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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 19 KB, 643x477, saint simone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19902221 No.19902221 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: /lit/ women that put all the other ones to shame.

>> No.19902247
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>> No.19902294

subversive kikes

>> No.19902301
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Great thread!

>> No.19902305
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Seethe, cope, and rope, goy.

>> No.19902309
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>> No.19902310

why do you people shill her

>> No.19902318

it took long enough

>> No.19902368
File: 102 KB, 1140x1151, Rosa-Luxemburg-1140x1151.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll give her a pass for marrying a Jew, but keep the shiksas to a minimum will ya?

>> No.19902395
File: 35 KB, 440x440, cristina-campo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19902404

>went to work in a factory to understand the working class condition despite being a philosophy teacher
>went to war in Spain at 27 yo and stood alone against summary executions
>took part in the resistance during WW2
>came back to Great Britain after escaping with her family, and tried to join the resistance again
>killed herself by not eating
she showed more strength and integrity than 99% of writers and "philosophers". you would have shat your pants and died on the spot.

>> No.19902415

Damn, she looks fuckable :)
Is she readable as well or is she just a meme?

>> No.19902429

rupi kaur

>> No.19902448

All she did was LARP more than 99% of other writers. You're twisting her non-accomplishments into sounding more impressive than they were: her participation in all of those wars amounted to jack shit of any importance. The only good thing you listed is her killing herself and she should have done it sooner.
By the way, even if she was a communist feminist schizo jew war hero, she's still a communist feminist schizo jew.

>> No.19902450

Literate women look so jaded, as if they go completely against their God-given nature not to read anything.

>> No.19902464

>All she did was LARP more than 99% of other writers
she went to war in Spain and worked in a factory. how is this LARPing?

>> No.19902489

>she went to war in Spain and worked in a factory, accomplishing nothing, contributing nothing, and sticking around only because of her misguided worldview and insecurities about her affluence
>how is this LARPing?
She makes Orwell and Hemingway look like the Red Baron

>> No.19902493

they're very old photographs anon. the ones where you have to sit still for a while.
mccullers and vilar didn't look too jaded for example.

>> No.19902496

>another clueless shut-in mistakes being a certified retard for ’strength and integrity’
many such cases

>> No.19902510

She's really good

>> No.19902514
File: 48 KB, 549x558, images - 2022-02-10T193208.855.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

allow this based grandma to refute you

>> No.19902518


>> No.19902521
File: 38 KB, 493x493, flannery_o'connor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19902536

please explain how she was LARPing.

>> No.19902556

This could not be clearer

>> No.19902642
File: 355 KB, 695x623, oh god not the kk-k-k-k-k-katieeeEEEEEEEEEeeEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19902775


>> No.19902779

Ugly woman.

>> No.19902930

You are a sheltered american neet boy. You never even tried to larp. You lived your life in your mind. You are nobody to pass out critiques of the lives of others. Merely a small mind who won't even be remembered.

>> No.19902975


>> No.19902983

? Is that a rebuttal?

>> No.19904182


She sounds absolutely based.

Where do I start with her?

>> No.19904200


Stop feeding the troll you retard, leave him to wallow in the pit of irrelevancy where he will live out his life and disappear into oblivion when he dies.

>> No.19904216

>In 1936, despite her professed pacifism, she travelled to the Spanish Civil War to join the Republican faction. She identified as an anarchist,[37] and sought out the anti-fascist commander Julián Gorkin, asking to be sent on a mission as a covert agent, to rescue the prisoner Joaquín Maurín. Gorkin refused, saying she would almost certainly be sacrificing herself for nothing, as it would be most unlikely she could pass as a Spaniard. Weil replied that she had "every right"[38] to sacrifice herself if she chose, but after arguing for more than an hour, she was unable to convince Gorkin to give her the assignment. Instead she joined the anarchist Durruti Column of the French-speaking Sébastien Faure Century, which specialised in high-risk "commando"-style engagements.[39] As she was extremely short-sighted, Weil was a very poor shot, and her comrades tried to avoid taking her on missions, though she did sometimes insist. Her only direct participation in combat was to shoot with her rifle at a bomber during an air raid; in a second raid, she tried to man the group's heavy machine gun, but her comrades prevented her, as they thought it would be best for someone less clumsy and near-sighted to use the weapon. After being with the group for a few weeks, she burnt herself over a cooking fire. She was forced to leave the unit, and was met by her parents who had followed her to Spain. They helped her leave the country, to recuperate in Assisi. About a month after her departure, Weil's unit was nearly wiped out at an engagement in Perdiguera in October 1936, with every woman in the group being killed.[40]
strongest leftist war hero.

>> No.19904234
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>she tried to man the group's heavy machine gun, but her comrades prevented her, as they thought it would be best for someone less clumsy and near-sighted to use the weapon.


>> No.19904340

>Weil was a harsh critic of the influence of Judaism on Western civilisation

Wow, she really was a queen

>> No.19904451

>Weil replied that she had "every right"[38] to sacrifice herself if she chose, but after arguing for more than an hour, she was unable to convince Gorkin to give her the assignment.
>She was forced to leave the unit, and was met by her parents who had followed her to Spain. They helped her leave the country, to recuperate in Assisi.

Okay, I take that back. She sounds like an entitled upper middle class trust fund kiddie. Absolutely cringe.

