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19904907 No.19904907 [Reply] [Original]

What the fuck is wrong with the Greeks

>> No.19904920
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I dunno

>> No.19904927

idk he was probably a retarded faggot (as most pedos are)

>> No.19904941

>Periander, in a fit of rage, kicked his wife or threw her down a set of stairs so hard that she was killed.[4][5] Greek historian Herodotus has alluded to suggestions that Periander had defiled the corpse of his wife, employing a metaphor: "Periander baked his bread in a cold oven".[6]

>> No.19905918


>> No.19905920
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"Start with the Greeks" has been the most successful sexual psy op in recent memory. It has turned thousands of normal straight men into twink-loving p*derasts

>> No.19905927


>> No.19905942

Joke on you i was already gay

>> No.19905946


>> No.19905952

>tfw you have never impregnated a cute twink

>> No.19905977

—and yes, that's a good thing.

>> No.19905982

Why even live?

I'm glad modern Japanese authors are keeping alive the tradition with their sublime M-preg doujins.

>> No.19906009


>> No.19906014

For me it's Chinzurena.

>> No.19906209

Not much, it sounds like. A fag tyrant said something disgusting and they formed a conspiracy against him.

>> No.19906244

They were fags

>> No.19906297

AN :Oh, so now we're talking about a general decline in language? It's not enough that they've gone through so many national disasters? They have to de-civilize themselves, too?

N: Oww! What the fuck? What the fuck? That hurt.

AN: I'm sorry. But now I feel the need to end this debate with a bang. I was just going to share a quote from the interesting work of the linguist Nikolaos Saparas, one of the last bastions of traditionalism, and the only guy that was planning to resist the Endangered Greek-speaking Spirit during a comprehensive linguistic revolution that is going on right now.

"We are clearly witnessing the impossibility of living a spiritual life if language isn't authentic to itself," he writes. "Speech has become an integral part of being, a tool that is no longer an instrument used to tell the truth. Instead, it became a necessary 'instrument' through which a particular interpretation is carried out, a system to classify things. Our speech is no longer the expression of an experience that creates reality, but a tool of its very construction. The 'speaking subject' is not alive, but dead. It is no longer capable of living in a spiritual way. Language no longer lives inside us, it has become a kind of physical shell through which the object of our lives is interpreted."

So there you have it. The future has arrived.

AN: I think we both know that I am just making this up, like those damn postmodern theorists that try to undermine language, and all these problems that come with a disappearing culture, just so that they can feel superior to a community of artistic icons, like the Greeks. But while I'm in a good mood, I'll continue:

"Perhaps those two visions, Hellenic and post-Hellenic, will ultimately work together. The authentic, traditional Hellenic spirit will remain important and the future will be
impossible to imagine for Greeks with a Hellenic spirit, who will retain, however unconsciously, a hidden link with the supremacy of the universe and with the world's timelessness. How can it be otherwise? The very act of imagining the future involves conceiving of a lack. 'New things' like musical instruments, machines, cars, telephones, means of transportation to travel 'quickly' - such things are not as yet. Those who don't understand the future, live as if it already exists, and those who would seek to save it as if they could already save it, are right to create that future in their minds, in the image of the one they have understood or seen, and not by means of constant and complete renewal, like that of a living thing. To dwell on this or that, like a past, a living past, makes no sense at all."

AN: Now, all this is just some political fiction, nothing more than a word game with no consequences at all. I'm just sharing a philosophical idea that might, someday, really make a difference.

N: Ah, politics.

>> No.19906304

AN: But you see, you have a very odd approach. You don't care much about the value of Greece. All you care about is the end of the concept of the Greek, as if it's not important, not of vital importance, for Greece to have a culture and a

N: I do.

AN: What?

N: I do.

AN: Right, and then you say that it is "impossible to imagine a future for Greeks that does not include a value of Greece and a use of Greek."

N: And you've already answered my question. If Greek doesn't exist, then Greek is worthless.

AN: Right. But you haven't provided a value to the idea of the Greek language and culture. It's just like asking about love. What does "love" mean if it is forbidden to be shared? What good is it, or does it even exist? It's like asking about death without a person to die.

