie on the internet like you're doing. I don't think I'll allow it this time though :3

>> No.19912027

what is feel of masturbating
I don't think I get to decide man

>> No.19912037

What do you mean? when did you start masturbating? didn't you feel anything in your dick and felt good rubbing it or you gonna tell me you are so fucked that you started it with porn already, damn you didn't even know the physical sensation, only the mental estimulation.

>> No.19912043

this, have been trying to quit ever since that time

>> No.19912047

I learned to masturbate from porn, I was watching porn even before I knew what masturbating was.
I think I was 9 or 10 idk

>> No.19912057

delusional coomer but what to expect from a "man" who gets his life in disarray because he's supposedly not able to stop looking at videos of copulating people

>> No.19912066

That's sad man, guess I was lucky to grow up before internet porn was widely available. Around 10 I started getting boners and it felt good to rub it untill I cum. You haven't learned to simple enjoy the physical sensation in your dick and is just relying on the stimulation from the images, is obvious why you can't masturbate without it or even get a boner.

>> No.19912078

Good addict, one more time can't hurt right

>> No.19912081

I am 25 bro. internet porn has always been available, and internet has ruined me in many ways, not just porn.
if I do finally manage to get out of this shit and somehow have children, I will %100 pay attention to what my kids are doing on the internet.

>> No.19912084

>Quit Porn and Get Rich
kek so this is the power of being asexual

>> No.19912101

Unless you think it is effecting your life negatively it doesn't really matter. But if you're edging for hours trying to find the "perfect image" to coom to and your dick is covered in scabs and scars from jerking off until you bled; you may want to take a step back and reevaluate.

I'd recommend everyone who jerks off regularly to read your brain on porn. So you're atleast concious of the risks involved. Maybe read the shallows too. Which is not primarily about porn but the general internet.

>> No.19912112
File: 127 KB, 1062x620, 1630682180835.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no the only way to know if you are a fucked up addict wank junkie is to abstain from porn for like 3-4 days. If you are having hard time, you are addicted.
now you know, there is no works differently for everyone. If the itch is fucking you up you will know.

t. guy who has been a coomer for 15 years straight

>> No.19912124

because the only way is hard

“How should one give up sense-pleasures? When someone succeeds in practising the overcoming of sensuous greed, this is called their renunciation. The so-called Śramaṇas and brahmin ascetics who do not know of sense-pleasures as entailing sheer distress, also do not know where to begin in order to give them up. Those Śramaṇas and brahmin ascetics do not really know of the deportment pertaining to them; they are not real Śramaṇas and brahmin ascetics and are unable to give rise to their realising the ultimate goal and perfect mastery over themselves. The Śramaṇas and brahmin ascetics who perfectly know of sense-pleasures as entailing sheer distress, are capable of really and unpretentiously giving them up. They know of the deportment pertaining to Śramaṇas and brahmin ascetics. They have give rise to their realising the ultimate goal and perfect mastery over themselves. This is what is meant by giving up sense pleasures.”

“What is the enjoyment of forms? Let us suppose someone sees a girl either of noble descent, of brahminic descent or of a householder’s family, fourteen, fifteen or sixteen years old, neither tall nor short, neither plump nor thin, neither too fair not too dark, being respectable and of incomparable beauty seldom to be found in the world. hardly has one seen her complexion when one experiences pleasure and joy—this is called enjoyment of forms.

“How do forms create sheer distress? If one sees that ‘girl’ again after a time, being eighty, ninety or even a hundred years of age, her complexion has totally changed; with the passage of time her vigour is gone, her teeth are broken and her hair is as white as snow; her body is blotchy, the skin is flaccid, the face all wrinkles, the spine deformed, the body resembling a creaking and groaning old cart; with shaking frame she stumbles along, leaning on a stick. What do you think, monks? The girl endowed with such pleasing appearance before and afterwards having totally changed, is that not sheer distress?”

