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19902872 No.19902872 [Reply] [Original]

Everyone died and nothing happened. I don't feel good.

>> No.19902918
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>> No.19902927

anon its 150 years old

>> No.19902935

Re-read Stepan Trofimovich's defense of art at the gala and his deathbed ramblings.

>> No.19902948

Göbbels lived this novel

>> No.19902971

I love Stepan but the man is fucking retarded. He was the ultimate NEET pseudointellectual. He literally cant comprehend real people. He seems to have found God at least...

>> No.19902972


>> No.19903002

>the point of the character
yes. Good job.

>> No.19903005

Literally my favourite book desu

>> No.19903008
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He was an intellectual, maybe a bit lazy, but realized in the end the folly at the frivolous literary matinee.

Stephan is Dostoyevsky.

>> No.19903011


>> No.19903016
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One of the books ever

>> No.19903019

thanks :)

>> No.19903024

>Stephan is Dostoyevsky.
I dont see the comparison. Dosto had a very hard life.

>> No.19903032

The novel is partly meant to be a parody of Turgenev's fathers and sons. Stepan represents the liberal impulse of the generation of the 1840s, well meaning, but blind to the radical environment he has created. It's no mistake he's the leader of the liberal circle to which most of the revolutionary cell belongs. His utter rejection of liberalism on his deathbed is his recognition of this fact, and part of the reason why the chronicler hates him so much.

>> No.19903033

why did Stavrogin rape an 11 year old? wtf nihilists you need to chill

>> No.19903036

>part of the reason why the chronicler hates him so much
why do you think he hates him? He never saidf as much? unless Im forgeting something?

>> No.19903052

I wonder if Tikhon’s chapter had been published the book would’ve changed. I would have liked to see Stavrogin and Shatov get in a gunfight with Pyotr and Fedka or something but I guess that would make the Group of Five look more like a serious threat when Dosto wanted them to be seen as ridiculous

>> No.19903063

were they really the only 5some or did Pytor have more going?

>> No.19903089

Pretty much because he wanted to feel something. He failed in that though because he checks himself before he commits the rape and realizes that he is in the exact same calm and disinterested state of mind as always. He kept doing wild things so he could at least find a real belief in his belief in his own depravity

>> No.19903097

Pyotr all but admits that they are the only group of 5 to one of them right after Shatov’s execution. Him fucking off to St. Petersburg at the critical moment in the revolution shows that he was a giant larper and probably in the end only an aesthete like his dad at best

>> No.19903101

Just like life.

>> No.19903134

so why did he kill himself immediately after writing that he would never do so? I wasn't ready man... he said he wouldn't do it.

>> No.19903178

I think it’s because he did ultimately find true belief in his need to die without all the bombast of being hated and laughed at which he could twist into a source of pride. Him doing it alone in the attic without ratting out the group or confessing his crimes means that he had given up nihilistic thrill-seeking and was ready for silent repentance, which is similar to what Tikhon suggested that he do (become a Monk)

>> No.19903196

Yeah. Man, I need a drink.

>> No.19903227

no not directly. But he sneers at stepan throughout the novel, and makes him out to be a sniveling coward, which, by the end of the novel, he isn't.

>> No.19903313

Doesnt mean everyone read it…

>> No.19903655
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stavrogin is dostoyevsky

>> No.19903702

if a person can't handle spoilers for a book they aren't going to read without sperging out, then they should kill themselves.

>> No.19903918

wow, great casting. Is that movie/show worth watching?

>> No.19904033

Shatov bros... it's not fair...

>> No.19904088

How do anglos and other westerners cope with the fact that they'll never be able to read and understand Dostoevsky, Turgenev and Tolstoi in their native language?

>> No.19904163 [DELETED] 

We have Shakespeare

>> No.19904172

With Shakespeare.

>> No.19904188

>With Shakespeare
Most of the world speaks English anon

>> No.19904215

but they will never understand. Stay mad ESL dog.

>> No.19904219
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>Shigalyev is a historian and social theorist, the intellectual of Verkhovensky's revolutionary group, who has devised a system for the post-revolution organization of mankind. "My conclusion" he says, "stands in direct contradiction to the idea from which I started. Proceeding from unlimited freedom, I end with unlimited despotism."[49] Ninety percent of society is to be enslaved to the remaining ten percent. Equality of the herd is to be enforced by police state tactics, state terrorism, and destruction of intellectual, artistic, and cultural life. It is estimated that about a hundred million people will need to be killed on the way to the goal.
uhh. based.

>> No.19904268

>Just kill everyone that isn’t a Parisian bro. Those chuds probably still go to Church anyways. What? Of course I love all of humanity!

>> No.19905034

The novel that made FMD a prophet.

>> No.19905812

Pyotr Stepanovich is the best character.
Also, killing Shatov as he was commited to raising another man's child should be considered an act of mercy

>> No.19906796

Lol yeah. Why was he so accepting of being cucked? And by stavrogin of all people. Embarrassing. What a fool.

>> No.19907604

it was pretty good. for the most part it avoids the boring shit in the book (if you really like stepan trofimovich you might be a little disappointed), and the actors playing stavrogin, verkhovensky, kirillov, and shatov all do really good jobs. there's some random shit about butterflies in it for some reason though , the soundtrack was a a bit over the top, i was a little disappointed that they nixed the shigalyovism and fete scenes, and finally the ending scene was a complete non-sequitur that had nothing to do with the book and made zero sense.

but if you enjoyed the book you'll probably get a kick out of seeing that adaptation. it's shorter than satantango too so it's not too terrible of a commitment.

>> No.19907948

Not the same anon. I've seen some clips and the "demonic" sounds they play during some scenes made me cringe beyond belief. How does it end tho?

>> No.19908091

Dostoevsky is Shatov and Stepan. Did we even read the same book?

>> No.19908473

Fedka is obviously the Dosto stand in

>> No.19908972

his greatest work