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/lit/ - Literature

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19909628 No.19909628 [Reply] [Original]


Do you agree?

>> No.19909634

The list lacks Italian.

>> No.19909650


>> No.19909651
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>> No.19909659

All I really need.

>> No.19909662
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>> No.19909679

Yes, forgot to add Italian. I'd add Portuguese too, but what are must-read Portuguese authors? I don't know any.

>> No.19909681

Jose Maria Eca de Queiroz

>> No.19909695

is dutch a useless language to learn bros?

>> No.19909731

Absolutely. Learn German instead.

>> No.19909736

I don't think French is all that useful
I started learning it but then I realised how useless it was, how french literature wasn't worth reading and I stopped

>> No.19909743

>french literature wasn't worth reading
Tastelet FOUND.

>> No.19909745

En Andorra es parla el català, pseud de merda

>> No.19909752


>Ancient Greek
>Hebrew or Arabic

Now you're done kid

>> No.19909753

pseud FOUND.

>> No.19909783

Mais je parle français, fils de pute, pas ma faute que tu peux parler la plus belle langue du monde.

>> No.19909800

Luis de Camões, Fernando Pessoa, Eça de Queiroz, José Saramago, Lobo Antunes, Machado de Assis, Guimarães Rosa, Clarice Lispector.

>> No.19909805

Meh, only divine comedy is worth reading
Kys weebs
Overrated as fuck, translated shakespeare might be even better

>> No.19909814

>la plus belle langue du monde

>> No.19909823
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>> No.19909831

Dead language anon

>> No.19909834

What japanese literature is even worth reading in its native language? Tale of Genji? Musashi? Momotaro?

>> No.19909867

cope. I can read all of two of the best literature forms in the world, a.k.a Visual Novel and Light Novel, plus numerous untranslated Japanese video games

>> No.19909869

Add Sanskrit, Akkadian and Italian and you're correct.

>> No.19909884

what if i want to limit them into 5?

>> No.19909951

Over 2000 years of text to choose from, or do you think the only good literature was made in the last 100 years? Brainlet take

>> No.19909960

My plan is

Already know French, so I feel like that will be a pretty good set of goals for the next ten years.

>> No.19910028

I'm so confused by the languages I want to learn
Languages I've considered learning are
>Classical Chinese

>> No.19910036
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Most light novels still don't get translated ;_;
Thankfully honzuki is getting translated but it's not nearly fast enough. I finally grinded my kanji enough to finish the LN and WN and it was totally worth spending all last summer on it.

>> No.19910049

I learned Japanese and I'm basically done. Yeah I know it would be much easier to learn Spanish and French and Italian and Latin now but I don't want to lose proficiency with moonrunes, and I'm not at a point in my life where I can move to Japan to use it daily to maintain it while reading European lit in the original. Life's just too short.

My dream list for when I'm immortal though:

Ancient Greek
Ancient Hebrew

>> No.19910067

Fucking drop Japanese ass soon as you can. Wasted 2 years on this shit, passed N1 and realized that Japanese stuff aren't buchered by translators, they fucking improve it. Japanese language is just objectively unfit for literature, can't even come close to English prose. Honestly most Japanese media is shit anyway, you shouldn't read visual novels or light novels if you're above 18, it's just embarrassing.

>> No.19910076

>Meh, only divine comedy is worth reading
More like, you only know the Divine Comedy.

>> No.19910077
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Fuck you too

>> No.19910098

Japan probably has the best literature output outside of the Europe and America, and I dislike anime and weeb shit.

>> No.19910104

The Japanese people are honorary Aryans. It's no surprise they measure up to Western standards. The bigger question is what the hell is wrong with China? Over a billion people and nothing out of them.

>> No.19910114

Well, the CCP literally tried to destroy all cultural output the past century, so it makes sense. Mao would quote from books he himself banned, but that doesn’t mean there was some sort of intellectual or artistic class. The cultural Revolution fixed that.

>> No.19910236

>Over a billion people and nothing out of them.
Does /lit/ really?

>> No.19910246

>two years
Nice LARP, faggot

>> No.19910258

did you know that blue boy is a queer icon? you're a faggot in other words anon. a real faggot.

anyway. you don't need to learn any other language than english, german, french, latin, greek. seeing other languages than these as a 'must' is a commoner mindset.
you don't learn russian because you have to. you learn russian because no one else in your bourgeois circle knows it, and suddenly russian literature becomes relevant.

