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File: 28 KB, 310x250, Braininvat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19894457 No.19894457[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I would have to go with Brain-in-a-vat

>> No.19894466

I would have to go with reality being exactly as I perceive it without any chance of escape

>> No.19894565

Any concept of hell.
Eternity is a very, very long time.

>> No.19894622
File: 49 KB, 652x425, existential risks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.19894648

time to go down a rabbit hole!

>> No.19894660

technically you're already a brain in a vat

>> No.19894671
File: 213 KB, 600x1363, THE ATHEIST DELUSION.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19894672

No, and if you believe this you're already on the slippery slope toward schizo tier postmodernism. How in the hell do people forget you have a body, you are your body, and you can't have a mind without a body.
>bro we're just brains operating meat machines
reddit tier retard

>> No.19894682


>> No.19894684

>scariest psychological experiment
the internet exists

>> No.19894685

Roko's Basilisk

>> No.19894728


>> No.19894732


>> No.19894854

I said "philosophical". but ok.

>> No.19894881

>It is named after the member of the rationalist community LessWrong

>> No.19894912

>LessWrong accepts arithmetical utilitarianism[23] as true: that you can meaningfully calculate the utility of actions as a number, just as if humans were utility-maximising machines,[24] and do arithmetic on the totals across multiple humans with useful results. You should then "shut up and multiply"[25] utterly negligible probabilities by hypothetical huge outcomes, and take the resulting number seriously
Bro this really is reddit

>> No.19894925

ship of theseus or that one about the prisoner who loses his memory
>prisoner who raped/murdered a bunch of children wakes up one day
>claims not to remember anything from his life/ no idea where he is or why
>we have machine that can verify (a) he doesn't remember anything before he woke up and (b) those memories will never return
>should he stay in prison?
everyone I've asked says yes he should stay in prison it worries me because most people genuinely don't give a fuck about justice or rehabilitation it's all about punishment - mob rule is just to inflict suffering on anyone you dislike

>> No.19894934

A machine like that probably can't exist

>> No.19894944

the justice system, while flawed, is designed to punish us for our actions, not our memories of our actions

>> No.19894955

The brain-in-a-vat "theory" is wrong because it implies there's another brain in a vat inside my brain. And another, and another, in infinitum.

>> No.19894965

Forever.. is a mighty long time

>> No.19894982


>> No.19895031

>Factory farming is...le bad!
>Our conference is vegan!
Stopped watching there.

>> No.19895039

Me never having a gf in my entire life

>> No.19895040

Ff is bad though

>> No.19895048

Can the machine determine whether his pedophilic/murderous urges are still subconsciously present or if they've disappeared along with his memory? If they have then he should be freed

>> No.19895049

"le bad" shit is presenting something bad, then using that to justify whatever gay shit you follow it up with, hence veganism.

>> No.19895066


>> No.19895077

You forgot to add the eternal return on the end

>> No.19895183

>Roko's Basilisk
Literally just Pascal's Wager but for redditors

>> No.19895211

Biv has been disproven.

>> No.19895217

This so mich.

>> No.19895227

Start using your brain for useful shit instead of making up new ways to internally suffer inside your neet cube

>> No.19895241

>the justice system, while flawed, is designed to punish us for our actions
The goal of the justice system is rehabilitation (to try and stop people from offending in the future). "Punishment" is a means to an end. If someone has no chance of ever offending again they would better serve society by paying taxes.