“It is, Exalted One,” replied the monks.

“That is how forms create sheer distress,” the Exalted One went on saying to the monks.

“Moreover, if one sees that woman with her body exposed to great affliction, being confined to bed, incontinent and unable to rise and stand, what do you think, monks? The girl originally being endowed with such a pleasing appearance and now exposed to this affliction, is that not sheer distress?”

“It is, Exalted One,” replied the monks.

“That is how forms create sheer distress,” the Exalted One went on saying to the monks.

“Furthermore, monks, if one sees that woman’s body, broken up, lifeless, and on its way to the cemetery—how is that, monks? Formerly beholding that pleasing form and now—what a transformation! When in this situation one’s mind experiences pleasure and pain welling up, is that not sheer distress?”

“It is, Exalted One,” replied the monks …

>> No.19912139
File: 57 KB, 736x920, 2340a4f4376ecda0a839647d56cefdcf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's mountains of studies showing the benefits of porn, perhaps you choose to ignore them because of confirmation bias.

>> No.19912149

Think about it, porn has nothing to do with sex, you just sit there jerking it watching two other people do it.

>> No.19912152

All studies fall flat when my personal experience was different in both cases, I will trust what I went through.

>> No.19912156

>benefits of porn
name a single benefit

>> No.19912159


>> No.19912168

Getting obsessed over abnormal things like anal sex and getting hiv from it

>> No.19912170
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That's not what it says, try actually reading it before lashing out in defense of your disgusting habits and what has sadly become your 'personality'.

>> No.19912184

Is it weird I find this woman genuinely disgusting? I can clearly see all the things she is doing to suggest attractiveness and cover up her age and unhealthy weight and can only understand her as a mentally ill flesh monster who surgically modifiers her flesh to entrap others.

>> No.19912445

No, first thing I look at in women are their hands. That bitch is old.

>> No.19912517

it's to program the goy to be cucks and it's working

>> No.19912524

yeah, working for you kek

>> No.19912540


>> No.19912557

There's a containment reddit for you guys where you can discuss your penis as much as you want and the inevitable relapse.

>> No.19912681

Haven't watched porn in 5 years, once you learn to enjoy the physical sensation and not the image, you are living another life and feel disgust instead of lust for porn

>> No.19912747

I realize that, but I try to anyway. Someone might be tempted to read it and that is worth it.

Hey man, now I understand. Hope you get better emotionally. Maybe try to to chase things to feel better. I am not sure how long you have abstained before, but remember to give yourself the best tools to fight.

I wish you the best man. I have relapsed, but no virgin. If it feels better to call people names than to fix your addiction, go ahead.

Name one. If there is a mountain of benefits, you should be able to name at least one. Seeing how you havent in your two posts, I assume you cant.

Here is the thing. It will only be hard if you let it be hard. I was a coomer since 15, almost 30 years old now. Read the book and then I realized how fucking easy it is to quit. I have relapsed a few times since reading it, but just start over again. The hard part is not falling back when some outside thing triggers your "safety need". It is only hard if you try to will power through. Try to read the book. Would love to hear your thoughts and results.

this. Fuck what others say. It is the same as saying people telling you a food is safe and good, but it makes you vomit when you eat it.

>> No.19912819

>Porn is actually quite beneficial and healthy

Masturbation is, porn isn't - it's unnatural

>> No.19912934

Because that is literally the answer. Just stop. That's it. YOU are 100% to blame, YOU are 100% responsible, YOU consciously make the decision to do it, YOU are guilty. Why do you keep doing it?

>> No.19912951

because I'm a porn addict. I'm reading the book to fucking learn the METHOD to stop watching. This is you:

>How do I get rich?
>Just accumulate money bro

>> No.19913016

Not him, but once you read the book you will realize that the method is literally "just stop". Keep reading though. It really helps

>> No.19913037

Now that's the thing anon, you take the decision once, but after some time it becames a habit, something that you do automatically without thinking. Before you know you got the trigger and impulsively went for the thing, anon has to understand this and make the effort to realize and stop everytime it happens. Is not something that is done in a day, a week or a month is a long process to break a habit.