>> No.19910266
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Well the vast majority of "Japanese" culture is basically just copy-pasted from China so there's that I guess.

>> No.19910277

There have been many times when a book I wanted to read was translated into French but not into English. Typically before the 20th century when French was still very common

>> No.19910280

唐人 appreciator vs 日本人 fan

>> No.19910300

>thinking N1 is hard
Why are you comment on something you know nothing about, holy shit. Just go to djt man.
N1 is like a B2-tier language exam without the output part. If you aren't retarded and avoid useless shit like rtk or textbook exercises you can pass it in a year (and still won't be able to read a single book without relying on a dictionary).

>> No.19910739

Vale la pena aprender el catalán para la /lit/?

>> No.19910763


>> No.19910774

I want to learn german because I get the feeling that knowing german will make me care more about being precise.

>> No.19910831
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I'm learning French and I find it very rewarding. I'd like to start learning Spanish next for both practical purposes and for purposes of literary interest but I don't know what I plan to learn from there. I'd like to learn to read Italian well enough to read the Divine Comedy. Dead languages like Latin, Old English, and Homeric Greek interest me but I question sometimes if it'll be worth all the time and effort. I do love Metamorphoses and the Aeneid, Beowulf, the Iliad and the Odyssey, but I'm not sure if learning such difficult languages just for those works is worth it. Maybe OE because it's easier for a native English speaker than the other two. Barring those three I'd either pick something like Russian or German or something even more alien to me like some East Asian language or Persian or something.

>> No.19910847

Spanish, hermoso lenguaje, sigue aprendiendo anon.

>> No.19910964
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>> No.19911111

I surmise that languages are limited by universal words that can have too many meanings, therefore the most nominalist language allows for more clarity in discussing complex topics

>> No.19911155

Chinese or Japanese since they're similar enough and translate into each other well enough

>> No.19911281

How about we discuss something genuinely achievable and actionable? Reading famous authors in their native language is akin to mastery of the language.

How about two languages, at most three, on top of English? Indisputably I think this list is best (as philosophy is the prime genre; not taking practical values into mind at all):
>German > Greek > (Latin)

However I am more inclined to:
>French (learning; want to move there) > German > (Greek | Latin)

In terms of prose and poetry, I imagine French and Italian would be equally worthwhile as German.

>>19909628 >>19909650 >>19909659
All the tards ITT mentioning Spanish are americucks. It isn't a literary language. You're conflating its """utility"""
I agree but Shakespeare is considered one of the greatest writers of all time, it is the only reason to know english asides from being the current lingua franca. I'd rather I was born German though.

>> No.19911417

Name one good Hindi text, pseud. Sanskrit is where it's at, if at all.RRM

>> No.19911434

The Arthurian Vulgate

>> No.19911525

Want to learn:
> French
> Latin
> Greek
> Japanese

Already know:
> Russian
> Italian
> German
> Hebrew
> English

In truth i only read in English and Italian now, while the other languages are more of a social and work kinda thing.
Im now trying to decide between French and Latin; and as i no longer have the time to study them as i did with Hebrew and Italian, i expect that either one would take around a decade.

>> No.19911532

What the others have said, plus Camilo Castelo Branco.

>> No.19911613

Written Chinese, Mandarin is optional
something slavic, so probably Russian
and something Indic, Hindi would probably be fine
Maybe Arabic too
and if you have time a choice between either Spanish or French

>> No.19911754


>> No.19911871


>> No.19911900

got 3/6

>> No.19911914

>not a literary language
this has to be bait, nobody could possibly be so stupid

>> No.19911951

Speak it a little, but that's mainly because I don't have much interest in it. Very easy-to-learn language.
Of course
Speak it
Speak some. Easy to learn for me as well, since my own language is germanic.
Learning it
Speak it

Also, where's Latin and Greek on the list?

>> No.19912048

It's not. By your standards every language is a literary language; it has to be remarkable and Spanish literature is not.

>> No.19912083

Arabic should be Persian, unless you're a camel jockey.