>> No.19904469

>went to spain (on the republican/communist side)
>joined the resistance (against germany)
Yeah Im thinking cringe

>> No.19904472

Good job proving him right, kike.

>> No.19905002
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>> No.19905006

wheres the trip?

>> No.19905393

Gravity and Grace is an amazing collection of of Christian meta-ethical aphorisms. I remember someone writing that reading it they realized the intellectual equivalent of smoking crack. So be warned, I guess.

>> No.19905396

Based Highsmith, the only female writer whose male characters I find believable.

>> No.19905398
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>> No.19905400
File: 48 KB, 371x384, fleur-jaeggy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19905403
File: 51 KB, 396x504, kristeva.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19905406
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>> No.19905417
File: 52 KB, 376x448, Constant-Joseph_Desbordes_Marceline_Desbordes-Valmore_Douai_détail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Marceline Desbordes-Valmore. Called the only female French poet of genius by Verlaine. Praised by Hugo, Baudelaire, Sainte-Beuve and others.

>> No.19905487
File: 534 KB, 940x964, sappho.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19906177


>> No.19906194
File: 14 KB, 278x358, Philippa_Foot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19906198


>> No.19906199

Autism eyes

>> No.19907063
File: 679 KB, 1138x1600, 001 (15).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That was the lupus. She was cute when she was younger.

>> No.19907096

Is her last name actually foot?

>> No.19907106

Awesome. Is there anything that's in fucking english though?

>> No.19907240


>> No.19907245

You just posted a child.

>> No.19907297
File: 284 KB, 1586x2048, daphne-du-maurier-photo-by-the-new-york-times_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where my Daphnebros at

>> No.19907308

>went to work in a factory to understand the working class condition despite being a philosophy teacher

>> No.19907320

Savitri Devi.

>> No.19907331
File: 36 KB, 350x350, edith.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hang Kang, Doris Lessing, Edith Södergran

>> No.19907356

Hardly, unfortunately.
There’s this one: https://solutioperfecta.files.wordpress.com/2021/06/g11-unforgiveables.pdf
And a story translated in the recent Penguin Book of Italian Short Stories

>> No.19907378

I'm not any of the people in this little spat, but she was absolutely a rich cossetted larping bitch.

When someone from wealth undergoes harsh conditions for a while, it's always LARPing, because they know it's not permanent. The presence of that fall-back safety net makes all the difference.

Rent a flat above a shop
Cut your hair and get a job
Smoke some fags and play some pool
Pretend you never went to school
But still you'll never get it right
'Cause when you're laid in bed at night
Watching roaches climb the wall
If you called your dad he could stop it all

>> No.19907576


So rich folk should just maintain rank and ignore any impulse to sympathize with others?

>> No.19907597

Top kek, bitch needed to be gulaged.

>> No.19907616

They can (and should) sympathise, but pretending to "join the ranks" by taking a factory job is just plain LARPing.

>> No.19907618

Sympathizing != pretending to be

If you read the account of Weil's time larping as a brave soldier, it's just a Laurel and Hardy sketch. She dropped high explosive and pointed the gun the wrong way and gave away their position and so on. She was not just useless, she was worse than useless — she was a liability to herself and all around her.

Someone who really cared about the struggle would have looked at the situation objectively and said "how can I help these people?" and done that. Florence Nightingale was such a person.

Weil didn't give a damn about the practical effect of her actions. It was all about how following some intellectual code that made her feel good. Her head never came out of the clouds for one instant.

>> No.19907624

god her jaw is like my grandmother's, she's deceased. but when she was alive, though

>> No.19907792

She had a death wish and she succeeded. That was not larping. The classism glasses get really tiring and stupid after a while

>> No.19908090

It might be right that no one likes her could ever understand the suffering of the lower classes or people affected by war and strife but to call her a larper is obviously stupid if she really did everything that the post says she did.
Middle class twitter "socialists" who have never worked a day in their lives are larpers.
Zoomer tradcaths who still masterbate to hentai everyday and never go to church are larpers.
Hemmingway may not have needed to serve in ww1 and steinbeck didn't have his life destroyed and family ripped apart by the dustbowl but I would not call them larpers because I think these people genuinely cared and did what they could to help people in their own way.

>> No.19909039


>> No.19909068

Your idea of saying Flannery O'Connor is attractive is by posting a picture of her as a minor. Yikes.

>> No.19909085

gonna be honest, not really a fan of her work outside the illiad and force essay. she takes concepts that have pretty intuitive natural explanations, and distracts from those explanations by roping in theology.

she also suffers from the obsession with "paradox" that chesterton and a lot of the other post-1900 apologists suffer from. instead of just biting the bullet like kierkegaard and leaning into the binary choice between faith and reason, she tries and fails to resolve the internal contradictions of a christian rationalist worldview. which can't be done, since god is supra-rational.

if she were either a philosopher or a theologian, she might have been a good one. but her work sits on the fence, and suffers for it.

>> No.19909395

Ohhhhhhhhhhh luurrrrrrrrrd

>> No.19910027

Francoise Sagan

>> No.19910065

i haven't known that john lennon had the transition

>> No.19910071

Only good female ive read is Evelyn Waugh

>> No.19910225
File: 341 KB, 1510x2048, licensed-image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This Evelyn Waugh