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/lit/ - Literature

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19910079 No.19910079 [Reply] [Original]

Be honest, why the FUCK do you even read? Basically, it boils down to a book being SOMEONE ELSE'S thoughts, that THEY came up with on THEIR own or BORROWED the the ideas or parts of them from OTHERS. So now you, le epic all knowing midwit, decide to read PARAPHRASED AND SHAT OUT ideas of OTHER people, instead of actually using YOUR brain and coming up with YOUR own thoughts. Why the fuck are you like this, /lit/? Unironic answers only.

>> No.19910086

Because I like it, you fucking faggot

>> No.19910088

because i'm stupid and need to be told what to think

>> No.19910089

i enjoy reading books

>> No.19910091

G*d is the Author of all things

>> No.19910093


Are there any books about this?

>> No.19910111

cuz I want to have a more conscious hand in who im getting my ideas from instead of relinquishing an entire aspect of my free will and letting my thoughts be controlled by whatever the fuck opinions I happen to be exposed to

>> No.19910123
File: 23 KB, 500x586, Ernest-Khalimov.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because this world revolves around ME. I am the only real person in this universe.

THEIR thoughts? Then why are "their" ideas in MY head? These "people" don't even exist. Everything I experience stems from myself, therefore, if I hadn't read their shit, it wouldn't exist. Ergo, I'M the one who brought it into being, I'M the one who wrote it all down. Me.

It's that fucking simple.

>> No.19910132

>Ernest Khalimov
I kek'd

>> No.19910208
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Based. Fuck books, and fuck reading

>> No.19910285

Because I enjoy it you idiot. Stop coping for being an illiterate retard.

>> No.19910337
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Efficiency and checks and balances. I can supplement my own thought with a variety of material and test various hypotheses against each other more efficiently by reading than trying to live 1000 lives in 1000 contexts. The reason you think you can generate all the answers through your own reason (which is never the case anyway since various social forces from language to what tv shows your mother put you in front of as an infant, have far more uncontrolled influence than conscientious reading) is because you don't know anything. Never make this post again, for your own sake---it's embarassing.

>> No.19910362
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Because people are smarter than me and sometimes they put things together that I couldn't have, and many time those people are also mostly wrong so I have to listen to other people to try to get the most reasonable sounding truth out of it

>> No.19910394

I don't read philosophy

>> No.19910434

why are there so many of these threads detracting from the purpose of each and every interest or hobby board? it is paradoxical you dig.

>> No.19910440

Because its fun. Thats the only reason to ever do anything

>> No.19910450

No man came up with great ideas without taking in and considering/critiquing the thoughts of others. Books are a good way of looking into the minds of great thinkers of the past.

>> No.19910462

I like shit-posting on /lit/. Posters here can sniff out an ignoranus.

>> No.19910468

I have a copy of a note-taking software called Obsidian, and every time I read a book I write a summary and break-down of the book into Obsidian. Then, whenever I have some thought related to the book, I write it down in a new note and hotlink it to the book, or other relevant notes.
So no, I am not wasting my time, and I am coming up with my own ideas. Books are a conversation between me and the other, and they provide a lot of value for me.

>> No.19910471

i read because i get exposed to the thoughts of others which are informed by the thoughts of even more people

>> No.19910476

that's the purpose of written lanugage, you fucking idiot

>> No.19910489

I bet op is the kind of retard that thinks he is always right no matter what, people like you are insufferable faggots.

>> No.19910541

I wish I didn't read that

>> No.19910604

no one thought anyone has ever had was, is, or ever was entirely original. good job on failing the basics.

>> No.19910641


Look up synthesis of learning you absolute failure.

>> No.19910800


>> No.19910823

I could waste 60 years to come up with my OWN© set of thoughts, or I could spend a week reading a book written by a man who already did that, and integrate his thoughts into the patterns of my thinking.

>> No.19910837

Exactly this, people could spend literal decades crafting a Masterpiece, so why not try and consume it

>> No.19911397

why the fuck are you asking for our thoughts then, dipshit? stop being lazy and come up with YOUR own answers instead

>> No.19911411
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how did you read this thread then?

>> No.19911419

They're fun

>> No.19911422

what more do you expect from a wojak poster? he does not think. he does not use his brain. he lacks the critical ideas which make up a good poster.

>> No.19911432

Stop speaking to other people. They will only poison your mind, filling yours with their inherited thoughts from other people. You are merely a chalice filled to the brim with recycled thoughts. You should just end the cycle by ending your life.

>> No.19911862

because I am a biological neural network and I am feeding myself material to progress my state of being

>> No.19911867

I read because it's a lot of fun and sometimes useful.

>> No.19911921

>Basically, it boils down to a book being SOMEONE ELSE'S thoughts
Once I read them, they become my thoughts. They take a physical form in the electrochemical signals constantly firing off within my brain. They encode themselves in proteins. They are, for all intents and purposes, mine. The moment I have an epiphany, or make a connection in interaction with my specific mind, steeped in its own sets of contexts, beliefs, experiences, is the moment I take complete ownership of that epiphany to the point where it becomes indifferent to me whether that thought has been had by another. There is nothing more droll or pointless to me than reading others unless I am actively interacting with them. There are no people more boring than those who pride themselves on the extent of their knowledge and the degree to which that knowledge corresponds with the unknowable intent of the author.

Of course, even lower on the totem pole is that unfortunate who allows his malformed, lower versions of the above beliefs, to prevent him from reading at all.

>> No.19911935

>Nooo don't read other people's thoughts
Literally everything you do every single day (except perhaps ruminanting alone) is touched by other people's ideas. Also I love the implication that your thoughts are somehow better than other people's should should be preserved and kept pure. Chances are you're not as smart as you think you are.

>> No.19911971

You aren't as intelligent or profound as you think you are.

>> No.19912868

This is why I edit all books I go through.

>> No.19913054

Because collective knowledge needs to be passed down otherwise most of it will be lost in time since no individual can fully accumulate it all on their own and pass it on, nevermind the countless books which do that from incomprehensible and numerous viewpoints and times. One man simply is incapable of collecting such a huge wealth of knowledge on his own, so it must be sought after by those who came before him.
We must do this otherwise we will revert to a more animalistic way of thinking.