>> No.19912327

And yet dear one, you use it too miserably! before lauding your claimed beloved language, in barbaric and cruel rude language, develop first a true understanding of its richness, perhaps allowing you thereafter to truly convince others to learn it, rather than portraying vulgar ejaculates, showing little more command of your language than an adolescent in a third rate highschool beyond the suburbs of Paris.
De l'humilité s'il te plait. Humility!

>> No.19912337

>it has to be remarkable and Spanish literature is not.
But there are remarkable writers in the language. I know you hate Hispanics and are a contrarian but your opinion doesn't make any sense.

>> No.19912536

Cervantes alone puts Spanish-written literature above most others.

In poetry alone, you have Romance del Mío Cid, the works of Góngora, Quevedo, fray Luis de León, Cernuda, Vallejo... yeah actually as I was writing this I realised you're either baiting or too stupid to know about these works or understand their value anyway.

>> No.19912603
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Certified bait, posted by someone who hasn't even learned English yet.
You will never learn Japanese

>> No.19912766

Paulo Coelho

>> No.19912770

kek nice bait

>> No.19912779

Gracias amigo, a ver si nos libramos de este maldito híbrido de una vez.

>> No.19913073

cope americucks
ask me how I know youre extremely liberal

>> No.19913114

i've literally never set foot in america, are you okay buddy?

>> No.19913150

>spiritually american, infected by the west and east coast, prognosis: cucked

>> No.19913195

>defending the values of your native language and the works written in it means being spiritually infected by a historical enemy of it
okay bro have a good night

>> No.19913202

I know English, German and Spanish. What should I read next?

>> No.19913213

im trying to learn french via the nature method. any tips? I'm trying to describe the things around me in the little i know and making sentences

>> No.19913216

because this way you can always find good food to eat in any country. And translations must be fun to read.

>> No.19913235

>any tips
Yes, stop now and rely more on flash cards. The fundamentals to learning a language are generally learning a few hundred grammar rules, up to ten thousand words, and learning the alphabet if needed. Grammar and alphabet are a joke for French, just work on getting your word count up. It'll be the best way to noticeably improve your skills.

>> No.19913264

>Grammar and alphabet are a joke for French
what do you mean?
flash cards?

>> No.19913289

If you were learning a harder language like Japanese or Chinese, those two elements would be much more complicated. With French, they're just minor considerations.
For flash cards, you should be able to find an app for it.

>> No.19913321

what about for the grammar rules? just find any book/site for it? i chose the nature method because i read it emphasizes speaking ability and learning to form every day sentences first over a constant barrage of grammar

>> No.19913485

Just use Assimil

>> No.19913501

>Spanish isn't a literary language
Here's your (you), now fuck off.

>> No.19913519
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Retarded list. Let me point out your reddit spacing and revise this.
Number one. No contest
No asian languages. German is borderline.
Classical languages and obscure languages are highly recommended as well. E.g. Ancient Egyptian, Old Norse, Welsh, Tamazight, &c.

>> No.19914601

French, English, Spanish, Italian, Russian, German, Latin, Ancient Greek. Bonus: Sanskrit;

>> No.19914608


>> No.19914678


That's it. A few others for fun might be worth getting conversational in but this is all you should learn.

>> No.19914745
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>> No.19914833

...literally who?

>> No.19915317

Ancient Greek

learning these 3 languages will give you (language) learning super powers.
Ancient Greek for science
Latin for modern Latin descent languages
Sanskrit for Slavic languages
learn these 3 combined with historical linguistics and Etymology, and you become an intellectual

>> No.19915344


But I only know

maybe one day frens...

>> No.19915374

Nice meme post, fag, but LNs and VNs are not literature.
>inb4 muh Cross Channel and Subahibi
They're just fappytime picture books with some vaguely "philosophical" themes that teenagers might be able to easily understand.
Now, if you'd mentioned the fact that early 20th century Japanese literature is overall very negative in worldview and poisonous for the minds of people who attempt to escape the abyss of nihilism, I might've believed that you do have some knowledge on Japanese literature, but since you did not, I will assume that you fell for /jp/ memes and believed that escapist entertainment for manchildren is an art form.

