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19901171 No.19901171 [Reply] [Original]

What books do you read with your girlfriend?

>> No.19901175

I read the text messages Chad sent her

I don't have a gf anymore

>> No.19901181
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Why would I have a gf? It's worrying how boomers take something like it for granted

>> No.19901238

>It's worrying how boomers take something like it for granted
No it's not, never having a gf is something abnormal and while I may sympathise with you it does not change the reality that you should be able to get a gf.

>> No.19901281
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It's pretty normal not to have a gf though, it's 2022 after all. We're just following the trend of people not having sex or pairing up, trend set by Asia before online dating became a thing

It's not healthy but it's normal. It's also normal not to be able to get a gf, I'm noy an abnormal person

>> No.19901287

well, she wasn't my girlfriend but we spent a couple hours reading chapters of Der Schatz der Könige von Frankreich to each other. We'd trade off. I'd love to do that again, but none of my friends read...

>> No.19901370

Imagine being straight

>> No.19901379

I fling both ways.... If I could...

>> No.19901431

>she's thirty now

>> No.19901626

I've been getting really bad impressions about this book cause of how many people seem to think they'll be seen as smart by reading it
>dude I'm so transgressive cause pedophilia russian man book
Is it actually good or is it a meme?

>> No.19901653

>is Nabokov good?

>> No.19901683

Its hebephilia tourist

>> No.19901698

its the best novel ever written

>> No.19901714

Serves you right for not reading Lolita in the park with her.

>> No.19901717

>Be russian genius
>Learn third language to perfection because Anglos won't understand first two
>Write book warning Anglo Americans about the dangers of highway systems and the ahistorical ephemeral relationships devoid of anything but the most perverse communities this and Hollywood will create
>Anglos only buy it because they hope the loli gets explicitly raped in it
>Think this makes them smart
>Nabokov plays trap card of "the camera focuses on the fireplace" to prove his point
>Only error Nabokov commits: Fails to realize Americans won't read that far and will just imagining raping loli and go for a drive like they usually do before trying to Netflix and chill with someone else who pretends they read it
Your life is a meme and Nabokov is trying to wake you the fuck up you kiddyfuckker

>> No.19901723

>internet allows you access to millions of women
>technology allows you to work less than ever and socialize more
>advancements in medicine made people healthier and more attractive than ever
This is literally easiest time in human history to get pretty gf. I fucked 37 women so far without putting in any effort at all. Just go outside.

>> No.19901726

Not him but ”highway systems”?

>> No.19901738

>It's pretty normal not to have a gf though
why would you want to be a... normalfag?

>> No.19901740

The book is about the US highway systems about the point it became the interstate system with the federal highways act of 1956, and the moral danger caused by it.

>> No.19901762

You mean
>Internet gives women access to millions of men
>You have to be top 20% to even get swiped when average woman gets hundreds of matches each day or week depending on location
>I can't afford a new jaw
For average men it's worse, that's why they're having less sex while you're having more

You fucked those 37 women, they fucked one guy instead and 36 guys were left unfucked

>> No.19901766

>get in shape
>get a haircut
>dress well
>learn social skills (yes, it's SKILLS for a reason, no one is born with them)
>don't be a pussy
there, you're in top 10%, let alone 20%
you faggots won't do any of this because it's easier to bitch and do nothing
thanks for dropping out of the game though, more for me

>> No.19901772
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I accept your concession

>> No.19901841

>the problem is not being a virgin
>the problem is fucking women regularly
Christ, I want one fucking relationship that won't end in cheating or "lol things were perfect but I don't love you anymore bye" I can't believe that people think the problem is not getting whores on Tinder. I just want a woman who is not an absolute cock gargler to have a long term commitment with me. Is it really this fucking hard to ask?

>> No.19901856

You have the same problem but on a different level. Why would women look for commitment when relationships are easy to find?

>> No.19901861

what you want is fictional propagised by the society who mistreats you

>> No.19901875

Okay, so it's a good book but a lot of the people who read it are doing so for the supposed smut or the supposedly transgressive content. That's what I'll take from this. I'm not criticizing the content at all just seems like lots of people that want to be seen reading it are giant fags

>> No.19901885

He already knew English, learned it as a child

>> No.19901910
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Nigga what you forget is that half the people here are autistic and have mental illnesses and shit. Like the amount of people here that shower once a week and can't hold down a eye contact or job is significantly higher.

>> No.19901921

reddit seems to forget that 1 in 4 have varying degrees of mental illnesses that impede cognitive and physiological functions, as well as severe undiagnosed attachment issues, which is further marginalising and isolating. Oh well the world is fucked

>> No.19902303

And French and Russian. He pissed off his dad by learning to read and write in English first. French and Russian were the typical Russian noble languages.