>> No.19913041
File: 6 KB, 208x206, stop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19913078

What did you expect it to say? Rub your belly and spin around? The only way to refrain from doing something is to not do it

>> No.19913102

>advocating for modern internet porn
That's basically giving away your free will. You receive nothing in return, it just drains your energy. Makes people apathetic or passive towards socializing in real life (for both genders)

I'm not even religious or some trad-larper. It's just unhealthy. It's becoming literal hypnosis to internet people with all their sick fucked up weird fetishes. If you want to be a normal person, just stay away from that rabbit hole. Even if you just have casual sex every so often, you'll be so much better off than some no self-control coomer

>> No.19913111

If you have some sick weird fetishes and compulsions that's on you.

>> No.19913113

I don't know, it says "IMMEDIATELY WITHOUT WILLPOWER" on the cover.
If the solution does in fact require willpower (and probably some feeling of sacrifice at the start), then OP was lied to.
Of course, literally anything requires some amount of willpower. So why make an impossible promise?

>> No.19913129

i mean it hardly requires any willpower at all. when you are about to look at pornography, simply do not instead.

>> No.19913131

Just destroy everything you own which can access the internet, you'll be even better off than if you had just quit porn

>> No.19913136

Wow what a great idea :)

>> No.19913141

Also, I didn't want to get political, but it's pretty obvious porn is pushing agendas towards young guys

>How do we prevent young men from acting out dangerously
What better way, in our current highly divisive political climate - let's just give them all a bunch of internet porn. They're bound to fuck their own lives up and waste all their energy cumming online instead of actually making lasting changes in the world

>> No.19913146

Yeah, I agree with that. I wouldn't have developed any of them though, had I stayed away. That's how they get you. Be my guest if you want to try it, but keep in mind it's fucking up the majority of people

>> No.19913153

There's plenty of people that use porn and have no problem with it, thus your argument falls flat.

>but it's pretty obvious porn is pushing agendas
How is it pretty obvious?

>> No.19913159

>the method is literally "just stop"
That's not a method, that's a statement of the problem. The porn addict can't "just stop". That is the essence of the problem. If "just stop" was the answer, the book would not need to exist. But clearly anyone turning to the book has tried to "just stop" and failed, so why the fuck would I need to read 100 pages of basically

>decide to stop watching porn
>you're not losing anything, rejoice!

It is the most bloated, nothing book of all time. Utterly void of any substance. I'm half-convinced it's a creative writing exercise aimed and trying to figure out how long he can hype something before stating the most obvious shit. Honestly, this guy should be writing speeches for politicians instead.

>> No.19913164

It worked for me. Maybe you have to be a brainlet like me for it to work though. I think I would be very susceptible to propaganda.

>> No.19913165

it's not habit it's addiction

>> No.19913168

That's like being addicted to netflix, it's not a real thing. You want to watch it.

>> No.19913175

>when you are about to look at pornography, simply do not instead
Do you know what an addiction is?

>> No.19913181

I want to watch tv all day in an opiate coma but I don’t do it because it’d be detrimental. Porn is less detrimental and much more accessible so it’s a lot more difficult to avoid it. Bad habits are on a scale, the worst ones make you feel the best but directly fuck up your life, the lesser ones won’t fuck up your life immediately and they’re generally very easy to do, so it’s easy to slip into an addiction that will slowly hurt you over time.

>> No.19913182


>> No.19913192

Because it's a "hacked" version of the Alan Carr quit smoking book.

>> No.19913193

>You do not become possessed by evil spirits when you masturbate.
Honestly, sometimes when I fap my mind gets filled with absolutely demonic and misogynistic thoughts, things I would never think about in real life. It's evil as shit and I do believe that demons use demons as a conduit into people's souls which is why I quit that trash.