>> No.19915417

I'm learning Russian and it's exceedingly difficult. I am older now and I'm afraid that brain plasticity is real

>> No.19915477

These courses are all shit. If you want to learn a language you need an actual college level course. Assimil and other memes give you a false impression of progress.

>> No.19915499

Taking college courses is only necessary for the sake of getting college credit. Real niggas know that you gotta memorize everything in a grammar book, learn 20k words, then read 200 books and watch 5k hours of TV, and afterwards start speaking with natives every day for the next 15 years.

>> No.19915501

I did Assimil French for a little over 1 year and I can read simple texts with little assistance. Granted, it's nowhere near as comfortable as reading in my native English, but the progress has been immense in a short amount of time. I can have every day conversations with my French speaking friends fairly comfortably as well. The only big issue I still have is listening but I'm working on that outside of the Assimil courses.

>> No.19915800

How about you learn German so you can listen to BEETHOVEN and MAHLER and also as well as BRUCKNER
All composers harrowingly superior to your faint and pallid Sibelius whose influence is found only in contemporary detritus

>> No.19915805


>> No.19915873

Idk bro learning German just for Mahler seems alittle obtuse. Maybe learning french for Poulenc would be even more obtuse. But learning finnish is just gonzo

>> No.19916019

Best methods for learning a language solo?

>> No.19916022

this man a damn baby

>> No.19917472

Who's him?

>> No.19917892

His point wasn’t to “encourage others to learn” but merely to show that your calling him a pseud was unfounded. Go take your purple prose to Substack, high school sophomore

>> No.19917901

Meant for >>19912327

>> No.19917911

Japanese surely must have plenty of notable classical texts. Though the significant differences requiring translations to modern JP text must detract from the poetic qualities and subtlety of text, too. Japanese has found more than one significant wide revision, further adding potential layers of complexity depending on how far back you go. Maybe some of these considerstions apply more to old poetry than straight literature, though. I still use Japanese on a daily basis and wish to do so more often regardless.

>> No.19917916

>rely more on flash cards.
how does this method work? care to explain?

>> No.19917991

Not really, no. There are a couple interesting authors and texts but it's not a worthwhile investment when you could be learning French, Portuguese, Italian or Spanish instead. I would only try and learn it if you are heavily into romance languages for whatever reason, but even then I would jump into Latin or Occitan before Catalan.

>> No.19918007

Add Ancient Greek, Sanskrit, Latin and Classical Arabic and maybe drop Japanese and you got yourself a great 30-40 year goal for languae learning.

>> No.19918192

anime website

>> No.19918297

>I'm not a pseud because I said son of a bitch in a foreign language

>> No.19918307

Pseud or not, you were incorrect in your assumption that he was out to “educate” others about French. You make the all too common mistake of thinking that people here endeavor to educate others at every opportunity and don’t want to shitpost most of the time

>> No.19919520
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>ancient greek and modern greek
Fuck I wish I had infinite free time to study them all

>> No.19920440

>No asian languages
I wasn't aware the Arabian peninsula was located in Europe or Africa.

>> No.19920553

if you already know english and italian I wouldn't expect french to be too hard

>> No.19920653

French and Italians are much cleaner, precise thinkers than Germans whose greatest philosophers are often just failed poets and whose poets fall into the worst extravagances. It is no accident that romanticism and idealism, the antithesis to everything classical, rational, and disciplined in culture, come from German sources. Add to that the fact that German grammar is woefully clunky and pedantic, often without the terseness and density of meaning you see in other languages with case systems such as latin. That being said, German journalism and legal writings are much clearer than anything we have access to in the US. Still, I wish I learned French. Would have been much easier with carry-over to Italian and Spanish

>> No.19920802


>> No.19920865

The three most important languages are English, Spanish, and French. That’s it.
German and Italian are also great, but I wouldn’t put them over any of the top three.
Latin and Ancient Greek deserve an honorable mention, of course.
Other than that you may want to look into Russian and Japanese.
And that’s that.

>> No.19920919

I respectfully disagree with >>19917991 - if literary merit is about the size of the canon then Catalan is at a necessary disadvantage due to population, but for my money it’s the most intrinsically beautiful of the Romance languages, and it has a rich (if somewhat provincial) intellectual culture. Aprendre el català et millorarà la vida, i això deu ser prou.

