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19910569 No.19910569 [Reply] [Original]

What are some books that will help with emptiness? Nothing feels satisfying, everything I do just leaves me in a gray haze. All of my hobbies just feel like lame chores. How do I get out of this?

>> No.19910587

Start with the greeks

>> No.19910590

The Spiritual Combat by Lorenzo Scupoli

>> No.19910593

More specifically, read Plato and the Platonists. Then resume with religious literature.

>> No.19910595

Buddhism or Absurdism

>> No.19910599

Wrong, resume with the romans

>> No.19910606

Take a nap.

>> No.19910607

Romans contributed nothing of worth.

>> No.19910613

You must be 18 or older to post here

>> No.19910617


>> No.19910683

The idea that Romans contributed anything of worth is a meme and immature

>> No.19911852

The bible and then my diary desu

>> No.19911861

You are retarded beyond salvation or underage, there's no point arguing in any case
Have a nice day anon

>> No.19911877
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Read the fragments of heraclitus, the outlines of pyrrhonism, parmenides, zhuangzi, the blue cliff record and the diamond sutra

>> No.19913525

inevitable, this feeling comes in waves. try to occupy yourself or do something/anything to 'jolt' yourself out of it. most important is: dont sit dwelling on it, the negative thoughts feed on eachother

>> No.19913533

in terms of books, you may want to take a cursory look at zappe

>> No.19913562

The Bible. God gave us His Word so it could become our satisfaction. In actual fact, God gave us Christ so He could be our full satisfaction. Do you want the Holy Spirit to dwell in your spirit all the says of your life? Believe in Jesus Christ as your salvation and redemption and confess his name with your mouth and you will have every spiritual blessing in the heavenlies in Him.

>> No.19913589

This just sounds like made up stories people try very hard to believe in to make themselves feel better about being able to rely on some force that's beyond them. I can't buy into it

>> No.19913591

Just read what you want.

>> No.19913797

Christ’s name is His reality. Call on His name and you will experience the reality of Christ and draw closer to Him in living. Christ is the true vine, and we are the branches. Apart from Him we can do nothing.

>> No.19913822

>Call on His name
Oh, I have.

>> No.19913852

You have? Then you are saved. Your salvation will not ever be taken away from you.

>> No.19913865
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You might have a depression

>> No.19913995

Calling on his name is what led me to stop believing.

>> No.19914001

The power of now

The ultramind solution

The mind illuminated

Happiness beyond thought by Gary Weber

>> No.19914041

Emptiness is common because we either live for ourselves or for extension of ourselves (family) and entertain vacuous friendships. The life lived is for a transitory moment, which is simply masturbation (has masturbating not become common in a self-reflexive world?) Therefore, it is difficult to say if there is an individual solution to a problem which is universal, although I found living for abstract ideals to help, however they have not been perfect (for the reason that I still exist). Regardless, I would recommend Bataille, Nietzsche, poetry, and select writings from the Bible (Ecclesiastes for example). In real life it might help to seek more violent experiences since safe and repetitious actions are undoubtedly a disease eating away at our soul.

>> No.19914062

I liked the thought experiment. Did you write it?

>> No.19914073

No. I did come up with the idea on my own when I was a teen though, it's helped me through tough times

>> No.19914090

I really feel I have nothing profound to say but I will say I feel similarly and I detected something of value in Yukio Mishima’s Thirst of Love.

>> No.19914099