>> No.19913198

>I do believe that demons use demons as a conduit into people's souls which is why I quit that trash.
I do believe that demons use porn as a conduit

>> No.19913199

You can find this shit for all addictions, saying you aren't addicted to porn is like saying you're not addicted to gambling, video games, eating food.

>> No.19913204

Americans are retarded.

>> No.19913206

>it hardly requires any willpower at all
That's quite a bit more than "NO WILLPOWER".

>> No.19913227

A demon posted this I bet

>> No.19913238

Outside of america, is there any developed nation where mentally sane people unironically believe that demons possess their mind?

>> No.19913248

Yeah when you commit those sins, you venture into the devil's domain. You're on his turf. Demonic things go on there. Maybe you even get demons in you. But, you still retain full control over what you are doing, with full personal agency over the continous decision to keep on while you're doing it. I really think that you have to realize that there's nothing more to it, that you chose to masturbate because at that moment you wanted to.

>> No.19913249

I'm quite sure you will see the same cults in britain, france and germany, americans are just the majority of the retards and the louder one's but they are not alone at all

>> No.19913269

addiction is the loss of free will, caused by maladaptive habits that could have been quashed from the beginning if the addict had been aware and willful.

when you masturbate you are very much possessed. the book operates on the mind leading up to masturbation, not during.

>> No.19913272

“Christianity gave Eros poison to drink; he did not die of it, certainly, but degenerated to Vice.”

>> No.19913291

yeah this is what I meant. When I used to watch porn, I was making the choice. However, in making that choice, I was opening myself up to be exposed to demons. Pornography is sex magic, and its the work of the devil. When you watch porn, you're taking part in a satanic ritual.


>> No.19913403

I shouldn't have to watch porn
the root of the problem is women and the pussy cartel

until women are put back into line, this is an unsolvable issue

>> No.19913422

>If "just stop" was the answer, the book would not need to exist.
It is the method. You havent even read it so how would you know? It is not a book for people who dont realize they have a problem yet. Time will show.

are there more people without problems than with problems? How does his argument fall flat? You might not think you have a problem, but sitting in your room jerking off is wasting energy and making you passive.

>> No.19913523

Masturbate without porn if you're going to

>> No.19913537

yeah bro jerk off 9 times an hour so you have 1% less chance to get ass cancer

>> No.19913543

"Normal people" if you want to call them that watch porn without fapping 9+ times a day.

>> No.19913548

It's called a hyperbole. Also "normal people" have skyrocketing rates of depression, anxiety, lowering testosterone, etc.

>> No.19913607

I read this (against my better judgement) and it boils down to "just don't do it lol".
That's all well and good but I imagine it's not really beneficial for anyone actually trying to quit porn.
On top of that, I remember some poor English grammar.

If you actually, truly think you struggle with an addiction to pornography and/or masturbation, then book an appointment with a therapist or psychologist perhaps. They are designed to help people deal with things which patients find disruptive to their lives.

>> No.19913702

I quit biting my nails in a week by punching myself when I instinctually brought my fingers up to my mouth

>> No.19913710

Is just a bad habit bro, not really an addiction, you don't need a medic to teach you how to break a habit, books are more than enough. Though I agree this book has literally no content on it, atomic habits and some other books on the subject of habits would be better to understand and start replacing/erasing this one.

>> No.19913868

how the fuck did you notice that you're doing it beforehand?

Whenever I try to stop biting my nails it goes well for a while but if I get stressed I'll just notice that I've started biting them again while I'm already doing it

>> No.19913983

Hahahahahahahaha How The Fuck Is Porn Addiction Real Hahahaha Nigga Just Walk Away From The Screen Like Nigga Close Your Eyes Haha

>> No.19914140

Behaviour replacement.

>> No.19914180

I was biting my nails as I read this
fuck you