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/lit/ - Literature

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19899756 No.19899756 [Reply] [Original]

Is reading a good way for people to take interest in you? Like if you see someone reading a book you like or are interested in, will you talk to them? I figured it would be so I started reading picrel in the quad on campus and before my classes start but nobody has struck up a conversation yet. Perhaps something a little popular? I have a copy of the quran that I haven't read yet; perhaps that could work to pick up some arab qts.

>> No.19899813

I read at work and a few people will ask what I’m reading but it hasn’t gotten me anywhere.

>> No.19899820

>will you talk to them?
depends how cute he/she is

>> No.19899823

Reading THAT book is a good way for the FBI to take interest in you lol

>> No.19899954
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i read it at school and a couple professors talked with me about it.

>> No.19900055

Ha! Ice burn!