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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 119 KB, 1200x1200, Head of Buddha .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19910843 No.19910843 [Reply] [Original]

If most parts of the Pali canon are supposed to be the teachings of the Buddha, how were they memorized?

If a group of people listen to a lecture, it's hard to imagine that all of them can remember it perfectly, word-for-word. Even immediately after the lecture is finished there may be massive inconsistencies between what each listener thought they heard, even if they all made an effort to rectify it.

I can understand how something like the Dhammapada could be memorized word-for-word using mnemonic devices, since it is so lyrical and rhythmic. But how could those long sermons from the Buddha be memorized?

>> No.19910960
File: 126 KB, 849x365, 7BFC66F2-AFE4-41F8-B0DB-379DD9F627B3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s a leap of faith. I’d ask why do we need everything exactly preserved? This isn’t the Bible. There is a basic essence to the truth of the Buddha’s teachings that one can understand. That’s all.

>> No.19910973

I don't get what you're saying. I thought the same goes for the bible and Plato memory-wise.

>> No.19910989

Same way The Odyssey was remembered: poetics, songs... Every sutta ends with a poetry. Besides, these were oral tradition societies, remembering discourses was a full time job.

>> No.19911027

There's a lot of repetitions and lists.

>> No.19911076

The Vedas and Upanishads were transmitted orally at certain points by people who didn't even understand the language, they just learned the chants in blocks. Entire canons of mythology and folklore come from oral tradition. They had a variety of ways of conditioning individuals or groups to remember important cultural tales, often schools. But just imagine everything you know and can remember---a lot of it's just fragmentary or seemingly mundane shit like passwords. Imagine you did the job your father did, herding sheep or some shit, never travelling more than 20km from the village where you were born and would die, with the same 500 people give or take some dying some being born, you'd have the capacity to store a lot of coherent knowledge and a massive impetus to because it was not only your religion and culture but your only entertainment. Also in some oral tradition it's accepted that these transmissions are altered somewhat by various people along the way, but some are rigorously trained to remeber things exactly. https://youtu.be/qPcasmn0cRU

>> No.19911092

Have you not read the pali canon?
It’s repetitive as fuck, there’s probably features in the original pali which would help memorise it as well
Do you not realise how oral traditions work?

>> No.19911218

>interested in Vajrayana
>but not very enthusiastic about the Bodhisattva vow as my main concern (and the main concern of Buddhism as I understand it) is to get out of Samsara
What should I do? Visualization and very "vivid" practices like in Vajrayana also work much better for me than the somewhat dry practices of Theravada but apparently my goal is completely incompatible with Mahayana paths.

>> No.19911591

plato invented all of socrates dialogues, maybe something like that happened in "socrates" times, but there's no way that the conversation happened in such a forced and convenient way
>it's hard to imagine that all of them can remember it perfectly
did you read the pali canon? there's no way in hell buddha talked like that to actual human beings, most of the discourses are build in a mnemotechnical structure, designed to be remembered, probably buddha used some kind of system of categorisation that later was adapted to the mnemotechnical discourses we know today

>> No.19911638
File: 706 KB, 1660x2560, 043K_2me7sM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19911812

Source for that pic?

>> No.19911863

if you think about it his sermons have a lot of rhytm into it too... which is why he repeats himself often and seems almost verbose at times

>> No.19912129

They have a stenographer on standby.

>> No.19912138

yeah but none of what the manahynists and vajrayanists do is about ending suffering with the buddha's method, which is the only goal of buddhism

>> No.19912155

That's not true

>> No.19912205
File: 291 KB, 748x1092, D58BB21E-6F22-4B7E-952B-37CAAC5A40EA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19912763

Why are there so few Buddhism posters on /lit/ now?

>> No.19913045

Idk but Buddhism threads are the most hilarious clown shows on /lit/

>> No.19913051

How's that? I don't see Guenonfag anymore

>> No.19913062

Read Walter Ong, Orality and Literacy

>> No.19913083

You only need the lotus sutra, the pali canon is not important anymore for enlightenment

>> No.19913088

The few times I look it has people asking how to meditate and endless circular discussions about provenance. It eventually devolves into a Hindu/Buddhist bitch fight.

>> No.19913096

>>19913088 + sectarian bitch fights

>> No.19913105

>sectarian bitch fights
Yeah that's dumb. All good buddhist posters disregard that shit though.

>> No.19913147

Read the Rhinoceros Sutra. It contrasts the Lotus Sutra well.

>> No.19913189

I have. But to "be a rhinoceros" seems overall incompatible with the Vajrayana path, wouldn't you say?

>> No.19913208

will this expand my brain? I need to learn a new language and sadness has eroded my brain