N: Well, then, I'll just tell you what it means for me. It means a fundamental change in the way that we communicate, and in how we understand our universe.

AN: And I'll tell you what it means for me. It means sharing the culture and language of the country we live in, so that we can more easily form a real identity, and not be lost
in the middle of a lot of clichés that we don't mean anyway, but are imposed upon us.

AN: But your very question shows that you don't care at all for the use of Greek.

N: I care very much. I care that this language exists, I care that it is more than a ritual. I care that it isn't dumped on the memories of Greece, that it has a different, more 'progressive' use, not only for music and literature, but for everyday life. I care that this culture has a future, not a sort of future that is "progressive" or "post-Greece". I care for language itself, as something that can express those aspects of ourselves that we can't articulate anywhere else. I care for language as an organ of thought, just as you care for dance or football or music.

AN: But what of the actual content of this language? Does it have a use? Do you actually give a shit?

N: Absolutely.

AN: And so do I, you arrogant shit.

N: Well, then, perhaps the difference is that you only care for the use of the Greek, as a cultural language. I care for the fact that Greek exists, that it is a valuable, living and developing language.

AN: And what's so valuable about it? Are you saying that language is valuable in and of itself?

N: Of course. Just like the Greek.

AN: I suppose I'm stuck with you, after all.

N: After all, how can you deny something that you haven't been confronted with?

>> No.19906307

AN: That may be so, but you are a dead beat, as well as a mama's boy. The question of language, or rather the use of language, is precisely what makes the difference between us. You don't like a "post-Greece", I don't like a "post-Hellenic". You, a man in his forties, probably didn't grow up with the use of the language you are currently using. As far as I am concerned, language is alive. I don't have a problem with the possibility that words have a meaning that is incompletely known to me. I have no problem with the idea that words can change and develop. I have no problem with people having different ideas about what they mean, especially if they use the same words, but they are not the same words, they have different meanings.

N: I have a problem with living in a city where a language you do not know and for which you have no need does not exist. And I have a problem with people who have no
compunction against destroying this language and this country as they see fit, from cultural and economic ends.

AN: And I have a problem with a lazy mother who doesn't want to be bothered with raising a daughter.

N: I have a problem with you because you are a lazy mother who has a lazy daughter.

AN: What about yours? Are you a lazy son?

N: And I have a problem with someone who decides to play a meaningless political game just for the fun of it.

AN: Ah, political games.

N: And I have a problem with someone who has a problem with understanding politics, with the Greek concept of politics, with Greek history, with the tradition of the Greek people and with the Greeks as a nation.

AN: See? You're running out of steam.

N: I'm still interested in this project.

AN: And so you are.

N: Very much.

AN: I have only one last question for you.

N: Don't expect much.

AN: Fine. But before I ask the question, let me say that the answer is "no". It's too risky. They already know too much about me.

N: Who?

AN: The government. You can go on with this "No, no, yes" shit all you want, but don't expect to fool me, I've done my homework and I know you.

N: What question?

AN: What would you do if you were in my place?

N: I would fight to the death, of course.

AN: And if you were in my place?

N: I would do whatever I had to do to fight.

AN: Fine.

>> No.19906314

>It has turned thousands of normal straight men into twink-loving p*derasts
Literally me.

>> No.19906512

pretty sure that was a joke- you know, he's just implying that they fucked so much and so hard.

>> No.19906843

Traps aren't gay, simple as.

>> No.19906877

That's what is wrong with it

>> No.19906916

Are you angry that greeks made edgy jokes?

>> No.19906984

It's 1311b 39 Aristotle Politics btw

>> No.19907052

"Fucking weak males is gay" has been the most successful psyop perpetrated by chr*stians ever. A religion of weaklings, christcucks sought to subvert all notions of masculinity by making vaginas a proof of manliness, effectively emasculating the entire male gender of western civilization and turning them into sex-starved simps. In reality, there's nothing more straight and masculine than topping another man, it's a display of total domination, strength and humiliation, showing physically weaker members of the sex their place. Pathologizing male-on-male skinship has given rise to all the soiboys with all their empathetic and coddling ideologies which led us to ruin.