Also, when a Catalan finds out you speak Catalan, you are instantly his friend and his brother. When a Mexican finds out you speak Spanish you’re still a fucking gringo.

>> No.19922213

Catalán is going to disappear in the next decades anon.

>> No.19922248

Learn to give mouth instead

>> No.19922289

I'm one of the few right wing Spaniards that actually deeply appreciates the wonderful linguistic and cultural heritage of the different parts of our country, but if you are honest with yourself you will accept that there is literally 0 reasons why someone should try and learn Catalan over Spanish or French (or Portuguese or Italian for that matter).
The main advantage for a language and literature nerd is it's proximity to Provençal, but you need to be alredy deep into Romance languages and Catalan is not the best place to start. It's either that or planning to live in Catalonia, Andorra or that city in Saridinia, which is not very likely.

>> No.19922323

only good post iit

>> No.19922364

persians wrote in arabic until ferdowsi revived their language, if i had the opportunity i would learn Persian just so i could read shahnameh in it's original language

>> No.19922824

Please recommend good Hindi lit, I'm Indian and haven't read any (yet).
Hardmode: no Premchand.

>> No.19922839

I've heard often that Japanese literature is extremely rich and often untranslatable into English. Are these claims of quality anywhere near true?

>> No.19923013

Don't be a retard, every single language can claim that and it can even be true to an extent, but rich and untranslatable is not the same as worth the investment of hundreds of hours learning when you could pick a translation or learn an easier language.
If you are native in an European language 99.9 times out of a hundred you should stick to IE languages.

>> No.19923017

People treat foreign language like there's some kind of magic or artistry to it. The reality is that all the basics are incredibly simple, it's just a question of finding a study method that allows you to memorize those simple bits of information. Flash cards are very efficient for this.
There is some art to mastering a language, but focus on things like nuance and prose after you've already attained basic literacy. Basic literacy requires memorizing 5-10k words.

>> No.19923035

Unsurebabout the "richness" but in general a good translation is shit, and a shit translation is basically a fan fiction. I mostly just read normal novels (think game of thrones level "literature") but even with simpler works there are many things that don't translate.

>> No.19923042


>> No.19923066

Just threw away $150 bucks on a piece of trash coffee machine because my hot roommate suggested it. I realize now hot people can get me to do almost anything

>> No.19924004
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>> No.19924208


In general, all you need is english. Just take the translation pill

>> No.19924219

Yeah bro, learn to fluently read an entire language to read ONE (1) book

>> No.19924228


>> No.19924252

>be you
>spend 10 years learning 5 different languages
>never read anything in any of them because you never actually obtain fluency due to having no commitment and your motivation being based on vague notions of “use” and the idea that it’s worth spending years to read 1 or 2 books “in the original” for an infinitesimal quality increase
>be me
>want to read a book in another language
>download a translation from the 1800s written in overly embellished shakespearean english
>read it
>repeat for hundreds of other books in dozens of languages
>become esteemed for my erudition while you flounder in lost causes

>> No.19924316

>brain plasticity is real
Yes and no. While it is true that there is such a thing as brain plasticity, and that it is more present when you are younger, it does not mean that your brain is irreversibly rigid when you are older. It depends more on your environment, and your disposition towards learning, rather than how your brain is shaped or something. I'd suggest you take a closer look at your study plan, your motivation, and how you can improve it. Marx, for example, learned russian in 6 months in his 50s. If he could do it in the 19th century, you can easily do it now with all the resources you have at hand.

>> No.19924345

>>become esteemed for my erudition
3/10 bait
One point for getting a reply, and one point for getting a laugh

>> No.19924392

Not him, but I've been going through Grammaire progressive du francais and it is a really good French grammar book. Keep in mind that it is however entirely in French, so definitely do something like the nature method and/or anki flashcards first to build up your vocabulary and understanding before using this book to solidify the grammar concepts.

>> No.19924436

you may never have the native-level accent of someone who learned it before they were 10 years old, but that doesn't mean you can't learn it. Hang in there! It's definitely possible. It's about deligence and exposing/immersing yourself in the language as much as humanly possible, while also studying it via traditional methods.

>> No.19924912

Must be sad to have such a limited view of the world.

>> No.19925064

Why'd you want to learn Filipino?